前陣子朋友從巴塞隆那來訪雨城,帶著她去(明明自己上次去是去年底的)Borough Marekt 吃豬肚三明治、生蠔配氣泡白酒,然後買了牛尾與牛肝菌回家煮晚餐吃。那天恰巧是煙火日,煮菜的時候窗外此起彼落的煙火綻放,窗內滾翻天的高湯汆燙著馬鈴薯。
那天晚上我為每個人做了小桌花;用花生醬與番茄燉煮了牛尾與刨子甘藍;汆燙海蓬子與野菇、牛肝菌,淋上黑松露橄欖油、海鹽、放上一顆半熟蛋;煎牛肉漢堡裡頭包著軟乳酪與鼠尾草、旁邊是水煮羽衣甘藍、與莓果醬(藍莓、覆盆子、無花果,我加了一點白醋);Pavilion bakery 的歐式麵包;boardway market買的外層包覆蕁麻葉的雅格起士與Neal's yard的斯蒂爾頓起士。
註1. 雅格起司(cornish yarg)產自英國的康沃爾郡。雅格起司由一位名為格瑞的起司生產者根據老配方更良而成,因此這種起司被命名為雅格。雅格起司的外層由蕁麻葉製成,所以雅格起司帶有植物性的香草味。(Wikipedia)
註2. 斯蒂爾頓(Stilton)是原產於英國的乳酪。最著名的種類是以青黴菌發酵而成的藍乾酪,雖然也有不使用青黴菌的白乾酪。 目前斯蒂爾頓芝士是受歐盟授與產品地理標誌保護的乳酪種類之一,只有生產於德比郡, 萊斯特郡以及諾丁漢郡三個地區,而且遵守一些製作過程原則的乾酪可以「斯蒂爾頓芝士」的名義出售。(Wikipedia)
Two weeks ago I brought a friend who come visit London to Borough for the awesome pull pork belly sandwich, oyster and Prosecco, and buy some fresh ingredients for dinner later that day, which just happened it was the fireworks' day, and it shows one after another right in front of my kitchen window when we were cooking, while the water is boiling the potato. Can't imagine a better way of living.
That night I customised the little bouquets for the quests, and we had Samphire with wild mushrooms and boletus edulis, dressing with seasalt and truffle oil with an poached egg on it; stew ox tale (not even) tomato sauce with peanut butter; fried beef burger with soft cheese of Le Rustique and sage inside comes with berries/fig jam (I added white vinegar to it) ; fried potatoes with mascarpone and spring onion; and some bread from Pavilion bakery; and some cheese (Stilton from Neal's yard and cornish yarg cheese from Boardway market)
Friend's comment: Christmas came early! Lol