天啊,兩歲是個讓家長煩惱的年紀…… Kali 開始有自己的想法並開始懂的表達自己。她愛玩,愛笑,更愛開玩笑,有時會用開玩笑的方式將她的碗和盤子打翻。她也非常依賴某些物品,比如說特定的沐浴玩具、絨毛布偶、衣服,甚至是兒童餐具。
好險Kali使用我們為她準備的第一套 Miniware 時,她立刻就喜歡上了這套餐具!我們也超愛,因為它大大的降低了孩子們用餐時混亂的場景。Miniware有別市售一體成型的兒童餐具,它的盤子和碗的吸盤都可拆卸互換,吸盤可以很容易穩定的吸在桌面上,當大寶開始調皮,嘗試將她的盤子和碗從桌子上推下來時,這個功能超有用(好動寶寶真的必備!)。
來去看看學習吃飯的好幫手吧 https://lihi3.cc/7mXU3
✓追蹤IG @miniware_tw https://lihi3.cc/RXaP0
✓此篇留言tag 2位朋友
Ah, the terrible twos... Kali is starting to have her own opinion and really express herself. She loves to play, she loves to laugh, and she loves to crack jokes. That includes flipping her bowls and plates on the floor. She also gets pretty attached to certain things like specific bath toys, stuffed animals, clothes, and yes, even dinnerware.
The first time we introduced her to her first Miniware set, she immediately loved it! We do, too, as it has significantly reduced kiddie clutter at dinner time. Miniware's plates and bowls come with removable, interchangeable suction mats that simply stick to the surface, which comes in handy when Kali tries to push her plates and bowls off the table. It’s definitely a must have!
The Miniware set does a great job at helping kids feel more independent; the set doesn't look like other kids' dinnerware that are drastically different from what their parents are using. The set is also super intuitive. The moment Kali picked up the fork and spoon, she placed them upright, which is one of the reasons she likes to use this set everywhere - even during snack times in her playroom. We just put her snacks on the 矽膠聰明分隔盤 and then give it a quick wash and use it again for dinner on top of the plate.
Miniware is so easy to pack and carry. We live next to a sprawling nature park and often go there for family picnics. Our Miniware set is lightweight, durable and perfect for this! And talking about nature, do you know that Miniware's products are made of plant-based, recyclable materials? This is a great product that supports a great cause!
You can check out the set here! https://lihi3.cc/7mXU3
Also, if you:
✓ Follow @miniware_tw IG --> https://lihi3.cc/RXaP0
✓ Leave a comment and tag 2 friends
You could win your very own Wishbone Bike Bell! ($900 NTD in value!) Suitable for all kinds of bicycles with round handles~ The raffles starts today until midnight of 9/6! Good Luck to you all!
times up 桌 遊 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳貼文
【本校防疫訊息 #5月14日緊急更新:因應染疫個案持續擴增,#本校5月17日起啟動全面遠距教學等防疫措施】(#5月15日更新)
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ( #0514Urgent) — Preventive Measures and Remote Learning for All Classes Starting May 17 in Response to Increasing Number of Cases
1. 5月15日起各類會議活動,包括行政單位、各學院及學系活動(如 #小型畢業典禮)如無法改為線上進行,請研議取消辦理或延後辦理。
2. #體育館暫停開放;#5月15日起圖書館亦暫停開放自習室及閱覽室,僅提供借還書籍。
3. 5月15日起本校實施校園門禁,只開放 #大門、 #辛亥及長興入口。管制期間本校、臺科大、臺師大教職員工生及中研院等駐本校區人員、校友及退休人員憑證入校,洽公者需出示身分及相關證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵、訪客證、工作證或其他證明等文件,得採紙本或影像檔方式。),#無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至進出口確認身分後始得進入。各校內館舍亦請持續落實人員值班、量測體溫、以及實名制登錄(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )。
4. 5月15日起請同學們非必要情形儘量不要進入校園並減少外出,一同遵守防疫規定,以降低染疫風險。一般社團活動停辦或改為線上辦理。活動中心關閉社團活動場地(僅允許同學至社團辦公室拿取私人物品)。心輔中心於防疫期間仍提供預約初談及個別諮商,有相關疑問可電話或電郵洽詢。
5. 5月15日起本校餐廳鼓勵外帶餐點。 如不得已而內用餐點,需採一人一桌、或於桌面上放置格板隔離。
6. 週六(5月15日)上午總務處事務組將進行校園公共區域擴大消毒作業。
7. #5月17日起本校所有課程改為遠距教學。所有校屬教學館舍禁止學生進入,僅允許教師、職員和助教等進出以錄製線上課程。實驗室請教師安排使用時段,每一時段最多4人同時使用。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388)
8. 5月17日起本校各單位可依業務內容屬性調整辦公方式, 安排採居家辦公、異地辦公、或分批辦公方式辦公,並應向人事室提供名冊。
9. 疫情嚴峻,各項因應措施將依中央宣布而隨時調整,敬請全校教職員工生務必配合各項防疫措施。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
With the increasing number of infections in Taipei City and New Taipei City, the pandemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all departments and offices to comply with the following preventive measures.
1. Starting May 15, events organized by administrative offices or by colleges and departments (e.g. small-scale commencements) shall be canceled or postponed to a later date if they cannot be held online.
2. The Sports Center will be temporarily closed. Starting May 15, the NTU Main Library will close its study rooms and reading rooms; circulation services will still be available.
3. Starting May 15, access to the University will be limited to the Main Gate, Xinhai Gate, and Changxing Gate. NTU, NTNU, or NTUST faculty, staff and students, on-campus Academia Sinica staff, NTU alumni, and retired personnel should present a relevant ID card to enter the University. Visitors for official purposes should also present an ID card and relevant paperwork (e.g. a meeting notification, invitation, email, visitor/work pass, or others in paper or electronically). Those without any proof documents should be chaperoned by staff of the receiving departments/offices to enter. University premises must continue to be staffed for temperature taking at the entrance and real-name system should also be implemented. ( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )
4. Starting May 15, students should refrain from entering the University unless absolutely necessary and they should also decrease the number of going out. Preventive measures must be fully observed to minimize the risk of infection. Student club events will be suspended or go online and event venues at the Activity Center will be closed (students are allowed to pick up personal belongings from club offices). The Student Counseling Center will continue to provide intake and counseling services and inquiry for relevant resources will still be available via telephone or email.
5. Starting May 15, campus restaurants/cafeterias will encourage diners to buy take-outs. Those dining indoors should be seated alone at a table or share one installed with a protective board.
6. On the morning of this Saturday (May 15), the General Service Division of the Office of General Affairs will begin a large-scale disinfection at the University’s public spaces.
7. Starting May 15, all classes will be taught remotely. Students will be denied access to university-owned teaching halls. Faculty, staff, and teaching assistants may be allowed in to record online courses. Faculty members in charge of laboratories should schedule their usage, with each session being simultaneously used by up to four people.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388 )
8. Starting May 17, all departments and administrative offices groups considering staff’s areas of responsibilities should plan how to work from home, work in different locations, or rotate staff in smaller groups. A list to this purpose should be provided to the Personnel Department.
9. Preventive measures will constantly be adjusted in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.
As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
times up 桌 遊 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
哇!撒馬爾罕 Samarkand! 第一座我覺得值得來烏茲別克的城市😻 不然我真的搞不懂為什麼這個國家會在 2018年被 Lonely Planet 票選為最佳旅行地點...🤔
撒馬爾罕建立於公元前3世紀。由於此地是絲綢之路上中國和中東的交界處🐪 當地成為兩地貨物的交流地,並促使當地經濟繁盛👀 雖然這裡的建築物都被大量修復,但還是很壯觀😍
不過這裡最有名的應該是十四世紀時生於蒙古部落的帖木兒👑 他一直希望能跟成吉思汗一樣統治世界各地 🐎 他一路打到現代的伊朗、中亞,並把撒馬爾罕當成帖木兒帝國首都👑
帖木兒作戰沿習蒙古帝國習風,對於不投降者,破城之後大多屠城😖 歷史學家估計他大約屠殺了一千七百萬人,是當時地球百分之五的人口🙀
帖木兒的陵墓就在撒馬爾罕 。當時流傳著如果他的遺骸若遭移動,將使天下遭遇大兵災😱 結果在二戰時期,蘇聯考古學家發掘了帖木兒的墓葬☠️
在棺槨被打開的第2天,納粹德國突然入侵蘇聯,蘇德戰爭爆發😲 德軍輕易攻入蘇聯腹地,蘇軍損失空前,令帖木兒的詛咒亦在整個蘇聯流傳😶
不過除了帖木兒的陵墓,也有許多陵墓值得拜訪。例如建於十四世紀的陵墓群 Shah I Zinda 就是我最愛的地方❤️ 就是這裡聽說走過一座墳墓山就可以從後門省 USD$2 門票錢😛 事實證明還是要跨過一個小圍牆。當地人都這麼做了,我們就跟著了😂
其實一進來這個城市也不是很順😑 從火車站到市中心,我們計程車殺價 USD$1.5 變成 USD$1.2 🚖 虧他們還一直跟我們說公車沒開(才下午五點好嗎?)🙄
司機在車上一直要給我他的號碼,我們只好不情願地把號碼記下來😑 結果 York 居然把他的帽子留在車上!還好有司機的號碼,不然這裡賣的帽子根本不太實用也不適合他...😐 最後又花了兩美金把帽子載回來... 👀
幾天後他又在雪中把手套掉在地上... 結果我們在一公里的街道上來來回回三次,才發現一個店家早已經撿起來放在桌上... 😑 總而言之,是一個充滿掉東掉西的地方... 🙄
Ps. 由於這邊拍太多網美照了,記得要跟蹤 IG!照片整理好將會放在那邊唷 ↪ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😘
Pss. 想環遊世界嗎? Winny 的環遊世界書在博客來打七折唷 👉 http://goo.gl/RYPSTp 📚
超大本,超划算的😍 只怕你看不完唷🤣
#烏茲別克 #撒馬爾罕 #世界遺產
Wow! Samarkand- The first city in Uzbekistan that actually impressed me 😛 Otherwise I began to wonder why this country became “Lonely Planet’s Best in Asia 2018” 🤨
This city is centrally positioned along the Silk Road between China & the West 🐫 Despite being heavily restored, the large madrassas are certainly impressive😍
In 14th century the great Amir Timur who founded the Timurid Empire in & around modern day Iran & Central Asia made this city its capital😮
Since he assumed the title of “The Great Khan” in 1369, he tried to make the Mongol Empire as great as during the reign of Genghis Khan 🐎
Scholars estimated that his militaries caused deaths of 17 million ppl which was around 5% of the world’s population at that time🙀
Apparently his tomb was cursed ☠️ In 1941 his body was removed from the grave by Soviet anthropologist and 3 days later, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, the largest military invasion of all time, upon the Soviet Union😯
There were many mausoleums in Samarkand, not just Timur’s 😌 One we even had to walk pass a whole graveyard just so that we can skip USD$2 entry fee😛
Ps. Our trip in Samarkand wasn’t that smooth😑 We originally haggled a taxi ride from USD$1.5 to USD$1.2 from train station to hotel🚕 The driver insisted we keep his number in case we need his service, which we reluctantly noted down...
Who would’ve know that York ended up leaving his only beanie in the cab😦 Mind you, hats here are all old Soviet Wool hat, no high tech fleece shit 🧢
So we spent USD$2 to ask the driver to deliver the beanie back to us😒
The next day York dropped one of his gloves on the ground🧤 Since he never zip up his jacket pocket like when I asked him to😕
It’s one of the best gloves he’s owned from Uniqlo and we haven’t even made it to the coldest region yet🥶
So we walked down the streets like 3 times searching for his gloves in the blizzard!!! ❄️ After 3KM of extra walking and just about him giving up, he spotted his glove on one of the tables. It was picked up by a shop vendor!
And during this time all we’ve been doing was looking on the ground!!! Happy days for him as he hasn’t actually LOST anything yet (our passport, beanie, glove so far)🙄
#Uzbekistan #UNESCO #Samarkand