貼心小提醒: 填問卷送EducationUSA精美實用小禮物喔! 大家別錯過喔!
AIT請台灣家長填寫得留學意願問卷你填了嗎? 2015年4月27日中午12點之前,只要分享本篇貼文,填寫完問卷,並將“感謝您填寫問卷調查”畫面截圖與你的聯絡資訊 (中英文姓名、電話、email,聯絡地址) 寄到AIT的Facebook信箱中,我們將隨機抽取20位幸運粉絲,每人將可獲得精美實用小禮物一份喔!話不多說,請大家花三分鐘填問卷吧!精美小禮物在等著你!
Friendly reminder: Your chance to win EducationUSA souvenir is ending at 12:00 pm on April 27, 2015. Did you complete the study abroad survey for Taiwan parents? Please share this post and send the screenshot of the completion of the survey to the AIT Facebook message box including your name, phone number, email address and mailing address. We will randomly select 20 lucky fans and each will receive a set of EducationUSA souvenirs! Please click on the following link and complete the survey now. A little surprise from EducationUSA is waiting for you.