大家好,此視頻主要是分享一下Youtuber常用的各種音效素材 (常用、高笑、電子、動物、震撼、悲傷、驚奇、遊戲、笑聲等等)可用於影片剪輯、電影後製配音。
Hello, everyone! Just a quick video to want to share some of most popular free sound effects used by YouTubers for video editing and post video production. Cheers.
音效資料 Sound Effects
Typewriter, CameraShutter, FilterSwap, TapeRewind, SchoolBell, DJScratch, Thunderstorm, Crickets, DrumRoll, Explosion, Flashback, ClappingCartoon, Finale, HeartBeat, Illuminati, Bubbles, Suspense, KidsCheering, GlassBreaking, AlarmClock, Birds, Whoosh, BottleCork, CrowdTalking, Cinematic, Booing, SadRomance, WaterDripping, PhoneRinging, Beep, CameraSnaps, CarHonking, CeleryBreak, CinematicHorn, CuckooClock, PageTurn, PhoneRing, Rooster, SubBoom, VideoGameJump, VideoGameOver, TrainStation, RisingTension, JingleBells, Ding, Denied, WrongBuzzer, Run, WahWah, Punch, ClockTicking, RubberDuck, Whoosh, DoorBell, MouseClick, Aww, Hallelujah, CorrectAnswer
#FreeSoundEffects #免費音效 #實用音樂素材

beep音效 在 kkbruce/CSharpForMusicPlay: 使用C#播放音效的4種方式 的推薦與評價
使用CSharp播放音效的4種方式. Win32 API Beep; SystemSounds 類別; SoundPlayer 類別(WAV); WMPLib.dll (MP3). ... <看更多>