「Well look, we saw the same thing, Guy, in the 1930s with the way the Hollywood appeased the Germans right? And how they altered films to make sure they were acceptable to the German market, which was a big market for the studios from the 30's. We're seeing that now, and it's not just Disney, in thanking the public security folks in Xinjiang that are putting and Uyghurs and reeducation camps and forcibly sterilizing them and putting hoods over their head and putting them in railcars and transporting them around, forcing their kids into state orphanages. I mean, it's a tragic thing that's happening in Western China, and in the Xinjiang province, and it's heartbreaking to see any sort of reference to them. But look, it goes beyond the "Mulan" situation. This happened -- if you -- when we see the "Top Gun" sequel, which I'm look forward to -- as is most of us are -- the patches on the back of Tom Cruise's Maverick's flight jacket are going to be changed so that Japan and Taiwan patches are removed from the first film, and then - and (ph) put patches on that are acceptable to the Chinese Communist Party. We saw this situation with the Houston Rockets and the NBA, kowtowing to China like we've never seen before. So the reach of the Chinese Communist Party -- it's one thing for them to suppress speech within China, to control speech and control people within China, but because of their economic influence and power, and because of what we've allowed them to do overtime, that reach is now coming right into America, right into Hollywood, right into the NBA. And the Chinese have no say in -- when it comes to ordering the American companies around. And that's something every American should be concerned about. The president certainly is, and that's why he's taken such strong action against China during his first term.」