對於想要學習看板方法的朋友, 常常問到有哪些書籍可以參考,
他們總覺得市面上好像很少書籍介紹 Kanban method
因此, 我特地整理了相關書籍出來.
另外, 也附上一本我翻譯的書籍的 link
(1) Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business
(2) Kanban from the Inside: Understand the Kanban Method, connect it to what you already know, introduce it with impact
(3) Kanban Maturity Model: A Map to Organizational Agility, Resilience, and Reinvention
(4) Fit for Purpose: How Modern Businesses Find, Satisfy, & Keep Customers
(5) Essential Kanban Condensed
(6) Real-World Kanban: Do Less, Accomplish More with Lean Thinking
(7) Kanban in Action
(8) Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both (Enterprise Software Development)
(9) Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban
(10) Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow
(1) 看板實戰:用一張便利貼訓練出100分高效率工作團隊
(2) 揪出時間小偷的看板管理法:微軟、Zara、HP……這樣精實流程,免做虛工、省時有餘裕,部屬被動變主動
(3) 精益開發與看板方法
(4) 如何把看板和 Scrum 發揮到極致
(1) 看板方法:科技企業漸進變革成功之道
(2) 看板實戰
(3) 精益開發實戰:用看板管理大型項目
(4) 精益產品開發:原則、方法與實施
(2021/10) JKD 流看板方法 – 以視覺化和持續改善來管理開發流程
日期: 2021/10/30-31
時間: 09:00-17:00
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇! 七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》 Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary ...
「work with your customers」的推薦目錄:
- 關於work with your customers 在 DavidKo Learning Journey Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於work with your customers 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於work with your customers 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於work with your customers 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於work with your customers 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於work with your customers 在 F Records Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於work with your customers 在 How to give great customer service: The LAST method 的評價
work with your customers 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文
- throwaway society: xã hội mà trong đó người ta sử dụng đồ đạc trong một thời gian ngắn sau đó vứt chúng đi, mua thứ đồ mới
vpurchase the latest version of things: mua phiên bản mới nhất
- encourage somebody to do something: khuyến khích ai đó làm gì
- to be in good condition and perfectly functional: trong tình trạng tốt và các chức năng hoạt động tốt
- overconsumption = excessive consumption: việc tiêu thụ quá mức
- overproduction = excessive production: việc sản xuất quá mức
- long-lived products = durable products = products that are made to last for a long period of time: những sản phẩm có tuổi thọ dài
- short-lived products = non-durable products = products that are made to last for a short period of time: những sản phẩm có tuổi thọ ngắn
- repurchase = buy again: mua lại
- repeat customers: những khách hàng sẽ mua hàng lại ở cửa hàng họ đã mua
- make a dent in your finance: làm giảm số tiền bạn đang có
- higher profit margins for manufacturers: lợi nhuận biên lớn hơn cho các nhà sản xuất
- tempt customers into buying the latest, novelty items: thu hút khách hàng mua những sản phẩm mới nhất
- disposable products: những sản phẩm dùng 1 lần rồi vứt đi
- solid waste generation rates: tỷ lệ thải ra chất thải rắn
- environmental degradation: sự suy khóa môi trường
- contaminate soil and water: làm ô nhiễm đất và nước
- increase consumer spending: tăng chi tiêu của khách hàng
- bad spending habits: thói quen tiêu xài xấu
- leftover food: đồ ăn thừa
- a new version with more features: phiên bản mới với nhiều tính năng hơn
- have a negative/detrimental/harmful effect on: có ảnh hưởng có hại lên...
- buy things that you do not really need: mua những thứ mà bạn không thực sự cần
- a waste of money: một sự lãng phí tiền của
- buy new things to relieve stress or anxiety: mua đồ mới để giải tỏa căng thẳng và lo âu
- overspend = spend beyond one's income: chi tiêu quá mức
- huge amounts of toxic waste: 1 lượng khổng lồ chất thải
- to be discharged into the environment: bị thải ra môi trường
- encourage people to reuse and recycle more: khuyến khích người dân tái chế và tái sử dụng nhiều hơn.
- get into serious debt: bị mắc nợ nghiêm trọng
These days people in some countries are living in a “throwaway” society which means people use things in a short time then throw them away. What are its causes and what impacts can it have?
Dịch đề: Ngày nay người dân ở một số quốc gia đang sống trong một “xã hội bỏ đi” nghĩa là người ta sử dụng đồ đạc trong một thời gian ngắn sau đó vứt chúng đi. Nguyên nhân và ảnh hưởng mà xã hội này gây ra?
The topic of “throwaway society” has been discussed in recent years. In this society, people tend to throw away their old items regardless of whether or not they still work and purchase the latest version of things. This essay will look at some primary reasons for this phenomenon and the adverse impacts that it could have on individuals and the environment.
There are several causes of the throwaway society and I think advertising could be the first culprit. Advertisements encourage people to purchase goods and services that they do not really need by delivering a message that possessing the latest version of an item could improve a person’s self-image, confidence and even social status. For example, many of today’s teenagers spend nearly $1,500 buying iPhone X to show that they are wealthy and fashionable even though their old phones are still in good condition and perfectly functional. Another cause is mass production of non-durable goods which are often used once and thrown away. These products are much cheaper and more convenient than durable ones, hence, attract a large number of customers.
Individuals living in the throwaway society could suffer a great deal. They could easily get into serious debt if they get into the habit of buying the latest, novelty items. Many teens are being burdened with thousands of dollars in credit card debt for their unnecessary purchases, which could lead to depression and anxiety. Environmental degradation is another problem facing the throwaway society. Due to excessive production of disposable goods, huge amounts of hazardous waste are being discharged into the environment, which directly contaminates soil and water.
In conclusion, there are various factors leading to the advent of our throwaway society and increasing consumer debt and environmental damage are the two major problems which result from this society.
(299 words, written by Nguyen Huyen)
PHẦN VÍ DỤ: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-throwaway-society-dich-tu-chi-tiet/
work with your customers 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【創業大冒險】#女性創業沙龍系列講座 8月場活動花絮+9月活動預告🌸
一起傳授 #數位商機 一定要知道的事❤️
【Startup Adventure】Women Entrepreneurship Salon August Event Highlights!
The "Retail Digitalization x New Business Opportunities in E-commerce" has ended beautifully! Our keynote speakers are:
✨Amanda Chen/ Head of Taiwan, Global Selling at Amazon
✨ Hong Yifang/ Founder at SIOUSYUAN CO., LTD. (Ruby's afternoon tea )
✨ Suky Chen/ General Manager at 62 ICON CO., LTD.
Check out the #takeaways! 👀
👉 32% of consumer transactions have moved from offline to online. There were over 60% of corporate customers who made at least one bulk purchase a week online.
👉By understanding your business and using suitable APIs, you can utilize the big data collected via the website and examine the supply and demand, as well as to verify the business opportunities.
👉Traditional industries can work with e-commerce platforms and fully utilize the O2O model to transform your business. Integrate the online and offline resources to create a win-win, and maximize the value.
Eager to learn more?
Click the link and enroll for the next round of fruitful events in September🙌
work with your customers 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳解答
哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!
七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》
Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 誰是你首要顧客?
今集我會同你探討第二個策略問題: 核心價值 - 你是把公司股東、顧客、或員工利益行先?
How do your core values prioritize company shareholders, emoloyees and cuatomers? Who come FIRST? 當有衝突,邊個利益行先?
根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,冇話對唔與錯。 但搞唔清楚就一定錯。三選其一,你揀邊個行先?
(1) 公司/股東 (Shareholders) 行先? 李嘉誠就最出名股東行先。佢退休前最後一次主持長和系股東會,被問及一個出色的企業家最重要是什麼,李嘉誠話:「最重要忠誠為股東爭取正常收入,為股東設想,投資有前途項目,派息要合理,將股東利益排第一。」 我諗你咁多年都聽唔少佢講話股東利益排第一。 因此,好多人都話同長實做生意唔簡單, 甚至乎有時畀人感覺 (no offense) 賺到盡, 一蚊一毫都同你計,why? 因為股東利益行先,佢又啱喎。 但做善事? 李嘉誠本人捐幾十幾百億佢就好疏爽,因為唔關股東事。
Core value (核心價值)係股東行先,即係公司利益行先,成日話為公司著想,即係等於話為公司股東著想。 因此好多上市公司, 甚至乎初創企業,都會有 employee stock option,希望員工同公司利益一致。 希望佢哋由朝到晚都諗住 Creating Shareholder Value,為公司 = 為自己增值。
根據呢本 Seven Strategy Questions, AIG (AIA 母公司)、Citigroup、Pfizer 輝瑞藥業都係出名 shareholders 行先的公司,也是好成功的公司。做生意就係先講賺錢, 天公地道。
(2) 有啲公司嘅 Core Value 就係顧客行先 Customers First。例如,Johnson & Johnson 強生,係1943年就 craft 咗呢個 Credo (教義) :
We believe our first responsibility is to the patients, doctors and nurses, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services....
We are responsible to our employees who work with us throughout the world.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well....
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit....
When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.
Johnson & Johnson 的核心價值 core value 係顧客行先、員工第二、community 社群圈子第三、股東利益排第四。
我相信好多公司都係「話」顧客行先, 但有冇寫到好似強生咁清楚呢? 當然我相信更加多嘅公司,就係口講一套,做另一套。 口講顧客行先, 實質上遇到任何金錢利益,就縮數,公司/股東利益行先。
例如你開間茶餐廳, 有啲食材就嚟到期, 喺掉同唔掉的邊緣, 又唔會食死人,但又未必係最靚料,咁你會點? Be honest! ..... 公司賺少啲都揼?你就係顧客行先。 側側膊,唔多覺照用,慳番啲成本? 你就係公司行先。 無話對與錯, 最緊要搞清楚。你知啫,但係全公司同事知唔知? 能唔能夠全部人都言行一致?
(3) 如果我問你,有 covid 肺炎前, 某航空公司嘅股價喺呢道, 現在估計應該係邊? 如果我同你講仲高過肺炎之前,你會唔會信? 肺炎前係每股USD57,依家? USD62,高咗近10%。 佢就係美國西南航空 Southwest Airlines, 記住呢個係全球最多人染病嘅美國喎,有排都未走出疫情。佢就係出晒名 Employee First 嘅公司。Yes! The airline puts employee happiness above customet satisfaction. 員工開心,更重要過顧客滿意程度。
Southwest ranks employees first, customers second, and shareholders third. 員工第一、顧客第二、公司/股東第三。
你有無坐過Southwest Airlines 嘅飛機? 搭飛機通常最悶嘅就係一開始嘅 Safety Annoucement 安全提示。 但如果喺 Southwest? 你會聽有人講 jokes .... 有人 Rap!
呢啲講笑、唱歌、跳舞冇得迫。 員工開心,佢哋就自然會做。 你上網睇到會更多更多其他搞笑例子。
Southwest company blog says: "We believe that if we treat our employees right, they will treat our customers right, and in turn that results in increased business and profits that make everyone happy."
Employees come first 嘅理念,令到Southwest Airlines 每兩秒鐘就收到一份 job application, 每100個人申請,只有兩個人能夠成功獲取錄。2% acceptance rate, 好多傳媒都話去 Southwest 返工仲難過入哈佛! 有好嘅人才,就自然有好嘅服務,有好嘅業績。 亦都因為咁Southest Airlines 一間公司嘅市值,曾經係等於美國所有其他航空公司(American Airlines, Delta, Continental, UA etc)加埋嘅總和,都唔夠佢一間公司值錢。
你唔好以為Southwest Airlines 淨係員工開心喎,根據權威市場研究公司 J.D.Power 2020 survey,Southwest Airlines 嘅顧客滿意程度 customer satisfaction 都係全美國最高,both long and short-haul. 長短途都贏曬!
但老實說,坊間有幾多間公司會大聲講話員工行先? 間間都話顧客行先? 但諗真啲,係唔係真呢? 轉一轉個優先次序, 會唔會有另一番景象呢?
公司/股東、顧客、員工, 係你嘅核心價值邊個行先? 冇話對與錯。 但最緊要搞清楚, 萬一互相有衝突,你會揀邊個先? 係咪全公司上下同事、顧客、股東、合作伙伴都知? 你是否言行一致?
因為錄呢條片,我都問咗自己好多問題。我自己盛滙商舖基金係邊個行先? 我老婆答案即刻答我: 「你梗係員工行先啦! 因為嗰次點點點.... 」
Yes. 我自己商舖基金係員工行先 Employee First 嘅公司。因為我成日都同同事們講:
「錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家 happy!」...
「我哋人少少,賺多啲,遠遠好過人多多,個個賺少啲! 大家都想養家活兒,搵到、洗到、身體好!」
我相信只要能夠建立一個好嘅 culture 企業文化, 大家同事們自然會作出個啱嘅決定,買舖賣舖,有條好嘅 team,真係好難輸。 因此,老實說,如果有邊個客唔妥我嘅員工,我通常都會「唔妥」返佢 - 當然呢個要建基於你哋員工嘅信任。
To me ....「顧客不是永遠對的!」 選擇適當的顧客,長遠回報會更佳, 對你選擇嗰班顧客回報都會更佳。我係道都好幸運地同你講,我商舖基金由2016年成立以來加入的同事們,公司基本上係冇人走過。Turnover 近乎零! 你對人點,人就自然對你點! As said ... 錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家同事們Happy! 人客/公司自然賺錢。
你呢? Who comes first in your business? Company/Shareholders, Customers, Employees? 你公司嘅核心價值,邊個是優先? 無論你揀邊個都好,係唔會同你選擇嘅Primary Customers (首要顧客)有衝突, 只會更加強化你服務佢哋嘅能力及提升你競爭力。 最緊要搞清楚 WHO COMES FIRST!
有興趣聽多啲,就來我五月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 呢兩集同你講咗 Who is your primary customer? 同埋 Who comes first? Company/Shareholders, Customers or Employees?
下一集同你,What Critical Performance Variables Are You Tracking? 追數? 你應該最追幾條數?
五月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons
哈佛分享: 七條做生意策略問題
2012至2014間,我連續三年在哈佛上了 Robert Simons 的堂,畢生受用。我自己成間商舖基金公司都是建基於這本書。
有興趣 sign up la ? 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 ? Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
購買李根興的【李根興的生意哲學】(最新2020年6月出版 - 定價$198),或【買舖 要買得 PRO】(定價$198),連親筆簽名,可 whatsapp Suki (+852) 5566 1335。各大書局也有售。

work with your customers 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的精選貼文
✨本集來賓:James Hu - CEO & founder / Jobscan.co
- 成績不好也能創業成功當上老闆,只要開始努力都不算晚,謹記成功還是失敗都是自己的 | Grades don’t determine your future, your attitude does.
- 自省的力量:有策略的努力,比低頭苦幹更重要!| Importance of self introspection, work hard with the big picture direction in mind
- 創業家最強大的武器-大於常人的動機 | Motivations of an entrepreneur
- 使用者是你最重要的投資人 | Your customers are your most important investors
- 冥想、Think Week ,你能每天靜下十分鐘思考嗎 | Meditation, think week, 10 minutes a day
- 凡事先開始才有以後 | Do things that don’t scale
📚 Books Mentioned:
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad 富爸爸·窮爸爸
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 與成功有約
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(00:01:15) 用三個字形容自己 | 3 words describe yourself
(00:02:26) 求學過程 沒考上 再花兩年轉學進夢想大學 | Not getting into school wanted, 2 year journey to transfer
(00:04:15) 成績不行 靠工作經驗來補 | Work experiences to compensate bad grades
(00:04:50) 免費工作 只為了零售轉白領 | Working for free to learn a skill
(00:05:46) 不屈不饒的申請Microsoft實習 | Getting internship at Microsoft
(00:07:10) 學校帶給你的無形幫助 | Intangibles learned in school
(00:08:06) 終於進到Microsoft | Finally getting into Microsoft
(00:08:24) 2008金融風暴 Microsoft解僱五千人 | Then getting laid off
(00:09:36) 因為「富爸爸窮爸爸」 23歲就買房子 開啟投資理財之路 | Buying a house at 23, jounrey of finance
(00:11:33) 又回Microsoft 但薪水少1/3 | Taking a big pay cut
(00:12:07) 2010 從西雅圖到北京 | Seattle to Beijing
(00:12:58) 白天全職Groupon 晚上創業 | 2 jobs
(00:13:51) 土法煉鋼 做出「我搭車」App | Brute force ride sharing start up
(00:15:22) 贏得北京Startup Weekend 第二屆 第二名 | Second place at Beijing startup competition
(00:16:08) 創業最困難的挫折 | Hardest thing of doing start ups
(00:17:35) 沒有完善的商業模式 努力兩年最終結束創業 | Closing up the company
(00:20:13) 創業應該找好朋友還是單純夥伴 | Friend & business partner
(00:21:18) 美國創業 vs. 中國創業的差別 | Doing a startUp in US vs China
(00:22:48) 山寨和原創之間 | Imitation vs original
(00:24:21) 意外60天二度創業 JobScan | 60 days to start second start up
(00:26:27) 先求有再求好 | Do things that don’t scale
(00:28:24) 成功融資帶來的錯覺 | Illusion of success from fundraising
(00:31:27) 創業會選擇做大規模 還是單純有被動收入 | Going big or revenue
(00:33:48) 當你真心渴望 全宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你 | Being resourceful
(00:36:45) 聘請員工 高薪不是重點 | You don’t need to pay more for better talent
(00:39:26) 創業家視角:十年以後 | 10 year vision in entrepreneurship
(00:40:37) 進不了大學產生的人生理念 | Life views since not getting into desired college
(00:41:51) 最近的好習慣:十分鐘冥想 | 10 minutes meditation
(00:44:15) 慢慢來 比較快 | Slowing down is faster
(00:46:56) 時間管理 沒有大師 | Time management
(00:48:12) 效仿比爾蓋茲的Think Week | Bill Gates’s think week
(00:52:48) 面對家人離世仍保持正向 | Positive attitude despite family loss
(00:57:19) 對快樂的定義 | Definition of happiness
(00:58:56) 十年終於放了自己一年大假 | One year sabbatical after

work with your customers 在 F Records Youtube 的最讚貼文
Young Hysan https://instagram.com/younghysan
Dough-Boy https://instagram.com/doughboybeatsyou
Big Spoon https://instagram.com/nicholascheung
F Records https://instagram.com/frecordshk
Video director: Mart Sarmiento http://instagram.com/martsarmiento
Gaffer: Samson Jr Guzman https://www.instagram.com/samsonjrcdg/
Remix Songwriters: Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Original Songwriters(s): Charalambos Antoniou, Christopher Daniel Soriano (BMI), Mithoon (ASCAP)
Contains a Sample from the Song ‘Sanam Re’ by Artist: Mithoon featuring Arijit Singh; Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by Mithoon and Lyrics by Mithoon, Courtesy: T-Series.
Mixed & mastered by FreezLhy http://instagram.com/freezlhy
Original Song: https://WarnerMusicHongKong.lnk.to/CJWhooptyFR
Lyrics [& translations]:
Intro - Big Spoon
Shout out CJ, staten Island to九龍[Kowloon], y'all already know what time it is
Whoopty, yeah, Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Verse 1 - Big Spoon
Whoopty, I'm scraping the pot with a spoonie (Uh)
Ooh wee, I'm serving a bird to them foodies
Moving more white than the top of Mt. Fuji
Pushing a key just like Claude Debussy
Chop on my side watch it kick just like Bruce Lee
Linked up with Gareth and Hysan my juvies (Huh)
Pow pow, blick got you laying down like Pacquiao
Starting beef with us, we giving you mad cow
Hahahaha you mad now
I'm back on my牛屎,trap out of間酒店,熟客可以有九折
[I’m back on my bullsh*t, trap out of a hotel, loyal customers can get 10% off]
[Diamonds sitting on my bracelet, we are wilder than some monkeys, we are rich because of trapping]
Verse 2 - Young Hysan
Whoo! All of my diamonds like flu
Whoo! Coronavirus diamonds, sticky icky on my neck like it’s glue (Ah)
Shoot out the motherf*cking roof (Yeah)
Look like the new Illuminati with the mob, who the f*ck is your crew? (Uh)
B*tch we a family, not a group
We catch the opps, we fill they pants up with poop (Ah)
Whoopty, poopty, poop, poop, woo (Ah)
She suck on the d*ck, like she tryna play on the flute (Ah)
“Do Ba Do Be Do”, my hundreds keep singing “I’m Blue” (Ah)
I put my kids all in her mouth like that sh*t toothpaste
Blue cheese, blue diamonds, blue perks, yeah that’s a whole lotta blue things
Blew 22 thousand out the courtroom, hoe nah I can’t lose the case (Ha)
Say I ain’t put in the work, I put y’all on the newspage
Beat up the fentanyl, straight outta Chi-land, the powder go
Verse 3 - Dough-Boy
Got a mill in the bank, half in my crypto account
They told me to broaden my tank; euros and pesos and pounds
They asking me, "how do you do that - a hundred stacks in your shoe rack?"
Bet they can’t tell by the way that I look, got no idea where my goons at
Whoopty, living large like a movie
Boom boom boom; turning these dogs into p*ssies
Been on tour with these groupies, hitting 'em raw like sushi
Then give her that Louis, give her the Versace
Give her that Birkin, give her that Gucci
Been there, done that. Most of 'em ain’t got no comeback
This the part where I talk my sh*t, before they bring the drums back
All these snakes in this music sh*t, seen 'em since October
But you know that I’m Asian, b*tch; I eat these f*cking cobras, whoo!

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