XYY 三體是一種人類男性的性染色體疾病,正常的男性性染色體是XY,而XYY三體者多出一條Y染色體,所以又稱「超雄綜合症」(super-male syndrome)。
#2. 47XYY症候群(XYY syndrome)疾病介紹及衛教 - 慧智基因
患者外觀與一般男生並無明顯差異,部分患者牙齒、耳朵較大且明顯及寬額頭,身高會比一般人較為高大,智力正常或可能會稍低些。50%患者會有學習障礙、動作 ...
#3. XYY Syndrome - National Organization for Rare Disorders
XYY syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects males. It is caused by the presence of an extra Y chromosome. Males normally have one X and one Y ...
#4. 47,XYY syndrome - Genetics - MedlinePlus
47,XYY syndrome is characterized by an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of an individual's cells. Although many people with this ...
#5. XYY Syndrome (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Boys who have XYY syndrome are born with it. It's called XYY because they have an extra Y chromosome. chromosome. in most or all their cells. Usually, a person ...
Jacobs syndrome, also known as 47,XYY syndrome, is a rare genetic condition that occurs in about 1 out of 1000 male children.
#7. XYY Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and More - Healthline
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a male has an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of their cells (XYY). Sometimes, this ...
#8. NORD Guide to Rare Disorders - 第 90 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Mosaic forms ( 46 , XY / 47 , XXY ) of this disorder are consistently associated with ... 41 XYY Syndrome Carole A. Samango - Sprouse , EdD DEFINITION : XYY ...
#9. The XYY Syndrome and Aerospace Operations
Gibson and Martin ( 9 ) reported that antisocial behavior and unusual height are conditions of the XYY syndrome but that , while mental retardation is a ...
#10. Mental Health Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome
The XYY syndrome has an incidence of approximately 1 in 1000 male births (Forssman etal., 1975). Initial interest in this condition was generated by the ...
#11. 47,XYY Syndrome - Pediatrics - MSD Manuals
47,XYY syndrome is the presence of two Y chromosomes and one X chromosome in a phenotypic male. (See also Overview of Chromosomal Anomalies ...
#12. Childhood acne in a boy with XYY syndrome
XYY syndrome is an aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes which affects 1 in 1000 male births. It is often asymptomatic and identified incidentally following genetic ...
#13. The XYY syndrome -
The XYY syndrome is of particular interest since the extra Y chromosome seems to be related to personality traits and criminal behavior.
#14. XYY综合征患儿的认知
注意力缺陷多动障碍(attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)症状在XYY综合征患者中较为普遍,与其他性染色体异常疾病相比,XYY综合征患者多动和 ...
#15. XYY syndrome - Wiktionary
XYY syndrome (uncountable) ... An aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes in which a human male receives an extra Y chromosome, giving a total of 47 chromosomes ...
#16. XYY syndrome | Myriad Prequel® Prenatal Screen
XYY syndrome is caused by an extra “Y” chromosome in each of a male's cells. While males with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal ...
#17. XYY Syndrome - Connecticut Children's
Boys who have XYY syndrome are born with it. It's called XYY because they have an extra Y chromosome in most or all of their cells. Usually, a person has 46 ...
#18. Psychopathy, Mental Deficiency, Aggressiveness and the XYY ...
It was noted that these XYY males were strikingly tall compared with their fellow ... Psychopathy, Mental Deficiency, Aggressiveness and the XYY Syndrome.
#19. XYY syndrome: a 13-year-old boy with tall stature
Few case reports and studies have been published regarding the characteristics of XYY syndrome (Table 1). XYY syndrome is a sex chromosome ...
#20. The XYY syndrome - The American Journal of Medicine
The XYY syndrome is of particular interest since the extra Y chromosome seems to be related to personality traits and criminal behavior. A new case of XYY ...
#21. The XYY syndrome in children: A review | SpringerLink
The XYY sex chromosome complement in males was first described in 1961. A range of associated characteristics were subsequently noted. These included intel.
#22. A Study of the XYY Syndrome in Tall Men and Juvenile ...
Four new examples of the XYY karyotype were ascertained in a survey of selected male populations. Among men 183 cm (6 ft) or greater in height, two out of ...
#23. The 47, XYY Syndrome, 50 Years of Certainties and Doubts
The prevalence of XYY sex chromosome abnormalities in newborns is as high as 1:1000, but they are often unidentified because they are not ...
#24. 47,XYY Syndrome | Encyclopedia MDPI
47,XYY syndrome is characterized by an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of a male's cells. Although many males with this condition are taller than ...
#25. XYY-trisomy | genetic disorder | Britannica
XYY -trisomy, relatively common human sex chromosome anomaly in which a male has two Y chromosomes rather than one. It occurs in 1 in 500–1000 live male ...
#27. What Causes XYY Syndrome? - Nova IVF
XYY syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects only males. The symptoms of this chromosomal birth defect are very few. Most men with XYY syndrome live ...
#28. The XYY syndrome: a study of four subjects and their families1
The implications of these findings are discussed with respect especially to their bearing on conclusions drawn in the literature on the XYY syndrome.
#29. 47, XYY syndrome: hypogonadism and osteoporosis
47, XYY syndrome: hypogonadism and osteoporosis ... a Rheumatologist review who suspected Klinefelter”s syndrome and referred to the Endocrinologists.
#30. XYY Syndrome - Contact a Family
XYY syndrome is a chromosomal condition which occurs only in males. A chromosome is a rod-like structure present in the nucleus of all body cells, ...
#31. What is Superman Syndrome? - News Medical
Superman syndrome, also known as 47, XYY, is a condition classified as a chromosomal aneuploidy (which is an abnormality in chromosome ...
#32. XYY Syndrome - Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Boys who have XYY syndrome are born with it. It's called XYY because they have an extra Y chromosome in most or all of their cells. Usually, a person has 46 ...
#33. Dermatoglyphic Study of Six Patients with the XYY Syndrome
XYY Syndrome. T. Tsuboi and J. Nielsen. The Cytogenetic Laboratory, Ârhus State Hospital, Risskov. Patients with Klinefelter's syndrome have a less striking ...
#34. What Is XYY Syndrome? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis ...
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a male is born with an extra Y chromosome. Instead of having one X and one Y sex ...
#35. NIPT results: XYY syndrome (Jacobs syndrome)
Prenatal ultrasounds are usually normal. There is a slightly increased risk for males with XYY syndrome to have an autism spectrum disorder or ...
#36. Behavioral and Social Phenotypes in Boys With 47,XYY ...
XYY syndrome occurs in 1 of 1000 male individuals and KS, the most common human sex chromosome disorder, 1,–3 occurs in 1 of 426 to 1 of 1000 ...
#37. 47,XYY syndrome - Orphanet
47,XYY syndrome. Disease definition. A rare sex chromosome aneuploidy where males receive an additional Y chromosome, that is characterized clinically by ...
#38. The XYY Condition - Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine
Occasionally, however, a boy is born with an extra Y chromosome and this is known as. XYY. The picture above is a drawing of chromosomes from someone who ...
#39. The XYY syndrome: a follow-up study on 38 boys. - Europe PMC
In the last decade there has been a significant increase in the proportion of XYY males detected prenatally, mostly as a fortuitous finding.
#40. XYY -
The great majority of boys and men with an extra Y chromosome are never aware of it, because they do not have symptoms that lead to a diagnosis. Only a small ...
#41. Medical Definition of XYY syndrome - RxList
XYY syndrome : A chromosomal disorder that affects males only, caused by the presence of an extra Y chromosome. Symptoms may include increased height, ...
#42. XYY Syndrome - YouTube ) - XYY Syndrome is a sex chromosomal anueploidy caused by an Y chromosome in male individuals and thus resulted 47 ...
#43. The XYY syndrome: a follow-up study on 38 boys.
It is found that boys with karyotype 47,XYY are at considerably increased risk for delayed language--and/or motor development and from birth on, weight, ...
#44. XYY syndrome - wikidoc
Template:Distinguish2 XYY syndrome is an aneuploidy of the sex ... a human male receives an extra Y chromosome,producing a 47,XYY karyotype.
#45. The XYY syndrome: a follow-up study on 38 boys - Lirias
... Medicine, Research & Experimental, Research & Experimental Medicine, XYY syndrome, Y chromosome, prenatal diagnosis, autism, extreme male brain, ...
#46. Characterization of autism spectrum disorder and ...
XYY syndrome is a sex chromosome aneuploidy that occurs in ~ 1/850 male births and is associated with increased risk for neurodevelopmental ...
#47. Jacobs Syndrome: 47, XYY Explained - The ObG Project
Jacobs syndrome is a sex chromosome abnormality that involves the presence of an additional Y chromosome in a male. Karyotype: 47,XYY.
#48. Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention and ...
Socio - economic factors affect mortality in 47 , XYY syndrome - a comparison with the background population and Klinefelter syndrome .
#49. XYY Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
XYY syndrome is a rare genetic condition that occurs in males, only when they are born with an additional Y chromosome in most or all of ...
#50. Abnormal Auditory Mismatch Fields in Children and ...
47,XYY syndrome (XYY) is one of the common forms of sex chromosome aneuploidy in males. XYY males tend to have tall stature, early speech, motor delays, ...
#51. XYY syndrome - Wikidata
genetic condition in which a male has an extra Y chromosome. 47,XYY syndrome. Y disomy; Disomy Y; 47,XYY; Double Y; XYY Karyotype; XYY Syndrome; 47,XYY ...
#52. The Dangerous Myth of XYY Syndrome by Ellia Manzo
These males also have normal levels of testosterone and go through all normal phases of sexual development. During childhood development, XYY ...
#53. 47,XYY Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for ...
47,XYY Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers [Parker, Philip M.] on
#54. The Xyy Syndrome: Review with a Case Study - SAGE Journals
On a tenté de découvrir si leur sang renfermait un chromosome Y supplémentaire. Des généticiens de clinique ont postulé la présence d'un syndrome XYY et on ...
#55. Edexcel Psychology for A Level Book 2 - 第 2 冊 - Google 圖書結果
Re and Birkhoff raise the idea that XYY syndrome can be associated with problems with impulse control, low tolerance of frustration, aggressiveness and a ...
#56. XYY Syndrome
GENETICS/BASIC DEFECTS. 1. Caused by an additional Y chromosome in a male. 2. Mechanisms of the extra Y chromosome in 47,XYY males.
#57. XYY Syndrome | Dayton Children's Hospital
Boys who have XYY syndrome are born with it. It's called XYY because they have an extra Y chromosome in most or all their cells. Usually, a person has 46 ...
BONE ABNORMALITIES IN THE XYY SYNDROME. E.R. Williams. E.R. Williams. Affiliations. Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, United Kingdom ...
#59. Neural Correlates of the Y Chromosome in Autism: XYY ...
Two different conditions that affect boys will be studied: XYY syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Typically developing boys will also be included.
#60. XYY Syndrome - My Doctor Online - Kaiser Permanente
What is XYY syndrome? XYY syndrome (XYY) is a genetic condition in males that may include taller height, a slightly larger head size, ...
#61. The XYY syndrome in a mental hospital. - APA PsycNet
#62. View of 47, XYY Syndrome and its Association with Male ...
47, XYY syndrome is one of the most common sex chromosomal anomaly found in humans after Klinfelter syndrome (47, XXY). It is frequently associated with ...
#63. XYY Syndrome | Criminology - Tutor2u
tutor2u is the leading support service for A-Level, GCSE, BTEC and IB students and teachers preparing for assessments, mocks and final exams.
#64. 47,XYY Syndrome and Male Infertility - Nxtbook
Parental nondisjunction at meiosis II resulting in an extra Y chromosome produces a 47,XYY karyotype in the affected offspring. 6-8 46,XY/47,XYY mosaics from ...
#65. Male Urogenital Diseases: New Insights for the Healthcare ...
and grey matter volumes were significantly, or nearly significantly, higher in males with XYY syndrome than in males belonging to the other two groups (grey ...
#66. unique association of Noonan syndrome and 47,XYY ...
47,XYY syndrome occurs in about 1 in 1000 newborn males and is usually diagnosed late, if ever [2]. The XYY phenotype commonly includes tall ...
#67. File:XYY syndrome.svg - Wikimedia Commons
English: *en:XYY syndrome. ... with a female cell the offspring will have 2 Y-chromosomes and 1 X-chromosome (purple cell in the center).
#68. Jacobs Syndrome Article - StatPearls
Diagnosis of 47,XYY syndrome may occur as early as the prenatal period using cell-free fetal DNA.[10][11][12] This technique is known as non- ...
#69. The XYY Syndrome: Genetics, Behavior and the Law
$ For a recent survey article concerning the XYY male, incorporating published and unpublished data, see Brown, Males with an XYY Sex Chromosome Comtlement,. 5 ...
#70. XYY syndrome karyotype 46,XYY - Wellcome Collection
XYY syndrome karyotype. This male has an extra Y chromosome.
#71. Reproductive outcomes of 3 infertile males with XYY syndrome...
The 47, XYY syndrome is a common sex chromosomal genetic syndrome that occurs approximately once in every 1000 live male births. Because of the diverse ...
#72. Kidshealth: XYY Syndrome | Akron Children's Hospital
Boys who have XYY syndrome are born with it. It's called XYY because they have an extra Y chromosome in most or all their cells. Usually, a ...
#73. The myth of the “supermale" and the extra Y chromosome - Vox
The myth of the “supermale" and the extra Y chromosome ... crime to a rare genetic disorder that had just been discovered, XYY syndrome.
#74. Psychiatric aspects of 47, XYY (Jacobs) syndrome: A case report
In this case, psychiatric aspects of 47, XYY syndrome is discussed in a male adolescent patient diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ...
#75. 47, XYY Syndrome - | Washington State Department of Health
Sex Chromosome Problems. Discovered Through. Prenatal Diagnosis. 47,XYY Syndrome. Published by PacNoRGG. The Pacific Northwest. Regional Genetics Group.
#76. 47,XYY syndrome
47, XYY syndrome is a sex chromosome aneuploidy where males receive an additional Y chromosome, and is characterized clinically by tall stature evident from ...
#77. Oral, physical, and behavioral aspects of patient with ...
Chromosome 47, XYY syndrome is usually diagnosed late. Some of the clinical characteristics of XYY syndrome may be perceptible in dental ...
#78. Klinefelter syndrome - NHS
Read about Klinefelter syndrome - a condition in which male babies are born with an extra X chromosome. Find out about the symptoms, causes and treatments.
#79. 47,XYY Syndrome: Clinical Phenotype and ... - Genetic.Org
47,XYY Syndrome: Clinical Phenotype and Timing of Ascertainment. Martha Zeger Bardsley, MD1,2, Karen Kowal, PAC2, Carly Levy, MD2, Ania Gosek, BA1, ...
#80. XYY Syndrome - Reproductive - Medbullets Step 1
XYY Syndrome · aggressive/antisocial/criminal behavior (1-2%) · normal sexual characteristics/function · small percentage diagnosed with autism ...
#81. XYY Men - DNA Science - PLOS
Slowly, as the suppositions of the 1960s give way to current research, the public is changing its thinking on XYY syndrome. Few people today ...
#82. Morbidity in 47,XYY syndrome: a nationwide epidemiological ...
The 47,XYY syndrome is a sex chromosome abnormality (SCA) in males caused by nondisjunction during paternal meiosis II or during postzygotic mitosis. Pooling ...
#83. What is XYY SYNDROME? definition ... - Psychology Dictionary
Psychology Definition of XYY SYNDROME: a chromosomal anomaly found in 1961 and correlated to males who demonstrated aggressive or violent behavior in ...
#84. XYY_百度百科
XYY 染色體是一種人類男性的性染色體疾病,正常的男性性染色體是XY,而XYY三體者多出一條Y染色體,所以又稱“超雄綜合徵”(super-man syndrome)。
#85. XYY syndrome -
XYY syndrome is an aneuploidy (specifically a trisomy) of the sex chromosomes in which a human male receives an extra Y chromosome, producing a 47,XYY ...
#86. The XYY Syndrome: A Dangerous Myth
The XYY Syndrome: A Dangerous Myth. Creator. Beckwith, Jon. King, Jonathan. Bibliographic Citation. New Scientist 64(923): 474-476, 14 Nov 1974.
#87. Jacobs syndrome What we need to know Synevo
XYY syndrome is the result of a random mutation in the male genetic code. Most cases of XYY syndrome are not inherited. Researchers do not ...
#88. Xyy Karyotype: Disease Bioinformatics - Novus Biologicals
Research of Xyy Karyotype has been linked to Sex Chromosome Aberrations, Cytogenetic Abnormality, Klinefelter Syndrome, 47, Xyy Syndrome, Aneuploidy.
#89. 47, XYY syndrome | Rare Diseases - RareGuru
47, XYY syndrome is caused by having an extra copy of the Y chromosome in every cell of the body. The syndrome is usually not inherited. Diagnosis can be made ...
#90. XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.
Networking with government services, medical specialists, general practitioners and educators to create a better understanding for XYY Syndrome. Our focus is ...
#91. Myasthenia Gravis and XYY Syndrome | NEJM
Myasthenia Gravis and XYY Syndrome. April 15, 1976. N Engl J Med 1976; 294:904. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM197604152941620. No extract is available for articles ...
#92. The Prevalence of 47, XYY Males among Collegiate ...
XYY Syndrome in C h ild ren. Hook, 1973. 139. B eh a v io ral Im p lic a tio n ... 4 7 ,XYY chromosome anomaly c i t e d a need f o r more r e s e a r c h.
#93. 47,XYY Syndrome: Clinical Phenotype and Timing of ...
47,XYY Syndrome: Clinical Phenotype and Timing of Ascertainment ... seizures, tremor, and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) compared with the ...
#94. What Are YY Chromosomes? - WebMD
The XYY syndrome correlates with certain physical conditions and disabilities in males with the extra Y chromosome. Symptoms range from mild to ...
xyy syndrome 在 XYY Syndrome - YouTube 的推薦與評價 ) - XYY Syndrome is a sex chromosomal anueploidy caused by an Y chromosome in male individuals and thus resulted 47 ... ... <看更多>