(✪‿✪)ノ排程中晝發文 #國際法法理建國 Q&A
Q193 :負責戰後託管的機構,不是聯合國託管理事會麼? 其當然有權依聯合國憲章安排進程。舊金山和約我沒記錯是授權當事國與日本另訂條款,提到移交聯合國託管機制的也就是西南群島和南方各島,而台灣也從未於法理上與中華民國形成託管關係,還是你指「代管」是與託管無關的另一個概念?
Chapter II. Territory
(d) Japan renounces all right, title and claim in connection with the League of Nations Mandate System, and accepts the action of the United Nations Security Council of April 2, 1947, extending the trusteeship system to the Pacific Islands formerly under mandate to Japan.
Article 3
Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29° north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands), Nanpo Shoto south of Sofu Gan (including the Bonin Islands, Rosario Island and the Volcano Islands) and Parece Vela and Marcus Island. Pending the making of such a proposal and affirmative action thereon, the United States will have the right to exercise all and any powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory and inhabitants of these islands, including their territorial waters.
盟佔授權依據《一般命令第一號》是 1945.9.2 發佈,聯合國是在 1945.10.24 成立。因此,中華民國政權依據《一般命令第一號》為盟軍實施的佔領代管當然與聯合國託管制度無關。
3.日本在《舊金山和約》第2條,放棄她對在第一次世界大戰後受國際聯盟託付的「委任統治地」所具有的一切權利、權利名義及請求,並「接受」聯合國安全理事會於 1947 年 4 月 2 日以第 21 號決議對該地區所做的安排。這些地方並不是因為《舊金山和約》而成為聯合國託管地,而是早在 1947 年 7 月 18 日就已依據安理會前述決議成為聯合國託管地,並由美國擔任託管國。
台澎是在《舊金山和約》Chapter II. Territory
(b) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.
👉🏻 同盟國是什麼?同盟國與ROC政權之間的關係? https://wp.me/pd1HGm-kX
內部自決權 vs 外部自決權、民族自決權 vs 住民自決權、自決權的行使 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-5S
因為中華民國政權代表盟軍來台受降,停戰接著就是進行軍事占領,直到簽署和平條約,能有最終處置。 因為是盟軍全體成員授權之下作為同盟國的代理人,簡稱代管,代理他人進行管理的意思。只是我們法理建國派每次要解釋這一段就很複雜。還有一個原因就是我們並不想讓人誤以為與聯合國「託管」有關!
「#終止代管自決建國」的口號8個字解壓縮後就是 《台澎法理建國指南》的所有內容。
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「the ryukyu islands under united states administration」的推薦目錄:
the ryukyu islands under united states administration 在 張安樂粉絲團 Facebook 的最讚貼文
June 12th 2018
Dear Mrs. Royce, Assistant Secretary of State:
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Taiwan Province of China. However, we would like to make my stand very clear that any encouragement on your part for the current DDP administration to further drift away from China will be wrong and thus unwelcomed. Pursuing the path of Taiwan independence will only create confrontation between Taiwan and the Mainland, and put people from both sides in a precarious position.
This statement may come as a surprise to you or sound like an exaggeration, but historical precedents prove valid my point. Take Vietnam as an example. In 1954, upon the French surrender in Diên Biên Phu, Vietnam was about to be unified after long term division. For its own strategic interest in Asia, however, the American government forcefully interfered and pitted the puppet Southern Vietnam government against the Democratize Republic of Vietnam. Consequently, Vietnam suffered from two decades of brutal civil war, with millions of lives perished on both sides. Additionally, more than 50,000 young Americans died on foreign soil for their government’s reckless political move. As a result, antiwar cries roared in the United States and unsettled American society for decades. The American government eventually regretted its involvement in Vietnam and withdrew, leaving the souls of millions of died Vietnamese forever lingering in their ruined motherland.
Moreover, as the self-branded “world police,” the American government acted like a bully and gained every inch of its territory in dishonorable ways. It took the land from native Americans through genocide, seized much of Mexico through war, and then expanded into the Pacific with the annexation of Hawaii. Now, the United States has set its eyes on the West Pacific and plots to put the vast ocean under its control. For this purpose, it tries to block China’s access to the Pacific through East China Sea by maneuvering the Ryukyu islands and Taiwan.
Ryukyu used to be a peaceful small kingdom between China and Japan. Japan annexed Ryukyu islands in the 19th century, turning it into as a military base for further encroachment into China and Southeast Asia. When trying to bring the Pacific War to an end and force Japan to surrender, the Americans launched the Okinawa campaign, resulting in the loss of a quarter of Ryukyuan population. The American government is now doing exactly what imperial Japan had done in Ryukyu by setting up a military base there and putting Ryukyu again in a political hot zone. Is the United States going to make people in Ryukyu relive the tragedy of the Battle of Okinawa? Please convey the message to your government: withdraw from Ryukyu and spare the innocent people there!
As for Taiwan, only peaceful reunification with Mainland will guarantee its long term safety, stability, and wellbeing of its people. If the American government, for its own interest, supports the separatist government in Taiwan and provokes further conflicts with Mainland , people are going to suffer, and Taiwan will be in great danger. How can you expect such a gloomy scenario to not incur tremendous loss on your own nation?
As the most populous nation with the longest continuous civilization, China is at a glorious moment of national rejuvenation. It has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity, and unification
of Taiwan with the Mainland is the destined future. Any forceful resistance to this destiny is not
only to no avail, but also deliberately puts numerous innocent lives in great risk. The wounds in Vietnam are still fresh. Please do not repeat the mistake in the past, and stop your wrong policy in Taiwan before it is too late!
Best Regards
Chinese Unification Party