【台北電影節完整片單 Letterboxd分數大解密】
2020 第 22 屆 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival 完整片單上線!受到友站 阿瑪珂德與童年放映室 啟發,特別統整了本屆影展所有影片的 Letterboxd 分數供參。
Letterboxd 為紐西蘭電影愛好者所開發的電影網站暨 App,除了頁面美觀、資料庫完整之外,也是非常受到「影展咖」喜愛的電影日記和評比工具。一般而言,#IMDb 的分數偏大眾、#爛蕃茄 反映主流媒體、#Metacritic 也是專業影評媒體取向,但又更為菁英學院派。#Letterboxd 則是以小眾死忠迷影(cinephiles)為主要受眾,對於喜愛影展或是藝文電影的迷影,其各片的分數和分佈往往有一定的參考價值。
評分分數為 0.5~5.0,評分樣本未達一定數量則不計算平均。因此尚未世界首映或是較新的台灣電影則沒有分數可採計。本統計也因此不納入『開幕片』、『特別放映』、『明日.台灣』,及部份『台北電影獎』單元的作品。
(完整 Letterboxd 片單可參: https://boxd.it/5ELlw )
3.84 鳥是海與樹的孩子 The Metamorphosis of Birds
3.75 這不是一場葬禮 This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection
3.59 我的好叔光 Uncle
3.50 無名之歌 Song Without a Name
3.40 她房間裡的雲 The Cloud in Her Room
3.35 誰是外來者 Exile
3.23 人魚祭 Scales
3.13 夢遊潛水艇 Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine
2.88 流離公路 Desterro
/ 阿伊努之森 Ainu Mosir
/ 破處 Leaving Virginia
/ 惡之畫 The Painting of Evil
3.48 下半場 We Are Champions
3.45 返校 Detention
3.38 江湖無難事 The Gangs, the Oscars, and the Walking Dead
3.23 灼人秘密 Nina Wu
3.19 那個我最親愛的陌生人 Synapses
3.18 女鬼橋 The Bridge Curse
3.16 菠蘿蜜 Boluomi
3.63 春江水暖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
3.59 下落 Identifying Features
3.48 拾魂 Valley of Souls
3.43 死神二十來敲門 You Will Die at Twenty
3.39 熱病幻夢 The Fever
3.26 天外奇機 Air Conditioner
3.06 琳恩與露西 Lynn + Lucy
3.04 呼喊遺落天堂 Paradise Drifters
/ 愛你哞法度 Lessons of Love
/ 六十九歲 An Old Lady
3.71 密友禁地 Moonlit Winter
3.54 一日談 Nasir
3.52 不丹是教室 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
/ 記得雨,不記得你 Silent Rain
/ 想再聽見你 Voices in the Wind
/ 幻愛 Beyond the Dream
/ 原罪森林 Not in This World
4.14 被遺忘的人生 The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão
3.80 意外之後 Beware of Children
3.61 凝視蕾妮瑪莉佛森 Self Portrait
3.47 壞媽咪 Charter
3.42 她是我爸爸 A Perfectly Normal Family
3.35 我的G本教義 Minyan
3.28 1917迷走莫三比克 Mosquito
3.27 窒慾 Tench
3.26 非法跟監 Passed by Censor
3.18 禁身誘惑 Instinct
3.12 人工失格 The Trouble With Being Born
3.10 真心話太冒險 110% Honest
3.07 曼哈頓戀舞曲 Port Authority
3.67 ㊣麥肯齊金總理秘史♂ The Twentieth Century
3.38 瑪莎莎蒂 The Planters
3.07 國王二度外出中 The Barefoot Emperor
2.87 我就蕩 Liberté
/ 駭錢怪物 Lucky Monster
3.74 佩佩蛙:感覺不錯蛙 Feels Good Man
3.70 敬!咆哮二十 Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets
3.59 加泰隆尼亞之全民開講 The Year of the Discovery
3.16 愛寓春光 The House of Love
/ 我去遠方,不流浪 We Are From There
3.89 後人類傳說 Last and First Men
3.79 鹽谷時日 The Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin)
3.61 逃亡的女人 The Woman Who Ran
3.44 氣球 Balloon
3.12 暗夜啟示錄 Los Conductos
3.03 無邪 There Is No EviI
4.36 現代啟示錄 Apocalypse Now
4.08 艾蜜莉的異想世界 Amélie
3.96 樂來越愛你 La La Land
3.67 推拿 Blind Massage
3.56 湖 A Lake
3.53 過於寂靜的喧囂 The Tribe
3.42 10 + 10
3.22 傷痕 The Scar
3.96 鬼怪屋 HOUSE
3.91 戰裡的野孩子 Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast
3.58 轉校生 I Are You, You Am Me
3.58 傳說的午後・突然遇見德古拉 ÉMOTION
3.49 穿越時空的少女 The Little Girl Who Conquered Time
3.44 大林宣彥:電影藏寶盒 Labyrinth of Cinema
3.36 微熱的玻璃或踩著悲傷碎嘴華爾滋之葬列的散步路 Complexe
3.28 畫中的少女 The Girl in the Picture
3.09 噬者 An Eater
4.34 光榮之路 Paths of Glory
3.90 突如其藍 Out of the Blue
3.86 不散 Goodbye, Dragon Inn
3.78 千面惡魔 Mephisto
/ 台北之晨 A Morning in Taipei
/ 台北發的早車 Early Train from Taipei
3.70 日子 Days
( / = 查無資料)
— —
4.36 現代啟示錄 Apocalypse Now
4.34 光榮之路 Paths of Glory
4.14 被遺忘的人生 The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão
4.08 艾蜜莉的異想世界 Amélie
3.96 鬼怪屋 HOUSE
3.96 樂來越愛你 La La Land
3.91 戰裡的野孩子 Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast
3.90 突如其藍 Out of the Blue
3.89 後人類傳說 Last and First Men
3.86 不散 Goodbye, Dragon Inn
3.84 鳥是海與樹的孩子 The Metamorphosis of Birds
3.80 意外之後 Beware of Children
3.79 鹽谷時日 The Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin)
3.78 千面惡魔 Mephisto
3.75 這不是一場葬禮 This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection
3.74 佩佩蛙:感覺不錯蛙 Feels Good Man
3.71 密友禁地 Moonlit Winter
3.70 日子 Days
3.70 敬!咆哮二十 Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets
3.67 ㊣麥肯齊金總理秘史♂ The Twentieth Century
3.67 推拿 Blind Massage
3.63 春江水暖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
3.61 逃亡的女人 The Woman Who Ran
3.61 凝視蕾妮瑪莉佛森 Self Portrait
3.59 我的好叔光 Uncle
3.59 加泰隆尼亞之全民開講 The Year of the Discovery
3.59 下落 Identifying Features
3.58 轉校生 I Are You, You Am Me
3.58 傳說的午後・突然遇見德古拉 ÉMOTION
3.56 湖 A Lake
3.54 一日談 Nasir
3.53 過於寂靜的喧囂 The Tribe
3.52 不丹是教室 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
3.50 無名之歌 Song Without a Name
3.49 穿越時空的少女 The Little Girl Who Conquered Time
3.48 拾魂 Valley of Souls
3.48 下半場 We Are Champions
3.47 壞媽咪 Charter
3.45 返校 Detention
3.44 氣球 Balloon
3.44 大林宣彥:電影藏寶盒 Labyrinth of Cinema
3.43 死神二十來敲門 You Will Die at Twenty
3.42 她是我爸爸 A Perfectly Normal Family
3.42 10 + 10
3.40 她房間裡的雲 The Cloud in Her Room
3.39 熱病幻夢 The Fever
3.38 瑪莎莎蒂 The Planters
3.38 江湖無難事 The Gangs, the Oscars, and the Walking Dead
3.36 微熱的玻璃或踩著悲傷碎嘴華爾滋之葬列的散步路 Complexe
3.35 誰是外來者 Exile
3.35 我的G本教義 Minyan
3.28 畫中的少女 The Girl in the Picture
3.28 1917迷走莫三比克 Mosquito
3.27 窒慾 Tench
3.26 非法跟監 Passed by Censor
3.26 天外奇機 Air Conditioner
3.23 灼人秘密 Nina Wu
3.23 人魚祭 Scales
3.22 傷痕 The Scar
3.19 那個我最親愛的陌生人 Synapses
3.18 禁身誘惑 Instinct
3.18 女鬼橋 The Bridge Curse
3.16 菠蘿蜜 Boluomi
3.16 愛寓春光 The House of Love
3.13 夢遊潛水艇 Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine
3.12 暗夜啟示錄 Los Conductos
3.12 人工失格 The Trouble With Being Born
3.10 真心話太冒險 110% Honest
3.09 噬者 An Eater
3.07 曼哈頓戀舞曲 Port Authority
3.07 國王二度外出中 The Barefoot Emperor
3.06 琳恩與露西 Lynn + Lucy
3.04 呼喊遺落天堂 Paradise Drifters
3.03 無邪 There Is No EviI
2.88 流離公路 Desterro
2.87 我就蕩 Liberté
▎場次表 https://www.taipeiff.taipei/schedule.aspx
▎單元介紹 https://www.taipeiff.taipei/Program.aspx
▎線上專刊 https://lihi3.com/0w9Cn
.2020 #台北電影節 6.25-7.11
uncle scar 在 陳詠燊 Sunnyhahaha Facebook 的最讚貼文
Simba走了後,Pride Lands在Scar無道的管治下生靈塗炭、寸草不生,Simba回來收復失地,打算搶回王位,Timon陪牠到來,看著爛地一片的Pride Lands,完全不明白牠為甚麼還要著緊這個地方。
Timon: Uh. We're going to fight your uncle... for this?
Simba: Yes, Timon; this is my home.
uncle scar 在 mrbrown Facebook 的精選貼文
Lives and destinies are built on the kindness of others.
Before we departed, my Sam Pak (Third Uncle) gave specific instructions to his three sons, “Find the family of a particular man. Give them this money.”
Back in 2002, when Sam Pak (Third Uncle) and two of his sons came to see The Man, he had already passed away, so they met his wife. This time, in 2019, his wife had already passed away, so we had to find his children.
Sam Pak (Third Uncle) told his sons the name of The Man. My 堂哥堂弟 (paternal cousins) gave the name of the man to our relatives in Terempa. It was CSI time.
On the last day of our trip, they found his son and daughter. Mission accomplished. They could now fulfill his father’s wishes.
We then heard the story behind The Man my Sam Pak (Third Uncle) wanted found.
During the Japanese Occupation, The Man taught my Sam Pak (Third Uncle) how to fish and where to fish, to feed the family. At that time, other sons were somewhere else, and my Mm Suk (Fifth Uncle) was too young, so it fell on Third Uncle to find a way to feed the family.
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will save his family from starvation.
The Man’s son even remembers the scar Sam Pak (Third Uncle) got from fishing. He said, “I was a boy then, but I remember the long scar on your father’s leg.”
This was a time when Chinese Indonesians were targeted during the Japanese Occupation. Ethnic Chinese had to register themselves and pledge allegiance to the Japanese. Many were arrested or killed by the occupying Japanese forces to smother dissent.
In the conversation, we discovered The Man also helped to hide our Mama (嫲嫲 or Paternal Grandmother) from the Japanese, which is how he became friends with Sam Pak (Third Uncle)
In a time of turmoil and war, against all the odds, and in the face of tremendous adversity, family members, friends and strangers helped one another, rising above race and religion.
To know this is to be grateful and humbled. That we do not get where we are now, and where we will be in the future, without the good deeds of others in the past.
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