My personal training client's (Jing Tai) feedback & testimonial after 15 sessions starting from scratch. A lot of emphasize on proper movement to engage the right muscle = improving body shape
1) Can you describe your 1 or 2 top goals when you started?
Goal 1: Correct mistakes in previous training and (re)build a stronger, more sustainable foundation
Goal 2: Maintain some minimum level of fitness when back home in Malaysia.
2) Is there anything else you'd like to comment on?
I hired Hans as my PT to fulfil a specific role - to properly carry out the first two stages of the OODA loop, Observe and Orient and to a certain extent, Decide
Training on my own in the past, was clear that I couldn't Observe properly (lack of insight / experience into body mechanics), and neither could I Orient correctly (especially with conflicting info on the Internet) as a result. The only thing left was to Act on poor decisions based on flawed understanding - definitely not the proper way to do things and a very easy way to injure oneself. -
It was clear that I had to bring in external expertise to carry out the OOD stages properly and help set a correct baseline upon which I could base further training (how do you know if something is wrong if you don't know what is correct in the first place?), as well as correct previous mistakes
That's where Hans come in as a PT and addressed my concerns about the quality of the training when we started. If no thought was applied and everything ran according to some "Dead - One Size Fit All" template, the whole personal training experience would be pointless and I'd wasted time and money. This was obviously not the case and everything turned out well :)