#大家都是成年人 #自己的健康自己負責 #有能力出國打疫苗也沒有不好
💉一些很基本的general talks
1. 不管在哪裡,飛機的座位上、餐廳的位子上,或是飯店裡,要有紅區跟綠區的概念,例如剛進到飯店房間就把大小地方消毒做好,進門一小塊位置雖然消毒過,但是你也清楚每次進出那個地方就是容易被汙染,就劃為紅區。消毒的工具包就放在紅區,每次經過紅區,就表示已經污染,一定要消毒後才能進入綠區。這樣至少可以保證在綠區的生活是放心的。
2. 承上,疫情過後,很多觀念都不能跟以前一樣了。以前里程控喜歡轉機,喜歡每天換飯店,但是現在換一次飯店就是全室大消毒、因此也應該避免讓house keeping 進入
1. 機票
另外媒體都會說什麼現在出國機票很貴,要20萬,感覺很像在恐嚇大家。是沒錯,商務艙要20萬,但是據我自己的經驗,經濟艙一人一排,其實超有社交距離,建議大家用里程換經濟艙便宜又划算,EVA Airways Corp. 長榮航空 天天飛LA 是最好選擇。
2. 住宿
如果需要便宜的住宿飯店訊息,我覺得也可以參考這個社團:旅行好好玩 PlayGood - 分享有價值的旅遊好康訊息 這裡的版主 John 大大蠻熱心的。
3. 護照、簽證
4. 入境美國需要的COVID檢查
5. 行李裡面要帶些什麼
這題我先承認我在說我自己。我帶了一些消毒的酒精擦跟乾洗手什麼的,這些東西在台灣現在也是不好買,但是來了美國之後才發現自己根本就像鄉巴佬,美國根本超級好買,而且也不會比較貴,再說,現在美國街上三步一罐乾洗手、五步一抽消毒濕巾,都 是 免 費 的,所以親愛的,只需要在隨身行李裡面,攜帶機上消毒夠用的量就好,不用帶一整個行李箱的消毒工具,真的不用,何況有很多物質都是比酒精更好的消毒用品呢。
6. 要先預約疫苗施打嗎?
7. 買醫療險
美國的醫療險我是買這家:Safe Travels USA Comprehensive travel insurance plan. 大家記得選 0 deductible 保額100萬,這樣的保費一個月也才100多美元,真的很便宜。
美國很危險嗎? 這一題…..台灣很安全嗎? 這個我自己真的也不知道耶。只是根據我以前在美國的經驗,我覺得美國改變好多。
上文說過的,現在的美國街上三步一罐乾洗手、五步一抽消毒濕巾,可是台灣卻是店家門口有個消毒的酒精就了不起了。現在美國的排隊動線一定有個藍點點,提醒你2公尺的社交距離。另外現在的美國結帳櫃台,一定有個塑膠隔板,停車場規劃都有專屬車格是給外帶取餐的。那天我入境的時候也是嚇到,走global entry 通道,直接刷臉,根本沒有拿出護照就無接觸通關了。
所以我不覺得需要用恐嚇的方式去阻止台灣朋友來美國打疫苗,要說美國可怕那也是大可不必,你不用特地來出差才能來,專門來OUTLET購物,順便打疫苗是可行的,這沒有很丟臉,JUST SPEAK OUT LOUD!!!! 美國送我們那麼多疫苗,我們台灣人當然要來這裡報復性的消費一番呢!!!!
#台灣的疫苗給阿嬤打 #我們飛來美國打
疫苗資訊已諮詢白袍旅人-兒科楊為傑醫師 但楊醫師僅提供醫療資訊、對個人行為不做任何建議
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I like to talk from experience and now that I have experienced Surgery I can tell you what I think are the plusses and minuses of getting Surgery done...
travel insurance usa 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Policy Decisions and Use of Information Technology to Fight 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease, Taiwan】
Because of its proximity to and frequent travelers to and from China, Taiwan faces complex challenges in preventing 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). As soon as China reported the unidentified outbreak to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, Taiwan assembled a taskforce and began health checks onboard flights from Wuhan. Taiwan’s rapid implementation of disease prevention measures helped detect and isolate the country’s first COVID-19 case on January 20, 2020. Laboratories in Taiwan developed 4-hour test kits and isolated 2 strains of the coronavirus before February. Taiwan effectively delayed and contained community transmission by leveraging experience from the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak, prevalent public awareness, a robust public health network, support from healthcare industries, cross-departmental collaborations, and advanced information technology capacity. We analyze use of the National Health Insurance database and critical policy decisions made by Taiwan’s government during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Cheryl Lin, Wendy E. Braund, John Auerbach, Jih-Haw Chou, Ju-Hsiu Teng, Pikuei TuComments to Author , and Jewel Mullen
Author affiliations: Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA (C. Lin, P. Tu); University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (W.E. Braund); Trust for America’s Health, Washington, DC, USA (J. Auerbach); Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Taipei, Taiwan (J.-H. Chou, J.-H. Teng); University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA (J. Mullen)
1. 資料 / 圖片來源: CDC
2. 圖片說明:
Figure. Timeline of policy decisions during the first 50 days of COVID-19, Taiwan. Blue text indicates cases in Taiwan. Information collected from Taiwan CDC, CDC, and WHO. Because of differences in global time zones, some events might be recorded or announced with 1-day discrepancy in different reports, news, and publications. CDC, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CECC, Central Epidemic Command Center; COVID-19, 2019 novel coronavirus disease; NHI, National Health Insurance; Taiwan CDC, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; TOCC, travel, occupation, contact, and cluster; WHO, World Health Organization.
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travel insurance usa 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最佳貼文
[USA]_List of lots of scholarship in the US. Please help to share and tag your friend. You can google the name of the scholarship to get direct link!
Xin gửi đến các bạn một số học bổng cho chương trình Cử Nhân, Thạc sĩ, Tiến sĩ, Học giả tại Hoa Kỳ. Ngoài ra, tại các ÐH Mỹ (top 200) đều có học bổng cho chương trình Thạc sĩ & Tiến sĩ, các bạn tham khảo trên website của Department tìm hiểu về Fellowship, Research Assistantship, Teaching Assistantship.
National Universities Rankings: http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/…/national-un…
1. Southeast Asia Youth Leadership Program (SEAYLP)
This intensive four-week exchange program in the United States aims at promoting high-quality leadership, civic responsibility, volunteerism, and respect for diversity. Each year, five Vietnamese high-school students and one teacher (who acts as chaperone) are selected for this program and are joined by similar groups from other Southeast Asian countries. It is designed to enable teenagers, ages 15-17, and teachers to travel to the United States for a program focused on building a sense of community, developing civil society and economic institutions, and recognizing the commonalities among Southeast Asians and Americans.
July-August: Call for applications
September: Submission of applications to the Embassy; screening and interviews
October: Nomination of finalists to Washington
November: Selection results available from Washington; departure of selected candidates
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
2. Undergraduate Intensive English Language Study Program (UIELSP)
This program enrolls undergraduate students in the East Asia and Pacific region who demonstrate the potential to become student leaders in an eight-week intensive English Language course at colleges and universities in the United States with a focus on English language acquisition, leadership skill building, and civic education and engagement. It also provides participants with an introduction to American institutions, society and culture.
Oct-Nov: Call for applications
December: Deadline for submission of applications to the Embassy
Dec-Jan: Screening of applications; interviews of shortlisted candidates
February: Nomination of finalists to Washington
March: Selection and placement results available from Washington
June: Departure of selected candidates
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
3. Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)
This program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of study at a U.S. university. The goal is to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and under-represented groups, with a substantive exchange experience at a U.S. college or university, with in-depth exposure to U.S. society, culture and academic institutions. Students are selected based on 1) academic record, 2) leadership skills and potential, 3) community involvement and extra-curricular activities, and 4) English proficiency (minimum TOEFL score of 525 (paper-based) or 70 (iBT).
September: Call for applications
November: Deadline for submission of applications to the Embassy
Nov-Dec: Screening of applications; interviews of shortlisted candidates
December: Nomination of finalists to Washington
March: Selection results available from Washington
June: Placement information available
July: Departure of selected candidates (whole academic year program)
January: Departure of selected candidates (semester program)
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
4. Fulbright Vietnamese Student Program
The Fulbright Vietnamese Student Program is a competitive, merit-based scholarship program which recruits and nominates young Vietnamese professionals for Master’s degree programs at U.S. universities. Approximately 20 to 25 fully-funded scholarships are granted on an annual basis for students in social sciences and humanities. Successful applicants will receive support in university placement and a full scholarship which covers tuition and fees, monthly stipend, round-trip airfare to the U.S. and health insurance. Selection is based on study objectives, work experience, understanding of the chosen field of study, impact potential, leadership, academic excellence and English proficiency.
December: Grant announcement
April: Application deadline
June – July: Application review and semi-finalist selection
September: Interviews & finalist selection
October: Finalists take GRE/GMAT/TOEFL iBT
November: U.S. universities placement
April - May: Confirmation of final university placement
May: Pre-departure orientation
June – July: Medical check-up and visa application
July – August: Departure
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
5. Vietnamese Fulbright Scholar Program
The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) assists in the administration of the Fulbright Scholar Exchange Program for faculty and professionals. Started in 1998, the Program recruits and nominates Vietnamese scholars for placement by CIES as lecturers and researchers in U.S. universities for terms of three to 10 months. From six to eight scholars from Vietnam travel to the United States on an annual basis.
October: Deadline of application submission
November – December: Peer Review Panel
January: Interview the shortlisted candidates
End of January: Submission of semi-finalist candidates to Washington
February - March: Selection results available from Washington
April – July: Affiliation and Visa Process
August: Pre-departure Orientation for the departing grantee
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
6. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
This is a one year, non-degree, full scholarship program offered to promising mid-career professionals who have proven track records of leadership and a strong commitment to public service. Participants in the program spend one academic year at a leading U.S. university doing their self-designed program of academic course work, participating in professional affiliations off-campus, field trips, special workshops and seminars in their field of study.
April: Call for applications
May: Information sessions held in Hanoi and HCMC
Early August: Deadline for submission of applications to the Embassy
Aug-Sep: Screening of applications; Institutional TOEFL for shortlisted candidates; interviews
October 1: Nomination of finalists to Washington
October: Finalists take official iBT
Feb-Mar: Selection results available from Washington
March/April: Departure for the U.S. (fellows needing Long Term English)
May: Placement results available
June-August: Departure for the U.S. (fellows not needing Long Term English)
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
7. Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation – AFCP
Since its creation by the U.S. Congress in 2001, the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation has provided financial support to more than 640 cultural preservation projects in more than 100 countries. The AFCP shows the depth of the U.S. respect for the cultural heritage of other countries. Ten preservation projects in Vietnam, averaging $20,000 each, have been funded by the AFCP, ranging from intangible heritage such as the Then Music of the Tay minority to tangibles such as pagoda statues, museum collections and historical/architectural monuments. In 2010, a major project ($74,500) was granted to Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to preserve the 18th century O Quan Chuong Gate – the only one of the 16 gates that remains of ancient Hanoi, as a gift from the U.S. Ambassador to the people of Hanoi as the city celebrated its 1000th birthday.
Timeline for the 2011 AFCP program:
October: Calls for proposals from Vietnamese organizations
Nov: Proposal Screening
December: Submission of proposal to Washington
July: Selection results available from Washington
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
8. Small Grants Program for civil society organizations
The Small Grants Program is designed to assist countries around the world to strengthen democracy, human rights, civil society, and rule of law, and to combat extremism in their countries by making grants of up to $20,000 to local non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations. Proposals must support program activities that promote democratic practices, including civil society, freedom of information and independent media, transparency in government, NGO capacity building, rule of law and judicial reform, civic education, conflict resolution, human rights, ethnic, minority and women's rights.
March: Call for proposals from Vietnamese organizations
May: Submission of proposals by Vietnamese organizations
May-June: Proposal screening by Embassy Committee
June: Submission of shortlisted proposals to Washington
August: Selection results available from Washington
Contact: Contact info: Tel: 84-4-3850-5000; Email: [email protected].
Source: http://vietnam.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html…
9. VEF Fellowship Program for 2018 (?)
The Fellowship application and selection process is open, competitive, and transparent. Applicants do not need to pay any fees to anyone in order to apply or be considered for a VEF Fellowship. Winners are chosen based on individual merit, including academic performance and preparation, intellectual capabilities, English proficiency, and the potential for contribution to scientific education and research.
Contact: fellowship@vef.gov, information@vef.gov
Source: http://www.vef.gov/details.php?mid=6&cid=392
10. VEF Visiting Scholar Program 2017 - 2018 (?)
VEF Visiting Scholar Program (VSP) for Vietnamese nationals, who already hold a doctorate in any of the fields supported by VEF, namely, in the major disciplines of sciences (natural, physical, and environmental), mathematics, medicine (such as, public health), and technology (including information technology). Fields include the basic sciences, such as, biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as agricultural science, computer science, and engineering. Priority this year will be given to applicants, whose field of study focuses on climate change (environmental sciences) or on nuclear energy, provided that all other qualifications are equal.
Contact: vs@vef.gov, information@vef.gov
Source: http://www.vef.gov/details.php?mid=7&cid=393
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I like to talk from experience and now that I have experienced Surgery I can tell you what I think are the plusses and minuses of getting Surgery done in the USA...
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