雖然今天不是我的生日,但是1995年的今天(6/26)有一張影響我很大的90年代名盤誕生,就是電子天團The Chemical Brothers的劃時代首張專輯《Exit Planet Dust》: https://bit.ly/3dgTtgG
或許可以這樣斷言,當初如果沒有這張《Exit Planet Dust》, 我想最初被泛稱為「British-style indie dance」或「indie trip-hop」的breakbeat風潮,不會迅速壯大成Brit-hop/amyl house,更不會在短時間內引發後續的chemical beat/big beat效應。
開場的〈Leave Home〉、〈In Dust We Trust〉 與The Charlatans主唱Tim Burgess跨刀獻聲的〈Life Is Sweet〉, 無疑都是最佳的Brit-hop/amyl house典型, 它們示範了當hip-hip/funk breakbeats、dirty guitar-riffs、綿密重型的bassline、industrial techno匯集成一股極具侵略與攻擊性的dance-crossover-rock能量時,會構成何等強大的殺傷力;樂曲中有大量瘋狂TB-303 acid聲效流竄的〈Chemical Beats〉,曲如其名是chemical beat樂風的最佳範本, 甚至〈Song To The Siren〉也早已具備了Big Beat的雛型。另外, Beth Orton擔任主唱的〈Alive Alone〉還會讓我想起Massive Attack與Cocteau Twins女主唱Liz Frazer在〈Teardrop〉一曲中的合作。
《Exit Planet Dust》之所以重要,不單是它成功地打破了電子舞曲與搖滾樂間的隔閡, 引發了一次世紀末的indie-crossover-dance音樂革命,而且這也是一張集breakbeat類型之大成的高等教材。
「the charlatans」的推薦目錄:
the charlatans 在 Weltschmerz by Tzara Lin Facebook 的最佳解答
無論您是 70年代 Black Sabbath、Queen、Led Zeppelin、Hawkwind,還是 80年代The Stone Roses、The Charlatans、90年代 Oasis、Manic Street Preachers,或千囍年世代 Coldplay的英國搖滾樂迷,您一定聽過威爾斯傳奇錄音室「搖滾農莊」(Rockfield Studio) 出品的經典專輯。
造次映畫 2021 第二彈,《搖滾農莊錄音趣》(Rockfield: The Studio on the Farm) 預告片正式釋出,4/23 全台上映,趕快揪當年一起瘋英國搖滾的朋友。
然後啊,這可能是 Oasis 解散後,Liam 最認真講述當初到底為何解散的一次。拍攝本片的片花,Oasis 的部分,後來有另外剪成一個短版《Oasis - Return To Rockfield》,Oasis 官網去年有發布。
the charlatans 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最佳貼文
Meet the man I’ve been in a LDR with. He’s a bit older than me, but that’s why I like him 😂
In 2019 I met Dr Mark Slavin. I signed up for a course he was delivering called Resistance Training Specialist, purely on the premise that I knew and respected a couple of industry leaders who swore by it. My relentless pursuit of information to improve how I ply my trade meant it had to be worth a shot. I couldn’t deal with the geek-FOMO of not going.
I was fucking busy as a coach at the time, I rushed in on the first morning at 09:05 to his raised eyebrow having coached 06:00-07:00 & 07:30-08:30. My attendance was just in case, why would I bother being punctual?
He started the intro and said the words force and torque. I sat up in my chair like someone had stuck a hot spear up my ass 😳 This was how I, a mechanical engineer, had always thought about exercise.
Except I only had half the equation (looking back, I feel so thick for not realising it at the time 🤦🏻♂️). I’d never considered the internal factors and forces at play. Actually, I had about a tenth of the equation - there was a tonne I hadn’t considered. Having my mentality 10x-ed over the next 4 days was overwhelming but empowering. I still knew SO LITTLE, but now I at least knew how to think 🤔
I was careful not to fall in love. I’d been wrongly impressed by the first educator I ever met. He had asked me to become a course deliverer for him and I politely declined due to being too busy. Thank fuck 😅 There are a few deceiving (intentionally or not) charlatans out there promoting thoughts, pseudo-science and opinions as facts. One-eyed men in valleys of the blind.
Ironically it was his opinions I cherished the most. The elements of coaching that set someone apart. I deal in science and the literal, but his insane experience brought thought processes I couldn’t possibly have acquired by now. I was my usual inquisitive know-it-all pain in the arse and, bizarrely, he stopped me from leaving at the end of Day 4 and asked me if I’d be interested in becoming an RTS educator 😯
(Continued in comments)
the charlatans 在 The Charlatans when Tim Burgess wasn't scary skinny with ... 的推薦與評價
Jan 18, 2015 - See The Charlatans pictures, photo shoots, and listen online to the latest music. ... <看更多>
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The Charlatans. 186804 likes · 3660 talking about this. Best of Spotify Playlist https://charlatans.lnk.to/bestofFB #TheCharlatans30. ... <看更多>