「roger federer best」的推薦目錄:
roger federer best 在 Jason Jung -莊吉生 Facebook 的最佳貼文
吉生 Q&A 來了 !
Q1 . 吉生的早餐要吃什麼?
Tomorrow I will have fruit, granola, bread, Mexican beans and tortilla!
Q2. After losing a tough match, how long does it take for u to get over it ? And how do u motivate yourself again ?
Some losses have taken me weeks to get over and some just one day. I don’t always get it right, but I remind myself of my goals and where I want to get to. That usually motivates me again. I’ve had a good support team as well, my coach, friends and family have gotten me through some tough moments.
Q3. 請問外地比賽的飲食是需要自己準備還是有專業團隊準備呢?
I think depends on the player. But it’s also difficult to eat the same foods when you travel to a different city every week. You need to adapt to the foods of that country. Most of the tennis players will eat rice, pasta, some vegetables, and a protein. And the tournaments usually provides those meals.
Q4. Who teach you Taiwanese in the US?
My parents taught me how to speak Taiwanese!
Q5. When you were a middle/high school kids, what was your motivation to keep playing tennis, when you lost a match (this question is for my daughter)? Do you have a favorite song(s) that you listen before your matches?
My motivation to keep playing tennis was that I had fun playing. I grew up playing with many different people and all age groups. It was fun for me to play with different game styles b/c it gave me a chance to problem solve. Losing was always tough, but when I was in middle/high school I didn’t think about losing too much, there was a tournament almost every week so I would just keep going.
I don’t have a favorite song before matches. I like to listen to US hip hop!
Q6. 現役選手,最希望對戰的選手?
I’d really like to play against Roger Federer. I’ve seen him at tournaments, but would be an honor to play against him.
Q7. 請問吉生是幾歲開始打網球的,要如何鼓勵小朋友喜歡打網球呢?
I started playing tennis at four years old. But I wasn’t serious about tennis until eight years old. At a young age I think it’s best to give kids more opportunities to play tennis. It can be with parents, with a tennis coach, or even at the park where there are many other people playing tennis. Also, it’s nice to go watch tennis tournaments.
Q8. 疫情下的訓練出賽甘苦談
It hasn’t been easy training and traveling this past year during COVID 19. Last year when all the tournaments were canceled for 5 months , some days were tough to find the motivation. As tennis players we didn’t have tournaments to measure our training and we didn’t have the competition to push us to be better. I think traveling has been the most difficult. Every country has different protocols and it’s tough to know that some countries may not let you in if you don’t have the correct documents. Some players have gone through that. But even through these tough times, overall as tennis players we have done a good job to come back and continue to compete.
Q9. What do you like to do in your free time?
During a training week or at a tournament we are always physically exerting energy so during my free time I like to just relax and do nothing haha. Watch TV shows and movies on Netflix. Any recommendations for good shows?
Q10. 吉生最難忘的一場比賽是哪一場?
2017 年的世大運冠軍賽是我記憶中最深刻的一場比賽。
在炎熱的氣溫及一週高強度的比賽下我感到非常疲憊,但靠著球迷們的加油及鼓勵,我最終成功拿到金牌!我永遠不會忘記 :)
University games 2017 in Taipei. I have never played in an atmosphere like that before. The energy was really amazing. There were times during the match where i would feel tired but the fans kept me going and pushed me. I will remember that week forever.
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roger federer best 在 戴資穎/ Tai Tzu Ying Facebook 的最佳貼文
TTY style of play for us, the spectators, is just wonderful to watch.👍對我們,觀眾,來說,TTY的球風真是太棒了 #無可取戴 #獨一無二 ^^page admin
Gillian Clark:The current world no. 1 and Asian Game gold medalist. TTY is the most delightfully talented player to watch. A player who has everything. The physicality, wonderful movement, speed and absolutely delightful technical skills. Most of which she manages to play with incredible deception. TTY also has the most extensive and varied array of shots in the whole of the women’s singles discipline. Which is why I think TTY is badminton’s equivalent of Roger Federer, in terms of technique and movement.
Morten Frost:What is outstanding for TTY is her power and her explosiveness. How she is able to generate a lot of power and playing shots from very unpredicted angles and so on. She can play all the shots in the book from any difficult angle and she can still perform it to the very very best.
Rexy Mainaky:If we're talking about TTY, we're just talking about the queen of the badminton. She's playing she never like get panic in any condition or in any situation like even though she's like in the out position. She can make unpredictable shot control the court, cover the whole court the sixth corner all that with every difficult situation every difficult position she can do the good shot and winning shot. That is what's so amazing from her.
Gillian Clark:She’s taken women’s singles in a new direction. When I think back to the Chinese dominance of women’s singles discipline. Yes, the top players were very physically fit. And yes, they were technically skillful. But they never played with the same variation of shot or the level of deception, which TTY has brought to the game. Now all women single players are trying to develop that same variation of shot and deception. That style of play for us, the spectators, is just wonderful to watch.
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