This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of ... ... <看更多>
「self-efficacy bandura 1977」的推薦目錄:
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change 的相關結果
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral ... - PubMed 的相關結果
Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev. 1977 Mar;84(2):191-215. doi: 10.1037//0033-295x.84.2.191. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change 的相關結果
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy Theory | SpringerLink 的相關結果
In 1977 Albert Bandura introduced his social-cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory, in which he proposed that self-efficacy and outcome ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 ALBERT BANDURA Self Efficacy | Social Psychology | California 的相關結果
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215. Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Psychologist Albert Bandura has defined self-efficacy as one's belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Why Do I Feel More Confident? Bandura's Sources Predict ... 的相關結果
(Bandura, 1977, p. 3). Bandura (1997) has put forward manifold evidence of the strong predictive power of self-efficacy beliefs. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. 的相關結果
A. Bandura; Published 27 February 1977; Psychology; Psychological review ... 1977. TLDR. Self-efficacy was a uniformly accurate predictor of performance on ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. 的相關結果
Self -efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change · Albert Bandura · Psychological Review 84 (2):191-215 (1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 重新看Bandura(1977)的「Self-efficacy」這篇文章 的相關結果
Self -efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191-215. Bandura, A., Adams, N. E., & Beyer, J. (1977) ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy and Academic Motivation. - OSF 的相關結果
I conclude with recommendations for future research. SELF-EFFICACY THEORY. Antecedents and Consequences. Bandura (1977) hypothesized that self-efficacy affects ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. 的相關結果
“Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.” is a paper by Albert Bandura published in the journal Psychological Review in 1977. It was ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura (1977) - Self-efficacy - Psych Yogi 的相關結果
Bandura, A. (1977) 'Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioural change', Psychological Review 84, 191–215). Background. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 FROM THEORY TO INSTRUCTION Self-Efficacy Beliefs - ERIC 的相關結果
Self-Efficacy Beliefs: From Educational Theory to Instructional Practice. Since the publication of Albert Bandura's (1977) seminal article ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura, A. (1977). Self-Efficacy Toward a Unifying Theory of ... 的相關結果
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-Efficacy Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change. Psychological Review, 84, 191. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy Theory 的相關結果
It was Albert. Bandura in the late 1970s who proposed Self-Efficacy eory as the unifying mechanism (Bandura, 1977, 2004). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977) : Nyktofobia - 的相關結果 Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977) : Nyktofobia: Digital Music. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura (1977) - Self-Efficacy - Psychological Review 1977 , Vol. 84 ... 的相關結果
lecture notes kpe 1lecture notes kpe 1 psychological review 1977, vol. 84, no. toward unifying theory of behavioral change albert bandura stanford ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura, 1977 - Security Constructs - UCL 的相關結果
Bandura, 1977: Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change. Topic: In the propose model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 What is albert bandura's theory of self-efficacy 的相關結果
The term 'self-efficacy” was first coined by psychologist Albert Bandura (1977), a Canadian-American psychologist and a professor at Stanford University. He ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy | ELT Journal - Oxford Academic 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) made a significant contribution to these developments by showing how self-efficacy beliefs can influence our choice of ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy (Bandura – 1977) - 7 Principles of Learning 的相關結果
Self -Efficacy (Bandura – 1977) · Shy away from tasks they view as personal threats · Have low aspirations and weak commitment to goals they choose to pursue ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Albert Bandura: Self-Efficacy & Agentic Positive Psychology 的相關結果
A review of Albert Bandura's self-efficacy concept, and its role as a ... can occur through imitation and social modeling (Bandura & Walters, 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Modeling and Self-Efficacy: A Test of Bandura's Model 的相關結果
suggests that self-efficacy is an influential determinant of motor skill acquisition. Bandura (1977a) has conceptualized behavioral change as being mediated ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self Efficacy The Exercise Of Control Albert Bandura (PDF) 的相關結果
Interview, Episode 4 Albert Bandura on Behavior Therapy, Self- ... EducationAlbert Bandura (1977), a pioneer humanist and father of. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Albert Bandura - Self-Efficacy - Toward A Unifying Theory of ... 的相關結果
Albert Bandura - Self-Efficacy - Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change 1977 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Self-efficacy 1. The ... 的相關結果
Albert Bandura (1977) offered a formal theoretical definition of self-efficacy: “Perceived self-efficacy refers to beliefs in one's capabilities to. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Computer self-efficacy: instructor and student perspectives in ... 的相關結果
Cervone, 1983; Bandura, 1977; Wood & Bandura, 1989) and even on computer self-efficacy related to performing specific tasks on a computer (Compeau & Higgins ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Nature of Self-Efficacy by Bandura (1977) - ResearchGate 的相關結果
Download scientific diagram | Nature of Self-Efficacy by Bandura (1977) from publication: Exploring Business Studies Teachers' Technology Self-Efficacy on ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self‐efficacy Theory - Wiley Online Library 的相關結果
Albert Bandura's (1977, 1982) self-efficacy theory was intended to unify successful coping and goal achievement and focused on outcome and ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 教育心理學報 線上投審稿系統 的相關結果
Based on Bandura's (1977, 1997) self-efficacy theory, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses resulted in the development of a 18-item, ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 What is self efficacy Bandura 1977? 的相關結果
Self -efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Albert Bandura's Theory of Self Efficacy - Exploring your mind 的相關結果
In 1977, Bandura wrote the book, “Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies”. Since then, the subject has become one of the most studied in ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 P20 Motivation and Learning Lab – A University of Kentucky ... 的相關結果
The lab addresses the critical issue of student and teacher motivation, which includes variables such as self-efficacy, achievement goals, interest, ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: Why Believing in Yourself Matters - Verywell Mind 的相關結果
Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, "Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change," the subject has become one ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of ... 的相關結果
The research embarked on Bandura's [1] social learning theory (or social cognition theory) that proves how people with high self-efficacy master their feelings ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy and social action 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) proposed four categories of efficacy information used in appraisals: past experiences, vicarious influences, ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977) - Single لـ Nyktofobia على Apple ... 的相關結果
يمكنك تشغيل الأغاني بما في ذلك " Self - Efficacy ( Bandura, 1977)"، "Social-Exchange Theory (Homans, 1958)" والمزيد. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 的相關結果
Self -efficacy theory is concerned primarily with the role of personal ... dimensions: magnitude, strength, and generality (Bandura, 1977, 1982b,. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy - Psychology - Oxford Bibliographies 的相關結果
Bandura proposed that self-efficacy beliefs are the most important and powerful of the two in influencing people's decisions to attempt or not ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Analysis Of Albert Bandura's Self Efficacy Theory - 的相關結果
In his theory Bandura (1977) claim that “ self-efficacy affects an individual's choice of activities, effort, and persistence”. Which means that a person ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy Theory 的相關結果
Self -efficacy theory (SET) was first developed in 1977 by Albert Bandura. He first presented his theory in the Journal of Psychological Review. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 第二章文獻探討- 第一節Bandura 社會學習理論 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) 於社會學習論中所提出的交互決定論( reciprocal ... Bandura 認為個體的動機與自我效能(self-efficacy)有密切的關係,當個體. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy Theory: Bandura's 4 Sources of Efficacy Beliefs 的相關結果
Self -Efficacy Theory of Bandura follows the principle that people are likely to engage in activities to the extent that they perceive themselves to be ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy Theory: Bandura & Examples - StudySmarter 的相關結果
In 1977, Albert Bandura, a Canadian-American psychologist, first introduced the term 'self-efficacy' in his paper 'Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura A. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of ... 的相關結果
Self -efficacy: toward a unifying theory ofbehavioral change. Psycho!. Rev. 84:191-215, 1977. [Deparonent of Psychology, Stanford University, CAl. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Confidence and Performance 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) uses the term "self-efficacy" to describe the belief one has in being able to execute a specific task successfully (e.g., solving a math ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy - Noba Project 的相關結果
A concept that was first introduced by Albert Bandura in 1977, self-efficacy refers to a person's beliefs that he or she is able to effectively perform the ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: A Theoretical Analysis of Its Determinants and ... 的相關結果
(Bandura, 1977, 1986). Wood and Bandura (1989a: 408) stated that "self- efficacy refers to beliefs in one's capabilities to mobilize the motivation,. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Current directions in self-efficacy research in sport - Dialnet 的相關結果
182. Within sport contexts, Bandura's (1977,. 1997) theory of self-efficacy (and its col- lective efficacy extension) has been well studied as a cognitive ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self Efficacy and Work Performance: A Theoretical Framework ... 的相關結果
A central idea posed in social cognitive theory is that success experiences raise self-efficacy but repeated failures lower self-efficacy. Moreover, enhanced ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 The Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Stress Responses ... 的相關結果
Article: According to Bandura's (1977) theory of self-efficacy, all behavioral change is mediated by a common cognitive mechanism— self ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy (Transition Skills and Strategies) 的相關結果
Self -efficacy is defined as a person's beliefs concerning his or her ability to successfully perform a given task (Bandura 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: Theory, Examples, and Tips - The Berkeley Well ... 的相關結果
Discover the theory behind self-efficacy, understand how it differs from self-esteem and ... Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change" (Bandura, 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977) - Nyktofobia - Spotify 的相關結果
Listen to Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977) on Spotify. Nyktofobia · Song · 2016. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Chinese undergraduates' sources of self-efficacy 的相關結果
According to social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977), self-efficacy refers to beliefs that one is capable of succeeding at particular tasks and navigating ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy | Open Textbooks for Hong Kong 的相關結果
In self-efficacy theory the beliefs become a primary, explicit explanation for motivation (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy is an ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory.Something Is Missing 的相關結果
that found no association between Bandura's (1977) self-efficacy theory and actual observed nursing student clinical competency. Self-efficacy is the belief ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 The impact of person-job fit, self-efficacy on farmers' intention ... 的相關結果
self -efficacy Bandura 1977. Bandura et al., 1977. 1980-1982. Social Cognitive Theory Bandura, 1999 Bandura(1977). Bandura (1999). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self Efficacy - FutureLearn 的相關結果
It refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997) ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Current Directions in Self-efficacy Research - Dynaread 的相關結果
Current Directions in Self-efficacy Research. by Frank Pajares. Two decades have now passed since Bandura (1977) first introduced the construct of ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 What is Self-Efficacy? Bandura's 4 Sources of Efficacy Beliefs 的相關結果
What is self-efficacy? How can you get more of it? This article outlines the 4 sources of efficacy beliefs according to Albert Bandura. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 GUIDE FOR CONSTRUCTING SELF-EFFICACY SCALES 的相關結果
Although efficacy beliefs are multifaceted, social cognitive theory identifies several conditions under which ... perceived self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 chapter 4 - self-efficacy 的相關結果
Self -efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977, 1982, 1986a) is one of the more recent in a long tradition of personal competence or efficacy theories and probably has. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Early Research on Self-Efficacy: What we Already Know ... 的相關結果
The term "self-efficacy" was introduced by Bandura in 1977. However, expectancy for success in achievement situations, which was investigated extensively ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 sources of self-efficacy in adolescent female athletes 的相關結果
Introduction Most research in sport psychology investigating the sources of efficacious beliefs has been conducted within the parameters of Bandura's (1977) ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: Theory to Educational Practice - IJIP 的相關結果
Efficacy belief, therefore, is a major basis of action. People guide their live by their beliefs of personal efficacy” (Bandura, 1977,. 1986, 1977). It is ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 self-efficacy, self-esteem and their impact on academic ... 的相關結果
to raise performance through increasing self-efficacy. Self-efficacy beliefs are constructed from four sources of information (Bandura 1977, 1982, 1997). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavior Change 的相關結果
Authors: Albert Bandura, Stanford University. Publication: Psychological Review. Year: 1977. Focus Area: Prevention, Decision Making. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 SELF-EFFICACY: A REVIEW APPLIED TO DIVERSE AREAS ... 的相關結果
The construct of Self-efficacy (SE) was introduced by Bandura in 1977 as the central axis of the Social Cognitive Theory. SE is currently defined as a ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 The Neuroscience of Self-Efficacy: Vertically Integrated ... 的相關結果
This paper uses self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977) and a hypothetical rock climbing program as an example. Specifically, this paper argues that ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: Implications for Organizational Behavior and ... 的相關結果
Implications for research are specified throughout the article. Self-Efficacy and Theory. Self-efficacy, a key element in Bandura's (1977b,. 1978b) social ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self efficacy in sport and exercise: Determining effort ... 的相關結果
According to Bandura (1977), expectations of personal efficacy are based on four main sources of information. Performance accomplishments are the most ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Enactive Mastery Experience | SpringerLink 的相關結果
Albert Bandura, who first developed the theory of self-efficacy and social learning theory, already hypothesized in the 1970s (e.g., Bandura and Adams 1977) ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change 的相關結果
Self -efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Bandura, Albert ... Psychological review, 1977, Vol.84 (2), p.191-215. more hide ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Students' self-efficacy and fear of failure - OECD iLibrary 的相關結果
[1] Bandura, A. (1977), “Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change”, Psychological Review, Vol. 84/2, pp. 191 ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 16: Self-Efficacy Perceptions in Oral Health Behavior 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) has advanced a theory of self-efficacy according to which personal self-efficacy is an important factor in behavior. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 According to Bandura, self-efficacy appraisals are based on ... 的相關結果
Self -efficacy refers to our belief about what we are capable of achieving. ... specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Measurement Model and Adaptation of a Self-Efficacy Scale ... 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) points out that as strong self-efficacy beliefs are developed through repeated successes, the impact of occasional failures does not reduce ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Teacher Self-Efficacy 的相關結果
Bandura. Research shows that teachers with high levels of self-efficacy are more ... that a given behavior will lead to certain outcomes (Bandura, 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 1 Self-Efficacy as an Antecedent of Cognition and Affect In ... 的相關結果
Self -efficacy. (beliefs about one's ability to perform a particular behavior) represents an important individual trait (Bandura, 1977). ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy theory of entrepreneurship 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) proposed that an individual's belief in their ability to perform a given task can be conceptualized as self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is viewed ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Albert Bandura - Google Scholar 的相關結果
Self -efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. A Bandura. Psychological review 84 (2), 191, 1977. 104351, 1977. Social learning theory. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 effects of external source credibility and content quality 的相關結果
Self -efficacy theory highlights that the more credible the source of information, the more likely that efficacy expectations will change. At a ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy in teaching with computers 的相關結果
According to Bandura (1977), an individual's sense of expectations based on personal mastery affects both initiation and persistence in performing that behavior ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Bandura Guide For Constructing Self Efficacy Scales - Bonide 的相關結果
How Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory Works ... (Bandura,1977)4 Ways To Improve And Increase Self-. ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 SELF-EFFICACY BELIEFS - Brill 的相關結果
the self-efficacy beliefs of American Black women in Leadership positions in ... successfully perform a behavior (Bandura, 1977) and her ability “to ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Exploring the Sources of Self-Efficacy in Consumer Behavior 的相關結果
Bandura (1977) posits that self-efficacy develops primarily, and most powerfully, through personal attainments from direct experience, but can also arise ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Sources of Self-Efficacy in Springboard and Highboard Diving 的相關結果
In. Bandura's (1977) social cognitive theory, athletes with higher self-efficacy would interpret the somatic responses to a sporting environment as energizing ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy and Health Behaviours 的相關結果
In 1977, the famous psychologist Albert Bandura at Stanford University introduced the concept of perceived self-efficacy in the context of cognitive behaviour ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Solved Hello, Albert Bandura (1977; 1986) defined the term 的相關結果
Many workplaces often require employees to function at a high level of self-efficacy in order to attempt to meet required objectives and goals with sheer ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Academic self-efficacy - Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP) 的相關結果
Academic self-efficacy is grounded in self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977). According to self- efficacy theory, self-efficacy is an “individual's confidence ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and ... 的相關結果
One of Bandura's most important cognitive concepts is self-efficacy (Bandura & Adams, 1977; Bandura, 1977). Self-efficacy is defined as: The conviction that ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy: Thought Control Of Action - 第 189 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
The work on sadness and self—efficacy has contributed to the theory and ... act as one of the pieces of information that people use (as in Bandura, 1977), ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-Efficacy In Nursing: Research and Measurement Perspectives 的相關結果
Self -Efficacy Theory The basic premise underlying self-efficacy theory according to Bandura (1977, 1986) is that the expectations of personal mastery ... ... <看更多>
self-efficacy bandura 1977 在 Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. 的相關結果
Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Publication Date. Mar 1977. Language. English. Author Identifier. Bandura, Albert. Affiliation. ... <看更多>