(Foreigners' signatures are also welcome!)
The Communist Party of China is going on with ethnic cleansing and suppression of human rights in Hong Kong, East Turkistan, Tibet and South Mongolia. Its military is invading other Asian countries. We strongly oppose inviting the President of the People's Republic China, Xi Jinping, as state guest to Japan.
Is the President Xi a suitable person to be invited as state guest to Japan? If you don't think so, put your signature!
The Japanese government announced the plan to invite President Xi as "state guest" this spring. A "state guest" is a supreme guest to Japan who is formally received by the Emperor. If so, is President Xi a suitable person to be invited as "state guest"?
We don't oppose holding a Japan-China summit meeting. But we, righteous Japanese, cannot allow inviting him as "state guest".
Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has been doing innumerable wrong things. Now led by President Xi, it has become more evil. It is destroying East Turkistan, Tibet and Southern Mongolia, massacring people there and wiping out their cultures, languages and religion. Supported by its fast-strengthening military power, it is intruding on and controlling Asia for the hegemony of the world. Its armed ships are illegally intruding into Senkaku region frequently. Japanese people living in China are always in danger of unjust detention. Hong Kongers who call for freedom and democracy are brutally suppressed. Over one million Uyghurs are thrown into concentration camps. The Xi regime, which is crushing all morality and human rights, is the worst ruler ever in human history.
Western countries are putting more pressure and giving more sanctions on China. Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Bill and Uyghur Human Rights Policy Bill of 2019 were passed almost unanimously in the both Houses of Congress of the United States.
If the Japanese government has invited President Xi as state guest, it will mean the contrary. It will mean that Japan stands by the Xi regime and forsakes Uyghurs, Tibetans, Southern Mongolians, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese and so on, who are risking their own lives to fight against cruelty of the Xi regime. They will be bitterly disappointed. They will think Japanese are shameful people whose interest is only in money and not in freedom, democracy, peace, human rights or human lives.
We remember the Tiananmen Square Incident. It was quite natural for democratic countries to give sanctions on China. However, the Japanese government was so naive as to lift the sanctions soon and, moreover, make the Emperor visit China. It led the other countries to lift the sanctions. It was a historic blunder. Now we cannot let the government make another blunder.
Throughout history, the Japanese Emperors have always prayed for people's happiness and world peace. President Xi is the least suitable person to be invited as state guest to Japan. He is the least suitable person to be received by the Japanese Emperor.
If you are a right-minded Japanese who hopes world peace and doesn't want Japanese pride and honor to be disgraced, you must express your opposition to the invitation.
One million signatures will make the government cancel it.
We have begun a signature campaign in order to make the government cancel the invitation of President Xi as state guest to Japan. If you agree with us, please register through the electronic signature registration form on the official website, or download the signature form from the website, fill in the blanks (your name in the left blank and your address in the right blank) and send it by mail (not by fax or e-mail) to the following address.
Official Website: https://kokuhinhantai.jp/
Signature form: https://kokuhinhantai.jp/cms/files/pdf/shomei.pdf
Name: Executive Committee of the National Campaign against Inviting President Xi Jinping as State Guest
Address: Wakakusa Building, 1-1-16 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
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