中文版本 Jesus Love Me
翻譯: Rambo Chai 蔡良保 (Mandarin Translate)
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翻唱了 Chris Tomlin 的 Jesus Love Me , 同时也翻译了这首英文歌曲,成为中文版本的。希望大家会喜欢,然后可以跟朋友分享哦~
Translated Chris Tomlin "Jesus Love Me“ to Chinese Version . Hope You like it, and please share to your friends too.
我迷失 把心锁住
Wo Mi Shi , Ba Xin Suo Zhu
I was lost I was in chains
Shi Jie Tai Duo Mi Huo
The world had a hold of me
心硬如石 自觉得羞愧
Xin Ying Ru Shi, Zi Jue De Xiu Kui
My heart was a stone I was covered in shame
Dang Ni Zou Lai Kan Wo
When He came for me
我逃不掉 逃不掉 袮的同在
Wo Tao Bu Diao , Tao Bu Diao , NI De Tong Zai
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His presence
我逃不掉 逃不掉 袮双臂
Wo Tao Bu Diao , Tao Bu Diao NI Shuang Bi
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His arms
耶稣 袮爱我 袮爱我 袮爱我
YE SU NI Ai Wo , NI Ai Wo , NI Ai Wo
Jesus, He loves me, He loves me, He is for me
耶稣 怎会如此 袮爱我 袮爱我的
YE SU Zen Hui Ru Ci , NI Ai Wo , NI Ai Wo
Jesus, how can it be, He loves me, He is for me
圣灵的火 在我内心
Sheng Ling De Huo , Zai Wo Nei Xin
It was a fire Deep in my soul
Xian Zai De Wo Bu Yi Yang
I'll never be the same
Ting Jian NI De Sheng Yin
I stepped out of the dark
跨出黑暗 走向袮光明里
Kua Chu Hei An, Zou Xiang NI Guang Ming Li
And into the light When He called my name
袮抓住星星 也抓住我心
NI Zhua Zhu Xing Xing , Ye Zhua Zhu Wo Xin
He holds the stars and He holds my heart
受伤的手 却是医治我
Shou Shang De Shou , Que Shi Yi Zhi Wo
With healing hands that bear the scars
那十字架 袮为我牺牲
Na Shi Zi Jia , NI Wei Wo Xi Sheng
The rugged cross where He died for me
是我盼望 是我所有
Shi Wo Pan Wang Shi Wo Suo You
My only hope, my everything
Music From : Marcus Stanley (https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePiani...)
Original Song from Chris Tomlin : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8gKXu6J2wE
Mandarin Translate/Cover: Rambo Chai
翻譯/演唱: 蔡良保
Lyric 歌詞:with Chinese 中文 , PinYin 拼音, And English 英語 (Original)

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