west africa piracy 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

32 seafarers were kidnapped between March and June 2020. These attacks are now taking place further out from shore, with about two thirds of the vessels ... ... <看更多>
After a sharp increase in 2020, new figures show that piracy in the Gulf of Guinea declined in 2021, particularly after the Royal Danish ... ... <看更多>
#1. Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea - Wikipedia
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea affects a number of countries in West Africa as well as the wider international community. By 2011, it had become an issue of ...
#2. Piracy in West Africa 2020 | International Chamber of Shipping
32 seafarers were kidnapped between March and June 2020. These attacks are now taking place further out from shore, with about two thirds of the vessels ...
#3. After Record Year in 2020, West African Piracy is on the ...
After a sharp increase in 2020, new figures show that piracy in the Gulf of Guinea declined in 2021, particularly after the Royal Danish ...
#4. Why is piracy increasing on the Gulf of Guinea? | Africa | DW
Attacks on ships by pirates off the Horn of Africa have been declining since Operation Atalanta, a European mission to secure the region's water ...
#5. Piracy in West Africa | Africa Renewal - the United Nations
Unlike pirates along Somalia's coast, who are often only after ransom, pirates in West Africa also steal goods, particularly oil. Many attacks end up with crew ...
#6. Piracy in West Africa: The world's most dangerous seas? - BBC
Piracy in the form of hijacking and kidnapping for ransom payments was also common off the coasts of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Congo-Brazzaville ...
#7. EU navies to hunt pirates in West Africa - EUobserver
An EU mission using Danish and French warships is to patrol West African waters in coming years to stymie piracy.
#8. Maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Much of the piracy that affects West Africa is a product of the disorder that surrounds the regional oil industry. A large share of the recent piracy attacks ...
#9. Differences between piracy in East and West Africa - Dryad ...
There is a significant difference between the modus operandi of Nigerian pirates and counter piracy operations in the Gulf of Guinea and the Horn of Africa.
#10. west africa piracy Archives - gCaptain
west africa piracy · Pirates Attack Bunker Tanker Off Ivory Coast -Report · Maritime Piracy Worldwide Falls to Lowest Level in Decades, But Caution Urged · BIMCO ...
#11. Four Attacks in One Week: The Rising Risk of West African ...
West African pirates armed with guns and knives have attacked everything from oil platforms to fishing vessels and refrigerated cargo ships. Out ...
#12. Nigerian pirates rampage across west African waters
Late one February night, a band of pirates hijacked a Chinese fishing trawler 80 miles off the coast of Gabon. Over the next 36 hours they ...
#13. Maritime Piracy in Africa: Its Roots and the Current Situation
Africa, especially the Gulf of Guinea is the most dangerous sea in the World for piracy. Let's a take look at the history of piracy in this ...
#14. Here there be pirates: Addressing piracy threats in African ...
Accounting for 32% of globally reported piracy incidents and 50% of crew kidnapping cases, the Gulf of Guinea is one of the most dangerous areas ...
#15. Surge in piracy costing West Africa nations – UN | News24
Africa's Gulf of Guinea saw 106 piracy incidents in 2020. · Efforts to ward off piracy could cost the country $1.9 billion a year. · Recent ...
#16. Piracy and robbery incidents in West Africa 2016-2020 - Statista
The highest number of piracy and armed robbery attacks allegedly committed and attempted in West Africa was reported in 2018 in the observed period.
#17. Nations Are Working Together to Fight Piracy in Waters Off ...
The more than 2.35 million square kilometer (910,000 million square mile) expanse of the Atlantic Ocean that borders some 20 West African ...
#18. Piracy Surge Off West Africa Draws Maersk Call for Action
The world's biggest shipping company demanded a more effective military response to surging pirate attacks and record kidnappings off the ...
#19. Indian sailors are being caught in a piracy boom off West ...
Security for sailors on ships off West Africa is becoming increasingly important for India as it ramps up its Nigerian crude oil imports.
#20. Drones, navies, attack boats: Will they be enough to tackle the ...
Lurking beneath the government's new show of maritime strength is poverty in the Niger Delta, where nearly all West Africa's pirates ...
#21. West and Central Africa Regional Agreements and Information ...
To address the threat of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships and other illicit maritime activities in the Gulf of Guinea, two interrelated agreements which ...
#22. Piracy is back to infest West African waters, but what's driving it?
But in stark contrast, maritime piracy in West Africa is on the rise again and is slowly becoming the world's new piracy hotspot. In 2015, 54 ...
#23. Gulf of Guinea piracy: a symptom, not a cause, of insecurity
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea appears to be worse than ever, ... as those established by the Economic Community of West African States and ...
#24. West African coast accounted for 90% piracy incidents in 2019
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea off West Africa jumped by more than 50% last year as the area off oil-rich Nigeria continues to be the world's ...
#25. Suez blockage highlights efforts to curb piracy in West African ...
Between 2015 and 2017, West African economies lost $2.3 billion to high seas crime, according to the United Nations. Beyond the value of stolen ...
#26. Pirates are kidnapping more seafarers off West Africa, IMB ...
Pirates are kidnapping more seafarers off West Africa, IMB reports ... ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) figures show a rise in piracy and ...
#27. Sovereignty concerns holding back West Africa piracy battle
Co-operation between West African states is necessary to fight maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea, as pirates and illegal fishers do not ...
#28. Maritime Piracy on the Rise in West Africa
Nigerian piracy makes up the majority of attacks on vessels in West Africa. ... The Nigerian navy estimates that up to 200,000 barrels of crude oil—valued at ...
#29. Why Piracy Is a Growing Threat in West Africa's Gulf of Guinea
Much of the activity in West Africa is actually classified as armed robbery at sea, rather than piracy, because most of it takes place inside ...
#30. Petro-Piracy in West Africa & Poverty's Role - BORGEN ...
Petro-piracy in West Africa has upsurged since the discovery of oil reserves. Poverty and corruption also play major roles in this increase ...
#31. BMP West Africa - ClassNK
Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance. Maritime Security off the Coast of West Africa including the. Gulf of Guinea. BMP West Africa.
#32. Why Is It So Hard to Stop West Africa's Vicious Pirates?
But his remains a Robin Hood narrative of Somali piracy as a ... The West African spike has prompted calls to employ similar methods, ...
#33. Piracy in Gulf of Guinea poses “serious” trade threat
With unemployment rates high in coastal West Africa, weak security and a lack of enforcement of maritime laws, the gulf has become a hotspot for ...
#34. Gulf of Guinea persists as maritime security hotspot - Skuld
Piracy and armed robbery incidents were on the rise in 2020 and the ... Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security off the Coast of West Africa ...
#35. Is the media guilty of exaggerating West African piracy threat?
West African piracy remains a threat but attacks are not becoming more ... The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has said West Africa is ...
#36. Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: Those trying to curb it, and those ...
In 2008, the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA) created the Sub-regional Integrated Coastguard Network,[5] aimed at ...
#37. Piracy problems along West Africa - >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News
The increasing volume of calls for international action to combat west Africa's stubborn piracy threat has more to do with the changing ...
#38. Apparent decline in West African piracy should be treated with ...
In 2021, overall incidents of piracy and maritime crime throughout West Africa declined by 54% compared to 2020, Dryad noted in recent ...
#39. West Africa - Increased piracy activity - Member Alert - News
Shipowners are facing a heightened piracy threat off West Africa following three failed attacks on tankers in the last three weeks.
#40. Pirates kill 1, kidnap 15 crew on Turkish ship off West Africa
Pirates attacked a Turkish cargo ship off the West African coast, kidnapping 15 sailors and killing one, and Turkey's military was planning ...
#41. 2022-001-Gulf of Guinea-Piracy/Armed Robbery/Kidnapping ...
Additionally, the “Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security Off the Coast of West Africa including the Gulf of ...
#42. Brussels, Washington and London battle for maritime ...
The launch of the Support to West Africa Integrated Maritime ... The launch of the EU's star anti-piracy project has come three years later ...
#43. West Africa remains piracy hotspot despite global drop in 2021
According to the report, maritime piracy and armed robbery attacks reached the lowest recorded level since 1994 as the IMB Piracy Reporting ...
#44. 200034 Piracy in West Africa - The Nautical Institute
Piracy in West Africa Report No. 200034. I have been working in the coastal waters of the Niger Delta for long enough to realise that boardings and attacks ...
#45. Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: an unending menace
Geographically, the location of the GoG makes it an important maritime route, linking Europe and America to West, Central and Southern Africa.
#46. Piracy and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea - Al Jazeera ...
Almost too obtuse to be a gulf, the region encompasses over a dozen countries from West and Central Africa, namely; Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African ...
#47. West Africa: Maritime Firms Say Piracy, Violence Against Crew ...
Maritime companies are raising concern over increasing cases of sea piracy and violence against crews, especially in the West African ...
#48. Piracy is thriving off the coast of West Africa despite COVID ...
From January to September, 132 attacks were reported in the Gulf of Guinea alone, according to a report by the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre ...
#49. piracy around africa's west and east coasts: a comparative ...
The phenomenon of maritime piracy along Africa's coastal areas is indeed of great strategic and political-economic interest − specifically since globalisation.
#50. Pirates attack two tankers off West Africa - Offshore Energy
On 7 November 2020, two tankers were targeted by pirates in separate incidents off the coast of West Africa.
#51. IMB Piracy Reporting Centre
Counterfeiting and piracy are a drain on our businesses and on the global economy. ... Pirates are kidnapping more seafarers off West Africa, IMB reports.
#52. Combating Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea - Africa Center for ...
These attacks also tended to be more violent. Given the limited maritime security presence off the West African coast, South American narcotics ...
#53. Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea | UNOWA
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea still remains of great concern to countries in West and Central Africa, with the worst affected countries being Nigeria, Togo, ...
#54. Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea - European Parliament
The Gulf of Guinea is framed by 6 000 km of west African coastline, from Senegal to Angola. Its sea basin is an important resource for fisheries and is part of ...
#55. As piracy in west Africa increases, risks on land grow - The ...
While the world focuses on the growing threat of Somali pirates, an equally dangerous situation is developing off the coast of west Africa.
#56. Attacks at sea aren't all linked to piracy. Why it's important to ...
Sea piracy often grabs the headlines, but it is just one of many ... In West Africa, Nigeria is leading the way with its $195 million Deep ...
#57. Combating Gulf Of Guinea Piracy - Between 'Devil' and ... - IDSA
Fighting pirates on Africa's west coast, however, is a vexed undertaking. To begin, attacks in the Gulf of Guinea follow a different template from that one ...
#58. Piracy – Best Management Practice West Africa - Japan P&I ...
We would like to introduce our members new publication BMP West Africa (Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime ...
#59. Escalation of west African piracy causing concern - Standard ...
the historical piracy heartland of the region, the Niger Delta. ... update on west African maritime security. PIRACY. JUNE 2021.
#60. West African Piracy Is On the Rise | Global Risk Insights
West African piracy is on the rise, posing a significant threat to oil extraction, commodity exports, and commercial shipping in the Gulf of ...
#61. Ghana calls for action against piracy on West Africa's waters
Ghana's Minister of Transport asked West and Central African regional governments to join their forces so as to fight the incessant piracy.
#62. Practical guidance: combating piracy in West Africa - UK P&I ...
The following are practical tips to Members on how to avoid incidents with West African pirates: The ship should be operating at a heightened ...
#63. Best Management Practices West Africa - GARD
... new best management practices to deter piracy and enhance maritime security off the coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea.
#64. Piracy, Kidnapping Increase in West Africa's Gulf of Guinea
The International Maritime Bureau said two of three ship hijackings around the world took place in West African waters.
#65. Piracy in west Africa reaching dangerous proportions, says ...
"Piracy in west Africa is a serious problem," said Pottengal Mukundan, IMB director. "Pirates are getting quite audacious, with increasing ...
#66. Joining forces to fight piracy in the Gulf of Guinea - Benin
LOMÉ, 29 November 2011 (IRIN) - West African states are pledging to ... The level of violence in piracy attacks in West Africa is higher ...
#67. Piracy in Africa The ungoverned seas - The Economist
The waters around Somalia are calmer, but piracy in west Africa is rising | Middle East & Africa.
Amid a complex and dynamic maritime security situation in West Africa, a new publication provides Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy ...
#69. West Africa set for anti-piracy centre | Upstream Online
Most of the piracy and maritime crime which affectscommercial shipping and the offshore oil and gas industry occurs in waters offNigeria, Africa's top oil ...
#70. Denmark to seek agreements for West Africa anti-piracy mission
COPENHAGEN (BLOOMBERG) - Denmark's government will negotiate agreements with its West African counterparts following a decision to send a ...
#71. Maersk calls for military action over surge in piracy off West ...
The attacks have pushed up insurance and other costs for shippers operating off West Africa, with some resorting to hiring escort vessels ...
#72. Piracy off West Africa from 2010 to 2014 : an analysis
Piracy off West Africa has been shown to be more diverse, successful and ... Maritime security, West Africa, Piracy, Threat analysis, Intent ...
#73. The Impact of Illegal Fishing on Maritime Piracy - Taylor ...
The recent increase in maritime piracy is often associated with ... Impact of Illegal Fishing on Maritime Piracy: Evidence from West Africa.
#74. Piracy in the Horn of Africa, West Africa and the Strait of Malacca
Piracy in the Horn of Africa, West Africa and the Strait of Malacca: Rapid Literature Review. This review examines factors which encourage ...
#75. A Transatlantic Approach to Address Growing Maritime ...
The recent news headline said it all: “Pirates kidnap 15 Turkish sailors ... In West Africa alone, up to a quarter of jobs are linked to the ...
#76. Piracy in the Horn of Africa, West Africa and the Strait of Malacca
Bueger (2015: 34) identifies five triggers for piracy from the literature: geography; weak law enforcement; maritime insecurity; economic dislocation, including ...
#77. House of Lords debates piracy in West Africa - UK Chamber of ...
International community must 'take action' on costly piracy attacks - Lord Naseby · West African nations will 'remain poor' until maritime ...
#78. Drones, Navies, Attack Boats: Nations Join Together to Deter ...
Lurking beneath the government's new show of maritime strength is poverty in the Niger Delta, where nearly all West Africa's pirates originate.
#79. West African States Sign Anti-Piracy Code - InterManager
The African leaders agreed a code of conduct to adopt a regional strategy against piracy and other illegal maritime activities off West Africa.
#80. France provides support to combat piracy in West Africa - The ...
France has organised a series of maritime exercises with 14 coastal countries in West Africa, aiming to strengthen the fight against piracy ...
#81. Piracy Watch: Preventing the “Somalization” of West Africa
It appears that West Africa's pirates have now begun to mimic the tactics of their Somali counterparts—a development that regional states, ...
#82. Report: Piracy Threat Continues off East and West Africa - One ...
On Wednesday, Oceans Beyond Piracy released its review for 2017, and the numbers show that pirate attacks remain a serious threat off the Horn of Africa, ...
#83. Danish Vessel to Fight Piracy in Most Perilous Shipping Area
(Bloomberg) -- Denmark will send a naval vessel to West Africa's Gulf of Guinea to aid the fight against rampant piracy. The decision follows a call by A.P. ...
#84. West Africa HRA - High Risk Area Coordinates - True North ...
West Africa remains a hotbed in piracy ... According to the number of incidents reported in 2017, pirate attacks worldwide are at its lowest level in the last 20 ...
#85. Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Masters for Protection ...
Piracy and armed robbery (hereafter referred to as piracy) in the Gulf of Guinea ... and vessels transiting, trading or operating in West Africa can join a.
#86. Exploring Contemporary Sea Piracy in Nigeria, the Niger ...
Contemporary Sea Piracy in the Niger Delta and the Gulf of Guinea ... The Western European incursion into Africa, but Nigeria in particular, ...
#87. Club update on piracy and armed robbery in West Africa
The club has noticed a worrying trend of an increase in acts of piracy and armed robbery occurring in West Africa, in particular in the Gulf ...
#88. West Africa dominates piracy in 2020 – Report - Vanguard News
AT the backdrop of efforts of the Nigerian government in collaboration with governments of countries in the West Africa sub-region to stem ...
#89. Pirate Attacks in West African Waters Nearly Doubled in 2016
OBP estimated the total cost of counter-piracy operations in the western Indian Ocean at $1.7 billion last year. afp somali pirates suspected of ...
#90. West Africa: the center of maritime piracy, armed robbery and ...
West Africa : the center of maritime piracy, armed robbery and kidnap ... The West African country of Guinea alone saw 23 hostage-takings, ...
#91. Royal Navy joins international fight against piracy along vital ...
A Royal Navy warship has joined the international fight against piracy in West African waters to help protect more than £6 billion of UK ...
#92. West Africa grapples with piracy in Gulf of Guinea hotspot
A Nigerian navy speedboat loaded with special forces troops skims across the waves towards a suspect vessel in the Gulf of Guinea.
#93. Report: Alarming rise in piracy off West Africa - NBC News
The number of pirate attacks in West African waters is increasing alarmingly, according to a new report. The International Maritime Bureau's ...
#94. West Africa – Piracy during the Pandemic - Tatham Law
Notwithstanding the efforts of the Nigerian Navy maritime piracy remains a real ongoing problem off West Africa. The Nigerian authorities recently found ...
#95. Armed guards are no West African piracy panacea, analyst ...
Siebels explained that guards worked “quite well” to counter Somali piracy, but the situation is different in West Africa. Logistics headache. “ ...
#96. Global Maritime Piracy Report: West Africa Seas Worst for ...
Pirates killed one person, took 38 crew members hostage, and kidnapped a further 37 for ransom. The seas around West Africa remain the world's ...
west africa piracy 在 Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea affects a number of countries in West Africa as well as the wider international community. By 2011, it had become an issue of ... ... <看更多>