(請勿模仿) 呼吸真的會去影響到心智的活動嗎 ?
Richard Freeman名言 “心智和呼吸就像兩條關在小魚缸的魚”,當其中的一條魚開始亂跑,必定會去影響到另外一條魚。相反的,當我們能完全控制呼吸,心智也能相當程度的受到控制。
每次練完wim hof 冰人呼吸法, 總是覺得心情非常的平靜。就讓我們用muse腦波偵測儀來測試看看。
WHM as a spiritual practice?
I am a yoga/breathing/meditation teacher and I always noticed a sense of tranquility during and after the Wim Hof breathing exercise. Also there are many discussions and even Wim himself talked about the WHM as a spiritual practice. Is it true? Does the breathing technique helps to create a calm state of the mind like yoga and meditation? Well it’s time to put it to the test !!
Recently I managed to get my hands on a brain-wave sensing technology called the MUSE. It is a meditation guiding, brain-wave recording device which gives the meditators instant feedback on the activities of the mind. When the mind is all over the place and active, you hear the windy noise and the sounds of the big ocean waves. And as the activities of the brain reduce, the wind and waves quiet down. And if the calming states last for a pro-long period of time, you even hear the sound of the birds.
As you can see in the video, as I entered the retention phase, the mind quiets rapidly down (you hear lots of birds !!). There are many other meditation techniques (like counting or watching the breath) but this is by far the most powerful ,speedy and consistent method I have ever experienced in terms of reducing the fluctuations of the mind .
—All Yoga Taiwan Training 台灣專業瑜珈師資培訓-----
All Yoga 會在2018 台北五月*確定*舉行200小時師資訓練,
*台中密集200小時訓練 2018 8月 (有住宿配套)
2018 三月 台北週間 火箭瑜珈師資訓練
請洽 Qiuqiu Wangiu 或 Corey Wu
whm 呼吸法 在 Ken's Yoga Life 阿肯師的瑜伽隨記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Yogi weekend
吊胃 + 冷水澡 + WHM呼吸法 + 24min冥想 + Ashtanga primary series
Where everything ends and starts over