➥ SARS-CoV-2感染後,偵測抗體的產生及應用一直是臨床關心的問題。 本文是Johns Hopkins病理部醫師利用病例對照研究,分析SARS-CoV-2抗體的臨床有效性和實用性。
研究對象是在該院進行鼻咽腔拭子核酸檢測(nucleic acid amplification test,NAAT)的病患,共計11,066位。將其中115位(1%)住院病患分成COVID-19感染病例組(60名)及非感染對照組(55名)。
抗體實驗的對照組(共513名)則包括:健康員工(160名)、Epstein-Barr病毒IgG陽性者(101名)、thyroperoxidase 抗體陽性者(215名)、rheumatoid factor陽性者(37名)。SARS-CoV2抗體檢測方法是利用ELISA偵測抗病毒棘蛋白(spike protein)的IgA及IgG。
1. 症狀出現14天以後,IgG檢測的敏感性及專一性分別為0.976、0.988;更早的時間則敏感性會降低。
2. IgG產生後可以一直維持至少58天。
3.SARS-CoV-2抗體的產生可預測發生急性呼吸窘迫症候群(ARDS)的機率:IgG每增加2倍,其發病率就會增加62%(P <0.001)。
4.在11, 066名接受NAAT檢驗的患者中,有457名NAAT檢測重複陰性,採取其中18名血清樣本(6名COVID-19病例患者和12名非COVID-19對照患者)發現,6例患者中有5例存在抗體,而12例對照患者中都沒有抗體(P = 0.001)。
( 財團法人國家衛生研究院 齊嘉鈺醫師摘要整理,完整文章,詳:http://forum.nhri.org.tw/covid19/virus/j_translate/j1542/)
📋 ( Annals of Internal Medicine - 2020-07-07) Clinical Validity of Serum Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2: A Case-Control Study
■ Author:Caturegli G, Materi J, Howard BM, Caturegli P.
■ Link:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32628534
〈 國家衛生研究院-論壇 〉
➥ COVID-19學術資源-轉譯文章 - 2020/08/10
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
validity test 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Saudi Arabia's use of AT-1K Raybolt anti-tank guided missile in Yemen.
At one point during the previous administration, South Korea exported significant number of guided weapon system to Saudi Arabia at their request. This included AT-1K Raybolt and the Korea GPS-Guided Bomb (KGGB). Saudi Arabia reportedly fielded the Raybolt earlier than the Republic of Korea Army and even received KGGB straight out of Republic of Korea Air Force wartime munition stockpile.
Existence of such deal was unknown to the public until a footage surfaced in the summer of 2018 showing an Arab coalition soldier armed with a Raybolt engaging a moving pick-up truck. The missile successfully destroyed the truck, which was hidden behind a hill.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shHAXzazWJM
Since then, numerous footage have surfaced, showcasing various engagement scenarios such as short-range, long-range, nighttime, anti-personnel, and so on.
The way Saudi Arabia employed the weapon system remained a mystery until recently, when a Saudi source confirmed that the Saudi military in Yemen operates a dedicated "Special Forces" unit that employs the Raybolt.
According to the source, this "Special Forces" unit carries out undercover missions disguised as, or attached to pro-Saudi Yemeni forces and "snipes" high-value targets using the missile.
7 enemy leaders, 11 BMPs, 24 armored vehicles, 40 fortified positions, and numerous technicals were confirmed to have been destroyed by this unit. Although the claimed number is not verified by 3rd party sources, there are plenty of foogage which supports some degree of validity.
Whatever the case is, Saudi Arabia's employment of Raybolt has surely benefited South Korea, having been able to put the weapon system to the test in live combat environment.
Although there is no visual confirmation, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is another user of the Raybolt. According to official government figure, oversea order of Raybolt is said to be several times greater than domestic order, with UAE's order being 3 times greater than South Korea's. A dedicated Arabic simulator was even developed for foreign customers.
The AT-1K Raybolt is significantly cheaper and lighter than its US counterpart, the FGM-148 Javelin.
Related footage:
~Admin CBG
#at1k #raybolt #lignex1 #현궁 #대전차미사일 #방산수출
validity test 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最佳解答
I always believe that we Hong Kong Studies scholars can make a contribution to "discipline knowledge" if we can put Hong Kong in a suitable comparative context. This manuscript applies the famous "Open Budget Index" and compares the open budget reforms in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan during their different democratization trajectories over the decades. Its acceptance by the International Review of Administrative Sciences (5-year Impact Factor: 2.3) proves that this research approach does work.
▋Democratization and budget openness: evidence from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Brian C.H. Fong | First Published July 8, 2019
Abstract: The existing literature postulates that budget openness often improves at critical moments of democratization. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, which are transitional regimes currently experiencing different regime trajectories, should be ideal places to test the validity of this theory. By examining whether and how open budget reforms in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are related to their regime trajectories through historical-comparative case studies, this article aims to make an original contribution to the comparative budgeting literature by providing a new and unique set of Open Budget Survey-based case studies in the context of East Asian transitional regimes.
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A test's validity is established in reference to a specific purpose; the test may not be valid for different purposes. For example, the test you use to make ... ... <看更多>
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