Q: 奧斯卡審核外語片(國際電影)報名的標準為何?
A: 除了該片的英語佔比、電影格式與長度、上映方式、創作主導權之外,並無限制可報名電影之語種、投資方、拍攝地點、內容主題、目標市場、改編原作等。
其中所謂的「創作主導權」意指:報名國家必須認證該部片的創作主導權,大部分落在該國的公民或居留者手上。("The submitting country must certify that creative control of the film was largely in the hands of citizens or residents of that country." - 奧斯卡規則§13-B-5: https://www.oscars.org/sites/oscars/files/93aa_rules.pdf )
Q: 為何《色,戒》當年會被駁回報名資格?
A: 根據奧斯卡當年執行總監 Bruce Davis 的回應,他們對於「創作主導權」的細部審查分三大項:(1)核心團隊 (2)主要演員 (3)幕後主創。
‘The Academy looks at three areas: “First, the writer-director-producer area -- you have to have artists representing the submitting nation well represented in those three areas -- and that film (‘Lust, Caution’) has no problem there. Then you look at cast -- and none of the principal cast are from Taiwan. And then you move into the department heads -- cinematographer, production designer, sound mixer -- and nobody’s from Taiwan. That’s a problem.” ‘ - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-oscars-foreign-idUSN0828069820071109
根據蘋果日報當年報導,影藝學院的來函解釋表示:「我們要求報名國家的藝術工作者,至少要在電影中擔任部分重要創作職務,但本片的美術設計、攝影師、剪輯師、配樂、服裝設計師及音效師都不是中華民國的電影工作者,有違該片代表貴國參賽的資格。 」 - https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20071019/GZ25AVTSAI4BBEKR6XGHRKHLB4/
根據另一個新聞來源,影藝學院當年的發言人 Leslie Unger 也稱《色,戒》主要是違反了幕後主創的細則條款:"The film was disqualified because the rules require that creative talent from the submitting nation head up at least a few of the key areas beyond producer/director/writer. The cinematographer, editor, composer, production designer, costume designer, sound mixer and the principal cast members [of Lust, Caution] were all non-Taiwanese." - https://www.screendaily.com/academy-stands-by-decision-to-disqualify-lust-caution-for-taiwan/4035499.article
Q: 那為何《少年的你》今年卻具備奧斯卡入選資格,可以代表香港競獎呢?
A: 《少年的你》的(1)核心團隊 (2)主要演員 兩項指標都如《色,戒》相仿——儘管核心的編/導/製皆為香港人,但主要演員都是中國人。因此,就要看幕後主創:美術設計、攝影師、剪輯師、配樂、服裝設計師及音效師。
另外還有一個可能性,就是對奧斯卡(或任何國際組織)而言,若要認定中國與香港是同一個國籍,也無可厚非。奧斯卡的規則裡面用的文字是 “country” 而非 “region”。
Q: 那為何《臥虎藏龍》(2000)當年可以代表台灣,《色,戒》(2007)就不行?
A: 確實,《臥虎藏龍》的演員和幕後團隊也幾乎都不是台灣人,然而李安詢問奧斯卡的結果表示,「《色,戒》不符合奧斯卡『今年新增三項細則』的第二項」,也就是說,「審查 (1)核心團隊 (2)主要演員 (3)幕後主創」這樣的細則是從 2007 才新增的內部細則。(來源:上方蘋果日報連結)
奧斯卡能否新增/訂定內部施行細則?當然可以,根據公開規章,奧斯卡保有所有規則的最終解釋權。(2007: “The Academy will make the final determination in all questions of eligibility.” - https://web.archive.org/web/20080314002549/http://www.oscars.org/79academyawards/rules/rule14.html ; 2021: “The International Feature Film Executive Committee shall resolve all questions of eligibility and rules.” - https://www.oscars.org/sites/oscars/files/93aa_rules.pdf )
Q: 就算符合奧斯卡規則,但憑什麼《少年的你》可以代表香港?這完全不是一部香港人認可的「港片」阿。
A: 奧斯卡無權干涉各國推派哪部片參賽。《少年的你》由「香港電影製片家協會」投票決定,獲得多數委員支持而代表香港參賽。若認為這部片無法代表香港,或是有抄襲爭議等等,理應去批判香港電影製片家協會的遴選方式,而非將矛頭指向奧斯卡。
總結來說,一件事情本來就可以有多層次的討論,單就奧斯卡規則而言,我找不到「《少年的你》代表香港參加 2021 奧斯卡」這件事情違反規則的證據,也因此,於「法」而言並無問題。(當然,若有人找到反對意見的證據,我也樂於受教)。
「area region差異」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於area region差異 在 學英文- 【實用單字】 一起來區分area, region, district, zone 這 ... 的評價
- 關於area region差異 在 2023年4K電視有哪些特色?除了畫質提升,聲音也很重要丨T客播 的評價
area region差異 在 李問 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🗣️🗣️🗣️前幾天我接受一個美國podcast的訪問,與Global Law & Business的聽眾分享一些主題,包括:
🔺 向國際聽眾簡介兩岸關係以及金馬歷史。
🔺 國共戰爭中,國軍守護金門、馬祖、大陳、舟山等島嶼的歷史。
🔺 民進黨耕耘馬祖並設立黨部的意義。
🔺 馬祖因地理位置面對困境,包括越界捕魚、抽砂、海漂垃圾等。
🔺 「非典型」選戰奇聞軼事,包括徒步環島、打扮成淡菜等。
🔺 還有,推薦更多國際友人未來有機會時,歡迎來馬祖玩!🥳🥳🥳
Some people describe that the old ROC government was reborn and re-invented in Taiwan, and our current government is a fusion of the ROC and institutions from Taiwan’s Japanese colonial era.
So in conclusion, Taiwan is an independent nation which carries the legacy of republican China. I would say that Taiwan is somewhere in the middle between a regional independence movement (Scotland; Catalonia) and a two-state rivalry (North & South Korea; East & West Germany).
Secretary Pompeo recently said that Taiwan shows the world what a “free China” could achieve. In a way that’s true, Taiwan carries the legacy of a Free China. Taiwan might carry the hopes of many in the global Chinese-speaking community. But Taiwan is not just a free version of China, since Taiwan also has its own trajectory and uniqueness, including our Japanese colonial history. This duality (of the ROC and Taiwan) is the key to understanding Taiwan.
I view Matsu as an important border area that is very close to China, and a place where many important issues need to be addressed, including the environment, disease control, maritime resources and security. I think it would be a mistake for any political party to neglect this region, which was why I decided to run for office here in Matsu, and launch a county chapter here.
I think the rise in votes for President Tsai and the DPP in Matsu is symbolic, as the DPP is the party that supports Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy, and our party tends to be more cautious of interactions with the Communist Party.
By building a party chapter here, it symbolizes the DPP’s effort to reach out beyond our traditional voter base. Some people often assume that since the outlying islands are culturally and historically connected with Fujian Province, then the voters here will not be critical towards the communist party. But what we are seeing in the younger generation here is that, people can be simultaneously proud of their Fujian heritage, AND stand adamantly against authoritarianism.
The Communist Party tries to tell the world that, if a person identifies with Chinese culture, then they must support the Communist Party. That’s the traditional logic, but that’s a logic that merits criticism. They’re trying to link the two together. What we are trying to do is to break that link. We see a growing number of people that identify with Chinese culture, AND simultaneously stand against China annexing Taiwan.
I think this speaks to a wider audience in the Chinese-speaking world on a global scale. The traditional argument to support Taiwan’s sovereignty would be to emphasize Taiwan’s cultural differences with China. Here in Matsu or Kinmen, we can develop an argument that supports Taiwan’s sovereignty that is not based on cultural identity, but rather on common values between Taiwan and Kinmen or Matsu, and anti-communism. This builds a coalition between traditional supporters of Taiwanese independence, and people in the pan-Chinese world that are pro-democratic and anti-communist. This actually includes many people in the main island Taiwan and the outlying islands, as well as overseas ethnic Chinese.
You will also notice President Tsai places an emphasis on maintaining sovereignty & democracy, regardless of support for an ROC identity or a separate Taiwan identity. So the DPP itself is also reaching out. That’s the dualism of ROC and Taiwan identity.
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area region差異 在 金色多益- 🌸🌸【駭多益英文小知識】region / district / zone / area 的推薦與評價
... 查單字時有沒有發現這幾個單字都有地區、區域的意思呢? 但其意思用法還是有些差異喔~~有甚麼差別呢? 以下舉例考考大家~~~ The northeast (region / district... ... <看更多>