Morning Folks! ☀️.
Awarded @michelinguide back then in 2016, The 1950s Features Only Traditional Breakfast items which consists of Kaya Butter Bread, Egg, Thick Toast and Traditional Coffee and Tea!.
Coffee was robust enough to start the day right, but this time their Toasts seems abit lacklustre!. However I'm glad the thickness of the Butter, and the Generous Kaya Spread and Sugar Saved it!.
Nevertheless, We still prefer thicker sliced toast for the amount we're paying!.
Ps: Happy #TGIF in Advance! Great day ahead Guys!.
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Ytower Cooking channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,買Cuisinart美膳雅 液晶溫控多功能燒烤器 GR-5NTW 按這裡→ 1.煎餃 材料: 冷凍熟水餃 適量/ frozen dumpling 太白粉水(水60ml、太白粉2茶匙)/ thickener 作法: 1. 用210℃煎烤模式預熱烤盤。...
thick sliced toast 在 琪人譯事:翻譯途中的文化風景 Facebook 的最佳貼文
bake - to make (food, such as bread and cake) by preparing a dough, batter, etc., and cooking it in an oven using dry heat
EX: We bake bread and cake in an oven.
toast - to make (as bread) crisp, hot, and brown by heat
EX: She toasted bread for breakfast.
roast - to cook (food such as chicken, potatoes, or beef) with dry heat in an oven or over a fire
EX: He roasted a chicken for dinner.
grill - to cook (food) on a metal frame over fire
EX: Grill the burgers for eight minutes each side.
broil - to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat
EX: They broiled a turkey over charcoal.
接著,試著用知名語料庫COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English) 搜尋這些動詞,並各舉出搜尋結果的三個例子:
bake -
1. Grate fresh ginger (dried may not be as potent) into stir-fries or even bake it into cookies.
2. Defrost frozen spinach in a casserole dish, top with shredded Parmesan, and bake at 350 degrees until the top is golden brown.
3. Bake peppers until breadcrumbs are golden, about 10 minutes.
toast -
1. Brush baguette slices on both sides with olive oil; toast bread until golden, then flip and repeat.
2. Toast the bread until golden.
3. HEAT oil in small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add mustard seeds, curry powder, and cumin. Toast, stirring, until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
roast -
1. Roast peppers directly under broiler or over an open flame, turning frequently until blistered and blackened on all sides, 6 to 8 minutes.
2. Roast until bacon is crisp, 15 to 20 minutes, stirring halfway through to break up any clumps.
3. Roast chicken until skin is golden brown and an instant-read thermometer reaches 167F when inserted into thickest part of thigh, 50 to 60 minutes.
grill -
1. Brush one side of each pizza with 1 tablespoon olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and grill with oiled side facedown on grates for 9 minutes.
2. That's why I grill lamb, usually a butterflied leg.
3. Grill or broil the meat 6 to 7 minutes, and then freeze the cooked beef for 5 minutes so you can slice it thinly with ease.
broil -
1. Arrange the sliced meat on a baking sheet, top with the vegetables, and add a few thin shavings of Gruyere cheese on top. Broil 1 minute.
2. Season fish with salt and pepper. Arrange in single layer on sheet pan lined with nonstick foil. Broil until cooked through, about 6 minutes.
3. Slice zucchini lengthwise into 1/8 " -to 1/4 " -thick slices with mandoline or sharp knife. Working in batches, arrange slices in single layer on prepared pans and coat tops with spray. Broil 6 " from heat until golden, 5 minutes.
bake - In the case of cakes or casseroles the food fills the pan so that you get even cooking but the food does not dry out. Also used as a general term for cooking almost anything in the oven.
toast - Generally the heat is both top and bottom (or side to side in a toaster) and it is a dry cooking method with a food that has little moisture, bread for example.
roast - Higher temperature with the intent to caramelize the outer portion of the food to bring out flavor. An example of this would be roasting a piece of meat, or vegetables. The pan is large enough to allow heat to reach most sides of the food that is being cooked.
grill - The heat comes from the bottom to cook the food.
broil - The heat comes from the top to cook the food.
bake - 食材通常是麵糰,用來烤麵包、糕點、餅乾等,但也可以指魚肉、燉菜、馬鈴薯等多種食物;烹調時間長;使用器具為烤箱。
toast - 食材通常是水份極少的麵包(如法國長棍麵包、吐司);烹調時間通常較短;使用器具基本上為烤麵包機;此外,這個動詞最終目的是將食材烤至金黃、酥脆。
roast - 食材通常是雞、豬、牛等,以一大塊肉或整隻動物的形式,也可指馬鈴薯、花生、栗子、咖啡豆、堅果類包覆在鋁箔中;烹調時間較長、溫度較高;使用器具為烤箱或炭火;若指肉類,最終目的是將食材烤至金黃、酥脆。
grill - 食材不拘;烹調時間較broil長;使用器具為烤箱或烤架,尤其是指放於鐵網上烤;熱源來自下方。
broil - 食材不拘;烹調時間很短;使用器具為烤箱,需先預熱;熱源來自上方,溫度極高,十分接近食材,以快速烤熟食物為目的,烤箱門通常打開來烤。
thick sliced toast 在 Ytower Cooking channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
買Cuisinart美膳雅 液晶溫控多功能燒烤器 GR-5NTW 按這裡→
冷凍熟水餃 適量/ frozen dumpling
太白粉水(水60ml、太白粉2茶匙)/ thickener
1. 用210℃煎烤模式預熱烤盤。
2. 烤盤表面噴上少許油,放上冷凍熟水餃。
3. 淋上太白粉水,設定210℃、15分鐘。
4. 將雙面壓烤至表面微焦香、底部呈現冰花酥脆狀即可。
蛋餅皮(厚) 1張 oriental plain pancake
雞蛋 2顆 egg
鮮蚵 150公克 oyster 150g
蔥粒 50公克 scallion 50g
醬油膏 適量 thick soy sauce q.s.
甜辣醬 適量 sweet chili sauce q.s.
1. 烤盤預熱至210℃,表面噴點油。
2. 一邊烤盤放上蛋餅皮,煎至表面金黃上色,翻面繼續煎。
3. 一邊煎一邊將蛋餅皮拍鬆。
4. 將蛋餅皮夾起,打入雞蛋,再蓋回蛋餅皮。
5. 同時在另一邊烤盤噴點油後,放入鮮蚵與蔥粒煎約1分鐘炒香。
6. 將蛋餅翻面,塗上醬油膏,放上煎好的鮮蚵,淋上甜辣醬即可。
吐司 3片/ sliced bread 3pcs.
培根 2片/ bacon 2pcs.
花生醬 適量/ peanut butter q.s.
花生碎 適量/minced peanuts q.s.
香蕉 適量/banana q.s.
1. 牛排機先用燒烤模式預熱210℃。
2. 培根放入牛排機,煎至雙面金黃後取出。
3. 吐司放在條紋烤盤上,抹上花生醬,撒上花生碎,擺上培根片,再蓋上另外一片抹上花生醬的吐司。
4. 接著放上香蕉,再蓋上一片吐司。
5. 用燒烤模式210℃壓烤約4分鐘吐司表面金黃酥香即可。
雞腿排 2片/chicken thigh 2
吐司 4片/toast 4
市售照燒醬 適量/ teriyaki sauce
小黃瓜片 適量/ cucumber
番茄片 適量/ tomato
起司片 2片/sliced cheese 2
鹽 適量/salt
黑胡椒粉 適量/ ground black pepper
1. 雞腿排撒上鹽、黑胡椒粒醃漬一下。
2. 牛排機預熱,擺上雞腿排,蓋上蓋,設定【煎烤】180℃,10分鐘。
3. 壓至時間結束後取出雞腿排。
4. 吐司擺在煎盤上,再依序放上小黃瓜片、雞腿排,抹上照燒醬。接著放上番茄片、起司片,再蓋蓋子,設定【煎烤】210℃,6分鐘。烤至時間結束即可。
貝果 4個 bagel 4pcs
火腿片 4片 ham slices 4pcs
起司片 4片 cheese slices 4pcs
酪梨 適量 avocado q.s.
奶油 適量 butter q.s.
1. 貝果剖開放在熱壓機上,切面塗上奶油,再依序鋪上火腿片、起司片、酪梨。
2. 蓋上另一半貝果,表面再塗上奶油,設定210℃,熱壓約5分鐘即可。
法國麵包 1條 Baguette 1pcs
罐頭肉醬 4大匙 canned meat sauce
起司片 4片 cheese slices 4pcs
生菜葉 2片 romaine lettuce 2pcs
奶油 適量 butter q.s.
1. 法國麵包對切後剖開,放在熱壓機上,依序夾入生菜葉、罐頭肉醬、起司片。
2. 將法國麵包夾起,表面塗上適量的奶油。
3. 設定210℃,熱壓約5分鐘即可。
饅頭 6個 mantou 6pcs
肉鬆 適量 pork floss q.s.
油條 2條 fried bread stick 2pcs
起司片 6片 cheese slices 6pcs
1. 饅頭剖開放在熱壓機上,依序鋪上肉鬆、油條、起司片。
2. 將饅頭蓋上,設定210℃,熱壓約5分鐘即可。
冷凍包子 6顆/bao 6
水 50ml/water 50ml
1. 用180℃煎烤模式預熱烤盤。
2. 烤盤表面噴上少許油,放上解凍的包子。
3. 在包子上淋上水,設定180℃、10分鐘。
4. 將雙面壓烤至表面微焦香即可。
thick sliced toast 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的精選貼文
00:06 カリカリフライドポテト♪〜お家であの味を♪〜
01:00 鶏むね肉でふわふわチキンナゲット〜お弁当にも♪〜
2:17 あのビッグなバーガーをお家で作ろう!
じゃがいも(大) 2個
薄力粉 大さじ1
片栗粉 大さじ1
サラダ油 適量
塩 適量
鶏むね肉(皮なし) 1枚(300g)
木綿豆腐(水切りしておく) 100g
卵 1個
(A)片栗粉 大さじ3
(A)マヨネーズ 大さじ2
(A)おろしにんにく 小さじ1/2
(A)塩 小さじ1/3
(A)コショウ 少々
サラダ油 適量
ケチャップ 適量
マスタード 適量
牛ひき肉 225g
塩 ひとつまみ
こしょう ひとつまみ
バンズ 1 ½個(3スライス)
チェダースライスチーズ 1枚
マヨネーズ 120g
ホワイトビネガー 小さじ1
マスタード 小さじ1
ガーリックパウダー 小さじ1
オニオンパウダー 小さじ1
パプリカパウダー 小さじ1
ホワイトペッパー 小さじ½
Here is what you'll need!
Crispy french fries (just like the famous fast food restaurant...)
Servings: 2
2 potatoes
1 tablespoon soft flour
1 tablespoon potato starch
Some vegetable oil
Some salt
1. Peel potatoes and slice into 5mm strings. Leave them in water for 30 mins.
2. Drain water and pat potato strings with paper towels to dry. Coat with soft flour and potato starch.
3. Put potatoes (2) in a pan and pour vegetable oil till it coves all potatoes. Turn the heat to 160℃ and fry for 3 minutes. (Don't stir/touch too much while heating up)
4. When potatoes are changing its color to brown, remove and let oil drain.
5. Turn the heat up to 200℃, and put back potatoes to fry for 2 more minutes.
6. Remove potatoes and drain oil well. Season with salt when still hot!
7. Enjoy!
Chicken Nuggets
Chicken breast (without skin) 1 (300g)
100g cotton tofu (drained)
1 egg
(A) 3 tablespoons potato starch
(A) 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
(A) 1/2 teaspoon grated garlic
(A) 1/3 teaspoon salt
(A) Pepper a little
Salad oil
1. Beat chicken breast with a knife to make it mince.
2. Put the tofu into the bowl (1) and mix well until it becomes sticky.
3. Add eggs and seasoning (A) and mix well.
4. Put the salad oil in a frying pan to a height of 2-3cm and put it on medium heat.
5. Scoop (3) with a spoon, place in the frying pan of (4) and fry until golden brown on both sides.
6. Add ketchup or mustard as you like and you're done!
Homemade Big Massive Burger
for 1 burger
½ lb ground beef (225 g)
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
1 ½ burger buns
1 slice american cheese, sliced
½ cup mayonnaise (120 g)
1 gherkin, diced
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
½ teaspoon white pepper
onion, finely diced
lettuce, finely shredded
1 gherkin, thinly sliced
Roll half of the beef mince into a ball and pat it down until a finger thick, bigger than palm size patty. Repeat with remaining beef.
Fry both patties with salt and pepper for 2 and a half minutes a side. Add 1 cheese single to one of the patties.
Toast the burger buns on a dry pan on medium heat until one of the sides is golden brown.
Mix all the sauce ingredients and set aside.
Time to build this bad boy! Spread burger sauce on a bun, sprinkle diced onion, shredded lettuce, place the patty with cheese, place another slice of bun.
Then more sauce, more onion, shredded lettuce, gherkin slices, another patty, and the last slice of bun!
Dig in and get lovin’ it!
Nutrition Calories: 1774 Fat: 131 grams Carbs: 69 grams Fiber: 7 grams Sugars: 17 grams Protein: 74 grams
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thick sliced toast 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi, everyone :) today we'll show you how to make a creamy, smooth and shiny peanut butter and a delicious Taiwanese style peanut butter thick toast.
It’s SO EASY To make homemade peanut butter! I suggest strongly to make your own one. You can control the amount of salt and sweetness, and you can make it more creative. Like add some other different nuts to add more flavor. All is up to you.
Peanut butter thick toast is an iconic dish served at cafe and tea shops in Taiwan. It’s serious good. You can smell full of peanutty and roasted flavor. It’s a wonderful breakfast and afternoon snap. As long as your have peanut butter and butter at home. Hope you enjoy this video. :)
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other v er that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
Taiwanese Style Creamy, Smooth Peanut Butter Thick Toast Recipe.
☞ For peanut butter
skin raw peanuts 200g
a pinch of salt (optional)
honey 20g
peanut oil or vegetable oil 30g
☞ For peanut butter thick toast
tichk toast 2 slices
peanut butter
melted unslated butter 10g
brown sugar, a little (optional)
✎ peanut butter:
1. Wash raw peanuts thoroughly in cool water and then place them on a kitchen towel or paper towel to pat them dry.
2. Place peanuts in a single layer in a pan on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stir them often to avoid getter bitter and burn.
3. Once you smell peanutty and the color turns to be golden brown. Turn off the heat and pour out the peanuts and let cool.
4. After the peanuts have cooled, gently remove the skins by fingers or by rolling the nuts between your hands. There are a number of ways you can crunch the skins off.
5. Transfer the toasting peanuts in a food processor. Pulse the processor a few times until chopped to be crumbs.
6. Run the food processor for 1 minutes and then stop and scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. At this stage , the peanut butter will look gritty and dry like couscous.
7. Run the processor for another minute, then stop and scrape down the sides. At this stage, the texture will start clumping together.
8. Add a pinch of salt, honey, and vegetable oil. You may need to run the processor for many times depends on the power of your food processor.
9. Continue processing the butter until it becomes completely shiny, smooth.
10. Taste and add more salt or honey if needed. Transfer the peanut butter to storage container. It's down.
✎ peanut butter thick toast:
1. You can buy a sliced bread, or you only have unsliced one, then cut a 1" slice.
2. Cut the bread at each diagonal, this will make it easier to break off pieces.
3. Brush one side of bread with melt butter. Sprinkle a little brown sugar (optional).
4. Spread peanut butter on the toast.
5. Preheat the oven to 190°C, bake for 8-9 minutes until the top coating had dried and hardened somewhat. Enjoy.