There wwere barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal . 午餐是燒烤羊肉,香噴噴的大塊烤肉端咝咝作響,就象 ...
barbecue 造句 / 例句. 1. Let's have a barbecue! 我们来一次户外烧烤吧! 《牛津词典》. 2. She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue.
1、The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue. · 2、In May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at $7 for eight.(今年5月,汉堡王推出了7美元的烧烤排骨 ...
Backyard barbecue grills could be proscribed . 里弄烤肉店会被勒令停业的。 There wwere barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of ...
barbecue sauce造句1、I like chili oil andbarbecue sauce. 2、Adam: I like chili oil andbarbecue sauce. 3、Yes, I'll have a steak withbarbecue sauce. 4.
barbecue sauce造句1、I like chili oil andbarbecue sauce. 2、Adam: I like chili oil andbarbecue sauce. 3、Yes, I'll have a steak withbarbecue sauce. 4.
關於「Barbecue造句」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. 用"barbecue"造句- 查查在線詞典。 用barbecue造句和"barbecue"的例句: 1. Backyard barbecue grills could ...
barbecue 的例句. barbecue. Like meat at a barbecue (see above) eating grapes was not identified in the analysis of the subpopulation.
#9. 'barbecue'的翻译、'barbecue'的解释、双语例句、在线造句_ ... - 仁杰网
The government said it had discovered that the label for the chain's honey barbecue seasoning mix listed the artificial sweetener stevioside, ...
#10. 烧烤英文造句-雨芍学习网
Recent weather into barbecue mode, please pay attention to heatstroke Oh! (3)、那个公园里有专用的炉灶供游人烧烤。 (3) there are special stoves ...
#11. 用barbecue造句并说出汉语意思 - 百度知道
如果你周日有空,我们想请你们俩来吃烧烤。 We can't calculate on (having) good weather for the barbecue. 我们不能指望著(有)好天气才去烧烤. Want to join us for a ...
#12. grilled在線翻譯 - 海词词典
Dad likes his steak grilled two minutes on each side and make no end of a fuss if it is not just right. 爸爸吃牛排喜歡吃每面烤兩分鐘的牛排,如果不是這樣烤的,他 ...
#13. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| barbecue 例句
We'll have a barbecue this Friday. 這星期五我們要舉行烤肉野餐。 He was invited to attend a barbecue social last Saturday afternoon. 上星期六下午他應邀去參加一個 ...
#14. grill (【名詞】燒烤, 烤架)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"grill" 例句. We're going to cook some hamburgers on the grill tonight. 我們今晚要用烤架來烹煮一些漢堡。 We recently bought a new barbecue grill.
#15. Hanlin Junior High School English Book4 L7~9 - Google Docs
句型練寫worksheet. 一、 請依字序做適當變化後,用If或if造句. 例:the weather / nice /tonight/ we / have a barbecue. If the weather is nice tonight, ...
#16. barbecue造句加翻译- 河智科学网
barbecue造句 加翻译. by scream造句 at 2021-12-13 11:58:03. 声母有哪些(23个声母儿歌顺口溜图片) 一年级的小朋友汉语拼音马上就要学声母了吧?
#17. 造句练习
A: Our favorite family activity is barbecue. B: The best time for a barbecue party is on a beautiful cool weekend afternoon. C: It's exciting to have all family ...
#18. 烤肉英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
烤肉英文造句練習. Taiwanese like to barbecue in the Mid-Autumn Festival. 台灣人喜歡在中秋節烤肉。 Some tourist attractions ban barbecue.
#19. 翻译_barbecue同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#20. barbecue中文,barbecue是什麼意思,barbecue發音和翻譯
查阅barbeque grill的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 ,barbecue grill的中文 ... 每周特別活動,派對,燒烤,保球更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5用"barbecue"造句[7] 英文 ...
#21. 烤肉的意思,烤肉造句,烤肉注音 - 國語辭典
解釋1.將肉放在火上或烤肉架上烤熟。[例]郊遊烤肉|中秋節團圓烤肉,已成臺灣年度盛事。 2.經過燒烤的肉。[例]吃烤肉|韓國烤肉。 英文barbecue (lit. roast meat).
#22. 英文比一比:「instead」和「instead of」的用法及差異
✒ 副詞instead可置於句中、句首、句尾,表「(不是…)而是…;反而…」。 It might rain tomorrow, so let's hold the barbecue indoors ...
#23. hog 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
粮食的价格上涨大约需要六个月的时间才能转化为牛和猪的价格上涨。 youdao. 2. There will be no barbecue, no hog roast, no ...
#24. bbq派對是什么意思
BBQ(barbecue Quare),即燒烤,BBQ派對即為燒烤派對。 ... 用”barbecue”造句. ... 同義詞: barbeque, a cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; ...
#25. 94.【懸疑案件】20 歲Angela 綁架失蹤案Kevin 英文不難
今天分享一則離奇綁架事件。透過文章,你可以學到幾個大家常用的片語,像是extensive, drop off someone,你也會學到用while 造句。 想聯絡我?
#26. 肥的英文怎么读及如何造句 - 英语作文
现在跟本站小编一起学习肥的英语表达及造句吧。肥的英文读法fat英[fæt] ... Don'tspill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up.
#27. Smell英語造句 - 國語季
Smell英語造句簡介:Smell嗅覺Wittymylargenose,Ihavefairlykeensenseofsmell.別看我有個很大的鼻子, ... But I like the smell of barbecue.
#28. 英语词组造句A packet of造句In a way造句Shake one,s head ...
Be careful of fire when you have a barbecue trip. Don't worry.She is on the safe side,protected by us all. Before you go to sleep,make sure that all ...
#29. 亲,访问受限了_pg one battle视频 - 美摄网
... barbecue可数 · 网易的plus会员多少钱 · 江西辣椒品种有哪些 · barbecue例句 · 用barbecue造句 · barbecue翻译中文 · the barbecue绘本翻译 ...
#30. 和中秋節(Moon Festival) 有關的英文單字,片語和句子
Moon Festival 中秋節=Mid-Autumn Festival autumn [ˋɔtəm]秋季, 秋天festival [ˋfɛstəv!]n.慶典;節日, 喜慶日barbecue.
#31. 英文童話故事繪畫書-1組3本 - 蝦皮購物
rcmd_label_see_all · 兒童英文啓蒙詞彙造句練習. $250. 已售出84. Mr Panda |熊貓先生系列|英文故事 ... 英文繪本Australians,Let Us Barbecue(二手)有CD.
#32. 燒烤網英文,燒烤網的英語翻譯 | 健康跟著走
現在,T小編就來教教你這些烤肉用具英文怎麼說! barbecue (BBQ) grill 烤肉架; ... 燒烤網"怎麼讀[1]用"燒烤網"造句[2] 例句與用法Supply all kinds of wire mesh ...
#33. 烤肉叉子英語怎麼說及英文單詞
barbecue 吧筆[kju:] grill 各里爾 kabob 卡波捕 roast 羅~~斯特. ② 叉子用英語怎麼說. fork. ③ 燒烤用的叉子,用英語怎麼說. 普通叉子是fork.
#34. 第2題What holiday is your favorite? Why? (附答案) - 全民英語 ...
The Moon Festival is my favorite holiday. I enjoy getting together with my family and having a barbeque. Also, I love eating mooncakes and ...
#35. Smell英语造句 - 语文迷
But I like the smell of barbecue. 我也讨厌香烟的味道。但我喜欢烤肉的味道。 Do you have any preferences? 你有什么偏好吗? Talk about it:.
#36. "燒烤網" 英文翻譯 | 烤肉網英文 - 訂房優惠報報
燒烤網英文翻譯:barbecue grill…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋燒烤網英文... 烤網油簽" 英文翻譯: fried muscle ... 燒烤網"怎麼讀[1]用"燒烤網"造句[2]例句與 ...
#37. abc Jeopardy Template - JeopardyLabs
請說出中文的意思.並造句barbecue brave, 請拼出英文單字,嘿嘿!!"生氣的""懶惰的", She _____ great. a.look b.don't look c.looks d.don't looks , 唸出下列以下 ...
#38. 用"instead"造句- 查查造句網 - 動漫二維世界
用instead造句和"instead"的例句:1.H.. ... instead造句_用"instead"造句- 查查造句網. 2021-10-07 ... It might rain tomorrow, so let's hold the barbecue indoor.
#39. 不定期造句小活動: 第二十八期頒獎典禮+ 第二十九期開始| PeakD
一) 用我提供的詞語造句: 燒烤、串燒、火鍋、自助餐、甜品二) 用任何三個你喜愛的 ... Namely: ** Buffet, hot pot, skewer, barbecue, dessert **.
#40. 北門社大英語會話week2 @ 社區大學 - 隨意窩
Visit family/ have a barbecue/ go shopping ... 造句. 我的生日是在…My birthday is on… 我生日那天,我從不/很少/有時候/通常/經常/總是…
#41. #94.【懸疑案件】20 歲Angela 綁架失蹤案
... 個大家常用的片語,像是extensive, drop off someone,你也會學到用while 造句。 ... 1991, she dropped him off at his home after a barbecue.
#42. 用烧烤造句大全_在线词典 - 汉语字典
烧制或烤制的肉食品的统称。 翻译, to roast; barbecue. 四季成语. 春天成语 · 夏天成语 · 秋天成语 · 冬天成语 ...
#43. barbecue怎么使用 - 望花路东里
barbecue 作“烤架”解时指户外烤肉用的金属架。 barbecue通常指在户外烧烤。 barbecue用作名词的用法例句The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue.
#44. barbecue造句- 百度云网盘资源合集 - 卡子哥
barbecue造句 百度云网盘资源合集,invited造句barbecue用法obesity怎么造句barbecue有什么特别的含义barbecue和roast的区别barbecue可不可数barbecue用中文怎么 ...
#45. please怎么造句_color造句- 游戏王网
#46. [关键词] barbecue造句
barbecue造句 百度云网盘资源合集,invited造句barbecue用法obesity怎么造句barbecue有什么特别的含义barbecue和roast的区别barbecue可不可数barbecue用 ...
#47. invite n 形式造句,invite名词形式变化规则 - 形式模式大全
1)invite someone to/for something,最常用的,如He often invites his friends to/for barbecue. 2)invite someone to do something,通常有两种意思, ...
#48. 用involve一词造句 - 同义词
用involve一词造句 ... 1)invite someone to/for something,最常用的,如He often invites his friends to/for barbecue.
#49. hog的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
一只野豬在紐約州的一處臨時畜欄里。 there will be no barbecue, no hog roast, no beer tent, no fun fair and there will be no ghost tours. 沒有 ...
#50. on balance造句,balance造句简单-造句网
2022年1月25日 — on balance造句. You must keep balance when you ride a bike, or you will lose balance and fall down. 平衡keep balance 保持平衡.
#51. 介系詞怎麼用?in、on、at的用法你都學了嗎? - Core-corner
假如你說某個人「at某個地方」,你一定找得到他,因為他就在那一點上。坐在桌子前,叫做sit at the table;和你約在某咖啡廳碰面,是meet you at the coffee shop;當然在 ...