NYDeTour週末何處去:6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun)
*6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) The Arts Center at Governors Island Reopening Weekend
星期六開始在Governors Island的Arts Center將重新開放至10/31為止。今年會有兩個大型裝置藝術展出,分別是Meg Webster和Onyedika Chuke 共同的作品以及Muna Malik的Blessing of The Boats。週末天氣舒爽,是到Governors Island一遊的好天氣!來參觀Arts Center必須先在官網登記喔!
地點:The Arts Center at Governors Island
時間:6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) 12pm-5pm
*6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) L.E.A.F Festival of Flowers at Meat Packing District
雖然現在去歐洲可能還不是那麼方便,但這週末可以不用離開紐約就有身處歐洲的感覺了!星期六日兩天在Meat Packing District將有L.E.A.F.主辦的花卉展,除了9th Avenue上有多個大型花卉藝術展示外也有多個非常春天氣息的小攤位販售各種花草植物以及咖啡啤酒等。是這個週末不能錯過的活動。網美們也準備來拍一些按讚吸引器的美照吧!XD
地點:Meat Packing District, 9th Avenue between W. 15th & Little 12th street,
時間:6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) 11am-7pm
*6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) Fraunces Tavern Museum Flag Day Open House Weekend
慶祝美國國旗日(6/14)這週末兩天在Fraunces Tavern Museum將舉辦Open House,只需付一元門票便可以入內參觀。這個博物館主要是展出18世紀美國獨立前後年代的歷史文物。是認識美國歷史很好的機會,不要錯過!
地點:Fraunces Tavern Museum, 54 Pearl Street, New York, NY
時間:6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) 12pm-5pm
*6/12 (Sat) Spring Zine Fair at East Village
由Printed Matter/St. Marks和8-Ball Community共同主辦的春季小誌展,星期六將在東村的St. Marks Pl between 1st & 2nd Avenue舉行。有超過40個攤位展出各式主題的小誌以及印刷品。有興趣朋友可以去逛逛。
地點:St Marks Pl between 1st Ave & 2nd Ave
時間:6/12 (Sat) 11am-7pm
*6/12 (Sat) Tenement Museum Grand Reopening Block Party
在東村很受歡迎,專門介紹下東城歷史的Tenement Museum這週末將重新開放。星期六在Orchard Street上會舉辦一個封街派對,有多項活動介紹博物館與當地歷史,免費贈品以及飲食攤位。如果想參加Museum舉辦的導覽責另需付費。
地點:Orchard Street between Houston St & Delancey Street
時間:6/12 (Sat) 12pm-4pm
*6/12 (Sat) Rockstock and Barrels 15th Music Festival at Rockaway Beach
星期六在Rockaway Beach將有暌違兩年的年度搖滾音樂祭。九小時的現場表演和Rockaway Beach的海浪,將陪你度過一個歡樂的星期六。
地點:Rockaway Beach Boardwalk at Beach 90 Street
時間:6/12 (Sat) 12pm-9pm
*6/13 (Sun) Artmageddon at Ditmas Park, Brooklyn
星期天在Brooklyn的Ditmas Park以及周圍有一個數十位藝術家參與的藝展。活動也有多項表演以及美食攤位。有興趣的朋友須在官訪購票(免費)。
地點:Ditmas Park, Brooklyn. (官網有詳細地圖)
時間:6/13 (Sun) 11am-4pm
*6/12-6/13 (Sat & Sun) Smorgasburg
紐約最富盛名的Smorgasburg美食市集已經延伸的哈德遜河左岸的Jersey City了!每個星期六的11pm-6pm在Jersey City的Harborside Light Rail Station旁的停車場舉行。另外每個星期天則是在Brooklyn的Prospect Park舉辦。喜歡吃吃喝喝的朋友別錯過了!
地點:Jersey City (Sat) Harborside Light Rail Station; Prospect Park (Sun) Breeze Hill at Prospect Park
時間:6/12 (Sat) Jersey City 11am-6pm; 6/13 (Sun) Prospect Park 11am-6pm
*6/13 (Sun) Scandinavian Music Festival at Fort Tryon Park
星期天在Upper Manhattan的Fort Tryon Park有一項北歐風情的「斯堪地納維亞音樂節」,由Scandia Symphony和幾位guest musicians擔綱表演。來這裡還可以順道去The Cloisters逛逛!
地點:Billings Lawn at Fort Tryon Park
時間:6/13 (Sun) 2pm-4pm
*6/13 (Sun) Brass Bands Festival at Brooklyn Bridge Park
星期天下午在Brooklyn Bridge Park的Pier 3, 4, 5將有一項銅管樂團音樂節。有五個樂團分別在Pier 3, 4, 5表演。有興趣的朋友可以去感受銅管樂器所散發出的節慶氣息。
地點:Granite Terrace at Pier 3 of Brooklyn Bridge Park
時間:6/13 (Sun) 2:30pm-6pm
看了這麼多精彩活動,疫情前的紐約是不是回來了!?不過即使紐約陸陸續續開放,朋友們還是要抱持著小心防疫的心態出們。平安駛得萬年船,Wish you all have a great weekend!
Be happy, stay healthy.
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過254萬的網紅japanesestuffchannel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I made Nanakusa-Gayu(Seven Herbs Rice Porridge). We Japanese have a tradition eating Nanakusa-Gayu on 7th January, for wishing family's health. The s...
spring jersey 在 東西縱橫記藝JunieWang Facebook 的最佳解答
19世紀末美國畫家喬治・因內斯(George Inness,1825–1894)晚年所作《紐澤西蒙特克萊的繁盛春妍》(Spring Blossoms, Montclair, New Jersey,c.1891)便以唯美浪漫的方式捕捉了林野春色。
從21歲那年在紐約開設工作室正式〝出道〞,直到69歲去世為止,長達48年的職業生涯中,因內斯受到許多不同創作主張影響。儘管早期因內斯不可避免地與眾多美國畫家一樣,主要依循「哈德遜河派」(Hudson River School)從事瑰麗壯闊大山大水的家國景色。
自古許多藝術家都是藉由旅行開闊視野,進而精進創作,因內斯也是如此。在歐洲的見聞引發他不同的想法,尤其是在巴黎沙龍展上見到巴比松畫派(Barbizon),其中盧梭(Théodore Rousseau,1812-1867)筆下那田園風景裡,鬆散的筆觸與情感的流露都深深觸動了他。
然而不只如此,更早之前遊歷至佛羅倫斯時,透過旅居義大利的美國肖像畫家威廉・佩奇(William Page,1811-1885),因內斯接觸了瑞典科學兼神學家伊曼紐爾・瑞典伯格(Emanuel Swedenborg,168-1722)的泛神論(pantheistic philosophy),使得他逐漸跳脫哈德遜河派把忠實描述自然視為體現神聖力量的傳統,轉而著重哲學思考與精神層面,並揉合於作品中。
另外再加上印象派的色彩層次和最擅長迷濛寫意的惠斯勒(James McNeill Whistler,1834-1903)美學啟發,種種融會之後,從而醞釀因內斯創作出這般具有表現力的動人氛圍。
這麼說起來,因內斯想要引發的效應跟20世紀中期「抽象表現主義」(Abstract Expressionism)代表之一-馬克・羅斯柯((Mark Rothko,1903-1970)的「色域繪畫」(Color-field painting)或許頗為相似。
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#部落格 https://juniewang.mystrikingly.com/#_blog
圖片來源:Junie Wang & 網路
《Copyright © 2021東西縱橫記藝JunieWang版權所有,禁止擅自節錄,若需分享請完整轉貼並註明來源出處》
spring jersey 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答
⚾️ 麥克·羅力目前為富邦悍將隊的投手,他最早於2012年加入中華職棒,2015年再度來台發展。他曾打過美國小聯盟、美國職棒獨立聯盟、墨西哥聯盟、中華職棒和韓國職棒。
💕Why I Chose Taiwan #7 💕
I grew up in New Jersey. My wife grew up on Long Island. We went to Villanova University, that’s where we met, and from there I was drafted by the San Francisco Giants and started going to Spring Training out in Scottsdale, Arizona and we both fell in love with it out there...ended up buying a house and we now have two kids. We have a boy who just turned five years old and our daughter is three. They come out every year to Taiwan for three or four months. I first arrived in Taiwan in August of 2012. I was playing baseball back in Long Island and I got an opportunity to come over here and play in the CPBL. I was excited about the opportunity. I was actually planning on retiring from baseball at the end of that season in 2012, but thankfully I got the opportunity to come out here and play for the Lamigo Monkeys. I’m very happy I made that decision. My wife and I couldn’t be happier with it. Baseball is pretty universal. The game itself is pretty much the same everywhere, but the atmosphere here is honestly different. The excitement the fans here bring to the stadium and the noise and the passion is clearly different than back in the United States. Not that there isn’t passion the in the U.S., but the fans here, they sing and cheer. They are so involved in the game, and that’s pretty unique and fun to be a part of. But the baseball itself is universal. My experience in Taiwan is nothing but positive. My wife and my kids really love coming out here. The culture is great and the people here are extremely friendly and helpful. It’s such a safe place to be that when my family does come out here, they can live their lives happily and get help when they need it. It makes for a great experience for us, and we have certainly been very fortunate to be welcomed here by the people in Taiwan.
⚾️ Mike Loree is a pitcher for the Fubon Guardians. He firstly joined CPBL in 2012 and returned in 2015. He has played in the U.S. Minor League, Independent League, Mexican League, CPBL and KBO League.
spring jersey 在 japanesestuffchannel Youtube 的最讚貼文
I made Nanakusa-Gayu(Seven Herbs Rice Porridge). We Japanese have a tradition eating Nanakusa-Gayu on 7th January, for wishing family's health.
The seven herbs of spring
Seri : Japanese parsley
Nazuna : shepherd's purse
Gogyou : Jersey cudweed
Hakobera : chickweed
Hotokenoza : Lamium amplexicaule(henbit)
Suzuna : turnip
Suzushiro : Japanese radish
I'm sorry if I mistake Nazuna and Hotokenoza in this video. They looks alike.
To tell the truth, I made almost same Nanakusa-Gayu last year, so I added Kame Turtle Mochi in it. I like toasting mochi, especially when it puffs up;)
#japanesestuffchannel, #cooking, #asmr

spring jersey 在 japanesestuffchannel Youtube 的精選貼文
I made Nanakusa-Gayu(Seven Herbs Rice Porridge). We Japanese have a tradition eating Nanakusa-Gayu on 7th January, for wishing family's health.
The seven herbs of spring
Seri : Japanese parsley
Nazuna : shepherd's purse
Gogyou : Jersey cudweed
Hakobera : chickweed
Hotokenoza : Lamium amplexicaule(henbit)
Suzuna : turnip
Suzushiro : Japanese radish
I'm sorry if I mistake Nazuna and Hotokenoza in this video. They looks alike.
#japanesestuffchannel, #cooking, #asmr

spring jersey 在 Bob Yp Youtube 的最佳解答
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