I get fatigue, cool feet, and dizzy easily especially when I bend down to pick up things. These happened quite often but I’m not sure the why until I did my Iron Deficiency Assessment. 😱😱
Then I found out that I have anemia or iron deficiency. I started to take BiO-LiFE Ferrovit that contains Iron, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12. It comes in an individual blister packing for convenient, easy handling, and prevent oxidation. ✨✨
Now I feel more energetic and wake up looking fresher. The dizziness and fatigue symptoms also subside gradually. 🥰🥰
Hey! Head over to Bio-Life Malaysia to complete your Iron Deficiency Assessment (IDA) on their website. You will receive RM3 off voucher via email after you have completed your IDA Health Test. 👌👌
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vitamin b12 deficiency anemia 在 Amandalyn Chen Facebook 的最佳解答
• 9.8.2021 •
Iron is an important mineral in your body, but chances are many of us aren't getting enough 😣
Your body needs iron to help carry oxygen through your blood to all parts of your body.
Ferrovit an iron supplement containing Ferrous Fumarate (iron), folic acid and vitamin B12, help in improving red blood cells and used in treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia (Anemia happens when you do not have enough red blood cells).
Ferrovit contains vanilla flavour, no metallic taste. Soft capsule, easy to use and swallow.
Do you know if you're getting enough iron?
Complete your Iron Deficiency Assessment here at: https://biolife.com.my/iron-deficiency-health-assessment/en/
And get a RM3 OFF voucher after you completed the IDA Health Test!
vitamin b12 deficiency anemia 在 小小藥罐子 Facebook 的最佳貼文
至於維生素B12的其中兩項功能主要在促進髓鞘(Myelin Sheath)的合成、成紅細胞(Erythroblasts)的分化(這個過程一般稱為「紅細胞生成(Erythropoiesis)」),維持神經細胞、紅血球的正常功能。
所以當人體缺乏維生素B12往往可能會損害神經、誘發貧血(Anemia),至於這種貧血一般又會稱為惡性貧血(Pernicious Anemia)。
哦,不說不知道,維生素B12進入消化道後,原來還需要分別透過胃酸、內因子(Intrinsic Factor, IF)才能進入人體。
首先胃酸會促進蛋白質裡的維生素B12釋放出來,然後胃壁細胞(Parietal Cells)便會分泌內因子做載體接收維生素B12,最後便會透過迴腸末端(Terminal Ileum)吸收。
舉例說,要是正在服用一些制酸劑,例如H2受體拮抗劑(H2 Antagonist)、質子泵抑制劑(Proton Pump Inhibitor, PPI),便可能會讓胃部趨向鹼性,不利釋放食物裡的維生素B12出來,自然不利維生素B12的吸收。
又或者要是用藥者曾經進行次全胃切除(Subtotal Gastrectomy),便可能會減少胃壁的表面面積,自然便可能會減少胃酸、內因子的分泌,同樣不利維生素B12的吸收。
舉例說,如果是惡性貧血的話,一般建議每天服用300至1000mcg維生素B12[1] [2][3][4],用來彌補口服維生素B12的低吸收率,確保人體能夠攝取足夠的維生素B12。
1. Elia M. Oral parenteral therapy for B12 deficiency. Lancet. 1998;352:1721-1722.
2. McIntyre PA, Hahn R, Masters JM, et al. Treatment of pernicious anemia with orally administered cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Arch Intern Med. 1960;106:280-292.
3. Waife SO, Jansen CJ Jr, Crabtree RE, et al. Oral vitamin B12 without intrinsic factor in the treatment of pernicious anemia. Ann Intern Med. 1963;58:810-817.
4. Berlin H, Berlin R, Brante G. Oral treatment of pernicious anemia with high doses of vitamin B12 without intrinsic factor. Acta Med Scand. 1968;184:247-258.
5. Sheretz EF. Acneform eruption due to "megadose" vitamins B 6 and B 12. Cutis.1991;48:19-20.
6. Braun-Falco O, Lincke H. The problem of vitamin B6/B12 acne. A contribution on acne medicamentosa [in German; English abstract]. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1976;118:155-160.