試咗係堅道嘅南意大利餐廳SEPA,很喜歡它把這間舊建築物保育及讓它重生,你仍可見到這建築的古舊痕跡,跟新的設計很融洽,坐在閣樓看下面風景很有趣,凍肉拼盤好味,襯意大利氣酒perfect!wine list有心思,價錢不平但地道!氣氛很有格調!喜歡舊東西的人不要錯過呀!
I've tried d Venetian restaurant SEPA on Caine Road recently. I like d restaurant design a lot! It has revitalized d old heritage building in a v good sense! u can still see d old vintage walls & structures together w d Italian deco. It's a good spot to sit upstairs & c d whole view. d cold cut platter tastes great & it's perfect to match w Italian sparkling wine! d wine list is specially picked, d price list is not cheap, but d choice is interesting! d atmosphere is really great! Those who like vintage/heritage would like this place!
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do u believe in girl's 6 sense? U gotta believe it ;)