可以的話,幫幫忙。 🙏
【初生女婴先天性心脏病,术后情况不稳定,目前施予叶克膜(ECMO)治疗,急需10万令吉进行后续治疗保住小生命(Part 1:发动筹款)】
本会One Hope Charity於接到一宗特紧急的求助个案,案中主角是才出生17天的宝宝黄婕恩 ,来自吉隆坡,患有先天性心脏病,目前在国家心脏中心抢救中。
女婴於隔日(12日)转入国家心脏中心 IJN,在加护病房接受深切观察及治疗。
叶克膜正式称为体外膜氧合(Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO),取代心肺功能,让女婴度过生命的危险期,直到心肺功能恢复。
父母的友人曾在脸书进行筹款,筹获了一笔约3万5000令吉左右,而这笔款项已经缴付给医院。目前个人脸书筹款已经停止,全权交给本基金会One Hope Charity负责募款及代收来自四面八方的善款。
任何疑问可联络该会热线016-4192 192或04-505 9800,抑或游览脸书专页One Hope Charity & Welfare Berhad - 大山脚瑶池金母慈善基金会。
以下户头是专用来筹集女婴黄婕恩(WONG JAY EN)的医费,有意捐款援助者,可把善款汇入以下户口,万分感激。
户头 : One Hope Charity & Welfare Berhad
银行 : Public Bank Berhad
户头号码 : 3201428817
Swift Code : PBBEMYKL
【Newborn baby suffers from congenital heart disease. Her condition is unstable after surgery and currently she is on ECMO treatment. She is in need of RM100,000 for continuous treatment to stay alive (Part 1: Fundraising initiates)】
Long awaited baby girl was born but after birth, her parents received 2 notice of serious disease suffered by her. Her parents were desperate and searching for funds to save their daughters life.
One Hope Charity received an urgent fundraising case. The patient is a 17 days old baby girl named Wong Jay En who is from Kuala Lumpur. She suffers from congenital heart disease and she is currently fighting for her life in IJN.
The baby girl was born on 11 July and when she was born, her face is bluish. Her SPO2 is low and after checkup, she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease (Arterial Switch and VSD Closure). She requires surgery to treat her condition.
When her parents received this news, they were very depressed as from pregnancy till birth, everything was fine.
The baby girl was then transferred to IJN on 12th and was kept under constant monitoring in NICU.
She undergone heart surgery on 24th and the surgery took 9 hours. While the surgery was expected to be successful, doctors informed that the baby girl has irregular heartbeat.
The baby girl is now under ECMO treatment and this treatment requires a huge sum of medical fee. The fee was estimated to sum up to RM100,000.
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, ECMO is a treatment where machines is use to substitute the function of lungs will the baby girl’s heart has recovered.
The friends of her parents had tried to fundraising on Facebook and successfully raised an amount of RM35,000. This amount has been paid to the hospital. Their fundraising was now removed from Facebook and it is official taken over by One Hope Charity.
Her father, Wong King Sing, 33, is a property agent who draws a monthly salary of RM2,000 while her mother, Kee Wen Huey, 31, is an event planner who draws a monthly salary of RM2,500. The baby girl has 2 elder brother who is 6 years old and 4 years old respectively.
For inquiries, please contact our hotline at 016-4192192 or 04-5059800.
The account below is use for the fundraising of Wong Jay En’s medical fee. For those who are interested to donate, please bank in to the account below. Thank You.
Acc Name: One Hope Charity & Welfare Berhad
Bank Name: Public Bank Berhad
Acc No: 3201428817
Swift code: PBBEMYKL
(Please attach you name, contact number and address together with the banking slip and email to info@onehopecharity.com.my. Receipts will be provided accordingly)
Disclaimer: Any alteration of this post is strictly prohibited. Stern actions will be taken against the offenders
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