【何君堯疑沒有在新加坡執業】 #同英國情況一樣
何君堯除聲稱在英國執業外,也指在新加坡執業。我嘗試在新加坡的律師會 Directory搜尋"Kwan Yiu Ho" 及其他組合,全部是 No Result (見圖1)。
同時,我向律師會查詢沒有名字的情況,並剛得到回覆 (見圖2)。回覆指這情況是可能有註冊(admitted) 但現時並無執業 (currently not in practice)。而現時只有 Supreme Court of Singapore 有齊所有註冊律師的名字,並建議我向其查詢。
Dear Mr Tam,
We refer to your further email of 23 September 2017.
The directory you searched only maintain a list of lawyers who are currently in practice in Singapore and holding valid practising certificates. As explained earlier, Law Society maintains only a list of lawyers holding valid practising certificates. It is possible that Mr Junius Kwan Yiu Ho is admitted to the Singapore’s Bar but as he is currently not in practice in Singapore, he is not listed in that directory or the Law Society’s database.
To determine if a person is admitted to the Singapore’s Bar, you may wish to check with the Supreme Court of Singapore as our Supreme Court maintains a ‘roll of Advocates and Solicitors’ with the names of every person who was admitted to the Singapore’s Bar, whether or not he is currently in practice. Do note that there is no directory available on the internet to check if a person is admitted to the Singapore’s Bar.
Thank you.
The Law Society of Singapore