#新刊出版 New release!!!
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 30:美援視覺性──農復會影像專題
U.S. Aid Visuality: The JCRR Issue
● 本期揭載未曾曝光的美援攝影工作底片、檔案與文件!
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In this issue of VOP, we revisit the era of U.S. aid, a period that was of utmost importance to Taiwan’s post-war social and economic development, and explore Taiwan’s much forgotten but crucial visual journey during this era ── the visual archives of the JCRR.
Established in 1948, the Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, or the JCRR, is widely known for the implementation of various land reform and agricultural policies, such as the “375 rent reduction” and “Land-to-the-tiller” programs. Hence, the Commission is considered an important cornerstone to laying the foundations of the “Taiwan Experience” in the 20th century. That said, very few are aware that this U.S. aid organization specializing in agricultural economics was also closely associated with the American propaganda mechanism during the Cold War, and had in its possession countless photos, slides and movies, and produced various images, charts, pamphlets and posters. All these contributed to the formation of the post-war “Taiwan (Visual) Experience”, deeply influencing the development of our visual culture.
How exactly did the Cold War and U.S. aid shape Taiwan’s image and visual perception? This issue’s special feature uncovers the little-known visual activities from the U.S. aid era by investigating the collection of JCRR’s first-hand photo files, negatives, images, films and documents, and traces this important journey of post-war Taiwan photography and U.S. aid visuality that has gradually faded from people’s minds.
Among them, Lee Wei-I examines the historical clues and visual texts of the JCRR, and explores the production of the U.S. aid photographic archives, following the traces of the members of the “JCRR Photography Unit” and the trails of U.S. aid visuals during the Cold War from images and photography to films. Tsai Ming-Yen analyzes the diverse visual manifestations, such as languages, ballads and comics, contained in the semimonthly publication Harvest, which was co-founded by the JCRR, the U.S. Economic Cooperation Administration, and the U.S. Information Service in 1951, presenting a new take on the ideological and political struggles that were hidden beneath the pages of this agricultural publication that could also be said to be the most representative publication of the post-war era. Yang Zi-Qiao looks back at the early agricultural education and propaganda films, and analyzes the discourse and sensory deployment utilized by the JCRR in the development of a post-war Taiwan and the possibilities of the “avant garde” documentary films from the Cold War period through the audio-visual strategies gleaned from director Chen Yao-Chi’s documentary project that was funded by the JCRR. At the same time, Houng Tung-Hung checks out the aerial photography taken by the JCRR in the 1950s for land and forest surveys, and uncovers the origins of Taiwan’s aerial photography with U.S. aid, giving readers a rare glimpse at post-War Taiwan’s aerial landscape photographic archives.
In addition, we will explore the photographic archives of Yang Chih-Hsin (1923-2005), a former photographer who was born during the Japanese colonial period and worked for the JCRR and Harvest, unearthing negatives and documents kept away in the ammunition and photo-paper box that had stayed sealed for more than half a century. This feature presents important files of Yang during his time with JCRR, and photographs taken and written texts produced during the U.S. aid era but were never made public. We go through the visual archives enclosed in what he called a “time capsule”, shedding light on the diversity of his photography career, while reflecting on the complex historial sentiments towards “U.S. aid photography” at the same time.
Lee Li-Chun continues the discussion on scientific photography in his column, exploring the interactive dialectics between the seen and the unseen through the observation technology of astrophotography in the late nineteenth century. Hsieh Pei-Chun focuses on the history of the technology behind remote transmission of visuals and examines the power, knowledge and aesthetics that underlies contemporary digital visual regime. Finally, this issue’s “Photobook Making Case Study” is led by the printing experts at Japan’s Benrido, a workshop that is renowned for its mastery of the collotype printing technique.
Through the large collection of photographic archives presented in this issue, readers will see that there remain many stories on the photography process in the U.S. aid era and various types of visual experiences in Taiwan’s history that are waiting to be unearthed. We thank our readers for staying with VOP for the past decade and we look forward to another ten years of exploring the world of images with you.
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
#美援 #農復會 #冷戰 #台灣 #攝影
#Taiwan #photography
#攝影之聲 #影言社
同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Pixel Start,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Showcase of All Revolver Weapons, Reload Animations and Sounds 1975-2021 Gun Fight 1975 outlaw 1976 Sewer Sam 1983 High Noon 1984 Gun.Smoke 1985 War ...
「the new world (2005)」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 元毓 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 JUST ดู IT. Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 Pixel Start Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 Point of View Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 Terrence Malick in 2023 - Colin Farrell 的評價
- 關於the new world (2005) 在 The New World - Trailer | By The Bay Theatre - Facebook 的評價
the new world (2005) 在 元毓 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 濫發通貨的後果比我們想像中嚴重
如同諾貝爾經濟學獎得主F. A. Hayek曾以蜂蜜形容貨幣的流動,在注入貨幣的過程,會造成某部分價格上漲,然後才慢慢拓展出去。而以當今Fed的貨幣干預手段,我們可以看到美國國債利率的下跌與股票、衍生性金融商品市場的價格上漲為常見的起點。而最後,亦如另一位諾貝爾獎得主M. Friedman所言:「通貨膨脹始終是貨幣現象」。
經濟學家Joseph Carson指出,美國在1970年代的CPI統計是包含房地產價格,因此1979年CPI成長11.3%中有相當比例是因為當年房地產價格激增。但現今的統計卻排除了房地產價格。而新冠疫情之後美國房地產價格因濫印貨幣而飆漲,故即便美國官方公佈的過去12個月CPI增長5.4%,但如果採取1970年代的標準計入房地產價格因素,則實際CPI漲幅應該是兩位數!
這也表示,Fed聲稱通貨膨脹只是暫時且不嚴重的論點,很可能是基於刻意被低估的統計方法。另一個值得一提的,是Fed自疫情封城後每個月都買入$400億美元房貸為基礎的金融證券(mortgage-backed securities),但我們也都清楚2008年美國金融危機的一大肇因就是美國聯邦政府轄下兩個專門替房貸信用擔保的房利美、房地美機構(Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac),其相當於政府干預市場的行為扭曲並蒙蔽了市場對真實風險的判斷。
更值得警醒的是如顧問公司MBS Highway指出美國Fed實質買入的房貸基礎證券金額恐怕高達$1000億美元每月,硬生生人為壓低房貸利率0.25~0.35%。
2. 政府引發通膨並非萬靈丹 -- 菲利普曲線早已失效
a. 本來在娛樂或餐飲旅館行業的就業人士,被疫情的強迫停業嚇怕了,高達70%欲轉行,但多數卻因為行業專業不同難以順利轉換跑道。
b. 過去幾個月來新開出的職缺與失業人數竟然同步上升。
c. 因為疫情許多人跑去城市郊區甚至鄉村避難,結果開出職缺的區域與求職者所在區域出現明顯分離。
d. 同樣因為疫情封城管制造成的後果,紐約市區星巴克的今年五月來店人數相較兩年前同期下降65%,工作機會也隨之發生改變。
e. 每週$400美元的失業補助讓許多失業者不急於找工作。溫蒂漢堡、必勝客、Applebee's、Taco Bell等知名連鎖餐廳提供額外的獎金補貼也依然找不到員工。
3. Biden總統的行政命令
我們可以從Biden總統的發言看到他對基礎經濟學概念的嚴重無知與缺乏:“Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation,” ... “Without healthy competition, big players can change and charge whatever they want, and treat you however they want. And for too many Americans that means accepting a bad deal for things that you can’t go without.”
我們看到前任Fed主席,現任美國財政部部長Janet L. Yellen也於7月中旬接受紐約時報採訪時鬆口承認Trump時代對中國的關稅障礙結果是在傷害美國消費者。("Tariffs are taxes on consumers. In some cases it seems to me what we did hurt American consumers, ...")
這樣的錯誤,美國政府百年來犯了無數次。例如我們曾談過Milton Friedman 與George Stigler 兩位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主共同撰寫的知名論文「Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem」以1906年甫大地震後225,000人無家可歸的舊金山市為研究對象,發現當時無力管制的市政府放任市場自由定價,結果是多數人很快找到新家,即便是十分貧窮者,也有與之對應的廉價房屋提供(1906 advertisement “Six-room house and bath, with 2 additional rooms in basement having fire-places, nicely furnished; fine piano; … $45.")
這點不僅我這樣看,如經濟學名家張五常教授、前任美國聯準會主席Alan Greenspan於2005年美國國會聽證會發言,乃至於經濟學人雜誌2004年10月份的特別報告「Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates」也做如是想,且不說還有許多經濟學家也持一樣的觀點。
誠如Greenspan於前述聽證會上發言指出,對中國貿易制裁結果必然導致美國民生物價上漲與人民生活品質受損,但卻無任何經濟學理與客觀證據支撐政客謬論 -- 制裁中國並無法改善美國就業率。
4. 歐美國家與日本普遍高負債結果只能以提高稅率或利率為結果。
通貨膨脹現象說到底是個「貨幣增長率對上經濟成長率」的過程 -- 當貨幣增長率追不上實質經濟成長率,通貨收縮會發生;當貨幣增長率超過實質經濟成長率,則通貨膨脹會發生。注意,我這裡指的「實質經濟成長率」是「真實」的經濟成長,而不是GDP、凱因斯經濟學那套錯誤的觀念。這部分我以前就為文批評過,有興趣的讀者請自行查找。
英國經濟學家,前英格蘭銀行與英國貨幣政策顧問Charles Goodhart警告:「中國帶給全世界的經濟紅利若因其人口結構老化而逐漸消失,則世界必將面對通貨膨脹衝擊。」("...as aging populations in China and other nations spend more of their savings, average interest rates will rise higher than governments have bargained for...China’s greatest contribution to global growth is now past. This great demographic reversal will lead to a return of inflation.”)
美元20多年來快速通貨成長下而無明顯國內通膨的一個重要因素,在於其做為世界最主要國際貿易交易結算貨幣的角色,使得世界整體經濟成長大於等於美元通貨成長時,通膨率不易上升。就如Greenspan 2005年在美國國會作證所闡釋,中國作為1990年代以來美國成長最快且體量非常大的貿易夥伴,中國對美元的需求本身就保證了美元的購買力,同時物美價廉的中國製造產品也大幅壓低了美國國內物價增長率。
上個世代扮演此角色的是日本,因此我們也看到日本與中國分別是目前美國國債最大持有國。(Foreign governments owned US$7.053 trillion of US debt in November, including China's US$1.063 trillion, and Japan's US$1.260 trillion, US Treasury data showed. )
人民幣國際化的推進與中美經貿脫鉤二者都會帶來美元實質購買力的衰退與美國通膨惡化。因此美國政府如要避免財政危機,必須做到二件事:a. 解除貿易壁壘,尤其是針對中國的貿易制裁;b. 確保中國繼續願意大額購買美國債券以及使用美元為主要國際貿易結算貨幣。
然而如同我多次解釋過,美式民主制度下政客的利益與人民利益往往不一致。當鼓動對中仇視有利於競選時,美國政客很難選擇與中國和平、更深度交流的道路;當增加更多政府管制干預與有利於尋租時,政客也是毫不猶豫地如此選擇。所以我們會在未來相當長時間看到精神分裂的美國 -- 又不希望中國在世界經濟影響力增加而欲打壓,但自己又不能真的因打壓中國與之脫鉤。
WSJ, "How Much Are Prices Up? Here’s One Family’s Day-to-Day Expenses." July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Job Openings Are at Record Highs. Why Aren’t Unemployed Americans Filling Them?" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Governments World-Wide Gorge on Record Debt, Testing New Limits" July 12, 2021
范一飞, "关于数字人民币M0定位的政策含义分析" 2020年09月15日
元毓, "宏觀經濟學的尷尬—菲利普曲線死了嗎?" May 8, 2018
NYT, "Yellen Says China Trade Deal Has ‘Hurt American Consumers’" July 16, 2021
WSJ, "Biden Targets Big Business in Sweeping Executive Order to Spur Competition" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "The 2021 Olympics Are Turning Into a $20 Billion Bust for Japan" July 20, 2021
Bank for International Settlement, "CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system" BIS Annual Economic Report | 23 June 2021
Barron's, "The Housing Market Is on Fire. The Fed Is Stoking the Flames." July 23, 2021
Barron's, "Disco Inferno: The U.S. Could Be Headed Back to ’70s-Style Stagflation" July 16, 2021
Reuters, "Russia raises key rate to 6.5% in sharpest move since 2014" July 23, 2021
Milton Friedman & George Stigler, "Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem" September 1946
Alan Greenspan, "FRB: Testimony" June 23, 2005
The Economist, "Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates" Oct 2nd 2004
the new world (2005) 在 JUST ดู IT. Facebook 的精選貼文
Sadie Sink เผย Easter Egg "Fear Street"
ไขความลับ เชือดข้ามศตวรรษ
ดูคลิป: https://youtu.be/4jwW0sk5_x8
**เปิดเผยเนื้อหาสำคัญของภาพยนตร์ Fear Street Trilogy**
Fear Street ไตรภาคหนังสยองขวัญเชือดข้ามศตวรรษจาก Netflix มีหลายฉากถ่ายทำขึ้นมาเพื่อคารวะหนังเชือดคลาสสิคยุค 90's พร้อมทั้งมี Easter Egg แฝงเอาไว้มากมายด้วยเช่นกัน
หลังลงสตรีมมิ่งครบทั้ง 3 ภาค Netflix ก็ไม่รอช้า ส่งนักแสดงสาวสวย Sadie Sink เจ้าของบทบาท Ziggy Berman มาเผย Easter Egg ที่ซ่อนอยู่ในหนังหนังทั้ง 3 ภาค โดย Easter Egg จากคลิปนี้ประกอบไปด้วย
1. หนังสือ The Wrong Number จากช่วงต้นเรื่องของหนังภาคแรก (Fear Street Part 1: 1994) คือนวนิยายต้นฉบับของ Fear Street และเป็นเล่มที่ 5 ของหนังสือชุดนี้ โดยในฉบับหนังมีการปรับชื่อนามปากกาบนปกจาก R.L. Stine ไปเป็น Robert Lawrence ซึ่งคือชื่อจริงของเขานั่นเอง
2. การคารวะเจ้าพ่อนิยายสยองขวัญ Stephen King ในฉากร้านขายหนังสือจากหนังภาคแรก ด้านหลังแคชเชียร์จะมีโปสเตอร์หนังสือ Insomnia แปะอยู่ ซึ่งหนังสือ Insomnia นั้นวางจำหน่ายครั้งแรกในปี 1994 ปีเดียวกับเหตุการณ์ในหนังภาคแรกครับ รวมไปถึง ตัวละคร Ziggy Berman ของ Sadie Sink จากหนังภาคที่ 2 (Fear Street Part 2: 1978) เองก็ชื่นชอบผลงานของ Stephen King ด้วยเช่นกัน
3. หนังภาคแรกได้แรงบันดาลใจจาก Scream ไม่ว่าจะเป็นฆาตกรต่อเนื่องที่ใส่ชุดผีและหน้ากากเหมือนกัน หรือฉากคารวะสุดคลาสสิคอย่าง ฉากคุยโทรศัพท์ของ Heather ในช่วงต้นเรื่อง
4. สถานที่ถ่ายทำของค่าย Nightwing ในหนังภาคที่ 2 ใช้สถานที่เดียวกันกับค่าย Crystal Lake ในหนังเชือดขึ้นหิ้ง Friday The 13th
5. แรงบันดาลใจของสองฆาตรกรหน้ากากขาวในชุดช่างสีน้ำเงิน William "Billy" Barker (เด็กผู้ชายถือไม้เบสบอล) ได้แรงบันดาลใจมาจาก "Michael Myers ตอนเด็ก" จาก Halloween (1978) และ Harry Rooker (ผู้ชายตัวใหญ่ถือมีด) ได้แรงบันดาลใจมาจาก "Michael Myers" จาก Halloween (1978) เช่นกัน
6. ฉากที่ Tommy Slater จามขวานใส่ประตูเป็นการคารวะให้กับหนังระทึกขวัญอย่าง The Shining
7. การเซ็ตติ้งโลกของหนังภาคที่ 3 (Fear Street Part 3: 1666) ช่วงต้นเรื่่องได้แรงบันดาลใจมาจากหนังของ Terrence Malick เรื่อง The New World (2005)
8. ตัวหนังมีการแอบบอกใบ้มาตั้งแต่ภาคแรกแล้วว่า Nick Goode คือตัวร้าย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นโพเดียมที่เขาพูดในหนังภาคแรกมีตราโลโก้ของเมือง Sunnyvale เป็นรูปปีศาจ, ในหนังภาคที่ 2 ตัวละคร Nick Goode มือเปื้อนเลือดจากเลือดของศพที่เขาบังเอิญจับโดน หรือ การที่งูเลื้อยเขาหาเขาราวกับเป็นสัตว์เลี้ยงที่ภัคดี
นี่เป็นเพียงส่วนหนึ่งเท่านั้นครับ เชื่อว่ายังมีอีกหลากหลาย Easter Egg ที่ซ่อนอยู่ในหนังที่รอให้คนดูกลับไปย้อนดูกันอีกรอบสองรอบ เพื่อหา Easter Egg อื่น ๆ ที่ซ่อนอยู่ รวมไปถึงเหล่าฆาตกรที่โผล่ออกมาในเรื่องแล้วน้อง Sadie Sink ยังไม่ได้เฉลยอีกว่า ตัวละครเหล่านั้นได้รับแรงบันดาลใจมาจากหนังเรื่องไหนบ้าง เอาเป็นว่าใครเจออะไรน่าสนใจอีก ลองคอมเม้นต์บอกเรากันได้ในช่องคอมเม้นต์
Fear Street Trilogy
ดูได้แล้ววันนี้ ที่ #Netflix เท่านั้น
รู้ไว้ก่อนดู: https://youtu.be/4eyOF028CfE
สัมภาษณ์พิเศษ: https://youtu.be/WdfFUu1kWWs
รีบรีวิว: https://www.facebook.com/JustDooItTH/photos/1579688632362259
#จดอ #JUSTดูIT #FearStreet
#ถนนอาถรรพ์ #NetflixTH
the new world (2005) 在 Pixel Start Youtube 的精選貼文
Showcase of All Revolver Weapons, Reload Animations and Sounds
Gun Fight 1975
outlaw 1976
Sewer Sam 1983
High Noon 1984
Gun.Smoke 1985
War of the Dead 1987
Wild West World 1990
Dirty Harry 1990
The Lone Ranger 1991
alone in the dark 1992.
Virtua Cop 2 1995
Powerslave 1996
Outlaws 1997
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 1997
half life 1998
metal gear solid 1998
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour 1999
Tomb Raider: Chronicles 2000
Counter-Strike 2000
Silent Hill 2 2001
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare 2001
serious sam the first encounter 2001
Resident Evil 0 2002
Die Hard: Vendetta 2002
medal of honor allied assault 2002
prohect o.g.i 2 covert strike 2003
XIII 2003
True Crime: Streets of LA 2003
Battlefield Vietnam 2004
Resident Evil: Outbreak 2004
Serious Sam Advance 2004
half life 2 2004
Red Dead Revolver 2004
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the new world (2005) 在 Point of View Youtube 的精選貼文
- Barranco, C. (2020, September 28). The first live attenuated vaccines. Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/d42859-020-00008-5?error=cookies_not_supported&code=dbf0a8ae-e11a-46bd-8a17-e3132c55e0e6
- Didgeon, J. A. (1963). Development of Smallpox Vaccine in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. BMJ, 1(5342), 1367–1372. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.1.5342.1367
- Stern, A. M., & Markel, H. (2005). The History Of Vaccines And Immunization: Familiar Patterns, New Challenges. Health Affairs, 24(3), 611–621. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.24.3.611
- The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (n.d.). Timeline. The History of Vaccines. https://www.historyofvaccines.org/timeline/all
- World Health Organization. (2020, December 30). Vaccines and immunization: What is vaccination? WHO. https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/vaccines-and-immunization-what-is-vaccination
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the new world (2005) 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
Live ชมสดการเปิดตัว All-New Nissan Note 2021 นิสสัน โน้ต โฉมใหม่ เจนเนอเรชั่นที่ 3
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, President: Makoto Uchida) announced on the 24th that it will fully remodel the "Notebook" and release it from December 23, this year (scheduled).
The "Note", which is the most popular model in Nissan's home market, is also a very important model for the business structural reform "Nissan NEXT."
The first " Note " was released in January 2005 with the concept of "a compact car that you can freely enjoy with exhilarating driving and easy-to-use equipment that has never been seen before." Since then, the notebook, which has evolved with the support of many customers, has sold a total of approximately 1.46 million units in 15 years * 1 .
Then, in November 2016, four years after the second generation was released in September 2012, it was released with Nissan's new electric powertrain "e-POWER" born from EV. The powerful and responsive acceleration unique to 100% motor drive and the excellent quietness of "electric driving" have been highly evaluated by customers and won the No. 1 registered vehicle sales in the 2018 calendar year. .. Furthermore, it rushed to become a model representing Nissan with an explosive hit, such as winning the No. 1 domestic compact car sales in the calendar year for the third consecutive year from 2017 to 2019.
* 1 As of the end of October 2020 (according to Nissan research)
The third-generation "Note" to be announced this time is based on the concept of "an advanced compact car packed with driving comfort and enjoyment that exceeds the common sense of compact cars", and the platform has been redesigned and the system has been significantly redesigned. It will be reborn as a completely new advanced compact car, including the first installation of the upgraded 2nd generation "e-POWER". The 2nd generation "e-POWER" has renewed the powertrain hardware and its control, achieving both more powerful and high-quality driving and efficiency at a high level. In addition, smooth and desired "acceleration", smooth "deceleration" control, and outstanding "quietness" unique to electric powertrains have been dramatically improved.
In addition, the driving support technology "ProPilot," which is the first compact car to be installed, is equipped with Nissan's first navigation link function. In addition, by enhancing advanced safety technologies such as "360 ° safety support" in all directions, customers can ride with peace of mind.
The design of the new "Note" embodies the keyword "Timeless Japanese Futureism" of Nissan Design, which is shifting to the new generation. The design of the new "Note", which is consistent with Nissan's first crossover EV "Nissan Aria", which made its world premiere in July this year, appeals to new values and is electrified without being bound by the common wisdom of compact cars. The design makes you feel the times of.
In addition, a full-scale electric 4WD vehicle that drives four wheels with two powerful motors provided in the front and rear will be announced in December this year.
Ashwani Gupta, Chief Operating Officer of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., said, "'e-POWER' has been recognized by the strict eyes of Japanese customers and has sold a total of 430,000 units. Further refinement of that e-POWER. The new notebook will be equipped with the second-generation e-POWER, which has further improved power, response, and quietness. Nissan will continue to increase the number of e-POWER fans with the new notebook announced today. ", Said.

the new world (2005) 在 The New World - Trailer | By The Bay Theatre - Facebook 的推薦與評價
The New World - Trailer · Friday Sept 30th @10pm! Late Night Films presents: The New World ( 2005 ). Directed by Terrence Malick, Starring: Colin ... ... <看更多>
the new world (2005) 在 Terrence Malick in 2023 - Colin Farrell 的推薦與評價
Colin Farrell. The New World, 2005 - Terrence Malick. ... <看更多>