Toto Wolff:「喺佢前面係架平治。在車手發展路上,作為(平治)年青車手,你不能沒有全盤視野。So yeah,我估佢有排學。」Ooops,我真係恭喜你呀😂。
就 63 ⚔️ 77,FIA 判詞:SUPER‼️ 正如 FOX 粵語直播所言:Racing incident。佐治今晚瞓唔著喇 🙌🏻❓
//The Stewards heard from the driver of Car 63 (George Russell), the driver of Car 77 (Valtteri Bottas) and the team representatives and reviewed multiple angles of video evidence and telemetry.
Car 63 approached car 77 to pass after the front straight a few laps after the restart when DRS had recently been enabled. Car 77 maintained his line throughout the incident along the right hand side of the dry line, leaving at least a full car’s width to the right at all times.
Car 63 approached with a significant speed advantage. He moved to pass on the right. As the cars approached the kink of turn 1, the gap between them and the right hand side of the track decreased. At no time did either car manoeuvre erratically. The track appeared to be not especially wet through turn 1 but at the point of closest approach to the right hand side of the track, the right hand side tyres of Car 63 hit an especially damp patch and the car snap yawed, bearing in mind that the car had low downforce in the rear with the DRS open.
The Stewards conclude that the accident was a racing incident considering the conditions and take no further action.
Competitors are reminded that they have the right to appeal certain decisions of the Stewards, in accordance with Article 15 of the FIA International Sporting Code and Article 10.1.1 of the FIA Judicial and Disciplinary Rules, within the applicable time limits. //
toto228 在 布雷克-出走旅行視界 Facebook 的精選貼文
toto228 在 魔鬼甄與天使嘉 Facebook 的精選貼文
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