還有,一直很希望朔源,對自己的族群有更多了解,就決定嘗試 CircleDNA 了,和進醫院驗血不同,這個用棉棒刷刷嘴巴就行了😂
用我的33%折扣碼一起玩 「MANDYCHEN33」
This year is definitely a reminding year on my health condition, I’m truly frustrated and wondering what else can I do to find out what my body really need, no matter on diet, exercise or even possibility on any cancer.
Also, I’m always curious about my race, trace and find out the story of me and my family by DNA analysis can be more accurate I think, so, give it a “swab”, ya, just few swab in my mouth that provides enough sample to get my result.
Curious about yourself too, right?
Get 33% discount by using my code “MANDYCHEN33” 😉
#mandychen #陳諭
#CircleDNAStory #CircleDNAChangeMaker #CircleDNAYourLife #GiftOfHealth
同時也有45部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇! 七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Questions《第五: How Are You Generating Creative Tension? 點令到同事們在適當壓力下更有創意?》 從前挪威一班漁民成日出海捉沙甸魚,可惜次次返到嚟嘅時候啲魚已經...
「what is cancer」的推薦目錄:
- 關於what is cancer 在 陳諭 That Mandy Chen Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於what is cancer 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於what is cancer 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於what is cancer 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於what is cancer 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於what is cancer 在 MADE by Radw Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於what is cancer 在 What Is Cancer? What Causes Cancer & How Is It Treated? 的評價
what is cancer 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
"At the end of last year, my doctor told me that I had fibroids and polyps in my womb. The condition caused me to bleed a lot and also resulted in a lack of iron in my body.
At the end of last year, my doctor told me that I had fibroids and polyps in my womb. The condition caused me to bleed a lot and also resulted in a lack of iron in my body. I was concerned and worried as my mother had the same condition and had died of cancer.
Through Pastor Prince’s messages, I’ve learned about the finished work of Jesus on the cross and the gift of righteousness that I’ve received from Him. I decided to believe in God’s will to heal me and make me whole and rejected thoughts that I’d end up like my mother.
In the first service of this year, I was amazed by God’s grace and goodness when Pastor Prince called out my condition during his sermon. Immediately, I claimed the healing for myself. The Lord also encouraged me during the service on January 17, 2021, when Pastor Prince said that the growths found in wombs would shrivel up and die. He also said they would be found no more during future visits to the doctor.
I was excited because I was about to visit my doctor. When my appointment came, my doctor ordered another scan. This time, the scan showed only fibroids but no more polyps. Then, the doctor called for a medical procedure to investigate my condition more thoroughly. The night before my procedure, I felt a cooling sensation around my lower abdominal area that lasted for a while. At that moment, I felt loved and taken care of.
The procedure went smoothly and when the results came out, there was no mention of fibroids! The growths were gone, and I am completely healed.
All the doctor could say was that the previous scans were probably wrong although I had 2 different scans done at 2 different radiology centers that confirmed I had the fibroids. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Hallelujah!"
Anonymous | Australia
Beloved, what God has done for others, He wants to do for you as well. As you read this story, I pray that it builds up your faith with the confident expectation of good for your future. Be encouraged because your breakthrough is next!
Visit JosephPrince.com/stories to read more stories like this. #JosephPrince #JosephPrinceStories #StoriesOfVictory
what is cancer 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Cancer and how it affect's fertility is something that is discuss in this episode of #talkinglifewithmeisze. When a person of reproductive age has cancer, fertility sometimes can be overlooked because the aim is to save the person's life, so what happens when a cancer survivor wants kids? These issues will be addressed in this topic on cancer and how it affect's fertility which can be taboo but shouldn't be.
#Fbliveshow #fertility #cancersurvivor #cancerawareness #fertilitychallenges
what is cancer 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文
哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!
七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Questions《第五: How Are You Generating Creative Tension? 點令到同事們在適當壓力下更有創意?》
從前挪威一班漁民成日出海捉沙甸魚,可惜次次返到嚟嘅時候啲魚已經死曬,賣得唔值錢。 後來一個漁民, 唔知點解次次返嚟啲魚都活生生。 其他人問佢點解,佢又唔講。 一次偷偷地上佢隻船睇,原來個魚缸入面放咗隻Catfish 鯰魚, 係沙甸魚嘅天敵。 因為咁啲沙甸魚就搏命游,因此每次返嚟岸邊都活生生嘅。
以上故事帶出咩理念? 呢個就係著名嘅鯰魚效應 Catfish Effect。 你公司有冇一條 Catfish 刺激大家嘅思維、 激勵士氣? 下下做又36、唔做又36,大家分餅仔,梗係唔啱啦! 大家都會變成條「死魚」咁。
Business is about making tough choices. 上四集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 公司股東、顧客、員工,邊個行先? 追數,應追邊三條數? ... 同公司應有邊「十誡」?
今集我會同你探討第五個策略問題: How Are You Generating Creative Tension? 點令到同事們在適當壓力下更有創意?
根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,上面提及嘅 Catfish 可能係有以下三種:
(1) 同事們表現用 Forced Ranking 強迫性排名,唔可以個個都5分6分(out of 10),有6分就一定要有個4分,有個8分就一定要有個2分, 同事們表現又最好排至最差,咁先至會令上司同下屬有個真誠嘅對話反映表現, making difficult conversation unavoidable. 唔係:「樣樣嘢都幾好呀!」咁就算。表現好啲嘅,就花紅升職加薪都多啲。
表現差嘅,而無改善,美國通用電子 GE 前CEO Jack Welch 就出世名會炒咗最差最底嗰5%人,去換血。 你可以話佢好狠心,我唔係叫你一定要跟佢,但你又吹佢唔脹, 就係因為成日炒最差嗰5%人,呢條「鯰魚」令當年嘅通用電子 GE 人人都好努力,Jack Welch 在位嗰20年期間(1981年至2001年),通用電子市值升咗近30倍,由140億美金升至4100億美金,曾經係全世界最大市值嘅上市公司。
(2) Setting Stretch Goals, not easily attainable, but stretched! 訂立延伸性目標, 即係講勁啲,理想宏大啲,做唔做到都好, 同事們自然會發揮創意,即使做唔到,到一半都好。
例如: American Cancer Society CEO John Seffrin 1996年 challenged 八千個同事們及三百萬個自願者,話於2015年前要把美國癌症個案下降25%,把癌症死亡案數下降50%,及大大改善癌症康復者的生活質素。雖然2015年最終未必做到以上數字, 但由於有咗宏大嘅目標,大家都更發揮創意拯救癌症生命,最終救多咗足足25萬條癌症有關生命。Saved more than 250,000 additional lives since the 2015 goals were announced.
Tesla 嘅 Elon Musk 馬斯克都出曬名最叻「吹水唔抹嘴」,set Stretch 、Lofty、Amibitous goals and often missed them.... but so what! 即使做唔做到,都做得比人多比人快,有 stretch goals 咁同事們先至會更發力向目標邁進, 發揮創意。
我自己雖然無本事賣電車、起電廠、飛去火星,我自己都成日「吹水」話長遠目標要擁有香港1%的街舖,即十萬間入面的1000間, 以今日嘅市值計就大約港幣300億,得唔得? 老實說,我都唔係好肯定。 香港史上未試過有人做到, 不過吹就吹住先啦,講大啲,同事們同我自己先至會更發揮創意去擁有這一千間街舖! 我今年46歲,我成日話要買舖買多最少50年,by 2071年,香港到時係點? Will see ....
(3) Creating Cross-Unit Teams and Task Forces 嘗試畀同事們參與多啲跨部門嘅工作小組, 令佢哋睇嘢唔好咁窄, 有時只係做自己嘅嘢,工作一做就做幾年、十年,好容易麻木, 忘記咗個公司個 big picture ,也留意唔到其他部門嘅難處。
Dennis Bakke, 著名國際能源公司 AES 創辦人,多年前曾經講過: 員工應該放80%時間於 primary jobs 主要工作, 剩餘20%應放在 task forces and special projects 專案小組及特別項目。
唔單只係佢,3M 1948年就開始嘅 "15% Rule" , 同埋後來 Google 嘅 ‘20% Project" 都係鼓勵員工 spend 最少15至20%工作時間於primary jobs 以外 special projects 去發揮創意,員工視野廣闊咗,咁多年來證明對公司嘅業積及創意效率大大提升。
以上 (1) Forced Ranking, (2) Stretch Goals, (3) Cross-Unit Teams and Task Forces, 強迫排名、 伸延性目標、跨部門嘅工作小組,無論你做茶餐廳、補習社、開工廠、 撈嫖賭毒,都同樣道理。
有興趣聽多啲,就來我五六月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下一集同你分享下,How Committed Are Your Employees To Helping Each Other? 同事們之間有幾願意互相幫助?
五/六月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons
哈佛分享: 七條做生意策略問題
2012至2014間,我連續三年在哈佛上了 Robert Simons 的堂,畢生受用。我自己成間商舖基金公司都是建基於這本書。
有興趣 sign up la ? 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 ? Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
購買李根興的【李根興的生意哲學】(最新2020年6月出版 - 定價$198),或【買舖 要買得 PRO】(定價$198),連親筆簽名,可 whatsapp Suki (+852) 5566 1335。各大書局也有售。

what is cancer 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的精選貼文
The Yang family have spent years in and out of hospitals with their two children Jerry and Lillian – both battling Leukemia and needing a blood stem cell transplant. Jerry was lucky enough to have a match on the Be The Match registry. Ruko donated marrow to him 5 years ago and they were able to meet for the first time!
Lillian, unfortunately, does not have any matches on the Be The Match registry and needs to find a life-saving blood stem cell donor.
Sign up today and give someone like Lillian a second chance at life.”
For information and registration, Text DanLok to 61474 or visit BeTheMatch.org/DanLok
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1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
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3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok has been viewed more than 1.7+ billion times across social media for his expertise on how to achieve financial confidence. And is the author of over a dozen international bestselling books.
Dan has also been featured on FOX Business News, MSNBC, CBC, FORBES, Inc, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.
In addition to his social media presence, Dan Lok is the founder of the Dan Lok Organization, which includes more than two dozen companies - and is a venture capitalist currently evaluating acquisitions in markets such as education, new media, and software.
Some of his companies include Closers.com, Copywriters.com, High Ticket Closers, High Income Copywriters and a dozen of other brands.
And as chairman of DRAGON 100, the world’s most exclusive advisory board, Dan Lok also seeks to provide capital to minority founders and budding entrepreneurs.
Dan Lok trains as hard in the Dojo as he negotiates in the boardroom. And thus has earned himself the name; The King of Closing.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Dan Lok Shop: https://shop.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#BeTheMatch #Donor
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years, and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how-to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about Young Leukemia Survivor Meets Life-Saving Donor For The First Time (Live).

what is cancer 在 MADE by Radw Youtube 的最佳解答
Hi Curlfriends! Today's video is all about the world's most comprehensive DNA kit from Circle. Come along with us as we take you through the entire process from start to finish!
Time stamps:
00:00 Intro - get to know us :)
00:51 What this premium kit gives you
04:19 Unboxing and first impressions
07:05 The swab process
11:28 The results are in! Intro and 1 on 1 consultation information
13:08 Diet results
16:29 Nutrition, wellbeing, stress & sleep
19:17 Pollution & skin
21:55 Fitness, success - IQ, EQ, AQ
26:46 Music & dance, ancestry, origins, genetic blueprint
29:08 Family planning, cancer, brain health, disease, drug response
32:30 Final thoughts
If you enjoyed this video, SUBSCRRIIIIBBEE :D https://www.youtube.com/MADEbyRadw?sub_confirmation=1
Also, checkout my new VLOG channel and subscribe if you like what you see! https://www.youtube.com/LifeMADEbyRadw?sub_confirmation=1
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My shea butter and African black soap brand: https://www.instagram.com/BuyMADEbyRadw
For business enquiries/collaborations email picturadw7@gmail.com
Music by Ryan Little
-Song: Left Foot, Right Foot
Link: https://youtu.be/IX2G9aU_eeU
-Song: Lady (I Might Wanna)
Link: https://ryanlittle.bandcamp.com/album...
Link: https://ryanlittle.bandcamp.com/album...
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what is cancer 在 What Is Cancer? What Causes Cancer & How Is It Treated? 的推薦與評價
What is cancer ? Our experts answer this question, explain what causes cancer and share how cancer treatments work. See our updated video on ... ... <看更多>