Feed and Pick up Blessings!
“At meal time Boaz said to her, “Come here, and eat some bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar.” She sat beside the reapers, and they passed her parched grain, and she ate, and was satisfied, and left some of it. When she had risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and don’t reproach her. Also pull out some for her from the bundles, and leave it. Let her glean, and don’t rebuke her.”” (Ruth 2:14-16 WEB)
In the Book of Ruth, Boaz, Ruth’s kinsman redeemer, is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed us from slavery to sin. Ruth is a picture of us (the church)—the bride of Christ.
In the passage above, we see Ruth being invited to sit with Boaz and to eat bread together—a picture of close fellowship and feeding on God’s word.
After she ate until she was satisfied, only then did she get up to work. Dear brethren, we must get the order right—feed on God’s word together with Jesus first, before meeting life’s demands out of the revelation and strength we receive from the Word.
Boaz asked his reapers to pull out some sheaves of grain for Ruth. The reapers are a picture of God’s angels who are sent to minister to us.
Good news—we have blessings in our path which are easy to pick up. Instead of strenuous labor, Jesus makes it restful for us—we enjoy maximum blessings with minimal work, and this is the favor of God upon us who are righteous in Christ.
Yesterday I picked up a lovely surprise in my path when a dear reader and patron suddenly sowed a big love gift into our ministry via our Ko-Fi page.
May God multiply his seed in abundance back to him!
I felt so loved by Jesus and that He will surely provide for me, even in the face of so much financial pressure.
Keep feeding on God’s word, and make Jesus a part of that—involve Him by asking Him to reveal the meaning of the Scriptures to you and to give you fresh revelation.
You are going to walk directly into your blessings. They are already ahead of you, in your path!
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#faith #Jesus
ruth meaning 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳解答
美國的企業槓桿債務(cov-lite debts)已達$1.2兆美元,是08'年金融風暴前資金氾濫情形下的2倍。
川普總統明明正確地減稅、放鬆法規來取得經濟榮景,卻自己愚蠢地用貿易戰 -\-\ 本以為可以迅速攻城掠地,沒想到中國沒那麼弱,現在搞成經濟壕溝戰 -\-\ 削弱了正確政策帶來的好處。而我認為這幾次政治措施用光了川普的三把火,景氣真反轉,要能"即時"地再減稅、再放寬法規,恐怕難度很高。
1. The leveraged loan market has exploded since the financial crisis, doubling in size over the past decade to $1.2tn
2. More than 80 per cent of the market is now deemed “cov-lite”, according to LCD, meaning financial maintenance protections have been removed.
3. The US default rate is now just 1.6 per cent, well below the historical average of 3.1 per cent, says Ruth Yang, a managing director at S&P Global Market Intelligence. In fact, they could stay this way for some time in part because covenants remain so loose.
ruth meaning 在 Ruth Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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