~XOXO Who are you girls?~
---爆雷注意,以下可能含有部分Gossip Girl 2021的劇情---
很多事情應該就該結束在他們最美好的樣子,例如感情或者電視劇。每每看到那些代表某個時代眼淚的電視劇要被翻拍、續拍我都會can’t help but 捏一把冷汗。尷尬的地方在於,這些經典之所以經典,可能是他們代表了某一個世代的氛圍和價值觀,又或者是某些人詮釋這些角色產生的化學效應,硬要讓他們死而復活的結果就是會產生無處安放的尷尬和不合時宜感。
例如,我最近因為劇荒而點開的新花邊教主Gossip Girl。由Serena、Blair、Chuck、Dan、Nate組合起來的舊版花邊教主可以說是我們Y世代的經典連續劇,撐起了我們七、八年級生對上東城的浮華世界想像。閉上眼我都還記得第一集那個「Serena is back」製造出來的懸疑緊張感,從第一集注意力就被 What she did last summer 緊緊揪住注意力。角色也是飽滿到無話可說,標準的白富美,一切都完美的她有無可救藥的戀愛腦;她的好友Blair囂張跋扈卻可以為愛的人兩肋插刀。情同姐妹Queen S 和 Queen B 可以姐妹情深也可以桶對方幾刀,她們兩個人相愛相殺的情節幾乎撐起整部花邊教主,每次看他們互桶對方的伎倆都覺得太賤又太厲害了。然後那個躲在幕後的部落客Gossip Girl也是整部劇的靈魂人物,鬼祟又囂張、無孔不入地窺探這群菁英小鬼的生活,沒有人知道她下一步要報什麼料,以及她如何神出鬼沒地拍到那些照片。
如果就讓這部劇獨立於Y世代版,也許還算一部可以追的高校劇,偏偏這部劇用了花邊教主的招牌,沿用了Gossip Girl這個藏鏡人的角色,只是這部在第一集就告訴你Gossip Girl 是同所高中老師組成的魯蛇陣線聯盟,神秘感直接歸零。然後劇裡時不時就會出現前人的名字、彩蛋和致敬,追著前人的背影卻不停摔跤,第五集塑料姐妹花在萬聖節變裝派對,扮裝成Dan和Chuck那幕簡直不要驚悚。這兩姐妹要深情沒深情、說毒辣也不毒辣,但偏偏又應該要是整齣劇的靈魂人物,唯一好的是提供了不錯的娛樂效果。支線人物的劇情發展反而有趣多了,譬如對自己性向不確定的 Aki 和結合了Chuck Bass和慾望城市莎曼莎(?)的Max。
說了這麼一會,大家也別誤會,這齣劇並不難看,只是不要帶著舊版Gossip Girl的有色眼鏡去觀賞就會好很多,也許Z世代弟弟妹妹們會喜歡,會看到哥哥姊姊們沒看到的東西。但對於Y世代的LKK (會用這個詞的人應該是W世代?)我可能不是很推薦。
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅The Thirsty Sisters,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Thirsty Sisters are back! What have they been up to the past three months? Has dating life been exciting, or dangerously wholesome? With Phase 2 (...
what is gossip 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
【美式生活口語辨析:Chew the fat】
A: I wonder why Louisa likes to chew the fat with her sister so much.
B: What? But Louisa is thin, not fat!
解說:這段英文片語,老師之前就曾經誤解過意思。理由很簡單,因為這片語,從字面上來看根本看不出它和實際上要表達的意思有何關係。但是在了解其用法與涵義後,就知道chew the fat其實是在描述用嘴巴去嚼一塊肥肉,而肥肉不好下嚥,因此在吃的時候得多動嘴巴去反覆地咀嚼。如果我們運用一點想像力,把嘴巴反覆動作的情況投射到人與人之間的互動,就會變成是對著人嘰哩呱啦講個不停的意思了!所以chew the fat的意思就和chat或是gossip一樣,指的都是「閒聊」。下次如果您要和外國朋友用英文聊天時,請試著用chew the fat來表示,說不定會讓外國朋友覺得您的英文程度很不錯喔。
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
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幾乎在所有的童話裡王子與公主的故事結束於步入禮堂的那一刻。雖然也有少數的故事(像史瑞克續集)裡會提到生孩子之後的發展。 但這些故事多著墨於孩子的天真與可愛,卻鮮少聚焦於公主成為媽媽後的觀點。比起結婚的內容,懷孕後產生的生理與心理變化在社會上是比較少被討論的話題。
但因為每個人產前的體重不盡相同,所以以個人而言到底該增加多少體重才算是正常的呢?研究與臨床準則告訴我們孕前BMI是一個好的參考基準。以亞洲人來說 BMI 在 18-24的人建議增加8-10公斤,而在18-24 以外的媽媽們則需依BMI 增加或減少增加的幅度。(如BMI 30以上的人建議增加6公斤就好)另外或許也可依照每天的建議熱量標準來攝取食物並搭配每天20-30分鐘輕度至中度的運動(如快走與產婦體適能)來更確實的達到控制體重的目標。
Almost all the fairy tales end at the altar where the prince and the princess are happy forever after. Although some fairy tales like the Shrek’s have sequels on when the prince and the princess have children, they are mostly about the children and the family dynamic, little is being said about what happens to the princess when she becomes a mum. Compared to the topic of marriage, the topic of pregnancy is relatively uncommon, at least from the mothers’ perspective.
The weight gain during pregnancy is like a double-edged sword, that can be dangerous being too much or too little. Too much weight gain can put the mother at risk of difficult delivery or bleeding, whilst too little weight gain can risk the baby of prematurity or poor development. I am asked about this question almost everyday: how much weight gain is “normal” for pregnancy. In Asians, on average 10 kg is gained during a singleton pregnancy. The rate of weight gain is fastest during the 2nd trimester. However, the body shape changes the most during the 3rd trimester due to retention of water. The main components of weight gain during pregnancy include the mother’s body, baby, amniotic fluid/placenta and the womb. Most of these components will reverse after birth of the baby, only a small proportion will stay as body fat (about 25%).
Because everyone has different weight and height, it is not sensible to recommend a single number for the ideal weight gain during pregnancy. One way of doing this is the Body Mass Index (BMI). For Asians with BMI between 18-24, the ideal weight gain should be about 8 to 10 kg. (different recommendations may vary in the range of 1-2 kg) BMI outside this range should adjust their weight gain more or less than the recommended range. (For example, BMI of 30 should aim for a 6 kg weight gain). Diet control according to each trimester needs and regular exercises are good tools which can help mothers to achieve the desired weight gain.
We are always excited about the mothers’ belly being bigger everyday, but when after the baby is born, there seems to be an unrealistic expectation to recover her shape and weight almost immediately (as exemplified in many gossip magazines on how these celebrities successfully lose weight within an amazing amount of time). Hopefully when we pay more attention to mothers after they give birth perspectives can change.
what is gossip 在 The Thirsty Sisters Youtube 的最佳貼文
The Thirsty Sisters are back! What have they been up to the past three months? Has dating life been exciting, or dangerously wholesome? With Phase 2 (Heightened Regulations) implemented in Singapore—how have they been coping—emotionally and romantically? Tune in to hear all about it!
00:00 Introduction
01:15 Topic of the day
02:13 Is CB 2.0 a friendship test?
03:29 Exciting vaccination plans
06:27 How CB 2.0 has affected us emotionally
08:10 Has our optimism for Covid getting better faded?
10:06 Nina's dating life updates
12:30 Nina needs help to find a boyfriend?
14:25 Sylvia's dating life updates
16:56 Dramatic vs Wholesome relationships
21:30 Gen Z date ideas for the pandemic
26:22 Our own date ideas
27:37 Conclusion
Sylvia and Nina are not your typical influencers; they give it to you raw and real! Join them as they quench their never-ending thirst for wisdom, trends, success and men.
They explore hot and pressing issues you never thought you needed to know in this extremely in-depth podcast. Sisters, brothers and everyone in between or beyond; jump in and be thirsty!
The legal age for sex in Singapore is 18. While being comfortable with your bodies is a must, please protect yourselves by using protection ?
Our views in this podcast include only our own experiences as heterosexual women in Singapore, we respect everyone’s views regardless of genders, gender identities and sexual orientations.
Follow The Thirsty Sisters on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Instagram!
Sylvia - https://www.instagram.com/sylsylnoc
Nina - https://www.instagram.com/ninatsf
Brand collaborations/features:
The Thirsty Sisters TEAM
Co-Founders: Sylvia Chan | Nina Tan
Executive Producer: Sylvia Chan
Crew/Editors: Jade Liew | Winston Tay
Motion Graphics Designers: Bryan Seah | Kher Chyn
Sound Engineers: Nah Yu En | Mabel Leong
Digital Strategist: Winston Tay
what is gossip 在 Crappy Blogger Youtube 的精選貼文
For more follow at
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crappyblogger/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crappyblogger_/
Blog: www.crappyblogger.com
Psyched Blog: https://www.crappyblogger.com/search/label/Psyched
Have you ever spent time with someone and you feel like your energy has been drained? If all that person do most of the time is to bad-mouth someone, or judge your life or discourage you from achieving what you truly want, then you're with a toxic person.
Trust me, I don't mind spending a fortune to just STAY AWAY from this type of people.
Why You Should Avoid Toxic People?
1. They will drain your positive energy
Constant negativity from them creates a very negative vibe. So you won't feel lifted or elevated with their presence in your life. Them complaining about their life, giving up easily and always blaming others will create a very bad vibe around you.
It will feel completely opposite when you're with positive people. They will elevate your energy and make you not to give up easily and ask you to keep trying when things don't go how it should be.
2. They alter your thinking
Toxic people have their way to your brain where they will make you believe that it's better to give up than to try other ways. The more you spend your time around them, the more you will start to behave like them. Basically, your attitude will be changed.
You will be prone to do the bare minimum as you don't have the energy to fight the negative vibe. As I have mentioned earlier, congratulations, your energy has been fully sucked by those toxic people.
3. They love drama
Have you seen a group of people get together and gossip about others? They are toxic! Positive people usually won't have time to ridicule or gossip about others. They will be more into knowing your progress or they will be sharing their experiences and talk about beneficial stuff than waste the time to talk bad about others.
You grow with positive people and your growth will come to a halt with toxic people.
How I identify toxic people?
Once you feel like somebody is giving you the negative vibes, pressuring you to do something you're not comfortable with, or creating too much unnecessary drama, then they are toxic,
It's time to avoid them.
Have you been with toxic people before? Comment below on your experiences!
what is gossip 在 The Thirsty Sisters Youtube 的最佳貼文
If you are ever in a situation where your modesty was being compromised, here are some links:
Listen to us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5yx8txjfb7dMkosumEv6lQ?si=LGRX8wegS9SiFZJ1j7plGA
Damsels in distress no more!!! To counter these nasty men, we discuss proactive strategies we can adopt to make sure justice is served, through the case study of our famous finger licking doctor and Sylvia’s very personal encounter.
02:25 Case 1 Doctor Charges dropped
10:10 How Sylvia Would Proactively React to the Previous Case Study
25:39 Sylvia Speak About Being Sexually Assaulted
35:54 What Sylvia Would Had Done Differently
39:16 What Society and You Could Do To Prevent Sexual Crimes
Doctor accused of raping patient goes on trial
Doctor on trial for raping patient 'concocted elaborate story' in case DNA was found: Prosecutors
Doctor accused of raping patient found guilty of lesser charge of sexual assault
Doctor originally accused of rape is acquitted of all charges after Court of Appeal overturns convictions
Sylvia and Nina are not your typical influencers; they give it to you raw and real! Join them as they quench their never-ending thirst for wisdom, trends, success and men.
They explore hot and pressing issues you never thought you needed to know in this extremely in-depth podcast. Sisters, brothers and everyone in between or beyond; jump in and be thirsty!
Support us! https://www.patreon.com/noc. Join our Patreon to watch our videos early!
Find us on Instagram:
Sylvia - https://www.instagram.com/sylsylnoc
Nina - https://www.instagram.com/ninatsf
For business/brand features: thirstysisters@noc.com.sg.
For talent engagements: bella@noc.com.sg, sylvia@noc.com.sg.
North View Bizhub
6 Yishun Industrial Street 1, #01-14
Singapore 768090
Cathay Photo - http://www.cathayphoto.com.sg/
MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg/
Shunji Matsuo - http://www.shunjimatsuo.com.sg/
Flesh Imp - http://shop.fleshimp.com
Imba Interactive - https://www.facebook.com/IMBAinteractive
TopGear PC - https://www.topgearpc.com /
Bosch - https://www.bosch-home.com.sg/
Aftershock - https://www.aftershockpc.com/
The Thirsty Sisters STAFF
Co-Founder - Sylvia Chan
Co-Founder - Nina Tan
Producer - Nicole Liel
Assistant Director/Editor - Virus Tan
Crew Lead/Editor - Bryant Lee
Crew/Editor - Brandon Gwee
Crew/Editor - Charmaine Zheng
Crew/Editor - Priscilia Tan
Crew/Editor - Charmaine Zheng
Crew/Editor - Isaac Lim
Crew/Editor - Matt Mohamed
Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Kher Chyn
Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Bryan Seah
Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Vanessa
Crew/Sound Engineer - Yu En
While we respect everyone's views and opinions, we hope you respect ours too. We are entertainers after all! So if you're going to be butt-hurt by our videos, simply click X :confused: But for those who share our sense of humour, enjoy and watch on! Comment below with what you want to see next! ? Thank you!