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✍️ Anton Cheng
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MEVA vs Fair Ordering.
Credit: MP頭條
最近這幾個月來,以太坊上面的MEV(Miner Extractable Value)的話題越來越紅,對於該如何解決這之中的不公平性,社群中展開了很大的爭論。由於最近剛好看到一篇很棒的Tweet統整了這半年來的一些好文章,就試這整理一下這幾篇的主要論點。(如果對MEV已經有基本概念的人,也可以直接follow這個thread就好xD)
— @benjaminsimon97
由於主要辯論的雙方剛好是目前做Optimistic Rollup最有名的兩大團隊:Optimism 和 Arbitrum,因此我們也可以透過這次辯論看出兩個團隊未來的開發走向。
前情提要: 什麼是MEV (Miner Extractable Value)
在Ethereum現有設計中,Miner有著選擇交易收入區塊(Tx Inclusion),和決定交易先後順序(Tx Ordering)的權力。MEV指的就是礦工透過掌握這兩個權力所能提取的總價值。
雖然名詞定義上為礦工的可抽取價值,但是除了礦工之外,很多Front running 機器人在做的事情也是一樣的:透過觀察mempool裡面的交易,當發現front run機會的時候,透過付錢更高手續來讓自己的交易先被執行,這之中所抽取的價值,也是所謂的MEV,因此在後面會提到的很多文章中,大家直接用Front Run這個詞來代表了擷取MEV的行為。@danrobinson 在他經典的文章 Ethereum is a Dark Forest 中很好的闡述了如此的現況,也正式把這個問題帶進更多人的視野。
在那之後,一個名為FlashBots的組織現身,開始進行公開的MEV 相關研究與開發,旨在改善EVM帶來的負面影響,例如:front running 造成手續費提高、 MEV太高對以太坊安全性的影響。非常推薦大家Follow他們的進展。
MEVA (MEV Auction)
MEV Auction 是由 Karl Floersch 、Vitalik 、Philip Daian等人,於2020年一月共同提出的解決方法,字面上的翻譯就是透過一個拍賣(Auction)機制,讓MEV可以被更公平的分配。Karl 同時也是Optimism的CTO,也可能是因此設計出了這個能夠完美契合Layer2的架構。
更精準一點來說,這個拍賣要拍賣的是礦工的兩個權力中的「排序權」:它礦工未來只負責「選擇交易進入區塊」,而不再控制區塊內交易順序的排列,而把此權交給另外一個叫做Sequencer的角色來進行。至於Sequencer的選擇方式,就會是一個簡單的拍賣競標。在競標中獲勝的Sequencer將可以拿到未來一段時間的區塊排序權。至於整個協議競標中得來的錢,可以作為提供公共財的資金(fund public goods)。
在MEVA概念被提出之後,Ed Felton (Arbitrum 背後公司 Official Lab 的創辦人兼普林斯頓的教授),對此提出了諸多的質疑。
1. 用戶最終體驗是否變差
Ed Felton最先寫了一篇名為「MEV auctions considered harmful」的文章,其中質疑了這個設計會讓使用者體驗更糟:這個Ordering權力的競標,無異於將「Front Running」這個行為專業化,因為理論上最會front run的人,將能夠一直出最高價得標。這在使得「Tx Ordering」這個權力中心化的同時,更變向鼓勵了大家開發厲害的front running程式,最終的受害者仍是的以太坊一般用戶,因為所有的MEV其實都是從用戶的身上抽出來的。
MEV auctions considered harmful
Vitalik 對Ed的看法提出了反駁:他認為「MEV來自用戶」這件事是一個已知且不可避免的事實,這個機制主要的重點,在於分離MEV的收入與礦工的收入,藉由把這個金流轉給Sequencer這個非礦工的角色,可以去除礦工中心化等危及Layer1 安全的疑慮。一個簡單的例子就是:若是有一個MEV很高的區塊(假設礦工可以透過re-ordering拿到100個ETH),那麼礦工就有動機在這個區塊高度進行fork(希望最終自己的挖到區塊被網路接受)。這個例子讓我們看到,考慮MEV會使得礦工的行為比起「單純領block reward」更難預測,這將危及到Layer1的安全。
Vitalik也表示,專業化帶來的「中心化tx ordering」並不見得是件壞事,儘管它對於使用者體驗是有害的,但無論如何MEV是有個上限的,Sequencer並沒有權力從使用者口袋偷錢,而且用戶可以在任何時候決定不使用這種比較容易被Front-run的合約。
2. 沒有MEV Auction的話,L1真的會變得更中心化嗎
Ed 接著寫了一篇名為「Front Running as a service」的文章,簡單回應了中心化tx ordering的問題,也挑戰了另一個MEV Auction的假設:「MEV將使得L1 Mining power趨於中心化」。
這個假設背後的理由很簡單,假如有一個礦池特別會front run,它將能夠獲得比其他礦池更高的收入,這會吸引所有礦工轉到這個礦池。
Ed 提出的反駁理論也十分有趣:假設現在有兩個礦工:A與B,其中兩者都有一定的算力,但A有較好的MEV程式,因此能夠透過排列交易獲得更高的收益。在任何時間點,只要B還存在,A礦工就有動機把這個MEV程式「賣給」B,因為本來B也有機會挖到一些區塊,在這些區塊中A的收益為0。若是能夠達成一個互惠的條件:B將使用A的程式多賺的收入分一部分給A,那麼這筆交易對於礦工A與B而言都是有益的,因此這筆交易必定會發生。
Front-Running as a Service
其衍伸意義為:身為MEV專家的礦工,其實有動機提供「Front Running as a service」,所以最終這個Service會自然被分離出來,並且形成一個自己的市場,本質上跟MEVA是類似的,並不會導致L1算力中心化。
3. MEV Auction是否真的能分離Tx Inclusion 與 Tx Ordering
Ed 還寫了另外一篇「MEVA(What is it good for?)」的文章,用經濟學解釋為什麼這個Auction最終會失效。
MEVA (What is it good for?)
簡而言之,不管我們如何想要分離這兩個權力,最厲害的front-runner若是能夠同時掌握Tx Inclusion的權力,它必定能夠提高自己的收入。這也表示,最厲害的Sequencer會想要自己成立一個礦池,因為當他同時掌握Tx Inclusion和Tx Ordering 兩個權力時,他能夠提供最高的報酬。因此一個理性的Sequencer會願意透過提高給礦工們更高的獎勵,來壟斷Tx Inclusion + Tx Ordering的權力(這是一個在現實商業世界中非常常見的壟斷策略)。這會使得最後這個模式會變得跟現在一模一樣:由單一角色決定Tx Inclusion和Tx Ordering的權力。
Fair Sequencing
不難看出,Ed所有的論點都圍繞一個重點:MEV Auction最終並沒有辦法解決任何問題,而且這個拍賣還會為社群帶來更多問題:例如一次拍賣24小時的交易排序權力,會讓這個權力過度中心化。
那麼Ed所在的Official Lab有提出什麼解法嗎?其實有:他們認為真正解決這個問題的方法並不是在鼓勵專業化Front Run並且拍賣這個權力,而是從根本上消除Front Run的機會,也就是說,應該要設計一個機制「避免」任何人任意排列交易順序。也就是所謂的Fair Sequencing問題。
在Arbitrum目前的計畫中,在未來他們會在Arbitrum Layer2中引入一個這樣的「公平排序」。實際的細節還沒有太明朗,他們計劃在幾個月內上線的第一個Rollup 版本也不會包含這些功能,所以其實他們的Mainnet Launch會類似Optimism,由單一Sequencer決定所有交易排序。但還是很期待他們未來能不能夠真的實作出更好的方法。
Chainlink Labs: Fair Sequencing Service
另一位Chainlink Labs 研究員(身兼康乃爾的教授) Ari Juels,也因為最近在CoinDesk發表了一篇類似的文章質疑MEVA,讓這個問題加溫不少。在這篇文章中,用了一個非常極端的譬喻:把Front Run這種惡意行為比喻為犯罪,若是一個城市充滿了罪犯,一個政府該做的事情並不是拍賣大家入室盜竊的權力、再將這些拍賣所得拿來回饋人民。反之,政府應該想辦法阻止犯罪。
Opinion: Miners, Front-Running-as-a-Service Is Theft - CoinDesk
文末的結論跟Ed Felton 相同,都是認為Fair Sequencing 才是此問題真正的解決之道。這其實是呼應自己Chainlink Labs幾個月前發佈的一個 Fair Sequencing Service。簡而言之,就是透過Chainlink 最擅長的預言機(Oracle network)來投票、避免讓一個中心化Sequencer角色單獨掌握這個權力。
其實這個Fair Sequencing 問題是一個非常大的研究領域、除了Chainlink labs提出的Oracle解決方法以外,還有許多包括ZKP的其他解決方法。我會盡量多Follow一些,以後有機會再來做更多介紹。
對於這個MEVA vs Fair Ordering的爭論,除了理論派以外,也有不少其他的聲音讓我們可以更全面地看看的整個局勢。其中一則Tweet表示:MEV Auction在實作上比Fair Ordering單純許多、也不需要牽扯一些複雜的密碼學:
— @tarunchitra
最後一定要提一下的是另一個以太坊大佬 Hudson 對於Ari這篇文章的回應。他認為MEV問題在短期內將會持續困擾使用者,Flashbots這種公開透明的開發流程能夠吸引更多社群關注,並且能夠讓MEV更公平的分配給更多角色、而非只是少部分的玩家。同時他也指出,以太坊核心開發者目前有更重要的2.0開發工作要做,面對這個議題,大家應該更踴躍參與以太坊公開的研究流程,而不是把所有的責任丟到所謂的「Core Devs」身上。
— @hudsonjameson
整個MEV議題到目前為止還是一個ongoing debate,在接下來幾天會不會愈演愈烈、會不會有人提出新的觀點,都是非常值得大家關注的問題。就像文章開頭低一篇Tweet所說的,這是非常高學術性良性辯論,我這裡只簡單的收錄了一部分,由於是順著Official Lab的脈絡撰寫、難免有些偏頗,希望大家可以到Flashbots的Github了解更多,會對於目前Optimism + Flashbot那一派目前所在做的事情有更多的了解。
如果還沒有follow Philip Daian這個人,非常建議大家Follow他。他除了是Flashbots目前最主要的推手之一,更有趣的是,他現在還在Cornell 念PHD,並且是Ari的學生。這場師生大戰讓整個辯論更加戲劇性,但卻不失其高質量的本質。對於接下來還會有什麼發展,讓我們一起期待吧。
— @phildaian
來聊聊MEV之亂 was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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[What happens to network effects when they cross the border?]
It often seems that startups with solid network effects are nearly unstoppable. When a network reaches critical mass, it seems like an inevitability that the company will dominate as the ever-increasing value it provides is recognized by more and more users.
What happens when the company, growing exponentially, decides to dive into another market? In many cases, the market entry is not met with a big splash, but a small drop. The company receives no credit in the new market for their valuable network at home. Many startups acknowledge that they need to build up a local network, but they differ their approach in the new market. They attempt to build up the new network by simply creating awareness and throwing marketing dollars at the network. This differs from their original home market approach, where they identified a core group of users and focused on building out the network for this group.
But often, there’s no shortcut and the network often needs to be built up from scratch. Yes, the startup does have some advantages with product development and takes a lot of learnings to the new market, but the approach should not be to stand on the shoulders of the home market. They should build it up the old-fashioned way.
Not all network effects are created equal here. In forums, a network where content is key, the language will play a key role in how portable the network effect is. A Taiwan-based forum, with content in Chinese, will have an easier time expanding into Hong Kong than Japan. Unlike a Hong Kong user, a Japanese user will see nothing of value, so the company could focus on building up the Japanese network from scratch by starting out with one small, core group.
Airbnb, initially focused on the US, easily found hosts internationally who were eager to serve traveling Americans. As hosts came onto the platform in international markets, domestic travelers in those markets followed.
Clubhouse, of course, was able to simultaneously enter many markets by offering must-hear content like Elon Musk grilling Robinhood villain Vlad Tenev, which had global appeal, to their platform and maxing out FOMO. Long after Musk and other stars made their appearances, mere mortal users still remain to chat amongst themselves.
Facebook, initially full of English content and Americans, faced an uphill challenge to onboard networks in non-English speaking countries and foreign countries. The arrival of FarmVille, a game that spoke to users of every language, pulled new users onto the platform. Before long, there were plenty of non-English speaking friends on Facebook.
When network effects travel across the border, your mileage may vary. Some startups will have a much better time replicating their success in new markets. Others will find success only by being innovative or carefully selecting markets. And others still will find no shortcuts and methodically build from scratch. Which one are you?
what is core network 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#唐鳳 社會創新就是「眾人之事,眾人助之。」,任何社會上想解決的問題,大家可以一起組織來想出解決辦法。
什麼是 #社會創新?
追蹤社會創新平台掌握最新消息 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
#數位社會創新(Digital Social Innovation, DSI)又是什麼?
群眾集資 #Crowdfunding:如萬人響應集資,讓 #TaiwanCanHelp 廣告登上紐約時報,在廣告刊出後,社群接力二創改圖也是數位社會創新的經典案例。香港銅鑼灣書店在臺灣重啟,透過群眾集資獲得近 600 萬臺幣支持也屬於這類。
地理圖資協作:你知道每年光臺灣就消費 10 億瓶瓶裝水嗎?民間團隊 CircuPlus為了減少瓶裝水造成的塑膠污染跟碳排,與環保署合作,整理飲水機的開放地理圖資,並邀請全臺企業、商圈共同加入,成為奉茶據點,民眾可以透過奉茶 App 新增站點,這樣一來,用自備杯找水喝就更容易,還可以累積點數換商品。另外像是地球公民基金會推出的農地違章工廠回報行動、以及公民科學計畫路殺社也都屬於地理圖資協作喔。
開放資料/開放政府:如這次疫情期間誕生的口罩地圖,是民間開發者透過政府提供的開放資料,快速做出能即時反應口罩供需數量的平台,讓每個人都能獲得公平資訊。另外像是使用教育部 CC 授權辭典的萌典(超好用)、還有成為 2020 總統盃黑客松卓越團隊,找出適合植樹公有地的「臺灣好植地」,也都屬於這類喔!
【Startup Adventure 】Social Innovation Lab Sharing What is social innovation?
Why does everyone talk about "social innovation"? You probably curious about what exactly is social innovation?
Audrey Tang said “everyone’s business, everyone helps.” People work together to find out the solution for solving the problem in society. Now
*Let’s know more about what is “Social innovation”`?
The core concept of social innovation is to find ways to solve social problems in an "innovative" way. Through these innovation ways can create better value to the whole society! Social innovation has no specific form or rules, no matter who you are, you can always be an important part of promoting social innovation!
Follow the newest information here: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
*What is “Digital social innovation”?
As long as you add “digital” elements to social innovation actions, it is “Digital Social Innovation (DSI)”.
Here are some successful cases with digital innovation features:
For example, tens of thousands of people joined the fundraising of “Taiwan Can Help” advertisement to let the advertising appear on the New York Times. After the advertisement published, the community made the second creation of it is also a classic case of digital social innovation. Another example was the Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay Bookstore reopened in Taiwan, it got the support of nearly 6 million Taiwan dollars through crowdfunding as well.
*Geographic Information Cooperation
First example, do you know
Do you know that people in Taiwan use at least 1 billion bottles of bottled water every year? In order to reduce the plastic pollution and carbon emissions caused by bottled water, “CircuPlus” cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to sort out the open geographic map of drinking fountains. Besides, CircuPlus invited enterprises to join together and to set more drinking fountains bases in Taiwan. As long as you download the APP, you can not only find the way to get drink but also can easily add new drinking fountain bases as well. Then you can also accumulate CircuPlus points for goods exchanging.
In addition, the “Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan” encouraged people to join the Illegal Factory established on Farmland action, the “Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network” raise people to report the situation of killed animals on roads are also parts of the geographic map information collaboration.
*Open data/open government:
For example, the mask map was been created during this epidemic period. The mask map is a platform that can quickly corresponding to the supply and demand of the amount of masks. This platform was developing by private programmers who use open data provided by the government, so that everyone can get fair information.
You could check the other successful cases such as the Mengdian (super easy to use) using the CC authorized dictionary of the Ministry of Education, and the 2020 Presidents Cup Hackathon, finding a "good planting land in Taiwan" suitable for tree planting public land as well.
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Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PlgDZSSo-gxM8ahZ9RtNQE
2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46NufVkPfYhpUJAD1OBoQEEd
3.) Millionaire Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46O591glMGzRMoHaIJB-bQiq
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).
Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com
Or consider becoming a member of his high-level mastermind for experts: http://www.danlokinnercircle.com
Request a call with Dan:
Apply here:
Dan hangs out there quite a bit.
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highticketconsulting/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Entrepreneurs-Group-Business-Network/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
This video is about Systematize Your Business Systems for Accelerated Success

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SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial "You're Asian, that's why you're skinny." I get that a lot! So I thought I'd look into the CORE PRINCIPLES of an ASIAN DIET to learn WHY we are "naturally" slimmer.
Of course, NOT all Asians are slim. I believe that it truly comes down to our lifestyle and also food intake. Watch this video through. I hope you'll find the tips here useful and you can start to implement some of these tips into your life. What are tips do you practice to stay healthy? Let me know in the comments below.
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).
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Joanna Soh:
HER Network:
9 Reasons Why Asians Are Slimmer
1) We choose tea or water over soft drinks
2) We eat smaller portions and we use chopsticks
3) We enjoy REAL food, not processed food
4) We eat on time
5) We take our meal time seriously
6) We enjoy soups
7) We enjoy more fermented food
8) Our desserts are nutritious
9) We use food as medicine
More useful videos to guide you through your fitness journey:
Why I Eat White Rice
Healthy Chinese Takeaway (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
28-Day Soup Detox Cleanse for Weight Loss
5 Must Eat Food for a Flat Belly (Healthy Digestion)
Low Calorie Vegan Ice Cream
3 DIY Asian Detox Herbal Tea
Green Tea: Secret to Flat Belly, Youthful Skin & More