[ 畏光的蛾 ]
直到11/1當天進場就知道一切都是值得的,感謝Beyond Cure、Urging Oblivion 泥洹之迫,還有從香港前來助刀的Acting We Acting,特別來賓Joe,PA小熊,攝影師Zin和土雞團隊,以及把The Wall塞爆的你們。
希望今天的表演都讓大家覺得值得,也請大家記住我們是EMERGING FROM THE COCOON破繭而出,想做的事情還有很多,也想走得更遠,希望未來在更大的舞台上再相見,我們也會永遠記得你們,謝謝,晚安。
Finally, the Lucifugous Moth album release concert was done and thanks to everyone who came to the show, you made this perfect. We did so much to prepare all the details and on the moment the show started, we knew it's all worthy. Thanks to Beyond Cure, Urging Oblivion 泥洹之迫, Acting we Acting, Joe Henley, Billy Drummed, Blake.L Photo/film, Zin, the staff and everyone we came and give us the biggest support in the world. Please remember this night and remember that EMERGING FROM THE COCOON promise to you that we will go further and further. See you next time on the bigger stage. We love you. Once again, thank you very much.