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the shivering truth 在 SF Artography Facebook 的最讚貼文
At first I thought I saw something on the stairs, not knowing it was a dog. My steps stop as there were two dogs on my way to the top of the staircase. Both of them were shivering terribly as it rains heavily outside. There was no other available shelter except the stairs. They have no options but to take the risks to comfort themselves out of the busy streets.
People are coming up and down to take the train. These people were afraid. Afraid of the dogs as the dogs can bite them. Some panicked if they accidentally touch the dogs because the dogs are wet and they have to 'samak', a method of cleansing for a Muslim after he or she has touched a wet dog. Some understand the situation encountered by the dogs. Most do not.
A few groups of people stopped and one of them criticize the dog and told others that he was bitten by one of the dogs previously. Looking at his attitude, not sure either it was the truth, only God knows. Sadly, the dogs have to leave the area and they were confused as people were all around them.
The brown dog was terrified as she got scolded and she ran. My heart cries for them. All they need is a shelter and us to understand their situation. You will know if a dog is mad or not in one look or after seconds of observation. These dogs are absolutely nice and simply fighting their hard life battle to live, like us.
However, their life is harder. They are strays, homeless, without love and basic necessities. They won't harm or disturb you if you don't do anything awful or ridiculous to them.
Animals are creatures of the world. If we look down upon them, we are worse than them. We are given intelligence and heart to understand love and life. Use that wisely. Hence, if you saw an animal that needs shelter, make way for them. Best, you can provide them one. Don't make them terrified because they have been scared their whole life.
Have a heart, feel them and you will understand.