suckは本来、「吸う」や「しゃぶる」、「なめる」を意味する単語です。例えば、「ストローで吸う」は“Suck on a straw.”、「ペロペロキャンディーをなめる」は“Suck on a lollipop.”、「私の息子は親指をしゃぶります」は“My son sucks his thumb.”と言います。その他、“Vacuum cleaners suck dust from the floor.”のように、掃除機が床のホコリを吸い取る意味でも使えます。
1) ____ sucks
→「ひどい / 最悪 / つまらない」
suckは「ひどい」「最悪」「つまらない」の意味でよく使われる口語的な表現です。例えば、「この料理は最悪だ」は“This food sucks.”、「この映画はつまらない」は“That movie sucks.”、「私の仕事は最悪だ」は“My job sucks.”のように表現します。一般的に“____ sucks”の形式が使われます。
That restaurant has a nice vibe, but the food sucks.
I don't get what the hype is all about. I thought that movie sucked.
My job sucks. It doesn't pay well and I have to work long hours.
2) That sucks
→「それはひどいね / 残念だね / ついてないね」
“That sucks.”は「それはひどいね」や「残念だね」、「ついてないね」を意味し、不幸や災難といった悪い出来事に対する同情を表す表現として使われるインフォーマルなフレーズです。
✔友人のペットや誰かが亡くなった場合など深刻なシーンでの使用は非常に失礼にあたるので避けましょう。その場合は、“I'm very sorry.”や“I'm sorry to hear that.”を使うようにしましょう。
The tickets sold out? That sucks.
I can't believe your flight got delayed for 8 hours. That sucks.
That sucks. If I were you, I would have complained to the manager.
A: I just needed one more point to pass! It's so frustrating.
B: Ah man, that sucks.
A: I was supposed to study abroad in Vancouver this year, but it got canceled because of the coronavirus.
B: Are you serious? That sucks. Hopefully, you can go next year.
A: It was raining the whole time I was there. It was terrible.
B: Wow, that sucks. I had a similar experience when I went to Thailand last year.
3) Suck(s) at ____
→「〜が下手 / 〜が苦手」
suckはスポーツや楽器が「下手」、学校の科目が「苦手」と表現する時にも使うことができ、その場合は“suck at ____”の形式が使われます。例えば、「私はビリヤードが下手です」は“I suck at pool.”、「彼は運転が下手です」は“He sucks at driving.”、「彼女は絵を描くのが苦手です」は“She sucks at drawing.”のように表現します。
ちなみに、「君は下手くそだな」と言いたい時はシンプルに“You suck!”と言います。“You suck!”は状況によって、「君は役立たずだ」や「あなたは最低だ」の意味になることもあるので、状況に応じて判断しましょう。
✔「(彼は)〜が下手」→「(He) sucks at _____」
✔「(彼は)へたくそ」→「(He) sucks!」
I suck at cooking. I go to the convenience store or order on Uber Eats every day.
(私は料理が下手なので、毎日コンビニに行くかUber Eatsで注文します。)
He seriously sucks at driving. Honestly, he shouldn't be on the road. It's hazardous.
Is she really a professional singer? She sucks. She can't carry a tune.
I suck at cooking. The only thing I can make is cup noodles.
I suck at math. I never liked math ever since I was a kid.
He really sucks. He needs more practice.
4) Suck it up
“suck it up”は「我慢しなさい」を意味する口語的な言い方です。特にグダグダと愚痴をこぼしたり弱音を吐いている人に対して使われることが多く、文句を言わずに「我慢してやりなさい、終わらせないさい、なんとかしなさい」といった意味になります。“suck it up”は必ずこの組み合わせで使われるので、このまま覚えましょう。
Look. I know you're exhausted, but suck it up. We have to finish this by today.
My leg cramped up during the marathon, but I sucked it up and finished the race.
Don't put off your project. Just suck it up and finish tonight.
A: It's too hot. I don't want to do this anymore.
B: Suck it up. We're almost done. Let's finish up.
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過47萬的網紅Hapa 英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「Suck」は本来「吸う」を意味しますが、ネイティブの日常会話では、スラングとしても非常に頻繁に使われている単語なので、今日はその用法について触れていこうと思います。 📝今日のレッスンのまとめ📝 =================================== 1. Suck(ひどい、最悪)...
「vancouver today」的推薦目錄:
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vancouver today 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
真係形容唔到我今日有幾開心!! 其實20年前(!!) 我喺溫哥華跳水係攞金牌㗎! 差唔多每日放學就會去學跳舞,跳水,體操! 真係好感恩同幸福! 其實我呢13年喺香港,都有不停去搵邊度可以學跳水,但係一直都搵唔到… 好彩前幾日 @saiming.ching 同我講佢搵到個地方, 我開心到痴咗線! 即刻入會,即刻book堂!今日上咗第一堂,20年之後第一次嘅跳水!!算係咁啦~雖然35歲嘅我冇15歲嘅我咁大膽咁energectic 🤪 但我會繼續努力,希望會快啲進步!好開心呀~!我真係好愛好愛好愛跳水!
I can’t describe how happy I am today. 20 years ago (!!), I was gold champion for 1m diving in Vancouver. I grew up diving almost everyday after school—it was dance, then diving, then gymnastics. I was a very, very lucky and active child (well, still am!). For almost 13 years here in Hong Kong, I’ve been trying to find a place to dive again, but couldn’t find it anywhere! And finally… few days ago, thanks to my friend Sai Ming, I found my diving community again. I immediately signed up for class, and here I am! First time diving in 20 years… not perfect, but it’s a start! My 35 year old stamina definitely feels different from when I was 15 and fearless!! 🤪 Can’t wait to improve and continue doing one of my favourite sports ever!!!
#diving #1m #bounceboard #跳水
vancouver today 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Who doth giveth this lass a bizniz degree? 🤪 Swipeth for my OG grad pics @simonfraseru back when I was a wee lassie 👩🏻🎓
Never publicly posted my convocation pics so thank you @sfubeedie, for inviting me to host and welcome SFU’s class of June 2021 to join the alumni club; giving me an excuse to look back and reminisce!
Truly a pleasure and honour!
University life in Canada was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in my life that value-added so much of my being today— I am for sure too nice/polite for my own good (it was especially tough being nice in China 😂), I learnt the importance of being green, turned into a huge foodie and a health enthusiast at the same time (if that’s even possible), valued outdoor activities so much more (summers in Vancouver is a dream 😍), made friends from so many walks of life, and oh I guess I also learnt a great deal about finance, economics and a lot of how the world works.
Campus life was one I dreamt about growing up in Malaysia with western media exposure and it really was an exhilarating experience! At my final semester during the summer, I worked 2 jobs and was at school full-time but I still had time for weekend volunteer work at my Church’s nursery, attended every beach barbecue I was invited to and threw multiple house parties— still graduated with a 3.75GPA (A- average) ✌🏻 Pretty sure I was working hard and playing hard before it was a meme 😅
Immersing in another country’s culture and philosophies not only helped me grow in my worldly knowledge but also helped me learn to appreciate my own country’s unique culture.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity my father gave to me to study abroad; and I hope to bestow the same fortuity to my future children 🥰
vancouver today 在 Hapa 英会話 Youtube 的最佳貼文
1. Suck(ひどい、最悪) 0:45
・That restaurant has a nice vibe, but the food sucks. (あのレストランは雰囲気はいいけど、料理がひどい)
・I don't get what the hype is all about. I thought that movie sucked.(なんであの映画がすごく話題になっているのかが分からない。僕はひどかったと思ったんだけどね)
・My job sucks. It doesn't pay well and I have to work long hours.(私の仕事は最悪です。給料は低いし、長時間働かないといけない)
2. That sucks (それはひどい、それは残念だ) 1:42
A: I just needed one more point to pass! It's so frustrating.(合格するのに1点だけ足りなかった。悔しいよ)
B: Ah man, that sucks.(あー、それは残念だね)
A: I was supposed to study abroad in Vancouver this year, but it got canceled because of the coronavirus.今年はバンクーバーに留学する予定だったんだけど、コロナで中止になっちゃったよ。
B: Are you serious? That sucks. Hopefully, you can go next year.(マジで?それは最悪だ。来年いけるといいね)
A: It was raining the whole time I was there. It was terrible.(旅行中、ずっと雨だったよ。最悪だった)
B: Wow, that sucks. I had a similar experience when I went to Thailand last year. (それはついてないね。私も去年タイに行った時、同じような経験をしたよ)
3. Suck at ~(〜が下手、〜が苦手) 2:45
・I suck at cooking. I go to the convenience store or order on Uber Eats every day.(私は料理が下手なので毎日、コンビニに行くか、Uber Eatsで注文します)
・He seriously sucks at driving. Honestly, he shouldn't be on the road. It's hazardous.(彼は運転が本当に下手だ。正直言うけど、彼は運転しない方がいいと思う。危険だよ)
・Is she really a professional singer? She sucks. She can't carry a tune. (彼女は本当にプロの歌手なの?下手だね。音痴だよ)
4. Suck it up(我慢しなさい) 4:17
・Look. I know you're exhausted, but suck it up. We have to finish this by today.(クタクタに疲れているのは分かってるけど、我慢して。今日中に終わらせないといけないので)
・My leg cramped up during the marathon, but I sucked it up and finished the race. (マラソン中に足がつりましたが、我慢して完走しました)
・Don't put off your project. Just suck it up and finish tonight.(プロジェクトを後回しにしない。つべこべ言わないで言わないで今夜中に終わらせない)
⭐️Hapa School夏学期は7月12日スタート!お申し込み受付中⭐️
Hapa英会話のオンラインスクール『Hapa School』が、夏学期受講生の募集を開始しました!7月12日よりスタートする「Hapa School-Summer 2021-」では、ネイティブの日常会話で頻繁に使われる動詞と前置詞の組み合わせを8週間にわたりお届けします。皆様のご受講を心よりお待ちしております。
☆ネイティブっぽい英語を話すには必須フレーズ「It’s not that」☆
ネイティブは会話の中でよく“It’s not that ~”という表現を使いますが、これは物事を完全に否定するのではなく部分的に否定をするときに使われる表現で、「~というわけじゃないんだけど」といった意味になります。自然な英語を話すのに役立つ表現なので、ぜひ覚えておきましょう!https://youtu.be/LxXJNBwkOz8
☆【Hapa Buddies】Hapa英会話オンラインコミュニティ
・インスタ: https://www.instagram.com/hapaeikaiwa

vancouver today 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳解答
Not Sure What To Do With Your Great Ideas? Dan Shows You His Step-By-Step Process On How To Take Your Idea And Turning It Into Profits In His New Book, Unlock It. Click Here To Secure Your Copy Today: http://greatideas.danlok.link
Have a good idea for a new initiative in your job or for a new business venture, but you’re not sure what to do with your great ideas? Maybe you have tried implementing some ideas in the past, however, none of them turned out the way you wanted. Watch this video now, as Dan sits down with Brian Scudamore, founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, and share what to do with your great ideas.
At the age of 18, Brian Scudamore started his first junk removal business in Vancouver, Canada to collect enough money for college. In 2004, Brian was welcomed into the Young Presidents’ Organization. And today, he has been named the International Franchise Association’s Entrepreneur of the Year and won numerous awards including Fortune Small Business’ Best Bosses Award and “Best Company To Work For” award.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Not long ago, Dan Lok was just a poor immigrant boy. He had nothing but a strong desire to get out of debt and make enough to provide for his single mom. With this strong desire, Dan quit his job as a grocery bagger. He dropped out of college. And he became an entrepreneur.
After 13 failed businesses, Dan finally became a self-made millionaire at age 27 and multi-millionaire by age 30.
Fast forward to today, Dan is now an official Forbes Book author with over 13 internationally best-selling books. He’s the founder and chairman of several multimillion dollar businesses. And outside of his business success, he is one of the most-watched, most quoted and most followed educators of our time. In total, his videos have been watched over 100-million times across his social media platforms. His emails are read by over 2,000,000 people every month.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #BrianScudamore #GreatIdeas
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about What To Do With Your Great Ideas

vancouver today 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的精選貼文
Want More Advice For Success From Self-Made Millionaires And Billionaires? Subscribe To Dan’s New Podcast Here: http://adviceforsuccess.danlok.link
Wants words of wisdom from self-made millionaires and billionaires and advice for success? In this video, Dan Lok reveals some of the lessons and success advice he’s learned from local millionaires and billionaires who run Vancouver. Watch this video now to discover their words of wisdom and advice for success.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator. Mr. Lok is leading a global education movement spanning across 120+ countries where Mr. Lok has taught millions of men and women to develop high income skills, unlock true financial confidence and master their financial destinies.
Beyond his success in business, Mr. Lok was also a two times TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of over a dozen books. And the host of The Dan Lok Show – a series featuring billionaire tycoons and millionaire entrepreneurs.
Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in hundreds of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
#DanLok #WordsOfWisdom #AdviceForSuccess
This video is about Words Of Wisdom From A Self-Made Billionaire - Advice For Success

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Free delivery today !!!! ... 春芳號-Greater Vancouver, profile picture · 春芳號-Greater Vancouver. Free delivery today !!!! Instagram Photos · Mar 31, ... ... <看更多>