華為公司首席財務官 孟晚舟 在加拿大軟禁三年後,回到了中國,並受到了英雄般的待遇。中國官方說,美國對孟晚舟所謂「欺詐」的指控純屬捏造。中國官媒也強調,孟晚舟沒有「認罪」。但是,孟晚舟承認了美國司法部指控的欺詐事實,而美國司法部可以把她簽署的協議當作證據對華為採取後續措施。
孟晚舟上個星期五與紐約布魯克林的聯邦法院達成延期起訴協議(deferred prosecution agreement,DPA)。根據美國司法部官方網站(www.justice.gov)提供的媒體通稿,孟晚舟「承認誤導全球金融機構的事實,並簽署延期起訴協議以解決欺詐指控」。也就是說,孟晚舟承認了美國政府對她的指控都是事實,才換取了美國政府對她的延期起訴。
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Shiney,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/control Control พากย์ไทย แปลไทย Control with Ray Tracing On Control is an action-adventure vide...
u.s. federal law 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
世界各地的運動名將現已聚集在日本東京,摩拳擦掌希望能夠一舉奪金!最讓人動容的,是來自不同文化傳統和背景的運動員,團結起來代表自己的國家。雖然龍舟競賽 (還) 不是奧運比賽項目,但這項超人氣台灣傳統,代表的正是運動員彼此合作、正向競爭的精神,除了台灣之外,龍舟競賽也在世界各地發揚光大!
This week athletes from around the world are gathering in Tokyo to compete for gold. Nothing matches the spectacle of athletes from all traditions and backgrounds coming together to represent their flags. Though dragon boat racing isn’t (yet) an Olympic sport, this popular Taiwanese tradition demonstrates that the spirit of athletic competition and cooperation is alive and well, not only in Taiwan, but across the globe!
The U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Service and U.S. law enforcement agencies (@FBI @DEAHQ @DHSgov @ICEgov) from the U.S. Embassy Vienna caught the Olympic spirit. They went head-to-head in a dragon boat race against an Austrian team from Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria last weekend!
See the tweet: https://bit.ly/3eLpEG5
u.s. federal law 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文
根據經濟學比較優勢定理,國家之間的競爭始終被比較成本所局限。而在分析國家競爭力上,我摒棄華而不實的哈佛商學院Michael Poter的鑽石競爭理論,回歸最基本但正確的經濟學成本概念,其中尤受諾貝爾經濟學獎得主R. Coase的「The Problem of Social Costs」鴻文啓發:
國家競爭成本 = 直接生產成本 + 間接生產成本 + 制度費用
在張五常「The Economic Structure of China」一書闡述的中國曾有的1990年代末到2010年間之縣競爭制度下,中國借此享受人類近代少有的超低制度費用與間接生產成本,佐以原本享有的人口紅利帶來的在中低階工廠流水線上較低直接生產成本,中國製造橫掃全世界九成以上的中低階工業領域。
1 全球通貨膨脹可能帶給中國輸入性通膨
這一塊我們可以預測,在貨幣學 Impossible trinity law的局限,以及中國對人民幣國際化的追求下,中國人民銀行應將在近年內逐步脫鈎對美元匯率的政策,同時部分放寬外匯管制,以得到更多貨幣主權。
二、 全球局部地區將因疫情影響出現糧食危機
三、 中美衝突與戰爭風險提高
所以我們看到美國從President Trump任期開始,嘗試尋找各種可以提高中國國家邊際競爭成本的手段。
然而在當今真實世界供應煉、服務煉、金流、資訊流高度分工交雜的局限條件下,我推斷任何一任美國政府、智庫都難以清楚釐清自身採取的任何競爭戰略是否會帶來意料之外的後果(unintentional consequences)。
a 舉例來說,比如美國政客錯誤判斷關稅手段制裁中國會有效,於是我們看到Trump任期貿易戰初期就是違背WTO規範,片面無理對中國出口商品加重關稅或其他非關稅貿易手段。
然而真正懂經濟學邏輯者看法多如我當時寫下的預判一樣 — 如果美國以關稅手段要抑制中國出口經濟,但關稅提高幅度不夠大不夠全面的話,則中美之間的貿易逆差狀況不但不會縮減,反而在某些不同彈性系數之下會增加。(見圖)
b 再以半導體產業的光刻機為例,美國施壓荷蘭ASML禁止出貨中國廠商已經付費採購的光刻機,其結果反而是給中國光刻機或EDA廠商創造市場,協助排除了原本ASML強力的競爭。從經濟學角度來看這是一件很諷刺事情。
c. Super Micro 間諜晶片事件,2018年10月美國知名商業性雜誌Bloomberg刊登新聞「The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies」聲稱Super Micro這家公司利用一顆米粒大小的間諜晶片替中國政府竊取資訊。
香港2019年暴動事件、2021年新疆奴隸棉花事件、最近新冠病毒向中國求償事件...等,我們都可以看到美國政客在試圖提高中國競爭成本的過程,會創造大大小小系統性或個體性的災難風險,例如前述Super Micro因栽贓性假消息股價從$20.61美元在一兩日內崩跌至$13左右,但隨著栽贓者無力提供更多證據,市場回歸均衡的過程,截至2021年5月28日,Super Micro股價已經來到$35。
這是說,某些因政治干預造成的個體性或系統性風險,雖然屬於不可預測的風落(windfall),但其中不乏類似Super Micro的例子,在隨後回到正常的價值位置。如W. Buffett所言:市場短期是投票機,但長期是磅秤。
d. 美國知名橋水基金創辦人Ray Dalio在其將於2021年11月初版的書籍」The Changing World Order」 已提前公開的第七章」US-China Relations and Wars」提出綜合國力歷史計算與國力表(見圖)
但這部分我持較保留態度,特別是新任President Biden政府的高達$6 triilion美元的聯邦預算案出台,我們注意到一者,美國聯邦政府支出繼續維持二次世界大戰以來的GDP高佔比--達25%,二者,預算增幅最大均在健康醫療(成長23.1%)、商務(27.7%)與環保(21.3%),然在國防(1.6%)與國家安全(0.2%)幾乎未有成長,甚至計入通貨膨脹因素,後二部門的預算是實質減少的。因此可推估此任政府對發生大型戰爭的預期心理。
四、 變種病毒的不確定性
* The Wall Street Journal, 「Biden is the $6 Trillion Man」 (May 28, 2021), https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-is-the-6-trillion-man-11622241749
* The Financial Times, 「The summer of inflation: will central banks and investors hold their nerve?」 (May 15, 2021), https://www.ft.com/content/414e8e47-e904-42ac-80ea-5d6c38282cac
* Ronald Coase, 「The Problems of Social Cost」 (1960)
* Ray Dalio, 「The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail」 (2021)
* Irving Fisher, 「The Money Illusion」 (1928)
* Mundell, Robert A. (1963). "Capital mobility and stabilization policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates". Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. 29 (4)
* Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, 「A Monetary History of the US, 1867-1960」 (1963)
* Milton Friedman, 「Money and the Stock Market」 The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 2 (Apr., 1988), pp. 221-245 「
* Allan Meltzer, 「Learning about Policy from Federal Reserve History」 (Spring 2010)
* Armen A. Alchian, 「Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices" (1965)
* 張五常, 「Will China Go Capitalist?」 (1982)
* 張五常, 「The Economic Structure of China」 (2007)
* Ronald Coase and Ning Wang, 「How China Became Capitalist」 (2012)
* Alfred Marshall, 「Principles of Economics (8th ed.)」 (1920)
u.s. federal law 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/control
Control พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Control with Ray Tracing On
Control is an action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games. The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau's new Director, players explore the Oldest House – the FBC's paranormal New York headquarters – and utilize powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known only as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. Control was released on August 27, 2019 for Microsoft Windows (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Control revolves around a clandestine United States government agency known as the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC). The FBC's goal is to contain, study, and ultimately control objects and phenomena which defy scientific law. To that end, they seek out paranormal phenomena on a national scale, including "Altered Items", ordinary objects acted upon by otherworldly forces, and "Altered World Events," or AWEs. Certain Altered Items known as Objects of Power cause AWEs, and can be used in-game to gain new abilities. The FBC contains Altered Items within the Oldest House, a featureless Brutalist skyscraper in Manhattan that acts as the agency's headquarters. The Oldest House itself is considered a "Place of Power," and is vastly larger on the inside than on the outside, breaking the laws of reality. The Oldest House is connected to alternate dimensions which are studied by the FBC. Otherworldly forces leak into the Oldest House, including the Hiss, an unidentified force which acts as Control's main antagonist. During the events of the game, the Hiss invades the Oldest House and the FBC, and Jesse Faden is tasked with regaining control of the supernatural building and restoring order to the Bureau.
Jesse Faden arrives at the Federal Bureau of Control in search of her younger brother, Dylan, who was kidnapped by the Bureau in their childhood after a supernatural event occurred in their hometown of Ordinary. Arriving at the Oldest House, the FBC's supernatural headquarters, Jesse finds it under attack by a hostile force known only as "the Hiss," which possesses the FBC's agents and corrupts the building. After Zachariah Trench, the Bureau's Director, is killed mysteriously, Jesse is unexpectedly deemed to be the new Director after she is chosen to wield the Service Weapon, a supernatural Object of Power which determines the Bureau's leadership. Wielding a host of supernatural powers, Jesse is tasked with defeating the Hiss and restoring order to the Oldest House. Along the way, she locates the scattered surviving agents of the FBC, including Research Specialist Emily Pope, Security Chief Simon Arish, Head of Research Casper Darling, Head of Operations Helen Marshall, and Head of Security Salvador.

u.s. federal law 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/control
Control พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Control with Ray Tracing On
Control is an action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games. The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau's new Director, players explore the Oldest House – the FBC's paranormal New York headquarters – and utilize powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known only as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. Control was released on August 27, 2019 for Microsoft Windows (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Control revolves around a clandestine United States government agency known as the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC). The FBC's goal is to contain, study, and ultimately control objects and phenomena which defy scientific law. To that end, they seek out paranormal phenomena on a national scale, including "Altered Items", ordinary objects acted upon by otherworldly forces, and "Altered World Events," or AWEs. Certain Altered Items known as Objects of Power cause AWEs, and can be used in-game to gain new abilities. The FBC contains Altered Items within the Oldest House, a featureless Brutalist skyscraper in Manhattan that acts as the agency's headquarters. The Oldest House itself is considered a "Place of Power," and is vastly larger on the inside than on the outside, breaking the laws of reality. The Oldest House is connected to alternate dimensions which are studied by the FBC. Otherworldly forces leak into the Oldest House, including the Hiss, an unidentified force which acts as Control's main antagonist. During the events of the game, the Hiss invades the Oldest House and the FBC, and Jesse Faden is tasked with regaining control of the supernatural building and restoring order to the Bureau.
Jesse Faden arrives at the Federal Bureau of Control in search of her younger brother, Dylan, who was kidnapped by the Bureau in their childhood after a supernatural event occurred in their hometown of Ordinary. Arriving at the Oldest House, the FBC's supernatural headquarters, Jesse finds it under attack by a hostile force known only as "the Hiss," which possesses the FBC's agents and corrupts the building. After Zachariah Trench, the Bureau's Director, is killed mysteriously, Jesse is unexpectedly deemed to be the new Director after she is chosen to wield the Service Weapon, a supernatural Object of Power which determines the Bureau's leadership. Wielding a host of supernatural powers, Jesse is tasked with defeating the Hiss and restoring order to the Oldest House. Along the way, she locates the scattered surviving agents of the FBC, including Research Specialist Emily Pope, Security Chief Simon Arish, Head of Research Casper Darling, Head of Operations Helen Marshall, and Head of Security Salvador.

u.s. federal law 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/control
Control พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Control with Ray Tracing On
Control is an action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games. The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau's new Director, players explore the Oldest House – the FBC's paranormal New York headquarters – and utilize powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known only as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. Control was released on August 27, 2019 for Microsoft Windows (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Control revolves around a clandestine United States government agency known as the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC). The FBC's goal is to contain, study, and ultimately control objects and phenomena which defy scientific law. To that end, they seek out paranormal phenomena on a national scale, including "Altered Items", ordinary objects acted upon by otherworldly forces, and "Altered World Events," or AWEs. Certain Altered Items known as Objects of Power cause AWEs, and can be used in-game to gain new abilities. The FBC contains Altered Items within the Oldest House, a featureless Brutalist skyscraper in Manhattan that acts as the agency's headquarters. The Oldest House itself is considered a "Place of Power," and is vastly larger on the inside than on the outside, breaking the laws of reality. The Oldest House is connected to alternate dimensions which are studied by the FBC. Otherworldly forces leak into the Oldest House, including the Hiss, an unidentified force which acts as Control's main antagonist. During the events of the game, the Hiss invades the Oldest House and the FBC, and Jesse Faden is tasked with regaining control of the supernatural building and restoring order to the Bureau.
Jesse Faden arrives at the Federal Bureau of Control in search of her younger brother, Dylan, who was kidnapped by the Bureau in their childhood after a supernatural event occurred in their hometown of Ordinary. Arriving at the Oldest House, the FBC's supernatural headquarters, Jesse finds it under attack by a hostile force known only as "the Hiss," which possesses the FBC's agents and corrupts the building. After Zachariah Trench, the Bureau's Director, is killed mysteriously, Jesse is unexpectedly deemed to be the new Director after she is chosen to wield the Service Weapon, a supernatural Object of Power which determines the Bureau's leadership. Wielding a host of supernatural powers, Jesse is tasked with defeating the Hiss and restoring order to the Oldest House. Along the way, she locates the scattered surviving agents of the FBC, including Research Specialist Emily Pope, Security Chief Simon Arish, Head of Research Casper Darling, Head of Operations Helen Marshall, and Head of Security Salvador.