#1. 為何您需要具有敏捷的思維,以及如何培養這種思維 - Amazon ...
聯絡我們 支援 中文(繁體) 我的帳戶 ... 為何您需要具有敏捷的思維,以及如何培養這種思維(Why you need an agile mindset - and how to get one).
#2. 【文思不藏私】@笨蛋,問題不在「敏捷」!. 常常 ... - Medium
非常推薦,所有對敏捷有興趣的朋友,導入敏捷方法之前先看看Linda Rising 的『敏捷思維』(Agile Mindset),這可以幫助你再次釐清你導入的『Why to do』。
#3. Agile是什麼?了解敏捷思維,將開發提升到另一個層次! - Glints
Glints在這篇文章中討論什麼是Agile以及Agile Manifesto(敏捷宣言)中的12條原則。 ... agile is a mindset ... 中文的翻譯:.
#4. 敏捷思維(Agile Mindset) - iT 邦幫忙
敏捷(agile)是一種思維(mindset),由價值觀(values),原則(principles)和實踐(practices)組成。可以滿足敏捷思維的任何方法(means),通常被稱為敏捷框架(framework)、 ...
前陣子有朋友分享Linda Rising的〈The Power of an Agile Mindset〉演講,後來Teddy也在Facebook上轉載這則連結。沒過多久有一位鄉民甲和Teddy聊起 ...
#6. 你真的搞懂了什麼叫敏捷式( Agile ) 開發嗎? - 專案管理生活思維
敏捷式開發(Agile Development)是近來時常耳聞的一個名詞,我們或多或少對於這個名詞有些微的概念,但是卻又很難具體的描述出一個全面性的觀點來。敏捷式的精神原則上 ...
#7. 敏捷的哲学 - 张凯峰|
所谓敏捷的哲学,无非是个噱头,其实是因为我无力为mindset在中文世界里找到一个 ... Organizations that 'do' agile merely adopt agile practices.
#8. 泰迪軟體- 之前分享過Linda Rising的〈The Power of an Agile...
之前分享過Linda Rising的〈The Power of an Agile Mindset〉提到「Agile Mindset」與「Fixed Mindset」的差別。在這個12分鐘的TED演講中(有中文字幕),Julia Galef.
#9. The Agile Mind-Set作者访谈 - InfoQ
The Agile Mind-Set作者访谈在TheAgileMind-set书中,GilBroza探讨了敏捷价值、信念和原则,并解释了他们如何.
#10. agile mind - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"agile mind" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#11. Agile World 呼吁讲中文的敏捷者为全球观众举办敏捷脱口秀
Be Agile is focused on practical Agile, and gaining a greater understanding of the aspects of Agile thinking, behaviour, interaction, mindset ...
#12. 超越需求敏捷思維模式下的分析(Beyond Requirements
... 需求敏捷思維模式下的分析(Beyond Requirements: Analysis with an Agile Mindset) ... 出版日期: 2017-03-01; 售價: $330; 貴賓價: 9.5 折$314; 語言: 簡體中文 ...
#13. Regional Scrum Gathering TAIPEI 2021
Turn your heart of supporting agile into practical action ... zh_TW 繁體中文. en_US English zh_TW 繁體中文. Vernon Stinebaker (史文林) ...
#14. 琳達·里辛- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
琳達·里辛(英語:Linda Rising),美國作家、講師、獨立顧問,同時也是The Hillside Group 的營運 ... *5 "The Power of an Agile mindset" *6 "The Agile Mindset" *7 "Myths and ...
#15. SAFe® 4.5白皮书中文版(二)——介绍- 敏捷开发 - IT项目
用于精益企业的规模化敏捷框架(Scaled Agile Framework®,SAFe®)是一个可 ... 精益-敏捷思维(Lean-Agile Mindset)——精益-敏捷思维是SAFe领导者和 ...
#16. Agile Mindset Ma.gic: Stories from the trenches - 博客來
書名:Agile Mindset Ma.g.i.c.: Stories from the trenches,語言:英文,ISBN:9781636067131,頁數:220,作者:Yashasree Barve,出版日期:2020/11/30, ...
#17. 台灣敏捷社群- KKTIX 是一群對Agile技術有興趣或是狂熱的人所組成,期待藉由經驗分享和技術交流,來讓台灣軟體開發能更進步,工作能更快樂。 短期目標:透過定期小型聚會 ...
#18. Agile Mindset. Do You have what it takes? - LinkedIn
Agile Mindset. Do You have what it takes? Agile is a set of values and principles, philosophy, code of conduct, attitude - a mindset.
#19. Scrum Agile Training Consulting Coaching Certification
(Visit our website in Chinese, 访问优普丰敏捷学院中文站:www. ... Our Mission: to help clients and individuals develop Agile mindset and competence with ...
#20. What Is an Agile Mindset? | Wrike Agile Guide
What is an Agile mindset and how does it correspond to the Agile Manifesto? Learn more about Agile project management terminology with Wrike's Agile Guide.
#21. Agile Transformations | Agile Business Consultancy
Home – 中文(台灣) · 什麼是敏捷 ... AGILE ACADEMY ASIA. Agile Training | Agile Transformations | Agile Business Consultancy | ...
#22. Cultivating an agile mindset | Atlassian
The agile mindset is a thought process that involves understanding, collaborating, learning, and staying flexible to achieve high-performing results.
#23. Data-driven projects, cross-cultural collaboration and agile mindset
It has been 4 months since I started my career as a Trainee in Elkem. Here at Carbon Global in Kristiansand, I work in different roles on different types of ...
#24. SAFe® 4.0 术语表
SAFe® 4.0 术语表. Scaled Agile Framework®. 术语及定义. 简体中文 ... Lean-Agile mindset 结合敏捷宣言与精益思想的概念,是SAFe principles 和实践的基础。
#25. 【採線上面談】Scrum Master (台中市政府旁) - 新加坡商鈦坦 ...
中文 版, ... 我們採用敏捷開發(Agile Software Development),同時將敏捷思維(Agile Mindset) ...
#26. Manifesto for Agile Software Development
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. These are our values and principles.
#27. CULTURE AND MINDSET 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
focus on employee engagement change organizational culture leadership mindset and the linkage between brands and employee behaviors.
#28. 敏捷思維AgileMindset - 太毅國際| 企業培訓的領導品牌
敏捷思維Agile Mindset, 企業轉型過程,對於新的商機與商業模式,必須不斷傾聽客戶的聲音、容忍失敗快速改正、及不斷的檢討與調整經營方向、以彈性及速度搶佔市場。
#29. 敏捷项目管理和开发挑战| Siemens Software
What do I need to watch out for when implementing agile development methods? Implementing agile development ... Mindset shift in a matrix organization ...
#30. 敏捷和Scrum:这些术语的真正含义是什么?--翻译技术速递
Agile and Scrum: What do these terms really mean? ... 切换至中文 ... The agile mindset has inspired many practical methodologies, ...
#31. 敏捷思維導論- Affde營銷
改編自AWA、Simon Powers 的Agile Onion 圖像. 根據西蒙·鮑爾斯的說法:. “敏捷心態是流行比喻敏捷洋蔥中的最外環。 該模型告訴我們,心態是構成敏捷 ...
#32. Agile Testing 簡介 - David Ko的學習之旅- 痞客邦
也就是說, QA必須要變成self directed的專家, 來排除任何造成你無法繼續測試的障礙. 根據作者所提的, 我想大家應該很清楚agile tester的mindset是完全 ...
#33. Sink or Swim? Develop an agile mindset - Celemi
Help your team develop and internalize an agile mindset so they can quickly align, act, and adapt to today's rapidly changing market forces.
#34. 心态和-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: 冷战心态和强权政治还没有消失。,在中文-英语情境中翻译"心态和" ... Mojo Helps Stanford and Harvard Teach Kids Growth Mindset and Empathy.
#35. 敏捷三叔公傳授祕笈,讓你躍升為敏捷高手! - 專案經理雜誌
為了推廣Agile知識,還擔任過《Scrum and XP from the trenches》繁體中文版書籍的翻譯者,從2008年接觸敏捷到現在已有10幾年的經驗,也因為在敏捷 ...
#36. learning agility 中文– agile development methodology優缺點
Cultivating an agile mindset. learning agility 中文. The agile mindset is a thought process that involves understanding, collaborating, learning, ...
#37. United Nations ready to embrace agile | 联合国
In contrast, working in an agile environment creates a free flow of information ... It started with an introduction to modern agile and the agile mindset.
#38. Agile Business Conference 2021 | APMG International
The Agile Business Consortium's annual conference returns for its 20th year. But this year, it's virtual! The Future of Work, the Agile Mindset, Sustainability ...
#39. 【2022年】十大Professional Scrum Master (PSM)課程熱門 ...
... II -带有中文注释」、「Scrum Certification Prep +Scrum Master+ Agile Scrum ... 1) Exam preparation and simulation exam from Scrum Guide and agile mindset ...
#40. 4W of UFO Project
... agile mindset, responding technological development, and, with foresight perspectives, demonstrating their capability of interdisciplinary integration.
#41. possibility mindset 中文百度翻譯-200種語言互譯、溝通全世界!
a comfortable marginal” 中文翻譯: 充裕的時間“a labour marginal” 中文翻譯: 工黨的邊緣席位. The Mindset of Managing Uncertainty: The Key to Agile ...
#42. The Agile Mindset: How Humana Standardized Commercial ...
Agile is more than a methodology, but an organizational mindset required for digital transformation. Join Humana to learn how they went from purchase to ...
#43. What is Agile Delivery - 极狐GitLab
Agile delivery is an iterative approach to software delivery in which teams build ... With an Agile mindset, teams can adjust to changing market needs, ...
#44. Agile Team Coach (f/m/div)* - Infineon Technologies
Located in our Design Center in Graz you will carry the agile mindset into your related teams and the organization. Be part of Infineon's Agile ...
#45. 精益敏捷领导力- 7大SAFe核心竞争力之一 - Scrum中文网
领导者拥抱精益敏捷思维模式,在决策和行动中应用SAFe 原则,能够为整个组织持续树立模范榜样。 微信图片_20220112112902. Lean-Agile Mindset (精益敏捷 ...
#46. Agile | Perspectives | Thoughtworks
The Agile Manifesto transformed this core concept into a rallying cry for the ... the agile mindset will prove a key engine of competitive advantage.
#47. VUCA时代的未来敏捷商务(Chinese language 中文培训
Section 2: Leveraging Agile Mindset in Business Management Section 3: Traditional Management Factors in Agile Business Operation 【课程背景】
#48. The agile mindset matters - Praxis Framework
An agile mindset refers to a set of attitudes that support an agile working environment. This includes respect, collaboration, improvement and learning ...
#49. Apply for Senior Scrum Master- APLA - Nike Careers
... self-managing teams in applying and optimizing Agile practices to enhance ... in self-organization and cross-functionality and promote Agile mindset ...
#50. IoT Platform Engineer | Solvay - Avature
Managing new developments using Agile mindset & methodologies (scrum,...) Governing vendors for IoT services, with support of platform service delivery manager ...
#51. The 5 attributes agile leaders share - Korn Ferry Focus
With an agile mindset you can challenge assumptions about yourself, and pivot and grow in areas you never imagined.
#52. 琳達·里辛- 中文维基百科【维基百科中文版网站】
*5 "The Power of an Agile mindset" *6 "The Agile Mindset" *7 "Myths and Patterns of ... Linda Rising at: Meetup - OpenSource & Agile Community Events ...
#53. Why Agile Fails in Large Enterprises (and How Your Team ...
When done well, Agile teams enable companies to be responsive to market changes, ... Transitioning to Agile requires a shift in mindset, and implementing an ...
#54. What is Agile Working? - The Agile Organisation
When people discuss agile and flexible working instinctively the focus is on ... the main barriers to agile working revolve around culture and mindset.
#55. Senior Software Engineer/Wholesale IT - 30304 - HSBC Group
... Drive cultural change by championing an agile mindset and ensure the organization is at the forefront of industry best practices; Engage with senior ...
#56. Agile 中文
敏捷开发Agile Development Cailisuper的个人空间Oschina 中文开源技术交流社区 ... 敏捷思維Agile Mindset 湯立綱的快樂商學院.
#57. Becoming Agile: Elevate Internal Audit Performance and Value
Building on the original Agile approach, Deloitte's Agile Internal Audit (Agile IA) methodology challenges both the mindset of internal auditors ...
#58. Sales Manager - France (H/F) job in 13-15 Rue du Pont des Halles ...
Agile mindset & experience in sales and manufacturer management. - Very good knowledge of the client's portfolio. - Strategic thinking, presentation skills, ...
#59. 4 Steps L&D Can Take To Be Agile - ExecOnline
With an Agile mindset, failure is an option. Ensure your team understands that failure leads to knowledge and success. Welcome feedback.
#60. Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship Programme | APIB
亞太工商研究所 · 國際網絡與認可 · 香港中文大學商學院市區教學中心 ... innovative and agile mindset and capabilities as the ultimate source of ...
#61. Why Agile Project Management? Transitioning from ...
Understand Agile and Scrum and how you and apply them practically. ... Transiting from Project Manager to Agile; Agile Mindset Shift; Agile Scrum Framework ...
#62. Agile (data) science: a (draft) manifesto,arXiv - CS
While industry data science teams have embraced the agile mindset, and adopted or created all kind of tools to create reproducible workflows ...
#63. Agile Mindset & Scrum &XP(英文版) - CSDN博客
In agile mindset, the construction of a software project is divided into multiple ... 敏捷实践指南_Agile Practice Guide(2018_中文).pdf.
#64. agile中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典
agile 翻译:身體上, 敏捷的,靈活的, 心理上, 機敏的,機靈的,敏銳的, (工作中)見機行事的,反應快速的。了解更多。
#65. Job opening: Scrum Master for SW Platform in HEAT CE (TM ...
中文. Deutsch · English · Français · Español · 中文 · Româna · Česky ... Show us how Agile you are… ... Help organization for adopting an Agile Mindset.
#66. Senior Agile Coach, FCA Job #1045201, Auburn Hills, MI
Discover Senior Agile Coach and other Product Design ... teams perform by instilling an Agile mindset and methodology through coaching, ...
#67. 工作和职业 - EY
We use industrialized techniques, built on top of agile methods utilizing our ... Agile mindset and ability to multi-task; Must have an eye for detail.
#68. CRA jobs - Agile Coach 1-ICH GCP - ICH GCP
An advocate for Agile mindsets, behaviors and processes, the Agile Coach is responsible for helping teams perform by instilling an Agile mindset and ...
#69. Scaled Agile Framework Training - Ivar Jacobson International |
As a Scaled Agile Inc. Gold Partner, we offer a number of public training courses across ... Learn the right mindset, skills, and tools to create successful ...
#70. Find Jobs - Careers portal - Telus International
Attributes: • Self Managed • Good communication • Agile mindset • Customer facing role Full Stack Developer (ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJs, ...
#71. Agile Leadership | Training & coaching and leaders - Method ...
Agile Leadership? ... The online sessions teach you the basics of agile working (culture, ... Development of an agile mindset; Practice agile approaches.
#72. 南京林业大学图书馆书目检索系统
中文 图书3.超越需求:敏捷思维模式下的分析:analysis with an agile mindset TP311.521/@02. 馆藏复本:2 可借复本:2 (美) Kent J. McDonald著 人民邮电出版社 2017
#73. 5 Ways to Develop a Global Mindset - Training Industry
Develop a global mindset to leverage your knowedge about your culture and the cultures of other people to react to situations productively.
#74. Privacy settings - AHK Greater China
For him user-centric EAM in combination with an Agile Mindset is the number one tool to bring Digitalization Strategy into realization.
#75. Domestic appliance brands must adopt a radical, digital-first ...
It is one that can run counter to a digital-first mindset. ... success flows from 'building to test' with the intention to remain agile, ...
#76. Agile mindset 敏捷思维
In the first two articles of the series 'Agility in the Nutshell', I presented agile values and principles. This article is about an Agile Mindset.
#77. Manage your team's work, projects, & tasks online • Asana
Work anytime, anywhere with Asana. Keep remote and distributed teams, and your entire organization, focused on their goals, projects, and tasks with Asana.
#78. GXP Platform Engineer at AstraZeneca
Champion a “production first mindset” to ensure the necessary ... Experience working in an Agile team; Experience working with internal ...
#79. 成長心態vs. 定型心態(Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset)
#80. Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice
Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a ...
#81. Working at IKEA | Visual (UI) Designer | IKEA Home Smart
... people with an entrepreneurial mindset who are set on democratizing the smart home. ... processes from global organizations, including Agile and Lean.
#82. Risk leaders' agenda - EY
Learn how to instill a risk optimization mindset and embed trust into services ... and agile internal audit, digitally-enabled financial crime processes, ...
#83. What is the outlook for UK dividends in a less certain world?
... when the prospect of rising interest rates in the major economies had been heavily influencing the investor mindset. The UK stock market ...
#84. Boomi Senior UX Researcher (Virtual/Remote) at Dell Careers
In addition to expanding our research strategy and its role in the Agile development cycle, ... A growth mindset, insatiable curiosity, empathy, ...
#85. Best Agility Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Agile Coaches' Corner shares practical concepts in an approachable way. ... the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between ...
#86. 敏捷式專案管理是什麼?3分鐘快速了解【2021最新版】
以敏捷思維(Agile Mindset)延伸出四大價值與十二項原則,我們一個一個來了解。 四大價值分別為:. 「個人與互動」重於「流程與工具」 ...
#87. 敏捷不是天上掉下來的- 組織演變的過程
這兩年最常被問到的兩個問題:『為什麼要導入Agile 敏捷? ... 在重新發明組織 Reinventing Organizations(目前無中文版)書中談到各種類型組織的 ...
#88. 这是 一个关于敏捷最基础概念的话题……
Andy (⺩王威). IBM Agile Coach. Agile as a Mindset ... 敏捷是关于流程和⼯工程实践的. Doing Agile. 敏捷是关于思维和⽂文化的. Being Agile ...
agile mindset中文 在 泰迪軟體- 之前分享過Linda Rising的〈The Power of an Agile... 的推薦與評價
之前分享過Linda Rising的〈The Power of an Agile Mindset〉提到「Agile Mindset」與「Fixed Mindset」的差別。在這個12分鐘的TED演講中(有中文字幕),Julia Galef. ... <看更多>