報名網址與活動細節: https://www.surveycake.com/s/1dKLo
*請注意:SEASAT營隊成員的健康和安全對我們至關重要,AIT與台灣亞洲交流基金會將持續關注新冠肺炎發展狀況,任何異動都會通知最後獲選參加者。 #AITYouthCamp #SEASAT
Taiwan College and graduate students, you still have one week to complete your 2021 SEASAT Youth Camp application. This year promising youth leaders will come together for a 3-day camp in Taipei, focused on leadership, learning, and networking activities. Qualified applicants include citizens of Taiwan or countries in Southeast or South Asia who are currently living in Taiwan, 18 to 24 years old, with a strong command of English and demonstrated leadership potential. Camp expenses will be covered by the organizers. The 2021 youth camp will focus on Global Equality in the Era of Pandemic, and successful applicants will demonstrate a strong interest in this area. Application deadline: 11:59 PM, April 30th, 2021. Registration: https://www.surveycake.com/s/1dKLo. Don’t miss the great chance this summer. Apply as soon as possible!!
PLEASE NOTE: The health and safety of SEASAT participants is our top priority. AIT and TAEF (https://www.facebook.com/TAEFNSP/) will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify selected participants of any changes regarding the 2021 SEASAT Youth Camp.
young living 基金會 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
報名網址與活動細節: https://www.surveycake.com/s/1dKLo
*請注意:SEASAT營隊成員的健康和安全對我們至關重要,AIT與台灣亞洲交流基金會將持續關注新冠肺炎發展狀況,任何異動都會通知最後獲選參加者。 #AITYouthCamp #SEASAT
Are you a youth leader interested in issues of equality? We have a program designed for you. AIT is pleased to announce that the 2021 SEASAT Youth Camp held in cooperation with the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) will take place in Taipei from July 27-29, 2021. For the third year, the Southeast Asia-South Asia-Taiwan (SEASAT) Youth Camp brings together promising youth leaders for a 3-day camp in Taipei, focused on leadership, learning, and networking activities. Qualified applicants include citizens of Taiwan or countries in Southeast or South Asia, 18 to 24 years old, currently living in Taiwan, with a strong command of English and demonstrated leadership potential. Camp expenses will be covered by the organizers. The 2021 youth camp will focus on Global Equality in the Era of Pandemic, and successful applicants will demonstrate a strong interest in this area. Application deadline: 11:59 PM, April 30th, 2021.
Registration: https://www.surveycake.com/s/1dKLo
(PLEASE NOTE: The health and safety of SEASAT participants is our top priority. AIT and TAEF will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify selected participants of any changes regarding the 2021 SEASAT Youth Camp.
young living 基金會 在 盧鎮業 Siuyea Lo Facebook 的最讚貼文
why me
謝謝Eris諗起我 : )
意外的是,廣告出街後,有不少人問我,為何選擇了 盧鎮業(小野) 及 Lam Ting 林婷 做主角?
其實我承認 盧鎮業(小野) 並非第一個想到的人選 (絕不是他不好),而是我們曾經問過好幾位男藝人 (hints: 同我們合作過的) 甚至男model都以「吓,乜要飾演愛滋病病毒感染者呀?我怕有標籤喎!Sorry呀…」為由拒絕我們之後,當下,我突然想到了盧鎮業。
你以為我揀佢係因為欣賞他在《中英街一號》的演出?又錯喎!我對他嘅印象始於他為港台《手語狂想曲》第五輯其中一集的演出。我覺得這個男仔好清新,有文藝氣息又有傻氣 (hints: 他扮演一名教師),於是我向同事提議他。結果出乎意料,他一口就答應演出。我記得marketing同事還很細心地再向他的agent確認,結果,當然是盧鎮業再次肯定又爽快地確定合作啦!我們好感激他,同日,我哋就向Mindshare團隊推荐。之後發生的事,自然不用多述。
至於 Lam Ting 林婷,也是由我向同事及製作團體舉薦的。何解揀她?相信我講出來一定惹來笑聲四起。因為,我是欣賞她在Viu TV《入住請敲門》第二季 (入住2) 的表現。鬼節目、主持人,與扮演愛滋病病毒感染者女友有何種牽連呢?Well,首先肯定的是林婷美麗的外貌必有觀眾緣,二,是她沉穩的氣質,三,是她隱藏的可塑性。她在入住2的表現,無論身在荒野還是猛鬼酒店,時而鎮定、時而驚恐…總之演技十足,頗能牽動觀眾的情緒,讓人產生一種印象是︰這個外表柔弱的女孩,內心其實是一個堅強聰慧的女子。
當然,再一次在這裡感謝兩位,及感激玉女掌門人周慧敏 Vivian Chow 無私地為我們擔任此廣告的旁白。她親切溫柔的聲線成功塑造了溫暖、感性的氛圍,令廣告更觸動人心!
來自總幹事劉燊燊 (ERIS) 的…… 剖白
“It is a great milestone to finally launch our corporate TVC advertisement. It was a demanding task given we have had a great deal of challenges to address, including a new positioning for this advertisement, the need to have a fantastic cast, an outstanding storyline, and the need to find a brilliant production team to realise our vision. And among all these things, finding the right cast turned out to be the most difficult part.
Many people have asked why I chose Siuyea Lo and Lam Ting as the two protagonists. For the male lead who played a young HIV patient, frankly, no actors wanted the part (whom we had worked with before anyway) with the single common reason that they did not want to be labelled as a person living with HIV after this TVC project! At this point, I thought of Siuyea thanks to his superb acting in an RTHK TV programme where, in one episode, he played a shy teacher pursuing a love interest (“Sign Language” S5).
More importantly, he was the only actor who happily accepted this role as a PLHIV-moviegoer without any hesitation.
For the female lead, it was also me who recommended the rising star Ms Lam Ting to Mindshare (our production team). Not only is she beautiful enough to attract a large amount of fans but she also has a certain toughness underneath her girl-next-door image.
I am extremely grateful for their acceptance to play a PLHIV couple; it was not an easy choice I know. They were the great artistes who stepped up to act in order to encourage the public to stub out the PLHIV stigma.
Last but not least, a huge thanks to the wonderful Ms Vivian Chow as our narrator. Her beautiful yet familiar voice truly captivated us all.
A thousand thanks to you, Vivian!”
— Eris Lau (HKAF’s Chief Executive) reveals why she cast Siuyea Lo and Lam Ting as the protagonists.
🎬 https://youtu.be/6BUlt-yzirI
#HongKongAidsFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #VivianChow #周慧敏 #盧鎮業 #小野 #LamTing #林婷 #PLHIV #微電影 #microfilm #MindshareHongKong #U=U #不能檢測不能傳染 #ViuTV #入住請敲門 #手語狂想曲