Manufacture: 1996.06.14 Takara / Pandra Box
Computer: super famicom
Hardware: spc700
Sound Direction: Daisuke Tamura
Composer: Ichiro Nemoto,Daisuke Tamura,Takashi Horiguchi
00:00:00 01.Title (タイトル)
00:02:01 02.Tension (テンション)
00:05:00 03.Village (村)
00:07:59 04.Fellowship (仲間たち)
00:10:51 05.Mate Joined (仲間参加)
00:11:04 06.Town (町)
00:13:59 07.Item Gained (アイテム取得)
00:14:11 08.Shukran's Field Theme (アラビアンナイトの唄/シュクランのフィールド *説明書に歌詞がある)
00:17:22 09.Ifrit's Field Theme (イフリートのフィールド)
00:21:12 10.Harty's Field Theme (ハーティのフィールド)
00:24:04 11.Battle (戦闘)
00:26:57 12.Dungeon (ダンジョン)
00:29:38 13.Cave (洞窟)
00:32:16 14.Boss Battle (ボスバトル)
00:35:17 15.Princess' Mansion (プリンセスマンション)
00:38:24 16.Temple of the Wicked Order 1 (邪悪なる秩序の神殿1)
00:42:11 17.Temple of the Wicked Order 2 (邪悪なる秩序の神殿2)
00:45:41 18.Mountain (山)
00:48:34 19.Ancient Temple (古代寺院)
00:52:41 20.Flying Carpet (フライングカーペット)
00:56:04 21.Towns in Desert (砂漠の町)
00:59:00 22.Village of Riyad (リヤド村)
01:03:11 23.Oasis (オアシス)
01:06:02 24.Desert Godess (砂漠の神)
01:09:01 25.Pyuui the Roc (ロック鳥)
01:11:48 26.Royal Palace (王宮)
01:15:03 27.Battle with Majun (マジュヌーン戦)
01:18:59 28.The Domain of Earth Mother Godess (地母神の領域)
01:22:35 29.Battle with Earth Mother Godess (地母神戦)
01:25:41 30.Ending (エンディング)
01:31:04 31.Victory (勝利)
01:31:50 32.Good Night (おやすみ)
01:32:02 33.Game Over (ゲームオーバー)

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