What, another week has flown past and it's Friday already?? Gosh, where does all the time go, I wonder. I was feeling so, so exhausted last night and tried to sleep through the night (which obviously didn't work and will never work in the near future because the baby likes to wake me up every 1-2 hours). For now, I'm looking forward to Friday night cos' we're gonna watch INFERNO (with the kids of course, but hey I just Storks with them so it's fair!).
So I did remember it's time for Creativity 521 and we did a simple but fun 30-min Halloween craft last night, right after I discovered that I have a dozen balls of yarn in my stash of craft supplies. Check out our DIY cobwebs which really thrill the kids now that they are sleeping in a room filled with spideys and webs.
Have a great Friday and weekend too because you know what, it's gonna be over before we realise it! http://www.ahappymum.com/2016/10/halloween-diy-cobweb-creativity-521.html