What a fantastic jam-packed 3 days of learning how to sell, sell, sell or DIE! ☠️ So great to see so many Taiwan startups working hard to accelerate their sales and biz dev efforts overseas! We loved hearing all the insider strategies and power tips (not to mention funny stories) from our all-star team of global experts Robert Neivert from 500 Startups, Daniel Seal from Unbound Global, Michael Zung from Fung Global Retail & Technology, Danny Yeung from Prenetics.com, and Boice Lin from Appier. And, we really enjoyed seeing so many new faces and making new friends! We hope to bring you more as we continue to push ahead with our focus this year to "Sell Global!"
A tremendous thank you goes out to our partner in crime and co-organizer 500 Startups as well as to our sponsors Infinity Venture Partners with Joseph Huang, Microsoft Taiwan with Sunny Hsu, KPMG in Taiwan, 打狗啤酒 TKbeer and startup partners AppWorks, Garage+, 交通大學產業加速器 NCTU Industrial Accelerator, 創業小聚 Meet Startup, and 三創育成 - 新星火箭 Star Rocket.
We're extra appreciative to our interns and volunteers Chia-Hung Huang, Amy Tseng, Eva Wu, Tracy Lu, Angela Lin, and Tiffany Liao for helping out (especially on the weekend!), and we'd like to give a special shout out to our team member Han Lee for all his hard work these past three months, and finally, of course, to the rest of the Taiwan Startup Stadium team for their tireless effort!
Let's Sell or DIE!!!! RAAAWR!
#TaiwanRocks 🤘
PHOTO CREDIT: 留榮鋒 Luke Liu
seal tseng 在 QQ 媽媽的幼稚園 Jacob & Joelle Blog Facebook 的最佳解答
三月,世界最大精油品牌Young Living,於台北舉辦免費香薰治療講座!
講座內容: 初級入門精油應用班
由Sophia Tseng 主講
日期: 2016年3月5日 (週六)
時間: 晚上7時
地點: 台北市中山區農安街43號2樓(捷運中山國小站1號出口約2分鐘) 免費入場
講師:Sophia Tseng是一名台灣語言治療師/兒童心理師/香薰治療師/神經科博士
有興趣的朋友請在此版私訊我或Line (ID annlau1014)
《有關Young Living 精油》
Young Living Essential Oils, 是全球首屈一指的精油生產商,公司獨有的種子到密封® (Seed to Seal) 技術生產出純正的精油,滿足不同人士、家庭及生活方式的需求。這個過程確保所有產品均為可靠、無添加任何合成的化學物質,百分之百純正。這個承諾起源於20多年來本公司對地球及人類的責任。Young Living的產品生產和蒸餾來自分佈在世界各地的八個自家農場。如欲得知更多詳情,請瀏覽https://www.youngliving.com/zh_HK/company/about