Time to fall in love?
曼迪·萊恩·卡特隆(Mandy Len Catron)為「現代愛情」專欄寫了一篇文章《如何快速與陌生人相愛》,她在文中提到心理學家阿瑟·亞倫(Arthur Aron)等人的研究成果:兩個陌生人之間的親密關係或許可以通過彼此詢問一些特別的個人化問題而快速升溫。這36個問題分為三組,一組比一組來得尋根究底。
Set I 第一組 ❤️
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Set II 第二組 ❤️❤️
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
17. What is your most treasured memory?
18. What is your most terrible memory?
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
20. What does friendship mean to you?
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
Set III 第三組 ❤️❤️❤️
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling ... “
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share ... “
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
❤️ 看完這些問題後,會想到哪一部愛情片? ❤️
Tag someone who needs these questions~
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#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
「Netflix 不該只是從好萊塢看全球
——Netflix 執行長 Reed Hastings
過去一週,每個好萊塢從業人員都忙著埋頭解三道作業:分別是天能和花木蘭票房這兩道數學題,以及Netflix 執行長 Reed Hastings 新書的讀書報告。
Netflix 火車頭正在轉彎
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上週,Netflix 執行長 Reed Hastings 正為了宣傳他的新書《No Rules Rules》到處接受訪問。各媒體紛紛從新書和他的訪談中挖掘各種話題點,比如 Hastings 強調的「沒有規則的規則」管理方式,或是 Netflix 和好萊塢之間又愛又恨的關係。
當時我選譯了一段 Variety 訪問中看起來有點枝微末節的片段放在讀報當中:
Hastings 提到他從員工身上得到回饋才發現原來 Netflix 雖然業務遍及各國,卻仍然是個非常美國中心的公司。他因此希望加速整個公司的組織更全球化的腳步,不能再以好萊塢的視角來看世界,而必須成為每一個市場上的頂尖內容開發者和提供者。他也提到這會是一個艱難的任務,即便像 Sony 這樣已經面向全球市場70年,骨子裡仍然是一個日本企業。 Hastings 認為少數做到全球化的企業大概只有聯合利華和愛迪達。雖然疫情的阻擾,Netflix 無法立刻做到組織的全球化,但他們仍然會努力讓各個市場的團隊有主導權,才能開發出更多像《Dark 闇》和《La Casa de Papel 紙房子》這樣在地的優質節目。
「Netflix 不該只是從好萊塢看全球市場,而應成為全世界每一個主要國家的頂尖內容開發者和傳播者」Hastings說。
那時候我們還沒有聞到風向,完全沒發現 Hastings 其實正利用這段話在幫 Netflix 正要來的大轉彎打方向燈。第二天,Netflix 企業內部隨即發生了一場意義重大的大地震:
剛剛從內容長被拔擢為共同執行長的 Ted Sarandos 召集了一次線上會議,向全公司宣佈原本主管 Netflix 在地市場節目的 Bela Bajaria 將升職成為全球電視業務的副總(VP)。雖然沒有說明原來擔任該職務的 Cindy Holland 將何去何從,但 Holland 過去在 Netflix 是走路有風的要角(從《Orange Is the New Black 勁爆女子監獄》到《Stranger Things 怪奇物語》都是她指揮下的產品),不太可能繼續留在公司之內受到 Bela Bajaria 的指揮,離職幾乎已成定局。
值得注意的是 Ted Sarandos 已經被外界認為是 Reed Hastings 準接班人,而 Sarandos 在週三的會議上又公開說 Bajaria 這個新的人事安排是他計畫很久的、早就想要做的安排。表面上他說用意是「讓電視業務的決策更簡化」,實際上更可能意味著他正在藉由 Bajaria 這顆棋子將 Netflix 的內容策略徹底改朝換代。
Bela Bajaria 正好就是《闇》和《紙房子》的幕後功臣,也就是說新的人事完全吻合了 Netflix 執行長 Reed Hastings 前一天受訪時提到要將決策模式轉型成為真正的全球化企業的發言。
這個一上一下的異動,代表 Netflix 的《House of Cards 紙牌屋》時代很快就要結束,未來將把重心從「賣美國節目給全世界觀眾」轉向下一個階段「賣在地節目給在地觀眾」的新策略。
Netflix這輛勢不可檔的火車正在轉彎的消息,對完全不熟悉在地內容生產的好萊塢片廠來說很可能會是一個噩耗。理由是除了HBO之外,其他好萊塢片廠恐怕都要花很長的時間才有辦法追上Netflix 已經開始深耕的這塊陌生領土。
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千呼萬喚始出來的《Tenet 天能》則是另外一台火車頭:好萊塢能否走出疫情陰霾就全看美國電影市場的復甦,而美國電影市場的復甦又全看上週末成為疫情後美國上映的第一部片廠大片《天能》的表現。
過去好萊塢片廠會跟一家數據分析公司 Comscore 旗下的票房統計資料庫 Rentrak 回報單日票房數據,然後各片廠再各自付費取得資料庫中各個競爭對手的票房數據,以便自己分析比較,評估自家電影和別人家電影的勝負表現。
上週一 Warner 總算公佈了《天能》的週末票房:第一個週末北美合計(雖然加拿大早了幾天演)共2002萬美元票房。和過去 Christopher Nolan 的電影在北美首週通常有5000萬美元相比,這個數字不算漂亮。不過這種比較意義不大。
根據來自 Disney 的統計數據顯示目前全美還有三分之一的電影院大門深鎖,而影響最大是過去特別熱愛 Nolan 電影的洛杉磯、紐約和舊金山三地的電影院都還無法恢復營業。最後《天能》在北美上映的電影院數量比《Dunkirk 敦克爾克大作戰》少了將近1000家,再加上社交距離導致的可售張數大量減少,根本不可能跟過去的電影比較。Warner 也因此在新聞稿中一再告誡各界不要拿這個數據跟任何電影作分析比較,因為誰都不曾在這種疫情狀況中上映過。
然而引發爭議的是 Warner一改往例拒絕上傳《天能》單日票房到系統中分享給同業知道,只願意公布總數的做法。其他片廠對此非常不滿,因為擔心引發骨牌效應之後,造成美國市場的電影票房以後會變成像 Netflix 收視數字一樣完全不透明。結果Sony 果真隨即起而效尤,停止回報單日票房。
因為只有一個週末的總數,外界還只能用瞎子摸象的方式各自揣測《天能》票房的真正意義。反而是掌握更精確數據的 Warner 自己先有動作了:
上週二萬眾矚目的《Dune 沙丘魔堡》首支預告發佈,而不尋常的這支即將開啟全新科幻系列電影宇宙(和延伸電視劇集)的預告中刻意拿掉了12月18日的上映日期。很快地就有耳語說電影檔期又要開始另一波大風吹。
果不其然兩天後 Warner 就將《Wonder Wman 1984 神力女超人1984》的上映日期從10月2日一舉延後到12月25日。雖然《沙丘魔堡》上映日期並未宣佈調整,但因為《神力女超人1984》的新檔期完全和《沙丘魔堡》對撞,幾乎可以百分之百確定《沙丘魔堡》很快就會宣佈延期。
此外幾乎在同一時間,Universal 也宣佈同樣預定10月上映的恐怖片《Candyman 糖果人》也要延期(但未宣佈新上映時間)。此外還有謠言傳出11月6日上映的漫威電影《Black Widow 黑寡婦》也可能再次延期。唯一有機會照常上映的只剩下11月20日的《No Time To Die 007:生死交戰》,理由則是龐德電影的海外票房向來占比高達75%,比較不會受到美國疫情的拖累。相比之下《Wonder Woman 神力女超人》上一集北美票房佔比將近半數,使這位亞馬遜女英雄較難冒這個險。
"What's happened, happened."《天能》的隱而不發的數字仍然默默地改變了世界的運轉。
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比《天能》的票房更隱密的是同一時間在 Disney+ 上以PVOD方式開賣的《Mulan 花木蘭》的銷售數據。
《花木蘭》不僅是疫情發生以來採用 VOD 發行的電影中成本最高的一部,也可能是電影史上製作最大的 VOD 同步發行電影。好萊塢各界同樣非常迫切需要知道是《花木蘭》的 VOD 實驗比較成功,還是《天能》的堅持電影院放映比較成功,藉以決定自家倉庫裡那些已經完成的電影到底應該走 VOD 或是電影院通路來發行。
然而大家早就預期 Disney 絕對不會分享 Disney+ 上的數據。Disney 財務長 Christine McCarthy 在出席一場華爾街的公開活動時,只輕描淡寫地用一句話帶過《花木蘭》的成績:銷售數據讓 Disney 很滿意。
不過華爾街日報認為 Disney 的 VOD實驗可能已經被《花木蘭》的政治爭議給攪亂,而難以構成一個成功案例。
過去幾個月快速崛起的網路社群「奶茶聯盟」(#MilkTeaAlliance)的推波助瀾,#BoycottMulan 的抵制行動在電影上映後再度成為新聞熱點。參與抵制行動者並非對該片內容而不滿,而是對女主角劉亦菲的 #我也支持香港警察 發文不滿。上週香港示威者再度上街並受到鎮壓,也使抵制行動連帶獲得更多的國際媒體注意。
華爾街日報說過去這一類的爭議通常不會燒到 Disney 的死忠粉絲,對票房影響有限。VICE 訪問到美國國際關係學者 Stanley Rosen也持相同看法,認為抵制行動應該會侷限在有地緣政治關係的香港、台灣、泰國、印度等奶茶聯盟國家,而難以發展成為全球性抵制活動。Rosen 認為最終 Disney 極可能不會太大實質損失,甚至有可能因為抵制事件的擦槍走火而更刺激中國地區票房的提升。
香港社運領袖黃之鋒隨即轉貼吳志麗的貼文,並評論到現在還去看《花木蘭》的人不只代表對於港警暴力的縱容,也是對種族壓迫的視若無睹。Hollywood Reporter 記者對此議題已向 Disney 求證此事,但還未獲得回應。
事情發展到前天,CECC 美國國會及行政當局中國委員會共同主席、共和黨參議員 Marco Rubio 也在自己的網站上發表了他與18位跨黨派參眾兩院議員聯名發出的公開信,呼籲 Disney 執行長 Bob Chapek 儘速向社會大眾說明新片《Mulan 花木蘭》在新疆拍攝的相關爭議細節。公開信中總計列了10項問題,包含拍攝過程是否使用維族或少數民族勞工和是否與新疆生產建設兵團合作等。
Disney 目前對此事件仍然還沒提出正式回應。僅有的說明仍然只有財務長 Christine McCarthy 幾天前在公開活動上的隻字片語:
Disney 執行長 Bob Chapek 先前曾說《花木蘭》這場實驗對他們來說就是一個「學習的機會」。但不知道這一道練習題擦槍走火成為超高難度功課之後,Disney 同學還繳不繳得出他們的學習單?
Hong Kong Protesters Are Boycotting the New ‘Mulan’ Movie. Will Disney Care?(https://bit.ly/323NzKK)
‘Tenet’ Grosses $20.2 Million Domestic, but Warners Says There’s ‘No Context’(https://bit.ly/3bBxLlS)
Reed Hastings on New Book, Netflix’s Future — and Why He Fired His Last CFO(https://bit.ly/35h7WGw)
What Cindy Holland’s Exit and Bela Bajaria’s Rise Mean for Netflix(https://bit.ly/33gUgbW)
Inside Netflix's Surprising TV Chief Shake-Up(https://bit.ly/33pwkTF)
‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Delayed as Pandemic Slows U.S. Theater Reopenings(https://on.wsj.com/32nEOvh)
Warner Bros. Won’t Share ‘Tenet’ Box Office Data, Angering Rival Studios(https://bit.ly/3kpQMef)
Disney Under Fire For Filming 'Mulan' in China's Xinjiang Province(https://bit.ly/32bQYHI)
‘Mulan’: Disney CFO Christine McCarthy Concedes China Uproar “Has Generated A Lot Of Issues For Us
U.S. lawmakers quiz Disney CEO over Xinjiang connection to 'Mulan'(https://reut.rs/2FvgZc5)
Disney’s ‘Mulan’ Experiment Gets Complicated(https://on.wsj.com/2ZvBw7y)
ted fire 在 寶博士 Youtube 的最佳解答
【來賓:王新仁 聲響實驗室 技術經理 &蘇巧純 二三設計 創意總監 】
📍互動電影《晚班》 https://bit.ly/2WlQoDQ
📍空總當代文化實驗場 https://clab.org.tw/
📍TSL 聲響實驗室 https://www.soundlab.tw/
📍 Netflix 《黑鏡:潘達斯奈基 Black Mirror: Bandersnatch》 https://www.netflix.com/title/80988062
📍Steam 遊戲《晚班》 https://store.steampowered.com/app/584980/Late_Shift/?l=tchinese
📍《碧血狂殺》影片片段 https://reurl.cc/20AOW9
📍《碧血狂殺 2》隨機 NPC 殺人事件:虛擬角色可能也有「自我意識」 https://www.techbang.com/posts/76477-blood-killing-2-random-npc-killings-virtual-characters-may-also-have-self-awareness-original-https-kknewscc-game-pvop8mehtml
📍Chris Milk & Arcade Fire 合作影片 http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/
📍Ed Boyden 擴增大腦 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Boyden
📍Ed Boyden TED Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/ed_boyden_a_new_way_to_study_the_brain_s_invisible_secrets
📍BLM:Black Lives Matter
📍大聪看电影 四万字解读《普罗米修斯》 https://youtu.be/UT4QSbgXeDI
📍弒父情節 https://bit.ly/2DAPgWe
📍《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走》 https://bit.ly/2ZrWa8M
📍Logic sometimes makes monsters https://www.azquotes.com/quote/1371216
📍電影《TENET天能》 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723592/
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Instagram▶️ https://reurl.cc/XX6Z3j
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🎵片頭:Music from https://icons8.com/music/author/savvier Fame Inc by SAVVIER
🎵片尾:Music from https://icons8.com/music/author/NORDGROOVE
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主持:北科大互動設計系 專任助理教授 葛如鈞/寶博士
感謝:北科大創新思考與區塊鏈應用社群計畫補助|北科大互動設計系 https://ixd.ntut.edu.tw |北科大創新創業情報站 https://fb.com/ntuticorner by NORDGROOVE
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主持:北科大互動設計系 專任助理教授 葛如鈞/寶博士
感謝:北科大創新思考與區塊鏈應用社群計畫補助|北科大互動設計系 https://ixd.ntut.edu.tw |北科大創新創業情報站 https://fb.com/ntuticorner

ted fire 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最讚貼文
In this video, Sifu Dan Lok and Sigong Octavio Quintero reveal Bruce Lee's bridging the gap method to being a strong attacker. Watch it now to get the right form for how to bridge the gap.
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE:
With over 24 years of martial arts experience, Octavio Quintero is a certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor and a Warrior Athlete Coach located in Portland Oregon. He has appeared in numerous instructional videos, books, magazines such as Inside Kung Fu, Black Belt and supported the Bruce Lee Foundation with seminars and demonstrations in 2008-2009. (http://www.theartofjkd.com)
Check out Sifu Octavio Quintero's YouTube Channel videos here:
One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.
Dan has studied with legendary martial artist such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).
Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)
For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.
Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.
He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.
He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.
He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.
Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46Ocn3bqnUIaAB-cTUzsAXOG
More Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PuW-CM4gmmMnebKMq3WFMp
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
#DanLok #JKD #AttackingMethod
This video is about Bruce Lee's Bridging The Gap - Best Attacking Method

ted fire 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
In this video, Sifu Dan Lok and Sigong Octavio Quintero reveal how to be flexible like Bruce Lee, and his personal flexibility training. In order to be as efficient and powerful as Bruce Lee, you must be flexible and you must stretch like Bruce Lee. Watch this video to discover how to be flexible like Bruce Lee, and his personal flexibility training.
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE:
With over 24 years of martial arts experience, Octavio Quintero is a certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor and a Warrior Athlete Coach located in Portland Oregon. He has appeared in numerous instructional videos, books, magazines such as Inside Kung Fu, Black Belt and supported the Bruce Lee Foundation with seminars and demonstrations in 2008-2009. (http://www.theartofjkd.com)
Check out Sifu Octavio Quintero's YouTube Channel videos here:
One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.
Dan has studied with legendary martial artist such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).
Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)
For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.
Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.
He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.
He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.
He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.
Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46Ocn3bqnUIaAB-cTUzsAXOG
More Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PuW-CM4gmmMnebKMq3WFMp
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
#DanLok #JKD #FlexibilityTraining
This video is about Bruce Lee’s Personal Flexibility Training

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