vim-slime 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

Okay, so I was having exactly the same problem, which is what brought me to this question. I have a split session, vim code on the left and a scheme prompt ... ... <看更多>
#1. jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
What is Vim-Slime? ... Context for SLIME: SLIME is an Emacs plugin to turn Emacs into a Lisp IDE. You can type text in a file, send it to a live REPL, and avoid ...
#2. vim-slime 把vim里的代码"发射"到ipython[视频] - 知乎专栏
代码的写法应当使别人理解它的时间最小化。这次介绍一个比较小众偏门的vim 插件vim-slime,它模仿了emacs 的slime,通过这个插件我们可以把vim 里编辑 ...
#3. vim-slime 把vim里的代碼"發射"到ipython[視頻] - 壹讀
這次介紹一個比較小眾偏門的vim 插件vim-slime,它模仿了emacs 的slime,通過這個插件我們可以把vim 里編輯的代碼發送到tmux/ipython 等, ...
What is Vim-Slime? ¶ ... Context for SLIME: SLIME is an Emacs plugin to turn Emacs into a Lisp IDE. You can type text in a file, send it to a live REPL, and avoid ...
#5. How to make vim-slime work with the neovim terminal? - Reddit
I got a pretty decent workflow going on with vim-slime and tmux atm. My issue is that I'm only using tmux because I couldn't get vim-slime ...
#6. slimv.vim - Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim ('SLIME for ...
package script version date Vim version user slimv0913.zip 0.9.13 2017‑03‑19 7.0 Tamas Kovacs slimv0912.zip 0.9.12 2013‑12‑29 7.0 Tamas Kovacs slimv0911.zip 0.9.11 2013‑09‑09 7.0 Tamas Kovacs
#7. vim-slime vs neovim-remote - compare differences and reviews?
Are you familiar with the Emacs plugin Slime? Somebody wrote a vim version. Works with tmux and pretty much any REPL; can send over code line by line, or by ...
#8. vim slime not using %cpaste? indentation problems - Issue ...
For some magical reason vim-slime stopped working for me. I'm trying to send multi-line text from vim to ipython and it is not wrapping it ...
#9. Vim for Scheme | Antarctic
vim -slime也是受SLIME启发,但是它只实现简单的文本传输的功能。具体来说,就是它会把vim的buffer里面特定部分的文本发送到解释器那里,然后接下来的 ...
#10. A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) - 极思路
GitHub - jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs). 4年前阅读数257 收藏. 以下为 快照 页面,建议前往来源网站查看,会有更好的阅读体验。
#11. Connect Vim with Python REPL session - Codding Buddy
jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime , A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) - http://technotales.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/like-slime ...
#12. Vim-slime Download (ZST) - pkgs.org
vim -slime latest versions: r321.e80be3b. vim-slime architectures: x86_64. vim-slime linux packages: zst. ©2009-2021 - Packages for Linux and Unix.
#13. slime time: Replacing RStudio/Jupyter with vim-slime/tmux?
I had read about the vim-slime plugin for a while but it wasn't until this past weekend that I finally got around to setting it up and adding it ...
#14. jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some ... - Repo Archive
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) · Top Issues · Top 30 Contributors · Repository Summary · External Links.
#15. Using vim-slime with pry for REPL perfection | Alan MacDougall
Using vim-slime with pry for REPL perfection # I used to use Python for my everyday scripting tasks, but since I started working at Paperless Post, ...
#16. vim-slime - Bountysource
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs). Become a Bounty Hunter You're a Bounty Hunter. View Bounties; Unsubscribe from vim-slime ...
#17. How do I set up a vertically split terminal for the vim-slime ...
For the vim-slime plugin, these are my settings: let g:slime_target = "vimterminal" let g:slime_paste_file = "$HOME/.slime_paste" let ...
#18. vim-slime 的缩进貌似有问题?-H5W3
我正在使用vim 的slime 插件编写scheme,但是当我换行的时候似乎缩进出了问题,当我输入了define 再按回车以后我本来期望是这样的结果:
#19. How to use vim-slime from within a single tmux session?
Okay, so I was having exactly the same problem, which is what brought me to this question. I have a split session, vim code on the left and a scheme prompt ...
#20. vim-slime - A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
We have collection of more than 1 Million open source products ranging from Enterprise product to small libraries in all platforms. We aggregate information ...
#21. Seamlessly run Python code in IPython from Vim | PythonRepo
The major difference between ipython-cell and other plugins (such as vim-slime and nvim-ipy) is that this plugin has 'non-verbose' commands that do not show ...
#22. I wonder why the author doesn't mention the plugin vim-slime ...
From what I can gather, Slimv and Vlime are more focused on lisp with built-in completion and debugging whereas vim-slime is language ...
#23. Getting started with Vim and Tmux for Python - Towards Data ...
Next, the plugin vim-slime is used to send selected code from Vim to the IPython console. The following to configuration in the .vimrc file enables this ...
#24. Simplifying the life of a programmer with vim + vim-slime + tmux
All I need vim-slime for is to send text from vim to REPL. You open tmux, divide the screen into two tabs - on the left you put vim, on the ...
#25. 給VIM添加REPL - GetIt01
python作為一個動態語言,REPL在開發過程中起到了很大的作用。 可是一直以來用vim寫python沒有一個很好的,簡便的提供repl功能。也有類似的插件,比如vim-slime,但是 ...
#26. Send Lines of Code from Vim to R/Julia/Python REPL - λ ...
vim -slime is absolutely great, it's a plugin for vim that lets you send text to screen or tmux. This is perfect for programming any language that has an REPL, ...
#27. raw996's Profile | Docker Hub
Kaggle Python + vim-slime = REPL/RStudio knock-off for python. Container. raw996/dshiny. By raw996 • Updated 3 years ago. Shiny server. Container.
#28. Analyzing data in the terminal with vim and byobu - Vincent ...
Since byobu is a thin configuration wrapper around tmux , we need to tell vim-slime that it will interact with a tmux multiplexer.
#29. vim-slime-git - AUR (en)
Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/vim-slime-git.git (read-only, click to copy). Package Base: vim-slime-git. Description: A vim plugin for REPL.
#30. VIM Jeans & Sneaker Stores - Facebook
What Up Slime! ❇ #VIM #Slime #hat.
#31. Vim-Slime + iTerm2 - Dizzy Coding
My problem was: I wanted to run javascript code in command line without leaving vim buffer or running any crazy vimscript.
#32. Vim, vim-slime, and screen | Jay's Notes
Then I ran into Vim-slime, another Vim plugin that allows you to send lines of code from one window to another, thus eliminating the need for ...
#33. vim-slime 把vim里的代码"发射"到ipython[视频] - 掘金
这次介绍一个比较小众偏门的vim 插件vim-slime,它模仿了emacs 的slime,通过这个插件我们可以把vim 里编辑的代码发送到tmux/ipython 等, ...
#34. biubiu, 看我用vim-slime发射vim里的代码到ipython - Bilibili
#35. Vim 下使用Slimv(相似Slime) 轻松调试Common Lisp - 菜鸟学院
Vim 下使用Slimv(相似Slime) 轻松调试Common Lisp 目录前情回顾安装slimv 数据配置默认快捷键实战演练前情回顾在上一篇文章想法验证:超轻量级全功能纯 ...
#36. Vim and Tmux as Alternative to Juno for Julia Development
Julia. After installing all required packages, we need to configure Vim by adding the following lines to our .vimrc: " set slime target ...
#37. Seamlessly run Python code from Vim in IPython
The major difference between ipython-cell and other plugins (such as vim-slime and nvim-ipy) is that this plugin has 'non-verbose' commands ...
#38. 超輕量級全功能純文字介面REPL 類語言IDE: Vim+Tmux+Slimv
也就是比語言自帶的 REPL 稍微多了個編輯區的功能, 尤其是使用過 Emacs + Slime 環境的朋友, 多麼希望能在 vi 下用到類似的功能啊!
#39. Locked Files · Kaiyin Zhong / vim-slime - GitLab
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
#40. Julia-Vim tutorial for newbies - Tooling - JuliaLang
You need to config vim-slime so that it will send the code to vim terminal pane. The config detail can be found in the github repo of ...
#41. What is the best SLIME equivalent for Vim? - Quora
The biggest issue with ViM is that it doesn't have a great way of communicating with external processes. Something like SLIME needs a great infrastructure ...
#42. AUR (en) - vim-slime-git - Arch Linux User Repository
Package Base: vim-slime-git. Description: A vim plugin for REPL. Upstream URL: https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime.
#43. vim-slime - githubmemory
vim -slime repo issues.
#44. VIM下写Lisp,slime.vim配置使用小结_u011500307的专栏
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! xterm -e sbcl --load ~/.vim/slime/start-swank.lisp &' 这里选择的是sbcl,官方文档说也可以支持clisp等其他Lisp实现,比如改clisp的话 ...
#45. My Writing & Coding Workflow | the cedar ledge - Jacob Zelko
Furthermore, what is awesome is that you can use it as a sort of vim-slime tool to send lines of code to the floating terminal.
#46. vim-slime を使って VIM の内容をコンソールに送信 - Wizard in ...
vim -slime; インストール; 対応コンソール; 標準の使い方; Python 開発用の vimrc の設定; 各プログラミング言語の設定例.
#47. Vim-Slime + iTerm2 (Example) - Coderwall
A protip by junior-ales about vim, macosx, mac, iterm, screen, repl, iterm2, and vim-slime.
#48. VIM下写Lisp,slime.vim配置使用小结 - 新浪博客
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! xterm -e sbcl --load ~/.vim/slime/start-swank.lisp &' 这里选择的是sbcl,官方文档说也可以支持clisp等其他Lisp实现, ...
#49. Plugin Roundup: Headlights, vim-slime, xsnippet - Medium
Headlights (GitHub: [mbadran / headlights]) by Mohammed Badran adds a Bundles menu to Vim, displaying the installed plugins and the features they provide.
#50. Gabriele Petronella on Twitter: "Cool scala worksheet, using ...
Cool scala worksheet, using vim, #Ammonite and vim-slime. Here's the tmuxinator conf: ...
#51. vim-slime - Freesoft.dev
What is Vim-Slime? Context for SLIME: SLIME is an Emacs plugin to turn Emacs into a Lisp IDE. You can type text in a file, send it to a live ...
#52. Python vim.command方法代碼示例- 純淨天空
需要導入模塊: import vim [as 別名] # 或者: from vim import command [as 別名] def _slimesend(string): """Send ``string`` using vim-slime.
#53. Slimux - SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim - Open ...
This is a SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim. It makes it easy to interact with different tmux panes directly from Vim. It has two styles for ...
#54. Using the Figwheel REPL with VIM and tmux - GitHub Wiki SEE
You can use the vim-slime plugin to send code to terminal repls. I use it with tmux, but it appears to work with several terminal multiplexers (like screen, ...
#55. Script:2531 | Vim Tips Wiki
Use this page to discuss script 2531 slimv: Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim (SLIME for Vim). Add constructive comments, bug reports, ...
#56. VIM下写Lisp,slime.vim配置使用小结
VIM 下写Lisp,slime.vim配置使用小结. 年前因为学习Common Lisp而去尝试了一下Emacs(其实也就是跟着Tutorial走了一遍),发现还是用着不太顺手,但是 ...
#57. SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim | LaptrinhX
Slimux. This is a SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim. It makes it easy to interact with different tmux panes directly from Vim.
#58. OCaml, VIM, Repl - Community
I.e. I manually start utop within a tmux session, then configure vim-slime for that session, and send stuff from vim to tmux with <c-c><c-c> .
#59. Упрощение жизни программиста с vim + vim-slime + tmux
В проектной сессии увязываются Сlojure, CoffeeScript, Stylus; tmux + vim + vim-slime + Clojure REPL. Под катом я расскажу об трех сетапах для ...
#60. NO GLUE DISH SOAP SLIME!! How to make Slime with Vim ...
Jul 5, 2020 - NO GLUE DISH SOAP SLIME!! How to make Slime with Vim dish soap and Flour without glue or borax#MRSLIME #NoGlueSlime #FlourSlime ...
#61. Evaluating code inside vim? - Questions / Help - Elixir Forum
It may not be exactly what you're wanting, but I use vim-slime and run an iex shell in either nvim's terminal or in tmux.
#62. как ускорить копирование с помощью tmux + vim-slime?
Я использую tmux и vim-slime вместе. Есть ли способы ускорить отправку текста с vim на панель tmux? Мои настройки: $ uname -a CYGWIN_NT-6.1 ...
#63. vim-slime 的缩进貌似有问题? - SegmentFault 思否
我正在使用vim 的slime 插件编写scheme,但是当我换行的时候似乎缩进出了问题,当我输入了define 再按回车以后我本来期望是这样的结果:
#64. Integrations with other tools - kitty - Kovid Goyal
vim -slime¶. uses kitty remote control for a Lisp REPL. vim-kitty-navigator¶. allows you to navigate seamlessly between vim and ...
#65. 全部读书笔记- 实用Common Lisp编程 - 豆瓣
实用Common Lisp编程的读书笔记:既想体验REPL又不想把自己宝贵青春中的任何一秒浪费在emacs上的vim用户可以安装slimv.vim("SLIME for Vim"): [http://www....
#66. Slimux - tmux Plugin for Vim - Esa-Matti Suuronen
The plugin takes its inspiration from Emacs Slime as well as from other similar Vim plugins. The idea behind it is to make interaction with ...
#67. Vim Slime - Tarn Barford
Today I found the awesomeness that is vim-slime, it's been an exciting day for me. Slime is the "The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for ...
#68. Vim+Tmux配置Scheme程式設計環境 - ITW01
文章摘要: vim(文字編輯器) tmux和tmuxinator(終端會話工具) ... 受到這篇部落格的啓發,我決定使用vim-slime來「溝通」vim和tmux,將vim中 ...
#69. VIM下写Lisp,slime.vim配置使用小结_u011500307的专栏
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! xterm -e sbcl --load ~/.vim/slime/start-swank.lisp &' 这里选择的是sbcl,官方文档说也可以支持clisp等其他Lisp实现, ...
#70. vim-slime: Total REPL Control
vim -slime: Total REPL Control So, I'm learning a little Lisp, and everyone knows all the bad-ass-neck-beard Lisp programmers use Emacs, ...
#71. Coding Python in Neovim with IPython as a REPL - semipol.de
Finally, I have found something that works well, which I will explain here. First try: vim-slime. The first Vim plugin that I have been using in ...
#72. Screencast: Like Slime, for Vim | Jonathan's Techno-tales
A year ago, I posted Like Slime, for Vim. There was a lot of interest in sticking with Vim but having a way to get something similar to ...
#73. 用Python REPL session 连接Vim - IT工具网
我有两个终端session ,一个运行Vim,另一个运行Python(或iPython)REPL。 ... 在Emacs 世界中,这被称为“Slime”,它通常用于将Emacs 与REPL 连接,例如Lisp REPL。 Vim ...
#74. jpalardy/vim-slime - CD2H gitForager
README. vim-slime. Demo. vim-slime session with R. What is Vim-Slime? Context for SLIME: SLIME is an Emacs plugin to turn Emacs into a Lisp IDE.
#75. 如何从vim向ipython发送代码
坦率地说,我想要整合vim和IPython,我知道有一个很棒的vim插件. ... 在终端内启动两个tmux窗格,一个用于Vim,一个用于IPython; 安装vim-slime插件,将其配置为 ...
#76. Key bindings to send lines of test code with tmux+vim?
Install Vim-slime. I'm using Vundle, so I added the following to my .vimrc : Plugin 'jpalardy/vim-slime' , and ran :PluginInstall in vim.
#77. Tidal forum
It was originally based on vim-slime. Wave and tidal power are an important part of the green energy mix for reducing global CO2 emissions.
#78. Gruvbox vim
I have two colorscheme gruvbox, and vim-hybird-material. ... to a target for execution " Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime' " Ranger file browser integration: Plug ...
#79. V9 Arigato Lyrics - Vim Buzz
I love my life but ill risk it for my slime [Verse 2] I risk it. Two man on a mission. Up it, ping it. I got a feeling like double 6 hunna
#80. Neovim electron - Basket
Neovim is a Vim-based text editor engineered for extensibility and usability, ... for Vim (and Neovim), similar to SLIME for Emacs and SLIMV for Vim. 18.
#81. Neovim electron
If neovim is the modern vim, then helix is post-modern. ... Lisp dev environment for Vim (and Neovim), similar to SLIME for Emacs and SLIMV for Vim. js.
#82. Unity show normals - Enem Hospital
The further steps show an example of how to set up the vimdiff tool for Vim. ... gooey slime, beautiful lakes, flashing LEDs, and more.
#83. Run lisp online - Lucofin.it
Funnel takes input from Vim and the keyboard and sends it to Lisp. ... Now that you've installed SLIME, you can run it by running Emacs and typing M-x slime ...
#84. 如何在單個tmux會話中使用vim-slime?
我正在嘗試使用流行的vim插件“ vim-slime”通過一個tmux會話集成ipython和vim。問題是,只要在單獨的tmux窗口中打開vim(或使用gvim),我就可以使其正常工作,但是, ...
#85. 【Vim 編輯器配置指南】訂製個人的編輯神器
目錄. 前言; Vim 配置; Vim 插件; 終端機指令. 前言. 工程師要學習Vim 編輯器的過程,就跟學習Java 或Python 的程式語言一樣,是有「門檻效應」。 例如.
#86. Sublime change default terminal
I have vim as default editor on my Mac and every time I run commands on Mac ... one simply needs to cd into the project and open the folder using ” slime .
#87. Trainz reforged - Facts about SuperWeb
00%: 1 Slime Ball: 50. Игры начинающиеся на букву M. View more ... OS - Direction keys (Vim shortcuts) Quicken 2018 - Last day of this month. price. SAXRT .
#88. Gruvbox dark
The color scheme was originally developed for Vim, but there are plenty of ... Gruvbox, Material, Monokai, Slime, Oceanic, One) by sldobri.
#89. Emacs tutorial
SLIME is a Emacs mode for Common Lisp development. ... Quick Start • Documentation • Layers List • Layers Tutorial • Conventions • Contribute • Vim Users.
#90. Autolisp editor
We will develop with either Emacs and Slime or the VSCode and Atom editors, we will learn the syntax, we will see all ... Paredit Sublime Text Vim Slimv.
#91. Vimium marks - Website.pl
Since releasing support for Vim and Emacs modes in the Overleaf editor, ... slime. com - 1 update in 1 topic Mark Borcherding delivers a lightning talk ...
#92. Sublime change default terminal
The default editor is VIM. sh file in the profile. ... along with an alias, one simply needs to cd into the project and open the folder using ” slime .
#93. Dracula cursor theme
Slime Theme by smlombardi. There are also many ports for other programs like vim and tmux to make the overall appearance coherent.
#94. Chicken systems translator mac - OFK Ivanjica
Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a ... such as Emacs, Kile, LyX, Texmaker, TeXstudio, Vim and WinEdt.
#95. I3blocks examples - SnugnHug
... [universe] Qt 5 webkit examples qtxmlpatterns5-examples (5. vim - vim plugin that maintains yank history:h yankring-tutorial - yankring tutorial; slime.
#96. Emacs hugo - Website Design Company
Visual Studio Code, Vim, and Jetbrains GoLand are probably your best bets out ... (1982) I might be wrong, but my impression was that slime and swank have ...
#97. Autolisp editor
It includes Emacs with Slime, SBCL, Quicklisp and Git. ... of few editors include Windows Notepad, OS Edit command, Brief, Epsilon, EMACS, and vim or vi.
#98. Dracula cursor theme
The base theme you select will fill the To set your vim default colorscheme to a theme named “slate,” just follow these ... Slime Theme by smlombardi.
#99. Reborn as a timelord fanfiction
... mairie d'estevelles 62 polyphasic sleep uberman yuav tuag vim kev nco koj ... From The Anim Reincarnated As A Slime X Oc. Fought throughout countless ...
vim-slime 在 jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) 的推薦與評價
What is Vim-Slime? ... Context for SLIME: SLIME is an Emacs plugin to turn Emacs into a Lisp IDE. You can type text in a file, send it to a live REPL, and avoid ... ... <看更多>