Conservatives and Liberals | Lee Yee
In the 1960s and 1970s, the American Civil Rights movement, the anti-Vietnam war movement, and the European movement were in the rage. At that time I was still young, and saw that in Western ideologies there were the liberals and the radicals. The middle-aged and older people were mostly liberals, and young people were mostly radicals. Nobody called themselves conservative at that time. It was as if there was a consensus that society should reform, that being conservative means not progressive. It was not until 1979 and 1981 when Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher and U.S. President Reagan came to power and implemented conservative policies, succeeded, before the British and American politics went back to being traditional. However, the yearning for equality brought about by these civil movements has since become the mainstream driving ideology and consciousness in Western academics and media.
In the United States' two parties, the Republicans are generally considered conservatives, and the Democrats are liberals. Of course, there is mutual influence and infiltration into each and among each other. There are no generally accepted standard definitions for liberalism and conservatism, for they reflect socio-ideological trends and political practices of politicians.
Liberalism basically has four pillars: one, it recognizes that there are unavoidable conflicts of interest and beliefs in society; two, distrust of power; three, that people are progressive, and subjectively promotes the progress of human civilization; four, regardless of people’s ideology, identity, race, gender, or sexual orientation, they should be respected and accepted for their diversity, minorities are tolerated, and equality is pursued.
Conservatism is by no means an antonym to the pursuit of freedom. Both Mrs. Thatcher and Reagan are the most resolute guardians of freedom; conservatism does not deny power, but emphasizes that power must be monitored, checked and balanced.
In terms of welfare policies, liberalism pursues equality, protects minority rights, protects disadvantaged groups, and promotes and enhances social welfare. Since the increase in welfare would come from government spending, therefore there have to be tax increases. It is not like conservatism disregard the disadvantaged groups, but rather, it believes that there can be no true equality except before God and a fair court. It must first recognize the various differences and groups in people, and the pursuit of equality regardless of differences will only create new inequalities. If society eventually moves towards the equal distribution in socialism, people will move towards the path of slavery. Conservatism does not oppose welfare, but rather, it believes that charitable organizations, churches, civic organizations, or foundations should help the weak and helpless in society. The government ought to provide only policy assistance from the side, because if the government is to lead welfare, it will lead to excessive governance and intervention, and the price to pay will be an increase in taxation, leading to inflation. One of the founding spirits of the United States is that everyone is self-reliant. For those with the ability to make their own living to rely on government welfare for a prolonged period will actually make people live a life without self-esteem.
Liberalism seeks equal distribution from anti-discrimination, anti-difference, and equal opportunity, which is a road towards socialism. Conservatism does not seek rapid progress,; it believes that customs, conventions, and continuity should be followed. Ancient customs allow people to live together in harmony; those who destroy customs can destroy beyond what they want to destroy. The Cultural Revolution revolutionized the fate of culture. Conservatives also do not oppose social progress, but progress will not fall from the sky. If certain parts of society are progressing, other parts usually are declining. A healthy society must be both “enduring” and “developing”. For society to sustain endurance for a long time, there must be lasting faith. If that cannot last, the root source of righteousness will collapse.
In order not to interfere with people’s freedom, conservatism advocates small government, deregulation, tax reduction, in an attempt to create an environment conducive to the operation of private enterprises. Before Reagan was elected, both society and the economy were in difficult situations. The Americans hoped that Reagan could save the economy when he came to power, but in his inauguration speech, he said, “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” Loosening up, reducing taxes, and adopting inaction, Reagan rejuvenated the U.S. economy.
Despite advocating for small governments, successive Republican governments, from Reagan to Bush to Trump, have increased military spending and maintained a strong military power; the Democratic Party’s Obama, on the other hand, wanted to be tolerant of totalitarian countries and cut military spending. Reagan developed a space war plan, and Trump developed the space army, because they believe that neither democracy or totalitarianism is people’s choice between different systems, but between people’s choice or the system imposed upon them by those in power; it is the difference between righteousness and evil, no middle ground, no moral relativism. Goodness must become the strong one, or else evil fascism will encroach, control, and ultimately defeat you.
「the cultural differences between two different countries」的推薦目錄:
the cultural differences between two different countries 在 張碩文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
「Members of International Press Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
Welcome to Taiwan to witness the Presidential Election of the Republic of China. I thank you for your participation in this press conference, and hope that because of your report, Taiwan’s vigorous democracy can be well perceived internationally.
People of Taiwan cherish freedom and our democratic system. This right to vote, this government of the people, by the people and for the people, is the fruit of a long fight for democracy in the past decades. I am proud, of myself and my party, People First Party, for being a part of such transition. We are gratified that the forthcoming election is a great manifestation of our democracy in action.
Over the past thirty years, Taiwan has lifted martial law and moved toward a truly democratic country. During that period, I am privileged and honored to have played a key role in making Taiwan’s democracy a reality. Today, I am running for the President of the Republic of China, and hope to devote myself again to further enhancing the well-being of our people.
As you have already known, we are now facing the rise of China and our ever closer ties in all aspects. Every citizen in this country realizes that the President’s prime responsibility is to manage stable Cross-Strait relations to foster mutually beneficial economic and cultural interflows. Under the framework of the R.O.C. Constitution, maintaining status quo is and will continue to be the governing principle of Taiwan’s future interactions with Mainland China. We will continue to follow the peaceful development strategy, while at the same time, bringing in transparency, all-party consultation, participation and public deliberation, as well as rigorous parliamentary scrutiny into our China policy making process.
I would also like to take this opportunity to convey to the world and to the people of Mainland China that the differences between the two sides of Taiwan Strait rest on the different social, economic and political systems. The existence of the government of Republic of China on Taiwan is a reality. It is an undeniable fact. We, the people of Taiwan, have every right to choose our way of life and shall never give up our rights to freedom and democracy.
I am sure all of you have noticed a recent, subtle yet important development from the meeting of leaders from both sides of the Strait in Singapore. It was the first time since 1949 that a Chinese Communist leader ever publicly acknowledged that Taiwan and Mainland China have been “under different executive administrations.” If elected, I will continue the dialogues with Mainland China with mutual respect and pragmatism.
In past years, I have been recognized as the person trusted in handling Cross-Strait relations. My assumption of President’s office assures the world that peace and stability in this region will be securely maintained.
My previous position as the Provincial Governor of Taiwan has firmly earned me the reputation of a competent and accountable man of the people. If elected, I will organize an efficient grand coalition government to serve the needs of our people and put aside the decade-long inter-party fight between the so-called blue and green camps. Together, I will lead the government and people rebuild the pride and prosperity people of Taiwan deserve.
The Republic of China is devoted to playing the role of a strategic buffer in East Asia, both in geopolitical and temporal senses. Taiwan will firmly uphold the essential obligations in maintaining peace and stability of East Asia, thereby promoting positive interactions amongst the United States, Mainland China, Japan and Taiwan. We shall not undertake any unilateral or provocative actions to compromise the stability of Cross-Strait relations, for we believe that this might result in unnecessary confrontation between the United States and China, consequently jeopardizing the peace and security in the region.
Taiwan will continue to maintain balanced economic relations with our trading partners such as the United States, China, Japan, European Union and ASEAN countries. In our economic and trade exchanges with Mainland China, Taiwan will abide by the principles of benefit-sharing and reciprocity because the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are crucial for Taiwan’s prosperity and economic growth. Furthermore, as a member of the global community, we are dedicated to promoting “low-carbon economy” and ensuring sustainable development of the world environment.
In closing, let me emphasize again, that Taiwan’s democracy and economic livelihood is the fruit of decades of collaborate efforts of the people of Taiwan. I will make every effort to defend such way of life and stand by our people for years to come.
Thank you again and I wish you all the best in the year of the Monkey.」
#三重 #立法委員
the cultural differences between two different countries 在 宋楚瑜 大家庭 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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「Members of International Press Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
Welcome to Taiwan to witness the Presidential Election of the Republic of China. I thank you for your participation in this press conference, and hope that because of your report, Taiwan’s vigorous democracy can be well perceived internationally.
People of Taiwan cherish freedom and our democratic system. This right to vote, this government of the people, by the people and for the people, is the fruit of a long fight for democracy in the past decades. I am proud, of myself and my party, People First Party, for being a part of such transition. We are gratified that the forthcoming election is a great manifestation of our democracy in action.
Over the past thirty years, Taiwan has lifted martial law and moved toward a truly democratic country. During that period, I am privileged and honored to have played a key role in making Taiwan’s democracy a reality. Today, I am running for the President of the Republic of China, and hope to devote myself again to further enhancing the well-being of our people.
As you have already known, we are now facing the rise of China and our ever closer ties in all aspects. Every citizen in this country realizes that the President’s prime responsibility is to manage stable Cross-Strait relations to foster mutually beneficial economic and cultural interflows. Under the framework of the R.O.C. Constitution, maintaining status quo is and will continue to be the governing principle of Taiwan’s future interactions with Mainland China. We will continue to follow the peaceful development strategy, while at the same time, bringing in transparency, all-party consultation, participation and public deliberation, as well as rigorous parliamentary scrutiny into our China policy making process.
I would also like to take this opportunity to convey to the world and to the people of Mainland China that the differences between the two sides of Taiwan Strait rest on the different social, economic and political systems. The existence of the government of Republic of China on Taiwan is a reality. It is an undeniable fact. We, the people of Taiwan, have every right to choose our way of life and shall never give up our rights to freedom and democracy.
I am sure all of you have noticed a recent, subtle yet important development from the meeting of leaders from both sides of the Strait in Singapore. It was the first time since 1949 that a Chinese Communist leader ever publicly acknowledged that Taiwan and Mainland China have been “under different executive administrations.” If elected, I will continue the dialogues with Mainland China with mutual respect and pragmatism.
In past years, I have been recognized as the person trusted in handling Cross-Strait relations. My assumption of President’s office assures the world that peace and stability in this region will be securely maintained.
My previous position as the Provincial Governor of Taiwan has firmly earned me the reputation of a competent and accountable man of the people. If elected, I will organize an efficient grand coalition government to serve the needs of our people and put aside the decade-long inter-party fight between the so-called blue and green camps. Together, I will lead the government and people rebuild the pride and prosperity people of Taiwan deserve.
The Republic of China is devoted to playing the role of a strategic buffer in East Asia, both in geopolitical and temporal senses. Taiwan will firmly uphold the essential obligations in maintaining peace and stability of East Asia, thereby promoting positive interactions amongst the United States, Mainland China, Japan and Taiwan. We shall not undertake any unilateral or provocative actions to compromise the stability of Cross-Strait relations, for we believe that this might result in unnecessary confrontation between the United States and China, consequently jeopardizing the peace and security in the region.
Taiwan will continue to maintain balanced economic relations with our trading partners such as the United States, China, Japan, European Union and ASEAN countries. In our economic and trade exchanges with Mainland China, Taiwan will abide by the principles of benefit-sharing and reciprocity because the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are crucial for Taiwan’s prosperity and economic growth. Furthermore, as a member of the global community, we are dedicated to promoting “low-carbon economy” and ensuring sustainable development of the world environment.
In closing, let me emphasize again, that Taiwan’s democracy and economic livelihood is the fruit of decades of collaborate efforts of the people of Taiwan. I will make every effort to defend such way of life and stand by our people for years to come.
Thank you again and I wish you all the best in the year of the Monkey.」
我相信大家都已經注意到兩岸領導人在新加坡會面這個微妙但卻重要的發展。從1949 年以來,這是第一次中國共產黨的領導人公開承認,「兩岸分治」的事實。如果我當選,我將繼續與中國大陸在相互尊重的基礎上,以務實的態度來進行和平對談。