【哥斯大黎加】在叢林划索結束後,我們與一群新朋友前往蒙特維多的「秘密」景點:一株高二十幾米,可攀爬的 Ficus Tree 垂葉榕🌴 這件事告訴我們有時候美好的事物並不一定要收錢,或者是 “還沒” 開始收錢😂
垂葉榕 Ficus Tree 這種植物在美國已經被列為侵略性植物☠️ 原因是它會攀附在寄主樹上,根部並從上往下長,樹枝則會往上爭取陽光☀️ 寄主樹到後來就會死掉,不過像這樣全部死去剩下簍空的垂葉榕真的是非常特殊😲
由於它的奇特外觀以及免費的關係,時常被外國背包客命名為「蒙特維多最佳免費景點」😆 重點是樹內因為太多人攀爬而變得超級光滑,也無蟲或蜘蛛,真的蠻神奇的🕷️🐞🐜
York 很勇敢的爬到最上面去,並把頭伸出來拍照📸 已經把可拍廣角的 Gopro 帶上去但卻用手機自拍的邏輯我真的不理解😑 不過一堆女生在這邊自拍,真的是個很棒的額外景點😆 #哥斯達黎加 #免費的最棒 #回歸大自然
Ps. 記得參加樹懶明信片抽獎活動唷❤️ #還剩三天 #不一定要買書才能寫書評 #有帳號就好
Followed our new friends to this "secret" 30M high Ficus tree after zip-lining🌴 & discovered that sometimes best things in life comes for free😆
Ficus trees actually grows its roots downwards beside a host tree & grows upwards at the same time towards the sunlight☀️ It strangles its host who will eventually die 💀 Which leaves a hollow tree with no center part anymore 😱
Such an unqiue phenomenon that its location has been circulating on blogs as one of the "Top Free Things to do in Monteverde"😂 The tree was smooth & spiders/ insects free🕷️🐞🐜
York was the brave one who climbed all the way up to the top of the forest canopy🌲 However he was silly for not taking a wide selfie with his GoPro to proof he's at the top 😑 Overall it was a great addition to what we did in Monteverde ❤️ #costarica #backtonature #backpackinghoneymoon