阿里巴巴 AI 「看圖回答」 測驗擊敗微軟、臉書、特斯拉,準確率還首次超越人類!
看圖回答問題是人類生活及溝通的基本條件,但是對 AI 來說卻是一項高難度任務。
阿里巴巴達摩學院打造出來的 AI 語言模型 AliceMind,幾天前首度打破圖像問答(VQA)世界紀錄,答題準確率甚至超越人類基準,並且擊敗同樣有參加挑戰的微軟、FB 隊伍,象徵達摩學院的人工智慧技術邁出關鍵一步。
VQA 挑戰是什麼?
圖像問答(Visual Question Answering)挑戰的緣起,是因為國際電腦視覺與技術辨識大會 (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,CVPR)希望鼓勵企業攻克 AI 多模態機器學習(MultiModal Machine Learning)的難題,因此從 2015 年開辦 VQA 挑戰賽,吸引來自世界各地的網路企業、科研單位參賽。
今年的 VQA 挑戰賽和往年一樣,題庫包含了超過 25 萬張真實照片,總共有 110 萬道題目。這些題目會考驗 AI 是否能辨別圖像,比如說在一張人群的照片中算出有幾個兒童、或是在圖片中辨認出書桌上的車鑰匙,進而推測房間主人是有車的。
VQA 技術已經被廣泛導入阿里巴巴平台,像是它的 AI 客服機器人「小蜜」(Alime)就已經被淘寶、天貓商家等電商平台採用。消費者輸入問題後,AI 客服會根據商品資訊和顧客問題給出答案。
另一方面,VQA 技術不僅能運用在電商,還可用於醫學圖像辨識,以及電動車的智慧駕駛分析。
阿里巴巴的 AI 模型為何成績能夠超越人類?
這幾年人工智慧(AI)逐漸滲透到各行業,也推動更多科技革命,AI 技術逐漸成為企業數位轉型、對抗疫情,並讓經濟重返正軌的重要力量。
由阿里巴巴達摩學院打造的 AI 深度語言模型系統 AliceMind 在這次的 VQA 測驗中,答題準確率拿到 81.26%,首次超越了人類答題的準確率 80.83% ,更讓馬雲投資的達摩學院在 AI 發展上取得重大進展。
AliceMind 採用了多種專有技術,包括多樣化的視覺表示(diverse visual representations)、「多模態」預訓練語言模型(multimodal pretrained language models)、「跨模態」語義融合和對齊技術( adaptive cross-modal semantic fusion and alignment technology)。這些技術不僅可以讓阿里巴巴的 AI 理解問題並分析圖像,還可以讓 AI 用近似人類的語感回答問題。
阿里巴巴達摩院自然語言處理(NLP)負責人 Si Luo 表示:「這代表我們在『機器學習』領域又取得了一個重要里程碑,AliceMind 在視覺與文本的『多模態』理解及推理上,測試分數媲美人類認知水準,彰顯了我們研發 AI 的努力成效。」
打造出這款 AI 模型的達摩學院是什麼來歷?
2017 年,馬雲認為阿里巴巴應該要把眼光放遠,致力解決未來世界經濟、社會等問題,在此願景下成立了研究單位「達摩學院」( DAMO Academy),號稱要在 3 年投入超過 1000 億人民幣,將重點放在基礎科學和顛覆式技術創新研究上。
Si Luo 表示,人工智慧分為運算智慧、感知智慧、認知智慧及創造智慧 4 個層次。這次 AliceMind 參與的 VQA 測試內容屬於認知智慧部份。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過44萬的網紅MakeLearningFun,也在其Youtube影片中提到,product information: Motorized, self-rolling baby ball is designed for 6 months to 3 year olds; great baby gift item Baby toy has 3 light-up shape but...
「visual recognition」的推薦目錄:
- 關於visual recognition 在 台灣物聯網實驗室 IOT Labs Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於visual recognition 在 林郁晉- Yu Jun LIN Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於visual recognition 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於visual recognition 在 MakeLearningFun Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於visual recognition 在 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition 的評價
- 關於visual recognition 在 watson-developer-cloud/visual-recognition-code-pattern 的評價
- 關於visual recognition 在 An Update On Our Use of Face Recognition | Meta - Facebook 的評價
visual recognition 在 林郁晉- Yu Jun LIN Facebook 的最讚貼文
《 #籠罩下的巨大哀愁 》
A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over
by Yu-Jun LIN
Late mornings and sleepless nights. Frustration. Anxiety.
They seem to have infiltrated our consciousness and entered our dreams. We recognize the shape of eaves, the folding line of streets, and return to our dwelling coordinates where we hide and live. We see restless men and women in full feather wandering through the brightly-lit city and then sitting shoulder to shoulder with countless strangers, between countless walls.
In the 1970s, urbanism started paving its way into Taiwan. Bidding farewell to the landscape of an agricultural society, life thus became crowded and repressive in cities. The meaning of “urbanism” does not merely lie in towering skyscrapers but in altered landscapes, living conditions, isolation and loneliness as well as increasingly complex social issues. Submerged in the capitalist system, every person has been assumed as a tiny component, whose labor force is needed by the whole mechanism, but not with one’s individuality as well.
However, the construction of liberalism constantly reminds us of our own subjectivity, along with the importance of being viewed as a whole. Such contradictory values leads to extreme unease and confusion that keeps building up and ceaselessly floods our minds with external chaos. As worries that never subside loom over us, we are forced to retreat to our dwellings, where we are perfectly alone, and safe. We can uninhibitedly be ourselves – yet under the lingering dark cloud of sorrows.
Frustrating questions as “Who am I?” seem to return in lonesome nights, invariably. When night falls, myriads of dazzling lights glisten in innumerous windows at the near distance. Gazing into the dreamlike, transient light, we recall things we hope to seal for good in our troubled mind. We question again and again, about what role we should be playing to integrate into the society but still maintain the integrity of our own subjectivity.
A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over features eight selected pieces and delineates the question of how people, as individuals, should coexist with others, a question deriving from urbanites’ perceptual conflicts experiences.
Zheng Er Qi | People
“People” mirrors the phenomenon of Taiwan’s transition from being an agricultural society to city since 1970. It precisely portrays everyday urbanity that people nowadays are familiar with: Although millions of people reside on one spot, their recognition of one another fails to grow with urbanization, despite the presumable nearness.
Chung Chih Ting|I Am by Your Side
With the explanation by an offscreen sound and the roleplay image, “I Am by Your Side” depicts how urbanites try to be in company, revealing people’s natural urge for social connection. Yet it ends up to be talking to oneself or pointless mumbles, simply a futility of communication.
Wu Bo Sian | Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile
In the video, the chimpanzees form a spectacle, say, abnormality, in a seemingly normal context. “Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile” is a response to conflicts between public administration and individual freedom, zooming in on the contradictions or constraints between all the intervenable and the non-intervenable in everyday scenes.
Wang Ding Yeh | One-One
“One-One” depicts how people try to maintain an intact, rational space of survival while sometimes fail to avoid transgressing, under limited resources in a highly competitive society. With much precision, it captures the specific default interpersonal distance, and poses the question: How should each person navigate to find the best living posture at the moment?
Tsai Jie | When the Dust Settles
“When the Dust Settles” shows people restlessly beating on a possible exit to get out. However, does such an exit really exist? Or is it simply a delusion stemming from one’s untamable impetuosity? The work reflects the desolation of men and women, who are rumbustious, but aimless.
Huan Yen Chiao | 1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?
Fish in the bowl resembles people trapped in cities: extravagant outfits, splashing neon lights; sensational visual effects indeed. “1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?” presents how people escape from their anxiety and weariness for the time being. The work highlights the entire incompatibility and a sense of solitude after one’s subjectivity is highly developed.
Wong Shu Lian | I found myself floating and sinking down once in a while
The work addresses the enduring controversy between liberalism and capitalism that have been engendering people’s inner conflicts. It captures one’s self-doubt and angst in a profound way while, by exploring how to determine one’s best position, raises the ultimate question – Who are we after all?
Chen Chia Jen | SWEETWATER
“SWEETWATER” was born under Chen’s reflections during his artistinresidence experience in Southeast Asia. Between people living in urban and rural areas, there is a grand difference of perspectives, regarding how to survive and live a good life. It implies the fact that the widely-recognized future image, constructed by our society, might not be as clear or real as it seems, or perhaps what people accepted is simply a vague, even somehow out-of-focus, prospect.
展覽日期|2021/08/07(Sat.) ─ 09/12(Sun.)
展覽地點|台北當代藝術館廣場電視牆 MoCA Plaza LED TV Wall
播映時間| Mon. ─ Sun. 16:00-21:00
特別感謝| 贊助單位
厭世會社 @mis.society
#王鼎曄 #吳柏賢 #陳嘉壬 #黃彥超 #黃淑蓮 #蔡傑 #鄭爾褀 #鍾知庭 #林郁晉 #A_Dark_Cloud_of_Sorrow_Looms_Over
visual recognition 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
如果有看過我的一些訪問,其實我是讀建築設計畢業。那年畢業後在國際和本地則師樓工作了三年,2014年辭去工作時和自己說,反正建築從來都與我無關,未來應該不會再接觸到吧。記得在英國修讀建築的第一堂,老師說建築就是如何定義空間。之後的十年建築設計教育和工作,我由如何定義空間到學會了地績比率,「平衡」地產商和買家的利益。離職時的工作還記得是一條長廊多伙極小型樓盤,空間極小但要有優良景觀,因為這樣才最賣錢。這幾年做著各式各樣關於「畫」的創作,有時我會想我成為了一個怎樣的人,那段關於建築的過去發芽後長成了什麼。偶然會有一些相關建築項目合作,例如和brandon蒲窩的貓屋,和生豪Jason的棚仔紀錄,和forest breakazine關於住屋的那期。雖不完全以建築角度去創作,但總會聞見一些浸釀的果香,確實影響著我看事情的角度和想法。這次由港大建築系的個人展覽正好述說我的一部分,如果以現在的角色身分去想建築,又會是什麼。
“𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲” 𝗘𝘅𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
日期: 2 August – 23 August 2021
時間: 10:00am - 8:00pm @S507, 5/F, Block A
地點: PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street
參觀者可以在這三個星期的展期内與藝術家現場互動,及見證展覽的建構過程。每週四和六定為工作室開放日,歡迎公眾透過HKU Architecture@Eventbrite報名參與。
The exhibition will draw on Ricky Luk's (humchuk) art practice that has called attention to mental health challenges in the urban environment. Ricky received his Master in Architecture from the University of Hong Kong in 2012 and has taken up a career as an illustrator and visual artist since 2014. His fourth book 累倒就躺著不要動 just released in mid-July 2021. Ricky's creative works also include collaboration with the Centre for Civil Society and Governance, HKU on a project called 𝘍𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘚𝘌𝘕, and with the Department of Psychiatry, HKU for the development of 𝘏𝘒 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘛𝘰𝘰𝘭, a mental health recognition tool. Currently, Ricky is researching the outlying island community as an artist-in-residence in the “Lamma Mia” public art project organised by the Art Promotion Office, LCSD.
Throughout the course of three weeks, visitors will see the building of the exhibition in progress with live in-situ visits with the artist. Open exhibition studio visits will be every Thursday and Saturday. For more details and registration, please visit HKU Architecture Gallery@eventbrite
Faculty of Architecture, HKU
PMQ 元創方
visual recognition 在 MakeLearningFun Youtube 的最佳解答
product information:
Motorized, self-rolling baby ball is designed for 6 months to 3 year olds; great baby gift item
Baby toy has 3 light-up shape buttons that teach infants numbers and insects
3 animal buttons teach babies animal's name and sounds; helps with baby music learning and recognition
Sensory ball has soft satin ribbons that enhance tactile stimulation
Spinning ladybug attracts baby attentions for training visual awareness; awareness promoting feature is a benefit among infant toys
Musical toy comes with 40+ sing along songs, sound effects and fun phrases
The toy comes with 3 easy to change AA batteries
This video is also suitable for someone who want to learn English as second language, We hope your kid will enjoy this video and learn the pronunciation, name of dinosaur and able to identify them same as my kid.
If you want to watch more video from us, please
-do subscribe us!
-like the video and share to you friend who have kid on the facebook, tweeter, google+....etc
Popular Playlist:
Learn names of animal with sound playlist:
Learn names of street vehicle and its sound playlist
Learn names of fruits and vegetables
Learn number and counting playlist:
Most dinsouar sound effect is from
http://www.dinosaurfact.net/ and we did post processing to make it more interesting for kids.

visual recognition 在 watson-developer-cloud/visual-recognition-code-pattern 的推薦與評價
The Visual Recognition service uses deep learning algorithms to analyze images for scenes, objects, text, and other subjects. · Flow. ... <看更多>
visual recognition 在 An Update On Our Use of Face Recognition | Meta - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Facial recognition can be particularly valuable when the technology operates privately on a person's own devices. This method of on-device ... ... <看更多>
visual recognition 在 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition 的推薦與評價
Course materials and notes for Stanford class CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. ... <看更多>