太陽能裝機新高度:Aggreko在海拔4,500米極端氣候環境下的智利高原上安裝25.9 MW混合太陽能係統(01/26/2021 PV Magazine)
Aggreko就近前才在Gold Fields位於西澳大利亞州的Granny Smith礦場成功安裝了7.7 MW微電網,現在又與這家全球金礦公司簽署了為期10年的合同,在其位於安第斯山脈海拔4,500米高度的Salares Norte礦場安裝25.9 MW混合太陽能和熱電解決方案。
當金礦場將其全球採礦業務的可再生能源需求比例設定為20%時,毫無疑問,其中部分礦場的過渡難度要超越其他礦場。在西澳大利亞州,Aggreko安裝了澳大利亞最大的微電網之一,7.7 MWp太陽能發電系統。而格蘭尼·史密斯金礦無論按標準怎麼說都算得上是偏遠地區,但它的偏遠度尚不及位於安第斯山脈海拔4,500米,距離最近的城鎮190的智利Salares Norte露天礦,或者說它與外殼的偏遠方式不同。
然而,在偏遠的高海拔地區完成太陽能光伏裝機的巨大挑戰替代使Aggreko慌亂無措。這家總部位於英國的替代太陽能公司與金礦簽署了長達10年的合同,為該礦場五一個配電站提供25.9 MW混合型太陽能和熱電替代解決方案。
Aggreko LATAM董事總經理Pablo Varela在接受《光伏》雜誌採訪時說,與Granny Smith項目評估,Salares Norte礦場帶來了完全不同的挑戰。為了克服極端風況並確保所有五個交換點的電力一致,“ Aggreko開發了滿足高海拔性能要求的柴油發電機組和太陽能發電機組,專門設計用於滿足現場的極端風況,降雪和高海拔條件,而在格蘭尼史密斯不需要適應這些情況。”
每台柴油發電機組可提供772 kW功率,配備熱備用和冷備用機組,與9.9 MW太陽能集成後可滿足用電需求高峰。該太陽能高層每年可提供18 GWh可再生能源,將其安裝在固定的“我們選擇採用固定傾斜式太陽能組件,而不是跟踪器解決方案。這是為了確保光伏組件的替代和可靠性,”瓦雷拉說。
如“前述的空間有限,” Varela繼續說,“這意味著我們的工程團隊必須富有”,如前所述,該礦山分佈範圍覆蓋五個輸送點,每個地點都處在山區崎嶇不平的角落溝壑裡。極高的創造力。我們的解決方案是將提供裝置分開,安裝在三個位置,而不是應對將所有設備都安裝在一個有限的狹小空間裡。”
Aggreko估計,完工後該混合系統將在十年內為Gold Fields節省740萬美元能源成本,並且替換為替換110萬美元碳稅。此外,由於使用了備受偏遠礦區青睞的替代租賃裝置,Gold Fields無需為一項巨額額度投資而削減,只將其作為一項合併資本支出即可。
Salares Norte太陽能混合項目將成為Aggreko並在完成的規模最大的裝機上。Varela預計該電廠將於2022年第二/第三季度交付運營。Aggreko熱切希望將Salares Norte項目作為其取代了宏圖的跳板。“我們在該地區有很多振奮人心的項目,涉及廣泛的應用,技術和地區,” Varela說:“從熱帶雨林到阿根廷南美大草原,從垃圾填埋氣到偏遠地區的電池儲能,我們在一切有需要的地方提供電力。”
New heights of solar: Aggreko to install 25.9 MW hybrid solar system at 4,500 m
solar pv system 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
特斯拉正在研究透過分散式太陽能搭配儲能模式來革新現有電網調度技術。(02/17/2020 Electrek 、新浪新聞中心)
Tesla is working on technology to revolutionize the electrical grid with distributed solar power (Fred Lambert
- Feb. 17th 2020 2:35 pm ET)
Tesla is working on technology for “a scalable hierarchical energy distribution grid” that could revolutionize how the electrical grid distributes solar power.
To date, Tesla’s energy division, Tesla Energy, mostly involved deploying distributed solar power and energy storage assets.
But last year, CEO Elon Musk said that “Tesla Energy is becoming a distributed global utility and could outgrow the automotive business“:
Tesla Energy is going to be a major part of Tesla’s activity in the future. And Tesla’s mission from the beginning has been to accelerate the advent of sustainable energy — that means sustainable energy generation and sustainable energy consumption in the form of electric vehicles.
Tesla plans to optimize all the solar and energy assets that it is installing at its customers’ homes in order to get as much value for them and the electric grid.
In a new patent application, Tesla describes the problem:
Despite the advantages associated with integrating grid-connected PV energy generation with onsite energy storage, there are a number of challenges that make it difficult to efficiently deploy and control such integrated systems, particularly on a large, distributed scale. For example, it is tremendously difficult to attempt to control large numbers of energy generation and/or storage systems installed at various sites (in various geographic locations) utilizing differing device types that may have different capabilities, differing grid requirements, differing weather conditions, differing energy pricing schemes, etc.
They explain that “there is a need for efficient, intelligent, adaptive control systems for energy generation and/or storage systems.”
In the new patent application, Tesla describes its new technology for “a scalable hierarchical energy distribution grid utilizing homogeneous control logic”:
Techniques are disclosed for implementing a scalable hierarchical energy distribution grid utilizing homogeneous control logic are disclosed that provide distributed, autonomous control of a multitude of sites in an energy system using abstraction and aggregation techniques. A hierarchical energy distribution grid utilizing homogeneous control logic is provided that includes multiple control modules arranged in a hierarchy. Each control module can implement a same energy optimization scheme logic to directly control site energy resources and possibly energy resources of sites associated with control modules existing below it in the hierarchy. Each control module can act autonomously through use a similar set of input values to the common optimization scheme logic.
Electrek’s Take
From my understanding, Tesla is trying to deploy systems to automate demand management in order to more accurately match it with its distributed energy assets, both generation (solar power) and storage (Powerwall), at scale.
With Tesla deploying more solar power, especially since introducing its subscription model that doesn’t require any money down and only monthly payments, much like a regular electric utility, the company is getting a lot of data that could help it optimize those systems.
This could lead to some new pricing models that could have a massive impact on the electric utility business.
solar pv system 在 陽光綠屋頂 Facebook 的精選貼文
#陽光屋頂百萬座 #太陽光電 #台北市 #能源之丘
【臺北能源之丘Taipei Energy Hill】
"Taipei Energy Hill" is the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) system in Northern Taiwan through public-private partnership. Combined with a nearby biogas plant, "Taipei Energy Hill" is also the first set of environmental education, ecological protection and renewable energy demonstration park in Taiwan. The system, with a total of 7,680 solar PV panels, generates up to 2 million kWh of electricity annually. It also reduces about 1,000 tons carbon dioxide emissions which are equivalent to the carbon absorption capacity of 3 Daan forest parks. The solar power is green energy that does not cause environmental pollution and global warming. It is generated by the PV panels that absorb a specific wavelength of sunlight and transform it into electricity. The process does not produce greenhouse gases, which helps to provide clean and pollution-free energy to the city.
影像│張妄影像 zangwang film
#臺北能源之丘 #太陽能光電 #陽光首都 #福德坑復育園區 #TaipeiEnergyHill #SolorCapital
solar pv system 在 Photovoltaic system - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A photovoltaic system, also PV system or solar power system, is an electric power system designed to supply usable solar power by ... ... <看更多>
solar pv system 在 Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics 的相關結果
What is photovoltaic (PV) technology and how does it work? PV materials and devices convert sunlight into electrical energy. A single PV device is known as ... ... <看更多>
solar pv system 在 Photovoltaic system - Energy Education 的相關結果
A photovoltaic (PV) system is composed of one or more solar panels combined with an inverter and other electrical and mechanical hardware that ... ... <看更多>