TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ COVID 19 [Kèm thành ngữ Health/illness + Ví dụ chi tiết]
- the COVID-19 pandemic: đại dịch COVID-19
- to be fully vaccinated: được tiêm chủng đầy đủ
- confirmed COVID-19 cases: các trường hợp mắc Covid 19 đã được ghi nhận
- to present an unprecedented challenge to ...: đặt ra thách thức chưa từng có đối với ...
- to be at risk of falling into extreme poverty: có nguy cơ rơi vào cảnh nghèo khó cùng cực
- to face an existential threat: đối mặt với một mối đe dọa tới sự tồn tại của con người
- to earn an income during lockdowns: kiếm thu nhập trong thời gian phong tỏa
- a lack of hospital beds: thiếu giường bệnh
- to experience financial hardship: gặp khó khăn về tài chính
- the Delta variant: Biến thể Delta
- to be life threatening: đe dọa tính mạng
- to spread rapidly around the world: lây lan nhanh chóng trên toàn thế giới
- to develop severe breathing problems: tiến triển các vấn đề về hô hấp nghiêm trọng
- underlying medical conditions: bệnh nền
- to cause a wide range of illnesses: gây ra nhiều loại bệnh
- a global health crisis: một cuộc khủng hoảng sức khỏe toàn cầu
- to halt the spread of the virus: ngăn chặn sự lây lan của vi rút
- to impose tighter restrictions on movement: áp đặt những hạn chế chặt chẽ hơn đối với việc di chuyển/đi lại
- to be under the weather = feel slightly ill: cảm thấy không được khỏe
- on your last legs = A person who is on their last legs is very tired or near to death: suy yếu cùng cực
- to be out of sort = to be slightly ill: cảm thấy khó chịu trong người
- you're not your usual/normal self = you're not looking or bahaving as you usually do: không bình thường như mọi ngày
- off-colour = looking or feeling ill: có vẻ ốm yếu
- feel/look like death warmed up = feel or look very ill or tired: nhìn rất mệt mỏi, nhợt nhạt
- throw up = vomit: nôn mửa
- keel over = fall over, especially when you feel ill: ngất đi
- pass out = faint; lost consciousness for a short time: đột ngột bất tỉnh
- wear off = (of a pain, feeling, or effect) gradually disappear or stop: (cơn đau, ...) dần tan biến
- com/go down with something = get one of the common illness: bị bệnh gì
- go round = spread from person to person: lây lan
- pick something up = catch an infectious illness: nhiễm bệnh ...
- take things/it easy = relax and avoid working hard or doing too much: nghỉ ngơi
PHẦN VÍ DỤ + ẢNH HƯỞNG: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-chu-de-covid-19/
「the cause and effect of poverty」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the cause and effect of poverty 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the cause and effect of poverty 在 Tiffany Shek 註冊營養師 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the cause and effect of poverty 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the cause and effect of poverty 在 Causes and Effects of Poverty - Pinterest 的評價
the cause and effect of poverty 在 Tiffany Shek 註冊營養師 Facebook 的精選貼文
💥There’s been lots of sensational headlines around a new study that was released this week 😱 So we thought we’d do a quick summary.
🔎For a more thorough breakdown we’d recommend the reviews by Dr Joanna McMillan & Nutrition Wonk (linked below)
🔬The research (called the PURE study), looked at the diets of 135,335 people in 18 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
🍏Researchers looked at what people ate & followed them for ~7 years. They recorded who died (& why), as well as who had a cardiovascular event (like a heart attack/stroke).
❤️They then used their data on peoples diets to find out if there was any link between the % of macronutrients (carbs, fats, proteins) people ate & their risk of dying from heart disease/having a cardiovascular event.
🍚They found that the people who ate the most carbs (~77% of their diet) had a 28% higher risk of death (from all causes, but not from heart disease).
🥑They also found that the people who ate the most fat (~35% of their diets) had a 23% lower risk of death than people who ate the least fat (~10%).
🍖The type of fat people ate didn’t make a difference to the risk of heart disease or cardio events.
🍗 Low intakes of saturated fat were associated with a higher risk of stroke.
✋️Not so fast! There’s a few things in this study which aren’t immediately obvious from the headlines:
1. It was an observational study - this means it can show links and patterns but not cause & effect.
2. The people who ate less than 60% of energy from carbohydrate weren’t at an increased risk of death, this association was only seen at VERY HIGH intakes of carbohydrates, not moderate intakes, as seen in the UK.
3. This study is done predominantly in low & middle income countries and the results may be clouded by poverty. For example, protein & fat in poor countries are usually more expensive than carbs. This means that people who are poorer are likely to eat a lot more carbs and not through choice. Poverty also usually means poorer access to/adequacy of healthcare and diets which don’t meet energy and nutrient requirements. It’s hard to tease this relationship out and so it could affect the results.
4. The high fat diet wasn’t really high fat. In fact the highest fat group ate ~35% fat, which is similar to current UK recommended amounts. The effects at higher intakes of fats weren’t included in the study.
5. This study only looked at different types of fat and not different types of carbohydrate, the predominant source of carbs in Asia being refined white rice, for example.
👍Overall, this study is an interesting addition to the body of research on fats and carbohydrates.
⚖️Its findings are in line with other research that has indicated that we shouldn’t be afraid of eating a moderate amount of fat (a la med diet), and that we shouldn’t be replacing fats with carbohydrates in our diets.
🤓However, unlike the headlines suggest, it’s not an indication that all carbs are “bad” for us, or a green light to eat bucket loads of fat. It simply supports the notion that diets with moderate amounts of good quality carbs and fats can be healthy.
the cause and effect of poverty 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
(1) procure (V.) 導致; 取得; 獲得; 實現
(英英: to bring about)
- to procure a solution to a knotty problem
例: The drunkard procured his death.
例: The traitors procured the death of the prince.
(2) induce (V.) 引誘; 招致; 感應; 引起
(英英: to bring about or stimulate the occurrence of )
例: Some drugs induce sleep.
例: Overwork induces illness.
(3) generate (V.) 引起; 造成; 使存在
(英英: to cause something to exist)
例: Her latest film has generated a lot of interest/ excitement.
(4) engender (V.) 引起(某種感覺); 導致; 產生
(英英: to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist)
例: Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.
例: The minister’s speech did not engender confidence in his judgement.
(5) precipitate (V.) 猛拋;使陷入;導致; 使發生
例: An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.
例: Fear of losing her job precipitated her into action.
(6) inspire (V.) 激發(想法); 喚起; 激起
例: The captain’s heroic behavior inspired loyalty among her followers.
例: The design of the car has inspired many limitations.
* 由例句可看出inspire亦有”造成、導致”的含義
(7) foster (V.) 促成 ; 培養
(英英: to encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good) )
例: Sufficient light condition fosters well-grown plants.
(8) provoke (V.) 激起、引起(尤指負面反應)
(英英: to cause a reaction, especially a negative one)
例: The prospect of increased prices has already provoked an outcry.
例: Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.
(9) effectuate (V.) 導致; 使發生; 實現
(英英: to cause to happen; effect; accomplish)
(10) trigger (V.) 觸發; 引起 (通常是負面的結果)
(英英: to cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist)
例:This mentalist yearn easily trigger a large-scale consumption campaign.
例: What triggered the disturbances in January?
(11) beget (V.) [正式FORMAL] 引起; 導致
例: Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime.
(12) enkindle (V.) 點燃; 使點燃; 引起
例: That hope might enkindle you to aim at the throne.
(以上字典取自- dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com | dictionary.com )
the cause and effect of poverty 在 Causes and Effects of Poverty - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Sep 11, 2014 - Poverty has been a problem which human race at large has been fighting ... Causes and Effects of Poverty Cause And Effect, Politics, Writing, ... ... <看更多>