1. 材料洗淨,白果剝殼去芯;腐竹浸水至稍為軟身備用。
2. 鍋中加入約1000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約45分鐘至軟身,最後以冰糖調味即可。
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Foods that moisten the lungs will give you fair and smooth skin
According to Chinese medicine theories, our skin condition reflects the health of our organs, so if we wish to own a fair and smooth skin, we need to take care of our body from within. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: “The lungs are the masters of the skin and hair”, which means the lungs’ health is reflected in the condition of the skin. If your lung qi is strong, and the circulation of the qi and blood is smooth, we will have a smoother and radiant skin.
As the Chinese saying goes “white enters the lungs”, this means in the study of five colours, foods that are white can brighten our skin. Most of these foods are Chinese medicines, such as atractylodes rhizome, white peony, and poria.
Similarly, we can also consume an appropriate amount of lily bulb, which nourishes the qi and moistens the lungs; snow fungus, which nourishes and moistens the lungs; Chinese yam, which nourishes lung qi; coix seed, which nourishes the lungs and strengthens the spleen; sweet almond, which moistens the lungs and intestines; and ginkgo nut, which strengthens lung qi.
Dried beancurd sweet soup with gingko nut and coix seed
Effects: moistens the lungs and skin, clears heat and dispels dampness
Ingredients: 15 gingko nuts, 1 piece of dried beancurd, 20g coix seeds, rock sugar
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Remove the shell and core of gingko nuts. Soak dried beancurd in water for 45 minutes till soften.
2. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 45 minutes, add rock sugar to taste.
Tip: If you want the dried bean curd sticks to fully soften and dissolve in sweet soup, and to be as silky as soymilk, make sure you have them soaked in water for at least 10 minutes. At the same time, use fresh bean curd sticks and do not leave them unused for too long. If bits and pieces of bean curds are still visible, you can sieve out 4/5 of the undissolved parts, and use the remaining portion to continue boiling with crystal sugar.
Besides lungs, we need to take care of the liver and spleen, because the stagnation of qi in the liver will cause the development of dark eye circles, whereas the weak spleen qi will cause water retention in the face, as well as making it appear more yellowish in tone. Drinking a cup of rice water a day can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and can relieve the tension developed on the liver. This will improve the condition of our face and skin.
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK #陰虛 #我枯燥
soak 三 態 在 Vicky Lin 林韋綺 Facebook 的最佳解答
但是搬到英國之後,連臉都快被這裡的空氣抽乾了,一直在擦油擦最滋潤的霜,更不用說身體的肌膚了!冬天的時候常常乾癢難耐,不得不開始擦起身體霜。我喜歡擦在身上容易吸收又帶點特殊香氣的身體霜,最近用右一這瓶 Penhaligon's 的Savoy Steam Body Cream,有著神秘土耳其浴室的香氣,混合著玫瑰、檸檬、胡椒、麝香....,抹在身上會讓身旁的人有種想更靠近聞個究竟的幽香。
進入夏天後,開始尋覓喜歡的身體去角質霜,右二 Elemis 的Frangipani Monoi Salt Glow ,看到網站介紹裡面是雞蛋花的香氣,我就馬上下單了!第一次用時就深深愛上,除了香味,它的去角質鹽綿密得像那種高濃度的蜂蜜在妳身上化開來,一點也沒有一般身體磨砂膏的粗糙感。而且用完身體彷彿擦過身體乳般的光滑滋潤,第一次用完的那天,我就忍不住叫 Mr.D 快摸我一下,膚觸實在變得太咕溜了吧!在不能出國渡假的時刻,有什麼比一週一次可以沉浸在雞蛋花香氣的心靈渡假感還要能放鬆身心的呢?
有時肌肉酸痛或水腫難耐,就用 Elemis 的 Aching Muscle Super Soak 來對付!其實應該是要拿來泡澡的,無奈我家沒有浴缸。只能淋浴時,倒個一瓶蓋,擦在肩膀和四肢,讓它的涼感慢慢地在身體發揮作用,等待兩三分鐘後再沖淨。每次用完都有種身體變輕鬆的愉悅感,小腿也不再覺得腫脹難耐,肩膀的壓力也會覺得減輕一些喔!
如果不喜歡香氣太重或者想要平價一點的人,也可以選擇左一的 @Aveeno Aveeno Cream。專為敏感肌特製的無香味身體霜,其實平常是 Mr.D 在用,但如果我用完 Elemis 的去角質霜後,不想破壞身上的味道就會偷偷用這瓶。非常容易吸收,而且滋潤感也非常持久,身體乾癢敏感時更是最佳首選!
當使盡渾身解數想要好好撒嬌時,一身被妳悉心照顧著的柔嫩肌膚,其實就會在接觸的瞬間給對方一種 #必須好好疼惜妳的微妙暗示。想想如果一身粗糙脫皮的皮膚和娃娃音+嘟嘴,怎麼想都是搭不起來吧!😅
從封關以來,LOOKFANTASTIC 就一直時不時特價,雖然失血不少,但每次偶爾露出身體的肌膚(畢竟天氣一冷我就全身包緊緊),Mr.D 摸一把後脫口而出:So smooth ! So sexy ! 我就覺得這些投資好值得喔!大家一起來做撒嬌好命女!🥰
Elemis Frangipani Monoi Salt Glow
Elemis Aching Muscle Super Soak
Aveeno Aveeno Cream
Penhaligon's Savoy Steam Body Cream 偶爾會有活動,請隨時注意官網消息。
soak 三 態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 所有材料洗淨,青、白、紅蘿蔔去皮切塊備用。猴頭菇浸泡約30分鐘備用。
2. 鍋中加入約2000毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Regulate qi to relieve stress
Spring is a good time to have a walk under the sunlight to increase yang qi. However, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a lot of people are staying indoors. Their daily routines have changed and it is stressful. Staying at home for a long time is more likely to cause friction with family members and cause issues such as headache, stomach pain, chest tightness, irritability, dry mouth, dry eyes, difficulty passing stool, insomnia. Your body may be affected by liver depression and qi stagnation. At this time, it is necessary to disperse stagnated liver and regulate qi. Eat more ingredients that can disperse stagnated liver, regulate qi and calm the mind such as lotus root, luffa, white radish, monkeyhead mushroom, lotus seed, lily bulb, fox nuts. You can also drink floral tea such as rose and jasmine to relieve your depressed mood.
Tips for soup to disperse stagnated liver and regulate qi:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as fingered citron, hairy fig root, lotus seed, lily bulb, dried citrus peel.
Millet soup with radish and carrot
Effects: disperses stagnated liver and regulates qi, relieves symptoms such as abdominal bloating, chest tightness and insomnia due to stress
Ingredients: 1 green radish, 1 white radish, 1 carrot, 2 monkeyhead mushrooms, ¼ cup of millet, 30g purple haricot, 1 dried citrus peel , 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients. Peel green radish, white radish, carrot and cut into pieces. Soak monkeyhead mushrooms for 30 minutes.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #頭痛 #失眠 #胃脹 #腹瀉
soak 三 態 在 [ 片語] soak up the sun... - Ronnie's English Cafe 3分鐘英文學習 的推薦與評價
[ 片語] soak up the sun 說明: soak字面上意思是“浸濕;泡”,因此泡在陽光裡,意思就是“享受陽光”。 ⛽例句: It's a beautiful day today. ... <看更多>